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22207460 No.22207460 [Reply] [Original]

Hello guys this is a general suicide thread. Here we will share the best fastest and most painless methods of kys.

>> No.22207573

remember to NOT jump from buildings or under trains, the chances of survival are suprisingly high and only cause problems for other people
if poorfag and dont have money for any pills/gases/guns, keep it simple and use a strong rope or even better - borrow a shit ton of money from shady people, spend it all on drugs and whores and then just either overdose or get killed by them

>> No.22207653
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Best form of suicide is to just wait until you die

>> No.22207661


>> No.22207745

I planned killing myself with a helium tank once. got all the parts and even set it up, but I never went through with it.

>> No.22207764

>Razor sharp rope
>Tie around head
>Super glue hands to head
>Jump from building
>Pull your own head off
>Dont forget to make a sign saying /PeaceBiz

Do it cool

>> No.22207809


Based and honkpilled

>> No.22207818

Fetanyl overdose. Quick, painless, go sleepy and don't feel a damn thing. Empire market is down I haven't been on in a while maybe Monopoly? I know where to get for the same reason.

>> No.22207827
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/sg/ on /biz/?

>> No.22207868

I was considering cutting my wrists and the bathtub, while bring drunk.
But the chances are I will regret it halfway through (like man others) and then end up trying to safe myself and everybody will see that I tried to kys which will lead to me wanting to kys even more. So I wanna do it right the first time

>> No.22207896

best way to suicide in terms of painlessness and success rate is shotgun to the head

>> No.22207917

Small charcoal burner in an enclosed space and maybe some sleeping pills. CO poisoning is painless. That said, anyone seriously considering suicide should read “The Myth of Sisyphus” by Camus then hopefully reassess. Fortunes can change on a dime.

>> No.22207931


>> No.22207939
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Damn is sg still a thing? Used to spend a lot of time there
I remember the Islamic state quizmaster

>> No.22207958

just buy a motorcycle and drive like crazy. Fun way to die, and it will also look more like an accident so your family won't be too sad
>t. outlived my expectations by 2 years, gonna try again today

>> No.22207962

remember that suicide tanks don't work anymore because the tanks are not pure helium anymore because too many people used them to kys themselves

>> No.22208023

>step 1. Take 30 mg metoclopramide (another editor suggested 800 mg of Tagamet, as well).

>step 2. Wait 1 hour.

>step 3. Dissolve 15 – 25 g sodium nitrite in 50 ml municipal tap water.

>step 4. Drink the solution and relax on a bed, a couch, or a reclining chair.

All easily accessible and cheap.

source: https://suicide.wiki/w/Sodium_Nitrite

>> No.22208031

Imagine you kys and then you are reborn again and you have to relive your life again. An endless circle

>> No.22208036

Have things improved?

>> No.22208097

If you die now you'll miss the great golden bull run of 2021.

>> No.22208126
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God is real. Heaven and Hell are real destinations. Do not commit suicide. Let Jesus heal you, he wants you to make it into heaven...he made it for you to enjoy

Do not deprive yourself of the beatific vision and separate yourself eternally from his love

>> No.22208157


Nietzsche's dwarf

>> No.22208174

I genuinely wish I could have enough faith to believe: I think God exists but fear his indifference.

>> No.22208200

well the war is not over but things has been boring this year since the idlib offensive.
Good times like Dez or kweries will never come back

>> No.22208214

Just get high all the time on weed. It’s awesome and it’s fun. You can grow your own for super cheap so who cares if you get addicted. It’s medicine for the soul and if nothing else mix with some alcohol and NUMB THAT SOUL NIGGA

>> No.22208234
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>> No.22208237

You should merge this thread with stock market general. I think they'd appreciate it at the rate the market is crashing.

>> No.22208257

don't do it.

>> No.22208290

God is not real and even if he was that means he’s already dead by now. There is no heaven or hell, we’re all just going to end up as worm food and that’s it. Don’t want to end up like that? Freeze yourself and hope that in the future they’ll fix you up. Worst case it doesn’t happen but you’re already dead so you’ve got nothing to lose.

>> No.22208292

Jesus gave a response to someone who wanted to believe Mark 9:24. You will be forgiven if you believe Jesus alone for what he has done at Calvary. Watch the video anon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyw5b6kO_sE

>> No.22208330

Hes definitely not indifferent to your suffering or that of any of his children. He wants you to love him and find peace because that is why you were created. All humans were designed by him to know, love and serve him...this gives you the most complete sense of fulfillment and happiness.

It sounds gay but he loves you so much that he suffered brutal torture and death so that you could make it. He wants you to make it bro and he really cares about you. That doesn’t mean bad shit doesn’t happen but he’s always there for you

>> No.22208373

God is a selfish prick who made humans just do that they would obey him and disowned them when they didn’t. He doesn’t love anyone but himself.

>> No.22208380

Not a fedora, I really want to believe. What is your strongest evidence fro Christianity?

>> No.22208389

God created the universe out of nothing. Creating heaven and hell is nothing to an all powerful being that exists outside of time and space.

Do you honestly think the pathetic human brain can understand the greatest complexities of the universe?

>> No.22208413

>fear his indifference

His indifference towards what, the world and people suffering?
Well, first of all, God granted us with free will, and that includes the right to believe in him or not. Now if he was to appear in the clouds in front of the whole world, you'd have no other option but to believe he's for real.
He's definately real though, but acts in a more personal and discrete way

As for people suffering, like children getting killed and whatnot. It honestly doesn't matter. This whole thing, this human life, is a test, an experience. MUCH more awaits us past this life, and where you end up going will be heavily influenced by what you did and how you treated others

>> No.22208428


He literally got tortured and murdered by Jews so Heaven could be reopened to the faithful

>> No.22208430

Then who created God smartass? Does he also have a God he believes in?

>> No.22208474

God is the unmoved mover which is why he is God. This is basic Thomism bro

>> No.22208498
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God =/= Jesus
Jesus was a mentally ill schizo who believed until his last moments that angels would swoop down from the heavens and save him from that cross.

It didn’t happen.

>> No.22208506
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But i'm up 20000$

>> No.22208513

>who created God

Asking such a question is like a rat seeing an airplane and debating with other rats about what it is

>> No.22208522

Watch these for scientific proof. There is a lot more evidence if you want more.

>> No.22208525

Top kek

>> No.22208578

>everything has to be created the universe couldn’t have just come from nothing!

Where did god come from?
>he came from nothing you retard!

>> No.22208579

If someone created god, then who is that creator? There is always a original universe if you believe in a universe that always splits by every action, and on top of that, there has to be an original creator for that universe otherwise the universe will not be fine-tuned to the way that it is.

>> No.22208592
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call this for help

>> No.22208610

That’s totally false. Jesus knew his fate and talked about it multiple times. He never asked to be saved but to die so that his sacrifice could open up heaven to us. This is also why the Eucharist is so important. When we receive God sacramentally we unite ourselves to him and therefore when we die God cannot deny us entry into Heaven (if we stay free from of mortal sin) because He is within us and He cannot deny himself

>> No.22208632

None of you are real I am simply in a simulation of some sort. I am the only real person who feels or experiences anything.

>> No.22208652

I don’t know how to serve him other than by trying to be a good person, and I’m not terribly great at that. I want to believe he hears my prayers, and sometimes I think he does, but why must we suffer so?

>> No.22208654


Well, God didn't create the void that he made the earth from. Guess he formed out of that shit.

"the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep"

Creation is literally ordo ab chao anywho. Why are you trying to conflate the creation of subjective experience with the creation of the material substrate of reality?

>> No.22208693

Nothing cannot come from nothing. For the universe to exist there must have been something that put it into being. That something is actually a someone and it’s God. Through the Old Testament and New Testament we can understand how God revealed himself and his truth to humans

>> No.22208697


>> No.22208713

You can’t create something out of nothing, I suggest you study physics.

>> No.22208738

God is real and he loves you. If you believe in him you will see his guiding light all around you. Unironically spend an hour sitting under the biggest tree you can find. He will speak to you

>> No.22208762

*someyhing cannot come from nothing

Read the 4th edition of the Baltimore Catechism you can find it for free online and it’s a simple read. Basically a series of questions and answers that explains the basic tenets of the faith

There is more to life than being a “good” person it’s much deeper than that. Suffering brings us closer to Christ and tests our mettle to see if we are worthy of eternal life

>> No.22208765

"I wiped the blade against my jeans and walked into the bar. It was mid-afternoon, very hot and still. The bar was deserted. I ordered a whiskey. The barman looked at the blood and asked:



‘S’pose it’s time someone finished that hypocritical little punk, always bragging about his old man’s power…’

He smiled crookedly, insinuatingly, a slight nausea shuddered through me. I replied weakly:

‘It was kind of sick, he didn’t fight back or anything, just kept trying to touch me and shit, like one of those dogs that try to fuck your leg. Something in me snapped, the whingeing had ground me down too low. I really hated that sanctimonious little creep.’

‘So you snuffed him?’

‘Yeah, I’ve killed him, knifed the life out of him, once I started I got frenzied, it was an ecstasy, I never knew I could hate so much.’

I felt very calm, slightly light-headed. The whisky tasted good, vaporizing in my throat. We were silent for a few moments. The barman looked at me levelly, the edge of his eyes twitching slightly with anxiety:

There’ll be trouble though, don’tcha think?’

‘I don’t give a shit, the threats are all used up, I just don’t give a shit.’

‘You know what they say about his old man? Ruthless bastard they say. Cruel…’

‘I just hope I’ve hurt him, if he even exists.’

‘Woulden wanna cross him merself,’ he muttered.

I wanted to say ‘yeah, well that’s where we differ’, but the energy for it wasn’t there. The fan rotated languidly, casting spidery shadows across the room. We sat in silence a little longer. The barman broke first:

‘So God’s dead?’

‘If that’s who he was. That fucking kid lied all the time. I just hope it’s true this time.’

The barman worked at one of his teeth with his tongue, uneasily:

>> No.22208800

when will this faggot finally die

>> No.22208813

‘It’s kindova big crime though, isn’t it? You know how it is, when one of the cops goes down and everything’s dropped ’til they find the guy who did it. I mean, you’re not just breaking a law, your breaking LAW.’

I scraped my finger along my jeans, and suspended it over the bar, so that a thick clot of blood fell down into my whisky, and dissolved. I smiled:

‘Maybe it’s a big crime,’ I mused vaguely ‘but maybe it’s nothing at all…’ ‘…and we have killed him’ writes Nietzsche, but—destituted of community—I crave a little time with him on my own.

In perfect communion I lick the dagger foamed with God’s blood."

>> No.22208815

He said also painless and quick

>> No.22208817
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No, That is a lie anon. I am here as well. That is the devil attacking you.

>> No.22208830

You can create order from chaos, that's the point. That is literally what he is doing in this statement. Let there be light does not generate light, it subjectively defines light from where there was no definition before, ergo creating it.

Oh wait, you're right. Let me make you an apple pie from scratch by first creating the universe.

>> No.22208875

Nice try retard. All that's going to do is make him believe harder.

>> No.22208880
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I bet everyone in this thread who believes in God holds XRP

>> No.22208882

Question for anons:
would you if you were forced to die an quick&painless death OR an long&painless death?

>> No.22208925

Heavy: How are you still alive?

>> No.22208934

machine elves.

>> No.22208952

Imagine still believing in a GOD.

>> No.22208988


That's for you, fucker.

Psychology is more relevant here than physics.

>> No.22209009

>he's unironically religious

>> No.22209015

ayahuasca overdose

>> No.22209031
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>Psychology is more relevant here than physics.
”What I think is more relevant than reality”

>> No.22209060

I’m just putting this out there but you don’t realize how suicide will hurt the people around you. My dad has to find his brother after he slit his wrists. Broke down the bathroom door to find him dead in the bathtub filled with his blood. One time I ever really saw my dad cry

People care about you even if you don’t think so. It’s a total waste of a life. If you are that suicidal just reboot abs do something totally different don’t just throw it all away

>> No.22209158

why should you care if all you do is suffer?
you suffer so other people won't suffer because you're finally free?
come on, now. always hated that reasoning.

just because jesus did it, doesn't mean i have to, especially if i'm not religious

>> No.22209226

It doesn’t matter if you aren’t religious you are condemning yourself to hell if you kill your self which is even worse suffering than here.

>> No.22209265

based fpbp and checked

>> No.22209287

In case you aren't memeing only kill yourself if you have chronic pain or terminal illness. It just isn't worth it. As long as your body works don't kys.

>> No.22209306

kool now prove the universe exists

>> No.22209344

Stop being a pussy.
Just take life one moment at a time. Live in the moment. Get out of your head. Nothing lasts forever.

>> No.22209346

That’s completely retarded. If god is all powerful then why did he need to jump through hoops (the Crucifixion of Christ) just to save his supposedly beloved humans? An all powerful god could have made us saved from the start. Totally retarded.
Also if you accept the reality of evolution, religion makes no sense: did Neanderthals have souls? What about half Neanderthal half Homo sapiens hybrids? If Homo sapiens have souls but apes don’t then when did humans acquire them during the transition from ape-like australopiths to Homo erectus to Homo sapiens? considering that speciation in this form is a gradual transition, does that mean Australopithecenes (basically walking apes) had no soul, we have a full soul and Homo erectus had half a soul? Lmao. Christfags and other religious cunts are the worst. I was brainwashed by the Catholic Church but now I’m free to enjoy reality for what it is. And reality is much more beautiful than nonsensical illogical bullshit.

>> No.22209379

Hanging. I saw few videos of people hanging themselves or being hanged and it looks surprisingly calm.

>> No.22209382

Have you ever tried to not suffer? Set your intention to feel joy. Remind yourself of this intention every day.

>> No.22209400

Retard, his question is basically pointing out that by religious logic, if god doesn’t need a creator, then the universe doesn’t need a creator either. Asking who made the universe or what came before the start of time is a redundant question.

>> No.22209409

don't think hell exists.
i think we all go to the same place and it doesn't matter what you did in this life. ethics exist so that we could build a functioning society (but you already know, people without any, are living life to the fullest, because they don't give a FUCK about other people)

not even suicidal. had an acquaintance who offed herself.

>> No.22209412

Dude, if you do not believe the universe exists. Idk what to tell you but you probably part of the CIA.

>> No.22209438

>something cannot come from nothing!
>except god...!

>> No.22209606

God allowed himself to be crucified because humans are stupid and need something to happen before their eyes to believe. But we are created in the image and likeness of God which gives us free will... we have to willfully choose to follow him, act appropriately and then hopefully be saved.

Evolution is an unproven scientific theory that you show tremendous faith in bit your faith should go to Christ not faggot scientists. Besides the fact that no science can disprove God and our understanding of the natural world only brings us closer to an understanding of God since he is the great architect

But the universe isn’t God.

Ethics come from the way God what’s us to behave. It just so happens that Christian ethics leads to civilization. Muslim ethics leads to low IQ barbarism. Jewish ethics leads to satanism. Atheist ethics leads to nihilism and chaos

>> No.22209623

Yup, that’s exactly what I meant. Thanks for explaining it for the dumbdumbs in my stead.

>> No.22209658

The universe was created by God, even 18th century fedoras understood this

>> No.22209668

God is uncreated. Time is a circle. God sits outside of time. Creation/destruction exists in the temporal realm of duality, within unity those concepts hold no water.

>> No.22209687
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this seems to work just fine

>> No.22209719

so you're saying a lot of muslims will go to hell, because they are low IQ barbarians who pillage and rape? Jews go to hell, because they are worshipping the devil?
religion really blows (christianity included)

>> No.22209776

The way to heaven is straight and very narrow. Muslims, Jews, Hindus worship Satan.

If you don’t believe in the Trinity you aren’t doing it right. You are just praying to demons

>> No.22209795


>> No.22209798

I’ll give it a read. Thank you for trying to help, whatever the outcome

>> No.22209828

What happened there?

>> No.22209859
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, B5634878-C36F-466B-AFA7-D605BAFD5D9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open the valve
>it’s hopium
welcome back son, stronger than ever

>> No.22209879

I wish I didn't watch that

>> No.22209887

He's going to live for a very long time. Eating foreskin and raping 5 year olds rejuvenates the body

>> No.22209890

Good luck dude it’s a really solid resource and very easy to take in

>> No.22209954

He lost his job and his GF cheated on him, he livestreamed himself blowing his head off with a shotgun on FB

>> No.22209976

Absolute cringe. I pity you somewhat

>> No.22209986

Why would god pick the worst time in history to prove his existence? The world was disconnected at the time. How would people in China know of his existence? And what about people in the far north or Americas. Why wouldn't he simply wait until the world was more connected to prove his existence. Why wouldn't he prove his existence to everyone in the world at the same time?

>> No.22209997

>ctrl+f insulin
>no results
fucking amateurs, insulin overdose is the best way

>> No.22210068
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>fastest and most painless methods
What are you a fucking coward? Why would you want your last living moments to be anything but the most excruciating pain and suffering. It's the last thing you're going to feel so you may as well experience everything there is to be felt

>> No.22210092
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Why did I watch that

>> No.22210099

I mean, I could say the same thing, but it's not necessarily true now, is it? For all you know, we are the same person.

>> No.22210107

Because God waited for the Roman Empire. It was actually perfect timing. We have churches in China today...they are persecuted but still. Evangelization will always need to take place. We have the Internet.

For God human time is nothing.

>> No.22210116

Just think about the whole best memories that u have ever had and go to your favorite place especially that one where u used to go with the Loved ones and try to remember how were your feelings, emotions and thoughts about killing yourself without even having all of That so definitely in the end you will chose your call

>> No.22210138

Curiosity is one hell of a drug

>> No.22210157

Well, I think it's better to become immune to gore

>> No.22210174


>> No.22210251

>humans are stupid and need something to happen before their eyes ....
Jesus never existed and there is no proof he did. Sorry bro. All historical research done into Jesus is done by christfags so it’s massively biased and starts with the presupposition that he existed. I looked into it when I was reprogramming the brainwashing and you cannot find one impartial non religious historian who studies Jesus as a historical figure. That alone should say enough but when you actually read their books and research you’ll see the foundations are not there.

Look. The more you try to argue that your faith makes sense, the more you devalue your faith and religion. The point of religion and faith is that you believe DESPITE there being no evidence. That’s the literal definition of faith. God is supposed to be metaphysical or “not the universe” as you put it. That means you can only believe in it with blind faith, and it defies logic. This is in contrast to materialism and the scientific method where things are only believed with evidence, and as the evidence changes, beliefs can change too. You need to pick a side. Believe in your shitty god(s) and admit that it doesn’t make sense (It doesn’t), or, join us in the real world. If you have to argue the logic behind your faith, it isn’t true faith so please go pray quietly and be a faggot in your own time.

>> No.22210310

>Evolution is an unproven scientific theory that you show tremendous faith in bit your faith should go to Christ not faggot scientists.
You don’t understand the difference between faith and evidenced-based forms of knowledge. I have explained it in my above post. I am tapping out now but I hope some of what I’ve said gets through to you. Also, evolution is real. Please visit some museums and go see the fossils for yourself.... you know you can actually see evidence of evolution in real life, unlike your christ lmao. So much for god caring about what we see with our own eyes Kek

>> No.22210324

How you loons actually convince yourself to buy this crap is beyond me.

>> No.22210338

Would you consider the Pagan Roman Tacitus a Christcuck? Jesus existed. You are wrong.

> But all human efforts, all the lavish gifts of the emperor, and the propitiations of the gods, did not banish the sinister belief that the conflagration was the result of an order. Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind.

>> No.22210374


Story behind this?

>> No.22210381

don't do it bros you have so much to live fo-
PSYCH nigga

>> No.22210401

Yes, he existed, rose from the dead and ascended from heaven. Conveniently, all this happened before smartphones were invented, so there’s no proof. Guess you just have to have faith! Which is believing things without evidence. Though women are supposed to be the “illogical” ones, topkek

>> No.22210427

The holy spirit fed moses and the animals for 40 days straight.
Jesus exited
The Earth is 3000 years old
Jews haven't been gods chosen people since the book of kings.

>> No.22210475

Jesus was Jew and got what he deserved

>> No.22210485

Some of the greatest scientific minds found belief at the end of their studies. I’m a scientist myself by training and I can’t help but feel that all the beauty and complexity of the natural world (and the horrors, to be fair) vastly exceed what we can fathom through the lens of the scientific method. I want to believe.

>> No.22210515

OP, any gains you lost proportionally increase your coldness, basedness and knowledge of how life really is. Now flip the tables.
Take the trump pill. Never give up, laugh in the phase of darkness and prosper into the old age. UNKEK starts NOW.

We are all gonna make it.

>> No.22210568

Imagine wanting to die in the most interesting year of the 21st century so far. You NPC drones seriously need a firmware update.

>> No.22210662
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Laying on train track, free and quick death
Overdose is good but only with right choice of drug

>> No.22210682

Oh fuck... the idiotic cancer, it hurts my brain. Barely made it through the first of these videos. How they're trying to spin the existence of the big bang as something that favors religion and goes in the face of science who have been "hiding behind a past eternal universe" is so ridiculous...
"Everything has to have cause" and the "universe has a beginning", so "the universe has to have a cause and of course that is GOD."
uuuuh and what is the cause of god then? "oh God doesn't have a cause he's eternal dummy, la la la I live my happy dumb bubble of bullshit la la la"

>> No.22210709

>Some of the greatest scientific minds found belief at the end of their studies
Yes, and that’s a logical fallacy you’ve committed by using this as a point in favour of the divine: just because smartfags believe something doesn’t make it true. Heck, the biggest religion on earth is Islam. If more people believe it, does that make it more likely to be true? What about more smart people, or more dumb people? What about more holy people, should you follow the pope because of his faggy holy hat?
Don’t let anyone tell you that there’s no beauty in reality. Go watch Carl Sagan documentaries.

>> No.22210797

>getting advice from fags who've never an hero'd

>> No.22210823

People without critical thinking skills thing typing shit into google and looking for vids that support their belief is “research”. Unless you are currently working towards or have ever graduated with a PhD, none of you have ever done any real piece of research in your life. Pathetic.

>> No.22210850

I’m just saying that there are perhaps more things in the heavens and the Earth, Horatio, than can be accounted for by your philosophy. I’m not trying to appeal to authority, I’m just pointing out that some of the greatest minds have found, at the end of their inquiries, that there is perhaps something more fundamental. With all due respect to Carl Sagan, I would not rank him among the greats.

>> No.22210901

They didn’t “find” shit, they got scared about death/mortality and turned to promise of an afterlife to give them comfort in their final days. It’s a very human thing to do. You sound like a faggot.

>> No.22210907

Top fucking kek
Underrated. Made me laugh out loud

>> No.22210921


Divinity arose from biology, genesis is about the creation of experience, the subjective universe, not the material one.

You can create something from nothing subjectively if the nothing is chaos, simply by categorizing it.

You faggots act like sages were trying to be physicists.

>> No.22210946
File: 730 KB, 1008x1043, ripobama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just stop breathing 4head.

>> No.22210996

Honestly bros, there's an infinite number of different massive space amoebas interacting at levels we can never understand. I'm staying alive until I see one.

>> No.22211038

Well, if you’re going to resort to ad hominems this will be my final response to you. I fully acknowledge that the fear of death and the unknown may factor into a turning towards god, and this is part of the reason I want to believe but find great difficulty in doing so. I’m genuinely agnostic: I don’t know shit about shit, and that’s about all I can be certain of.

>> No.22211081

>get an erection prior to this
>adjust hand appropriately
>experience 11 seconds of sucking your own cock

>> No.22211263

Alright well here's a semi-scientific conclusion that allows conscious existence after death
>presuming that the universe continues to exist indefinitely, even after any heat death or big crunch
>random fluctuations of even the most diffuse gasses can, over incredibly long periods of time, spontaneously arrange into computational matter
>It is not impossible that these gasses arrange into a configuration which replicates your own mind for a period of time that is long enough to experience an instant of time, possibly with sensory input (may be nonsensical, dreamlike, or just plain bizzare)
>Thus, given an infinite or near-infinite timescale the chances of you (or something that is you in every meaningful way mentally) experiencing at least some form of consciousness after death is basically 100%
It's not angels and magic jews but it's fairly mathematically sound.

>> No.22211419 [DELETED] 

>huntan actually has a useful event support instead of his usual shit list
This support set up change is the best thing to happen to this game

>> No.22211438

w-wrong thread

>> No.22211903

Is he ok?

>> No.22212053

Nerve gas.

>> No.22212075

What a disgusting forced philosophy/religion.

Anon please, I'll share with you my own philosophy a quadrillion times better than these primitives.
There are a near infinite number of worlds out there with far superior biology, chemistry, physics than our pathetic planet and cells which feel the need to not only eat each other for survival, but feel pleasure in bringing misery to others.
There are a trillion galaxies with life out there and you just happened to be born on the most larping pathetic piece of shit planet with a piece of shit biology.
Mammals are literal roleplaying 5 year old who kill for fun and enjoy watching you suffer, it's part of their cells' biology.
Every time a baby is born somebody has to be conscious over it. If you die at the time when a baby is born then you have a lot of chances to be conscious as that brain. Even being reborn as an ant is more beautiful because their tiny little brains are incapable of conscience/pain/emotions like most mammals are. It'll be like you slept through it all.

Die and hope you don't get born as a human or any creature on this planet. Die and hope you get born someplace far far superior that puts a human's imagination to shame.

>> No.22212223

Pray for God to reveal himself to you and make sure you are truely wanting to know. He will show you the way, and you'll know. Nobody can convince you with words, but only tell you how to find out.

>> No.22212586


>> No.22212621

> Anhero before the dip rebound. Leave me your bags in your will OP.

>> No.22212879
File: 4 KB, 250x187, 1508960549140s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow Leibniz btfo