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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22213863 No.22213863 [Reply] [Original]


Short intro - I'm finishing my Master's in STEM field but I don't see myself doing that nor am I sure about getting a job there.

I'm working a part time job and I'm wondering what are good alternatives for me to make money online? I did some freelancing on upwork (content writing), heavy fees and little pay.

I see myself having my own business in the future, specializing in marketing (did some dropshipping in the past but didn't have enough steady income to comfortably continue. I got more money saved up now (2k) but what I want is certain steady income so I can invest it into ads and other things. Not sure if part time hotel job does the trick when i will scale ).

Thanks for all advice and sorry for random post

- getting master's, realized uni overrated
- approaching 30s, still no career
- asking for financial advice

>> No.22214041


>> No.22214449

>nearly 30 years old
>nearly done with MS in STEM
>$2k in savings
>decides he doesnt want to work in STEM

you're a complete moron if you throw away the last 6+ years of your life. the sunk cost fallacy isn't always a fallacy when you make decisions which are stupid in a life altering way. degrees have expiration dates. you're already fighting an uphill battle being 30 years old, poor, and partially employed. whatever you're thinking of right now, stop it. scramble to apply to jobs or get an internship before you graduate before your irreparably damage your life.

>> No.22214484


>> No.22214690

>scramble to apply to jobs or get an internship before you graduate before your irreparably damage your life.
not true really, my cousin was in a similiar situation after being a homeless junkie for several years and he's doing just fine in his mid thirties. It's not really as irreversible as boomers make it out to be.

>> No.22214728

What is it that youre studying specifically?

>> No.22214975

he's poor and underemployed with a masters in STEM. why should he make life any more difficult than it has to be? if he wants to start a business on the side, that's fine. he can do it when he has a pot to piss in.

>> No.22215012

The vast majority of STEM are basically useless so OP not being specific with his degree choice probably means he didn't choose the 2 or 3 STEM degrees worth anything.

>t. picked a useless STEM degree (maths), now working as a "data analyst" for a few bucks above the minimum wage

>> No.22215043

I need to know, how to make woman pay to sex?

>> No.22215081

>Hurr durr, do a job you don't like for the rest of your life for money
You're a fucking kike.

>> No.22215092


>> No.22215100

based and math is worthless pilled. i had to go back to school, got myself a masters degree in accounting. at least i finally make a tolerable wage for a white man.

>> No.22215161

How is a BA in accounting /biz/? I've read starting salaries are around 40-60 which isnt alot but it beats McDonalds or Waffle House
Any accountants itt?

>> No.22215318

biology. For master's I tried going with biotechnology but didnt have enough credit points... didnt take bachelor's too seriously... so went with a meme instead (environmental science).

I could get a job if I decided to learn programming and go with bioinformatics OR data science. Not sure if it's worth the time investment and energy tho, considering I see myself doing other things (entrepreneurship)


I was just very careless with my choices, this is why I'm reading a lot about advertising/marketing lately and such... I wanna take a different route in life.

I really wanna make more side income money on the internet, free lancing hasn't been that good to me. I know this sounds like a sob story, any constructive feedback means a lot to me tho.

>> No.22215531

do at least 1 year in public accounting, ideally big 4 if you live in or near a large city. it fucking sucks but it pays off in the end because you'll completely bypass the shittiness of entry level accounting jobs.

>> No.22215800

Thanks anon
Am I fucked if I don't intern? I'm doing an accelerated online course (accredited of course) and have experience in management

>> No.22215819

>I was just very careless with my choices, this is why I'm reading a lot about advertising/marketing lately and such... I wanna take a different route in life.
Yeah I work in market research. So a lot of what we do is providing analysis for the advertising/marketing industry.

Dunno if it's a good field but it could be worse. Which part of world are you from?

>> No.22215833

Get into carpet fitting. I know lads who take home £3000 a week.

>> No.22215946

maybe not fucked but you'll face an exponentially difficult more time finding a job. public accounting, especially at large firms, will be pretty much impossible as they generally only hire former interns or on campus recruiting applicants. for industry (non-public accounting jobs) you'll have to wade through an ocean of "entry level (2-5 years of relevant experience required)" job listings.

>> No.22215990

Do you have a sharpie and a camera?

>> No.22216111

>environmental science
KEK no wonder you refer to it as 'STEM'.
Useless faggot. Enjoy flipping burgers

>> No.22216196

That makes sense. I'll just have to look for an internship while I do my online course. I appreciate your advice and your time

>> No.22216240

unironically semi-skilled labor if STEM really doesn't work out for you OP

>> No.22216351
File: 13 KB, 273x185, CLRS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could get a job if I decided to learn programming and go with bioinformatics OR data science.
This is a lot harder than people think it is in 2020. To get a good coding job some retard interviewer can pick out any algorithm problem from the CLRS textbook and ask you to provide an efficient solution to it.

My job title has "programmer" in it but I probably can't get a job that pays a decent salary.

>There are multiple anecdotes about current and former top tier engineers at particular companies who claim that the interview process has gotten so hard that they would never pass the bar if they were to go through the process now. I watched one talk that had a great story. At one particular ‘top’ tech company the process is that when a candidate goes through an interview he or she has a packet compiled about their interview performance. The packet then goes to a committee whose job it is to impartially review the packet to make a hiring decision. At one point a particular committee got so critical that they rejected every packet for several months. When HR caught wind of this they decided to set up a test. They sent the committee a new round of packets and once again the committee rejected them all. HR then called them all into a meeting and explained that they packets they had just reviewed were in fact the hiring committee member’s own packets from when they interviewed for that company. They had unknowingly rejected themselves! How could anyone pass that bar?

>> No.22216355

middle europe. I did some minimal affiliate marketing in the past and I'm not that alienated from social media advertising because I've done it for my own dropshipping store in the past.

yes kek

as long as they're cheeseburgers, my favorite

>> No.22216427

I'll probably have to do that, leave my ego behind and work in a store or something. same thing I did for part time job in hotel but it just doesnt cut it in terms of time and investment.

yeah thats the problem I highly doubt I can just "learn it" and be competitive with other freelancers.

>> No.22216452

>how to make money online

flip uniswap scams, of course.

>> No.22216471

double-post : at this point I just want constant flow of capital so I can re-invest it in my future business ventures. I see no other option than semi-labour work... Unless some of you know a good way to earn money online.