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File: 116 KB, 1024x480, kingofmanlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22214712 No.22214712 [Reply] [Original]


Young-teen aged boys all around the world were upset to have there illusions destroyed when the *shocking* truth came out about the king of manlets life being one big lie. Was this not apparent when he claimed to make 40m from poker? (even his beard was a lie, he use to sculpt it, to make it look like he had a stronger chin line)

My question is - are the women that pose with him just a fraudulent, I mean they sell the exact same life-style lie to there young impressionable audience the say way he does? The only difference being Dan uses his failing company Ignite to fund his life-style, whereas they have the pleasure of being women and get to be there for free because they are genetically gifted.

>> No.22214780

Wait Dan was just bullshitting everyone all along?

>> No.22214879
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I would honestly be miserable in the situations this guy puts himself in. I would hate being the only man in a group of vapid whores. Also lmao at him getting denied for SEAL teams because of a fucking attitude problem.

>> No.22214891

Obviously, but the extent to which he was bullshitting everyone is truly incredible.

>> No.22214930

Hes a man child with access to lots of capital and bad advice from his crook father. Not to mention a bad jawline.

>> No.22215588
File: 40 KB, 118x162, Screen Shot 2020-09-04 at 1.26.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is with this one's hairline?

>> No.22215606

Imagine giving this much of a fuck about what a man does with his life.

>> No.22215643

a hedonistic life is ironically miserable, anon.

>> No.22215723


Is the prophesy true? Has the legendary EIGHTHEAD appeared? Chainlink 1000 dollars EOY confirmed

>> No.22215763
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, c8cd6ee0bd89c23af332256825b2ed98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Be Attractive to Many Women But Only Choose One"


>> No.22215839

>Ever trusting an Arm*nian
Anyone with a brain would have known he was a fake and a scumbag the second they saw his last name. The Jews of the Caucasus.

>> No.22215843

Yeah his life looks terrible desu. The only cool stuff was the guns.

>> No.22215900


>> No.22216125

yeah JP is the best role model, living the dream himself

>> No.22216370
File: 2.88 MB, 640x800, 116286892_827317444754437_9104539072494622837_n.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of articles out there. Ignite is about to go up in flames as well.

A shit ton of women go bald just like men.

>are the women that pose with him just a fraudulent
They get paid in exposure, cash, travel, food, drink, and designer goods for being around him.

The women are no more fraudulent than any other influencer on social media. They aren't selling anything, just making the most of the opportunity. Being with Dan made thots millionaires afterwards, like Pelas.

I work in social media and have worked with IGNITE several times in the past. I called this months before but everyone said I was LARPing.

>> No.22216995

he only setup the company to fuck girls you idiot. he doesnt give a shit about anything else. he has tons of inheritance

>> No.22217054

Why do you seem personally upset? Imagine going through all that effort to have sex, you sir are retarded.

>> No.22217109

We could all see on Hendon Mob that he’s a liar. Only retard believe him.

He’s giving visibility to Instagram thots and get to pretend in exchange

>> No.22217136

Scandinavian hairline

>> No.22217173

>gifted a nearly endless amount of money
>waste it all on hiring women just to take pictures with you, drugs, and luxury goods

There's no way he'll die with any money unless he overdoses in the next decade. Also, legitimate question - what is the appeal of a hiring a bunch of instathots to follow you around? Like I vaguely understand the slave harem thing because dominance, massive family lineage, etc....but there's no way he's having sex with or reproducing with all (any?) of these women so wtf is the point?

>> No.22217502

The only answer I can think of is status among teenage boys.

>> No.22217541

well they don't say "fake it until you make it" for no reason

>> No.22217601

im not upset but you retards completely miss the point. he doesnt care about being a legitimate businessman. he just wants to fuck roasties

>> No.22217629


I cannot think of or imagine anything more cucked than having Mikhaila Peterson as a daughter.

>> No.22217658

hes trying to emulate playboy. instead of literally hiring prostitutes he has his company contract out lingerie models who *shocker* are roastie whores and he impresses them or promises them with money / fame for sex. dan is a insecure baby. he probably got rejected his whole life or something so he setup this indirect way to increase his odds of sex

>> No.22217882

He's basically a more pathetic version of Commodus or Udemi Hussein. Spoiled manchild who never had to struggle for what he has then abuses power once he's got it.

>> No.22218104

he's on record saying that women use him more than he uses them.

>> No.22218119
File: 16 KB, 447x438, 1596530965264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is fucking laughable. His entire life is one big LARP

>ugly as fuck with no jawline, has to grow ridiculous beard to hide it
>pays prostitutes to be around him
>dick doesn't work, has to use Viagra and cialis constantly
>had a heart attack in his 30s from abusing anabolic steroids
>is running out of daddy's trust fund wall street fraud money, poker story is complete bullshit, claims to have made more money than exists in poker tournaments and far more than any other pro players lifetime winnings
>ignite rents the house he claims to own
>started scam company ignite and spent investors money so he could continue living his LARP lifestyle for another couple of years. Investors will be pissed and either sue or murder him
>is literally 40, like grow the fuck up seriously
>claims to be an ex navy seal but that is another larp
>majority of Instagram followers are bots, pays 10k a month for followers and Instagram traffic
>was in Vegas at time of the mass shooting, asked a police officer for his gun so he could LARP as an operator, got told to fuck off

In fact, maybe he's based if you're a 14 year old boy, but either way it's not ending well. 80% probability he an heroes in the next 18 months. He's like Jason Blaha but with money

I guess the one based thing he did was throw that mutt porn roastie off the roof and break her foot kek

>> No.22218142

dan on the record? wow, better believe him. he would never lie

>> No.22218170

Imagine caring holy fuck the cringe and cope from you Hahahah hahahahaa

>> No.22218172

anyone with half a brain realized he was playing with his criminal father's hidden money or was involved in some other kind of scam.

>> No.22218183

>he has tons of inheritance
and he can get sued for mishandling Ignite and using company funds to pay for his shit

>> No.22218206

how delusional is this? men arent branch swinging and initiating divorce leveraging 100s of tinder matches a day. it is known and he restated, women are only interested in the top 10% of men. so what can the great mass of men do? its a moot point anyway. b/c any guy WILL burn out from constant pussy and will age out of the behavior and seek mroe fulfilling relationships. however he will be more skilled and less sexually insecure when he does. its fucking important man. guys need to know how to fuck properly. and you cant learn this if only getting laid 3 time a year.

>> No.22218214

Dilate. Checkmate faggot

>> No.22218329

What’s wrong with Blaha he’s way more based than this loser

>> No.22218395

I like blaha but he also larps about being ex special forces when he isn't

>> No.22218643

He apologized for it at least

>> No.22218658


>> No.22218995

I don’t know much about women, but I do know that he probably wasn’t fucking very many of them. Attractive girls are very competitive and catty so when you see hordes of them with just one guy, it’s doubtful he’s fucking any of them. If so, the rest would get jealous and leave. This tells you that they’re being compensated in some form to hang around him. Sure he gets pussy but to think that he’s piping all these thots is misguided.

>> No.22219400

I learned how to fuck but it's been years, really a good technique is to make them cum first by cunnilingus and then it doesn't matter if you're a 2 pump chump.

>> No.22219691

sure thing beta got me good!

>> No.22219795 [DELETED] 

He looks like a fat crocodile

>> No.22219858

Guns, hanging out, traveling, surrounded by (literal) whores you’re paying to be nice to you.

It would get old for me in a few months, I think.

>> No.22219870

seems like he did

>> No.22219914
File: 36 KB, 612x612, dbnb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol look at this dude

>> No.22220029

>He's like Jason Blaha but with money
what happened to this guy he cracked me up

>> No.22220050
File: 27 KB, 600x450, db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22220051

Dan please go

>> No.22220118

This. But only cunnilingus on girlfriends, can’t do that with a roastie

>> No.22220169

I would love to have a harem of free use women and only one of them would need to be a decent cook. (I would love her the most though).

>> No.22220221

seriously dude?
all those girls are literally hired to be there
they are employees on a contract
it's that simple

>> No.22220650
File: 46 KB, 657x680, 1585848769432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has his company officially declared bankruptcy yet?

>> No.22220834

beta plz cope