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22212051 No.22212051 [Reply] [Original]

He has 20 startups
1 of them should use crypto
Turn Neuralink into Bitcoin miners
Do a boring company airdrop
Something crypto related

>> No.22212320

this is what white Americans look like in 2020

>> No.22212358

Women are legal children.

>> No.22212402 [DELETED] 
File: 2.47 MB, 640x640, kangz t shirt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are your average "white" American women 2020

>> No.22212443

>turn neuralink into bitcoin miners


bill gates already patented that idea in his "world order 2020 666" patent

>> No.22212463
File: 2.47 MB, 640x640, kangz t shirt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> average "white" American women in 2020

>> No.22212534
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came here to post this. These Kaballah Satanists are being incredibly obvious nowadays. They have to be more extreme with it though as too many people no longer are under their spell so to speak and the veil has been lifting so they need to extract more conscious energy(prana) from those who still are by being more direct with their rituals.

>> No.22212629

"women and children first" "you killed innocent women and children"
there is reason why they are grouped together with children, they lack will and selfcontrol just like children. therefore they are perceived as innocent, for they can not take credit for their own actions.

>> No.22212756

How do you know if they've 'identified' you? Have some add anecdotes that could align w this, but want to hear more before I accidentally prime the conversation into a larpfest.

>> No.22213156


Do you know what GATE courses are? They are identifying groups of kids that are high IQ and patter recognition. 2 groups both fit the mental requirements but one is completely behold to those they deem as authority figures and follow orders well without asking questions. They are often propelled through the current system and become elite status in their respective fields as they will perpetuate status quo.

The other group is incredibly anti-authoritarian(add in high IQ and starting a young age is a problem for the Satanic elites). These kids often see the inherent flaws in society and seek to design and implement their own systems on whatever scale they are capable instead of following the one put in place by those in power. Too many people doing that at once changes the future and potential power paradigm. They use words and images to reprogram you. Its why they also have "speech class'. You think/are the words you speak and they were testing for ESP abilities too which generally means you have a natural and close connection to God which can be fostered by anyone. They need self interested godless slaves.

I was put in speech in 4th grade directly after an incident with a teacher who was in the wrong and I disagreed vehemently somewhat aggressively but normally I didn't act that way. I was missing my front teeth and my parents couldn't figure out why I was being put in it because once they came in everything was fine.

>> No.22213177

Lots to this subject its hard to put it in one or even a few posts.

>> No.22213409


Lmao some nigga actually typed this shit out

>> No.22214204

I type fast. He asked and I answered. No input?

>Lmao some nigga actually typed this shit out

I could say the same about you literally zero substance KYS?

>> No.22214388



>> No.22214836

I believe it.
I tested into GATE in 3rd grade but the teacher told me it would be more homework and i probably wouldn’t like it.
Not saying I have anything in common but I felt the full force and fury of the people in power when I started a bitcoin blog and posted YouTube videos about the Fed
They don’t fuck around their technology is amazing
I’ve had to do the research

>> No.22214970

They’re out here getting bitcoin Epstein didn’t kill himself memers.
Why do you think everyone after 2016 keeps their identity hidden.
Half these comments are probably deep state pedo protectors

>> No.22214987

>These Kaballah Satanists are being incredibly obvious nowadays.

>> No.22214988

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.22215009
File: 32 KB, 223x329, 22A99E12-F98B-44AA-99EB-E406627B8AD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more

>> No.22215064

>They’re out here getting bitcoin Epstein didn’t kill himself memers.

>> No.22215093

He doesnt care for your small ideas

>> No.22215164


>> No.22215204

Want to fuck up your life?
Make a meme account dedicated to Epstein didn’t kill himself, Bitcoin, or vote 3rd party memes
They’re topics on par with Israel and aliens.
They gonna give you the bob lazar treatment.

>> No.22215294

Even a cursory search would tell you it’s a real thing, stupid.

>> No.22215618

Even the Bitcoin standard talks about how Keynes was a pedo and the system is setup for rich pedos
TI paladin writes some fire on who runs the world and how they control us

>> No.22215820


as I said KYS clearly you went you GATE lmao

>> No.22215842
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Dude just accidentaly watched this episode on futurama, s3 e7 its so relavant to what you are sayning. Actually noticed alot of references from Futurama trying to wake ppl up.

>> No.22215881


Yea they have algos that can basically shadow ban you or just make your ability to operate on the internet difficult a lot of the time without even knowing it. Ironically Millie Weaver goes in depth on their capabilities with her documentary Shadownet. Alex Jones is probably controlled opposition but her info still checked out.

>> No.22215937


I'll look into this...based on the headlines I'm not surprised.


Maybe I'll make a thread in /pol it used to be a common occurrence but the glow faggots kept co-opting the threads making it difficult. Slid to /bant, shilled, unrelated posts, and outright misinformation.

>> No.22215978
File: 471 KB, 1512x792, Savioroftheworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been a long time since I've seen the episode but I remember the jist. Its was enjoyable. Although its the opposite though those with incredibly high brain vibrational frequencies are less subject to the ritual psy-ops.

>> No.22216401

Is this real?

>> No.22216932
File: 49 KB, 552x360, 707DABEE-9A4F-4E88-9ED1-AA3967104097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hate this board

>> No.22216951


Yes Tavistock Institute has been driving public policy in this country to overtake our republic and brainwash the next generations to support/promote Marxism for decades.

They infiltrated academia, entertainment, corporations, politics etc you name it. Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals says Lucifer was the first rebel defying God's authority and he did so well enough to earn his own kingdom. That kingdom is Earth. Jesus was the first real rebel in the flesh defying Satan's playground.

There are tons of info on GATE. Check /pol later today maybe I'll make another thread

>> No.22216981
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Yes they do. pic related.

>> No.22217065

Such a simple concept, post pictures and words, call people faggots, your anonymous

>> No.22217252


Well yea the elites don't know how to respond to humor which tends to be directly related to things that are true. I.E. "Its funny because its true"

Its why the people on the far left can't meme. They have to breakdown their ideology in every meme because its removed from what is real in nature or the natural world.

>> No.22217363

For example. 72 genders

>> No.22217460

Indeed one of many examples

>> No.22217612

Memers are the new journalists
They want to control them to control their message when they need to

>> No.22217753

True. Memes convey tons of information about various themes and concepts so quickly too. Not only do they want to control it but its hard to control as they "speak 1000 words" often.

>> No.22217881

Interesting. I'm familiar with gate, was in a similar program. I've heard the two groups mentioned before, makes sense and corroborates some experiences. I recall a few of us being taken out of class for extra hearing tests for 2 weeks straight too. They told us there was tons of kids randomly going deaf and needed to screen us. Was like a normal hearing test, until they had us start guessing which ear the sound would play in ahead of time. I recall it getting tense. This was 3rd or 4th grade. Just one story, but one of the weirdest.

>> No.22218176

Yes I took those hearing tests as well in "speech therapy class" which was only a few kids. They would have a sound go off and then ask us to raise our hand on which side we heard it. The trick was that if you are in a state of higher vibrational brain waves then you can hear sounds that others aren't able to hear. You have a closer connection to God or the prime consciousness and are more resistant to psychological operations. You also tend to be more outspoken against what is truly wrong or right as your morality comes from that higher consciousness. Your "inner monologue" becomes much louder and harder to ignore almost as if its not you speaking to yourself. You can increase these abilities with things like meditation, hemi-sync and other activities. Children who day dream deeply are more intuned. Lucid dreams and out of body experiences are signs you are on the right path as well.

Check out the book The God Design or The Science of the Sacred Secretion. Also this is excellent as well.


I'm going to go to the Monroe Institute in Virginia which you should also look up once they re-open from Corona closure.

Edgar Casey was someone else in tune with the cosmic consciousness we all stem from.

>> No.22218598

Wow, that's pretty spot on. I'll be reading this thanks.

>> No.22218639

Cringe, it's funny to believe that's some of you cunts think being low iq and socially awkward makes you superior topkek

>> No.22218653

They use hypersonic, ultrasonic, infrasonic devices and cell towers to knock us out and make us agitated
Election years are the worst

>> No.22218777


I'm around 128-131 IQ I don't think that is low. Regardless haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate.

>> No.22218801


EMF radiation specifically disrupts your natural vibrational frequencies.

>> No.22218820

Elon musk is probably buying $SNIFF tokens for an easy 1000x tonight

>> No.22218887

Hemisync and headphones and getting outside is probably the best way to fight the emf and subliminals?

>> No.22219000


Yes get lots of sun light and do grounding(actually have your feet connect directly with the ground and soil) no shoes. Deep controlled breathing as well.

I no longer use wifi just my phone but everything else is hardlined in and the wifi signals on router/pc are turned off.

>> No.22219556
File: 675 KB, 640x1096, 1C6231C8-5F8D-4FD9-BCAF-9784FE086E8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t write about the feds and Bitcoin kids

>> No.22220218


Wow holy shit

>> No.22220352

Pasta pasta

>> No.22220589
File: 7 KB, 250x250, ratyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you retarded? I just wrote that out like an hour or so ago... No copy pasta.