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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2220422 No.2220422 [Reply] [Original]

How will you use your wealth to attract a woman?

Would you be content with arm candy - knowing they are only with you due to your wealth?

I personally would find a good, decent woman and never reveal my wealth until I know for sure it's not her primary motive.

>> No.2220471

>Would you be content with arm candy - knowing they are only with you due to your wealth?

I'm not ugly and am /fit/, so I don't need to worry about this.

>> No.2220486

everything is solved by getting a prenuptial agreement

You don't have to hide your wealth. She just needs to know that your wealth is your wealth and she only gets gifts, nothing else.

Not saying you should be a stingy jew either. Take care of her. Provide her with a great life and set her up. When the kids come, you will actually have something even more substantial that will bind the family together. Never allow money to be the foundation of a family unit... and the best way to prevent this is a prenup.

If she doesn't understand your logic here, then she is not worth bearing your children. Cum and dump.

>> No.2220559
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How come more rich guys don't have kids with/cohabitate with multiple partners?

Is there some downside I'm overlooking?

You never officially marry any of them just have a commitment ceremony or some gay shit.

>> No.2220562

marry someone with equivalent net worth

>> No.2220589 [DELETED] 


>> No.2220608

3DPD, not even once!

>> No.2220620
File: 304 KB, 1149x832, HungryHelper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd flash my private[key]s at them, bang 'em in their bang-holes with my private[key]s, then leave them on the side of the road dirty and used.

That's what you get for you/your friend ignoring the class nerd in high school, bitch! Now your sister can come over and suck my cock for a pittance of my cryptomemes too!

>> No.2221085

>Would you be content with arm candy - knowing they are only with you due to your wealth?

Women are supposed to look for men with resources. Because - this is the natural set up that life and this realm of existence has created.

The man provides the resources needed for a woman to raise her children. This includes both genetic resources and material resources. Women choose which men to mate with in order to optimize and make the best humans possible.

So all of you faggots complaining that women only marry for money, you are...partially right. But its not because they are "heartless" or soulless, or something. It's a matter of practicality and of keeping civilization great. If women hooked up with men who couldnt provide, and passed those shitty genes on, then civilization would collapse.

In terms of how you reveal your wealth to her - set up a nice cozy bachelor pad in your apartment. Find a nice good woman (or the best you can). Bring her there, have great sex with her, give her gifts, flash your wealth a bit, and then wallah - she's your wife if you want it. But you gotta have the money first.

Life is unfortunately pay to play...

>> No.2221095

I want a bf.

>> No.2221099
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>everything is solved by getting a prenuptial agreement

>> No.2221435

Are you a dude or a chick?

>> No.2221523

There's a few things to take into consideration.
Your age and the age of the woman you'd feel comfortable with. Too big an age gap is arm candy territory.
Kids - do you want the traditional family lifestyle? Do you mind if she already has a kid? I find that in a lot cases, single mothers are a lot more settled than their childless counterparts who fuck strangers on a whim.
Finances - do you want to make your money first so that you can relax and have a stress free life with your woman or would you prefer that you're both active and working together to become wealthier.
Education - are you an intelligent man who needs a woman to at least be able to hold a decent conversation about current events and not just the shit they're spoonfed on facebrick?
Libido - Do you need/want sex on tap and do you expect her to be up for it every day? Almost impossible to know until you're at least many months into a relationship. Recommend spending time apart and communicating online, it will help to develop your conversations to new levels. If you can't do this then it may fail badly when you realise you're dating a complete stranger of the opposite sex.

Just a few things to consider in regards your longlasting happiness.

>> No.2221653


>> No.2221665

woah this board as really been invaded by the rest of the site these days, used to be the only one without those kind of losers threads (except the occasional "how much to get girl in pic related' )

>> No.2221666

Women are a meme.

>> No.2221708

these crypto threads have brought in a lot of idiots from the other boards. They're autistic

>> No.2221725

>If women hooked up with men who couldnt provide, and passed those shitty genes on, then civilization would collapse.
This is why welfare is bad.

>> No.2221747

I found my dreamwoman already while poor and get rich with her by my side

>> No.2221749


avoid golddiggers who are looking to divorce rape though. show enough wealth to show you can provide a comfortable life, but not enough to make her think she could divorce you and be set for life.

>> No.2221756

>oh my lambo? it's a hand-me-down from my older brother. I actually don't make much.

>> No.2221786

I won't use it like that.
Like fuck I just want a modest 6-7/10 woman to love for life for fucks sake. I'm not asking for the fucking universe.

>> No.2221790

You're delusional if you believe this. Prenups can get thrown out for many reasons. If you have enough money, your wife will hire a lawyer and get that money no matter how much effort it takes.

>> No.2221799

wut is alimony

>> No.2221806

How will she afford one? You just get a better lawyer. Get a whole team of lawyers.

Or, if you know she's after it, spend it all/give it away. If you can't have your money, no one can.

>> No.2221813

>Once im a crypto millionaire I can finally get a gf

>> No.2221815

>spend it all/give it away
>dont wanna lose half my shit
>give away all of my shit

>> No.2221818
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Good thing I'm a faggot, so I'll just use my wealth to attract another wealthy faggot and then we can be wealthy faggots together. Living the neoliberal dream. Maybe we'll go to Malawi and adopt a nigger. Then I'll die of meth addiction and AIDS at age 48 in a San Francisco hostel after cashing in all my reddcoin for poppers.

>> No.2221824
File: 19 KB, 215x400, 4c5df2999765581f87d4dc554a6bffe9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i could , i would pretend i was poor .

no challenge shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.2221829

>How come more rich guys don't have kids with/cohabitate with multiple partners?

4 fertile women == 4 periods each month. Not worth it, bro.

>> No.2221830

Im that spiteful. Id rather not lose half my shit, but if she's being a bitch about it I'd fuck both of us over so she can't have it. I'll be able to pick myself up after and still have a good life.

>> No.2221882
File: 56 KB, 720x644, 1491315699523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't tell women of my wealth

long story short, I'm single

>> No.2221902


>> No.2221983
File: 34 KB, 640x360, 141113210519-ac-ridiculist-anderson-cooper-candle-pranked-by-staff-00020613-story-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see a rich gay guy all I can think is what a fucking waste it is.

I mean he was going to have tons of butt sex anyway. The money changed nothing.

If he was straight though then he'd be getting much more/better pussy than before.

tl;dr: gay men, why do they need money? for more butt lube?

>> No.2222072

>use your wealth to attract a woman
You are so blue pilled OP

>> No.2222164


Believe it or not not everyone intends to have children (which is the only purpose of sex).

>> No.2222238
File: 28 KB, 800x450, dkgxqojk3zrbxshpwzjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're either a monk or a frigid woman.

>> No.2222291

Well gay people don't have to spend cash on whores (unless they're ugly)

Which means more money for all the other nice things in life like yachts and cool real estate.