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File: 160 KB, 1018x558, Screenshot 2017-05-27 at 3.42.43 AM - Edited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2220597 No.2220597 [Reply] [Original]

-50k DGB prize money!! (That's $750 at today's prices)
-Ends June 8th


>> No.2220602
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>> No.2220609
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>> No.2220659


>> No.2220678
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Every time I think I can win a contest online someone always proves they can do it better and faster than me. You win anon.

>> No.2220708

I cannot believe what I'm seeing right now. The bagholders may have just hedged their losses with this. Shame on all of you for taking advantage of people. Truly awful.

>> No.2220767
File: 45 KB, 499x499, smugpepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Truly awful
Truly business, my senpai.

>> No.2220907

Did I step in frog poop?

>> No.2220916
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>> No.2220931
File: 101 KB, 533x492, The truth about DGB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salty early seller or nocoiner detected

>> No.2220949


>> No.2221014
File: 85 KB, 533x492, iVvBZCk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are all from other people btw!!! Many memes flowing.

>> No.2221021

LOL I didn't see you had posted it!!! DEFINITE WINNER*

*so far

>> No.2221029

This is brilliant, thankyou senpai

>> No.2221188
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>> No.2221205

The account that "won" was created an hour ago, pretty obvious that the person who hosted this "giveaway" just gifted the "winnings" to himself.

>> No.2221342


Nah, the prize is sitting in a verified funds account and I don't have access to it, only a guy names @InVodkaWeTrust over on twitter (major DGB holder) has access. I'm organizing this as a new holder of DGB. It's for fun, and for promoting DGB, because it's a great thing that could make people wealthy. We're all just having fun here ok?

Btw the person who posted the cartoon also posted it on the DGB reddit page, I had just seen them over there.

Join us in the fun ok? :)

Wanna see more memes people are sending me and posting all over twitter?

>> No.2221365


The contest is legit, and it ends on June 8th at 12 pm, one day ahead of a major presentation the founder of DGB (Jared Tate) is giving as a finalist for the Tech 4 Integrity challenge sponsored by Citibank.

The presentation will be in front of the likes of IBM, Facebook, Microsoft, Citi, PwC, etc.

We are hoping to genearate awareness and buzz about Digibyte ahead of that event, so that good news hits an newly aware set of people.

We're on page 34 of this PDF:


And here's more about the award:


It's kind of a bid deal for Digibyte. The devs at DGB have been hunkered down working really hard for four years making a top quality crypto currency, and have done virtually zero marketing.

This little meme contest came about spontaneously in our telegram a few days ago.

You should check out what DGB is all about. There is no coin like it.

>> No.2221374

dude im the one who created the account. i did it specifically for this contest. I havent recieved shit yet. Id assume if i won id get something on the 8th

>> No.2221375
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>> No.2221384

congrats mah digibro! so you won? can you show us your meme?

>> No.2221402

he said the 8th. Didnt win a single thing yet. 10 days is a long way away and someone could easily outdo me. i mean i did this in mspaint ffs

I did this thing

>> No.2221403

Nobody has won yet, the contest closes on the 8th of June, 12 pm Pacific Time (US).

>> No.2221434

Curious... how did you guys hear about Digibyte? And what are your thoughts about it?

>> No.2221475

Some pajeet on here told me it was going to be added to Steam to buy games and CS skins. Bought 10 BTC worth at 500 sats

>> No.2221492
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Relax man. Everybody chillllll.... ya dig?

>> No.2221507

Nice bag there. They've paused the gaming dev for now to focus on digusign. The overall scope of projects they are using their blockchain for is staggering.

There was a security issue with their minecraft payouts. They were attacked. They are working to solve it and make it 100% secure.

... as I understand it.

>> No.2221550


>> No.2221572

You know my heart.

>> No.2221592

long time share trader as a hobby (nothing big or impressive, just a side thing while I study). started learning about cryptos about 3 weeks ago, did some research and found DGB, saw potential and bought in with what I could spare at 100sat before the whales started manipulating with walls everywhere. Despite those bastards I really believe this coin has some fantastic potential

>> No.2221615

I got in right after the first jump, but still think it's a fantastic coin. I'm pretty new to crypto in general, but like you, immediately saw the potential of DGB. Got in around 550.

Getting in at 500 vs 100 is a massive mathematical advantage. Nice work. However I feel it is still severely undervalued.

This coin has aspirations of lifting the third world out of poverty. Yes. Not joking. An early partner of Jared who made a fortune in international shipping is the guy who showed Jared there are major ineffeciencies in int'l trade that the blockchain could address. No other coin has even whiffed that space. Don't even get me started on the gaming potential.

>> No.2221644

good. maybe that means i can leave my 3rd world shithole if things go well. Its still early days for crypto in general so its hard to see it going there anytime soon but what I have seen, it is still undervalued by a fair bit and has a good long-term potential especially when it didnt rocket back down to 80 sats after the mass shilling

>> No.2221645
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>> No.2221661

Yeah it held support pretty well. To me that shows smart people with a lot of money have noticed it. Just wait till after June 9th. I have a feeling could get very interesting. I have zero experience to base this on but I see it hitting 2000 sats by years end.

The thing is they have stayed quiet and not gotten media attention, while building what appears to be the actual technically best crypto, with a ton of side projects. Or a "full suite of applications" should I say... everyone else has been distracted by shiny objects and MIT pet project coins.

>> No.2221670

Jared will be talking to some very well connected people June 9th. The whole point of these "challenges" is to find investment opportunities for these obscenely wealthy organizations anyway.