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22203958 No.22203958 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the catch? Do I really earn an easy 8% interest if if just shove all my crypto on this?
what could backfire?
Why does no one on /biz/ talk about sites that earn interest like CRO or Celcius

>> No.22204129

Catch is that if they were to go under, you might lose your money. That being said using reputable firms like Crypto.com, BlockFi, Nexo, etc. is quite safe imo. People are much more likely to lose their private keys.

These are great options for HODLers

>> No.22204169

8% p.a?

>> No.22204211

i have about $350,000 in cold storage. Should i just transfer all of it to Crypto.com, Blockfi, and Nexo then?

>> No.22204239
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Yeah, p.a., picture has full list of interest rates on crypto.com

>> No.22204274

Well I would.

>> No.22204308
File: 122 KB, 452x391, 2BD0CC12-64A2-4609-8E2F-0E30825E02C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made $10k on my link stack staked at 6% for three months
Faggots on here love to fud Crypto.com for some reason but I like them a lot the Visa card is cool
Considering doing another three month term but was looking into DeFi staking options as apparently risking my link on a centralised exchange makes me a fucking retard according to /biz/ pussy fart financial
I haven’t found any that can match 6% on stinks yet though any suggestions

>> No.22204342

8% isn't much though, I could just buy an appartment and rent it for 8% or more

>> No.22204383

>I haven’t found any that can match 6% on stinks yet though any suggestions

You haven't looked very hard then.
Deposit Link on AAVE, get aLINK.
Deposit aLINK on yearn earn 45% APY.

>> No.22204457

Ive heard about this but in the last thread it got torn down by spergs saying it’s too risky because the devs will cuck me somehow

>> No.22204474

Well you can get up to 14% on stablecoins. Up to 8.5% for btc.

If you buy an apartment you won't be able to keep your crypto and will lose out if it pumps.

>> No.22204537

There’s a max cap on much you can put on, link is only $1000 maxcap

>> No.22204606

Man, you know why people things this is a scam, because of it's name.
Crypto.com sounds like those early Internet catchy websites with generic names like eg: porn.com, but this shit is legit, has been out for a while, buying system is the Best, no fees atm, safe wallet and a ton of benefits.
If you are not using crypto.com you are Either retard or dont want to make it.

>> No.22204646

List QNT you crypto.com fuckers!

>> No.22204650

Oh so you meant that you just stake your link on crypto.com for 8% ? or do you need to stake their own token?
desu not comfy with either, can't sell my link because I don't want to miss on the 4th IR and won't send them to a centralized exchange because not retarded.
I could time at least 1 perfect x2 swing a year in crypto, some are obvious as fuck if you lurk here 24/7... Last year it was matic, this year hashgraph did a x2 after google news, lately sxp did x4 after binance acquisition (sxp doesn't count since link was also mooning then...) but you get the point... just lurking for news like binance acquision or google or coinbase listing can get you 1 x2 a year, even a simple +10% is easy as fuck to do in crypto, and less chance to lose your linkies to crypto.com

>> No.22204683 [DELETED] 

8% each 3 months?

>> No.22204696

I mean the risk is as high as leaving it in crypto.com imo.

AAVE and yeanr have been audited so should be safe in theory.
But obviously this is crypto, shit gets hacked left and right, so it's up to you to decide.
But considering one gives you like 7-8x returns atm I know which one i'd pick.
You could expose yourself for just 1 month vs 8 months for the same returns.

>> No.22204706

>buy an apartment
ok boomer

>> No.22204802

>the risk is as high as leaving it in crypto.com imo
The Best analogy to this is, using crypto.com is like saving your money in a bank, while aave it's like putting your money under the bed of your jew neighbor.
There is no comparation point.

>> No.22205020

I disagree with that analogy, considering Aave is decentralized, overcolaterized and insurable.
But everyone sees it differently and that's fine.
Plus you can get insurance on not just aave but yearn now too.

>> No.22205078

Can you redpill me on AAVE and Yearn please? How do you make your money? Do they lend it to others for interest? is it all automated by a smart contract so that they can't go all kike ? What if I stake my link there and they lend it to others and those people don't pay it back and it moons?

>> No.22205342

On Aave if they don't pay it back or their colateral falls in value, and goes below a certain percentage of their loan value, their colateral get liquidated to pay back the lender in whole.
Yearn vault just automates everything to earn the best possible yield on your investment, and pays it back into the vault for the vault asset.

>> No.22205638

been staking for 1.5years without issues. Free spotify and netflix since then

>> No.22205771

Ok, I really need to catch up on crypto, accumulated 50k link through 2017-2018 and stopped checking how new stuff works, so theoretically the only point of failure to lose your funds is if their smart contract contains an exploit and some hacker steals everything? I mean that from a financial point of view you can't lose your funds if the smart contract itself is secure? (like if a bank goes bankrupt because lots of people are cashing out and it needs the central bank to save it by printing funds)

>> No.22205827

Yearn doesn't give anything like 7-8x. Maybe 40% APY.

>> No.22205861


Swipe gives something as well I believe. I don't remember the exact details. It might only be on the SXP token but its like 12%

>> No.22205901

Not all, I'd say about 25% for a start is good. eggs and basket and all that.

>> No.22205919


Is it really 45% APR right now? I tried finding the exact info for the vaults before I put anything in it and couldn't get find anything

>> No.22206102

No thats a load of bollocks...

There is a max stake and its $1 mil total crypto in their earn plan you moron. Learn to read.

>> No.22206176

I have my 15k link on there earning 6% pa and also 18% on 50k cro

Been pretty comfy till now

>> No.22206284

Would it be better to take a 50% stablecoin loan against link right now and buy more or just deposit it in the yfi vault? I'm leaning towards the former.

>> No.22206769

This will bust. Get out till you still can.

>> No.22207229
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those are old rates
it's better to use celsius/nexo now

>> No.22207258

>if they were to go under, you might lose your money
Aren't your funds assured?

>> No.22207301

>I have my 15k link on there earning 6% pa and also 18% on 50k cro
aren't you afraid of your Linkies being stolen?