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File: 165 KB, 1024x988, 1599218620069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22203290 No.22203290 [Reply] [Original]

chop chop, time for work. it's friday, that means you get 2 whole days before you have to be back in the wage cage. (no, the company does not recognize labor day as a paid holiday. you should be GRATEFUL to even have a job in this economy!)

>> No.22203423

>Be a NEET
>Don't have to wash your hands ever
>Take a shit, don't wash your hands
>Go out into public to collect wagies' tribute
>Touch every surface and spray your germs everywhere while yawning
>Return home
>Disinfect hands

>> No.22203454
File: 183 KB, 1190x1114, 1509866798512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats quite the soul crushing ad innit

>> No.22203500

Britain is a dark dystopian fantasy come to life

>> No.22203504

New norf tech ads?

>> No.22203522

This ad actually reminds me of lefty memes.

>> No.22203524
File: 708 KB, 1163x617, 1552182915174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wagie nightmarish stuff
>"protect the little things we love"
The absolute state of anglo goyim lmao

>> No.22203528


“Choose a life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers... Choose DSY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away in the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself, choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?”

Ads about covid shouldn't make me want to listen to Fitter Happier on loop and start abusing heroin.

>> No.22203575

based trainspotting and radiohead fan

>> No.22203591

Is Irvine Welsh Jewish? He must either be Jewish or a poof who got bullied by football hooligans as a kid, I know he seethed about getting kicked out of a gay little punk band in London. What a cringey faggot, his books are his way of getting back at the Scottish kids who bullied him.

>> No.22203599

Britain is truly the worse place in the world.

>> No.22203652

>Britain is a dark dystopian fantasy come to life
Wagie culture in the US is even worse

>> No.22203664
File: 40 KB, 720x454, POOPOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22203693

i'd rather live in russian countryside and get bullied by mafia/gang members than be middle class in the UK. it combines the worst aspects of every country to have ever existed except for maybe genocide.

>> No.22203715
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>> No.22203762
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> imagine not feeling comfy reading this ad

God I miss the days when you guys were secured from society, relegated to your battle station in your mom's basement playing wow all day long. You did not take a chance at life, you did not socialise, why should you deserve any riches this world has to offer? This whole crypto mania has created monsters. This is just unfair and may I say, quite dangerous

>> No.22203834


>tfw broke the cycle
>tfw 30 and working full time and working a bachelors

I've been working 60 hours a week for nearly 3 years now though to make up for lost ground. Thinking this spring I'm going to take 4 months abroad in Vietnam so I can take 6 classes online, live cheap, and enjoy myself for a while.

>> No.22203844
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>> No.22203849
File: 7 KB, 194x259, 54233241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did you see that ludicrous display last night?
>haha I bet nigger#5 will be shagging a white bird tonight after scoring that belter
>fancy a cheeky nandos?
>did you see [British YouTuber]?
>did you see [British Twitter personality]?
>[Inbetweeners refererence]

>> No.22203874

ESL teaching in Asian countries is the dream bro, go for it.

>> No.22203904

few things are funnier than seeing the ritualistic nigger cattle stampede at exactly 12:00 PM so they can shove their fat faces full of overpriced 2000 calorie fatty and greasy meals before they dejectedly amble back into the wage cage at 1:00 PM sharp.

>y...yes mr. shekelberg

>> No.22203916
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>> No.22203943
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>> No.22204019

Not taken the normie pill yet? Pleb

>> No.22204033

Is this actually real or shopped? I can't tell any more due to how shit UK is.

>> No.22204059
File: 1.38 MB, 1394x1402, Capture+_2020-09-02-21-30-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre a retard. I was out every weekend doing drugs and shagging bitches. Never wagecucking. How does it feel in the wagecage?

Im making 5k a month just from my online business alone. Yourejust coping hard

>> No.22204062

I would rather blow my brains out than have to live as a normie. Clubbing is gay, dating roasties is even more gay, watching niggers kick a ball around is even gayer, the copy/paste NPC dialogue is slightly less gay than that.

>> No.22204156

stay poor incel

>> No.22204163
File: 1.59 MB, 1656x1243, 1595789030414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The minds behind the poster know that at a certain level, the poster is entirely ironic and meant to poke fun of and demean the worker bees.

>> No.22204338

criminally underrated poast

also the uk is a dystopic nanny state soma-pill nightmare
the only news we have is either COVID or RACISM

>> No.22204415

a modern day King

>> No.22204490

>seeing your second family

At best I am completely indifference to my coworkers. At worst I absolutely hate them.

>> No.22204498


You think I could do that while still a student man? I'm working on a Bachelors in IT, but I really like teaching. I could see myself teaching English for a year or two. I'll be like 32 at that point, but fuck it, my life path is already weird, and people think I'm mid 20s anyways, so I can get away with it.

>> No.22204579

Doubtful. Marketing people actually feed on human interaction; they crave it like a fly craves dung.

To be fair, offices make a number of worker bees more efficient; it distracts them from the home life that they would otherwise prioritize over their humdrum excel sheets.

>> No.22204653
File: 14 KB, 500x374, images (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it's saying that you should have two sets of families to work and provide for.

>> No.22204664

>describes literally hell
>help us save this lovely stuff by doing this completely useless thing
how are peoples heads not exploding from this barrage of nonsense?

>> No.22204684

Good on you mate. Don’t listen to the doubters. Never too late. I was/am a huge pothead and fucked around for years in college. Finally graduated at 27. Got my first job at 28 because it was 2011 and jobs were scarce. Then I finally met a girl online at 30. I got married at 32. I had my first son at 35. 36 now and doing pretty good. Make $90k and get to work from home.

What I’m saying is that if you work hard you will succeed eventually.

>> No.22204715

I know a guy whose company schedules early Sunday morning virtual meetings

>> No.22204741

Good wagie, the flouride is working quite well on you

>> No.22204773

normies are so demoralized, they convince themselves that they actually enjoy urban/suburban office life. they honestly THINK they're happy paying $1500/month to live in a cuckshed or $2000/mo to live in a 1200 square foot house with no yard, commuting 1 hour each way to sit in a freezing cold or burning hot office in business casual wageslave garb just to click buttons 8 hours a day or attend pointless meetings, all in exchange for a barely livable wage.

>> No.22204848

>no, the company does not recognize labor day as a paid holiday
This is a wagie cope but my company offers me 1 week a year of paid vacations on top of the country mandated 2 weeks. And labor day is paid for and a free day.

It's truly awful seeing how bad wagies have it in the US.

t. third worlder

>> No.22204860

What’s my alternative faggot?

>inb4 start a business
It will fail with 90% certainty.

>> No.22204881


Still working the gf angle but I dated around a lot for the first time this year. I want something long term but anticipate some moves in the next couple years so I'm not really allowing myself to get too attached. I'm a little late, but its weird to see people my age essentially submit themselves to a life of mediocrity when all it takes is some fucking dedication and a goal.

>> No.22204944

find a job that lets you work remotely. if you're autistic and love to code you're in luck. if you're in another field of work it's much harder. i work in accounting, i've decided i'll search very hard when i job hop for something that lets me work remotely, even if i have to take a pay cut.

>> No.22204988


>> No.22205013

>Then I met a girl online at 30
That's exactly what we mean when we say that you'll never make it - the best you can hope for is a used up post-prime roastie from the internet (which means she is definitely mentally ill). You didn't make it, bro.

>> No.22205029
File: 11 KB, 382x132, magmachamber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more inspiring

>> No.22205096


Cucking and taking that black cock. Thanks, Britain!

>> No.22205213

>the trouble with $local_team is they always try to walk it in

>> No.22205311

unless you are brown then you get free everything

>> No.22205324

>nearly friday, this week flew in
>Still Game reference
>Limmy's show reference
>I should really start bringing my own lunches, but it's finding the time to do it you know
>Done much over the weekend?
>Seen anything good on Goyflix recently?

>> No.22205328

I was 30 and she was 22 retard. She’s a devout catholic and only had like two bfs before me.

>> No.22205386

>and only had like two bfs before me


>> No.22205426
File: 63 KB, 620x387, magaluff-alamy3_3331368b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot about the Still Game references, lol.

>something about Magaluf
>don't care if me missus dances with another bloke in the club, just as long as she's home with me at the end of the night. Simple as.

>> No.22205449
File: 909 KB, 1668x2280, britishwomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic.

>> No.22205463

This post was always such a larp, 24-26 everyone is getting married? I don't fucking think so.

>> No.22205551
File: 82 KB, 625x626, 1588344504418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jfc this boomerposter. do not do this

>> No.22205626

>what was $team_manager THINKING sending $nig_05 on that early?

>> No.22205665
File: 25 KB, 958x666, Globino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22205675

She cooks, cleans, does my laundry and takes care of the baby. Enjoy being a lonely sperg.

>> No.22205684

>they just bought two $nig_striker and didn't put any of them on when they were one behind, $team_manager needs to go!

>> No.22205691

Dude, your "devout Catholic" wife got railed by two other guys before you AND she was on the internet acquiring countless orbiters like yourself. Why on Earth would you do this to yourself, do you have no self esteem?

>> No.22205698

That’s cool if she’s telling the truth anon. But keep in mind catholic girls are often ‘broken’ after one guy. Maybe you were one of the lucky ones who didn’t find a slut.

>> No.22205735

At the end of the day we’re all looking for this..
Hope it works out.

>> No.22205741

She was online dating because she had a full time job in a new city and prefers to sit at home on the weekend. Jesus Christ why am I explaining myself to a loser autist on 4chan. Peace out faggot.

>> No.22205788
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're the one who emotionally committed himself to a girl who has been another dude's cumdumpster (while she larps as a devout Catholic)
>I'm the loser

>> No.22205806

just learn to code you fucking neets. look at the bootcamps. you can find so many "jobs" that only take like 10 hours per week.

>> No.22205856

Unironically have sex

>> No.22205887

>all the women in my life are trash so it must be the same for everyone

>> No.22205898

lmao. you're on 4chan too lmaoooo xD

stupid cunt.

>> No.22205927
File: 11 KB, 220x192, concernedApu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Nigga trying to give hope to people that didn't follow the flowchart of highschool > college > job > wife > senpai

You blackpilled faggots need some boomer tier optimism

>> No.22205928

coding for a living is pure fucking torture my man. i have an analytical mind, STEM bachelors, etc. i still want to blow my fucking brains out if i have to spend more than 30 minutes coding a script. can't imagine sitting down and looking at or writing code 40 hours a fuckin week.

>> No.22205956

But he literally said that his wife had sex with two guys before him, dumb dumb.

>bro stop having standards for women! just submit yourself to women and you'll realise it's not so bad being the guy who takes care of a girl after she rode the cock carousel!

>> No.22205971

I am a fellow neet, mind telling me in general terms, without giving away your alpha, what does your business do? I'm gathering ideas on what to do myself. I'm not going back to waging, fuck that noise.

>> No.22206021

Here's some advice; "running a business" pays less and is more stressful than being a wagie. Internet hustlers make wagies look like leisure-loving NEET aristocrats.

>> No.22206058

I agree coding all day long for (more than) 40 hours a week is fucked but 30 minutes? What's wrong with you? Why are you so pathetically weak?

>> No.22206216

Lol, did I just ruin this guy's marriage? UH OH STINKY

>> No.22206234
File: 1.40 MB, 1080x670, Screenshot_20200904-151937_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

London yes.

99% white villages in the North are maximum /comfy/

>> No.22206278

it's not weakness to have likes and dislikes. code is a tool. i don't want to spend 40 hours a day hitting things with a hammer.

>> No.22206309

You just don't understand British humor.

>> No.22206339

I actually enjoy coding but I can't actually do it as my job. It's painful knowing that.

>> No.22206401

Same here. I know two programming languages but I'd never spend all day long doing that shit.

I never said anything about 40 hours a week. I was talking about coding a shitty script for 30 minutes as you mentioned.

>> No.22206406

Pathetic, you just want a second mother. The only positive traits you can name about your wife are the same as a maid or your mom. Nothing about her personality or her caring heart/soul at all. This is why the majority of men don’t stay with their wives if they get a serious illness or disability. They just want a second mom/maid to look after them and to fuck, men these days don’t know what love is.

>> No.22206451
File: 78 KB, 460x562, 1588351530414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pain and misery that will likely come from that divorce and possible destruction of bonds between the children and their father will blackpill that man deeper and darker than I ever could have. the family court system will ensure maximum darkness.

you have been warned.
t. I was warned and did not listen

>> No.22206455

they can never be optimistic as they decided to give up on life.
dont let blackpilled doomer defeatists bring you down anons, dont fall for their crab bucket mentality, they want others to fail like they „did” because they never even tried, they failed by assuming they cannot make anything meaningful of their life. dont make this mistake, the cycle can be broken

>> No.22206468

The guy you're replying to is a literal cuckold but you're gay. I don't care about her "heart and soul" (as if women have such a thing), I just want a good mother for my child who hasn't been used as a cumdumpster by other dudes. I don't want the mother of my child kissing my kids with the same mouth she used to suck off some guy.

>> No.22206485

Have sex oh wait you can't because your genes are repulsive

>> No.22206490

Tits or gtfo
Make me a sandwich, while you’re at it.

>> No.22206512

If reading this doesn't invoke an urge to totally and utterly destroy the modern world then you are too far gone.

>> No.22206523

>Someone points out that you guys are literal cuckolds
>Your response is that they should become cuckolds

>> No.22206548

Are those alpacas?

>> No.22206567

>no actual work mentioned at all aside from emails

Yep, this describes the average female desk wagie 100%

>> No.22206568

>persuasion is 90% visual
>shorter is more effective
>only use affirmative language
>its a fucking transit ad so it should be very brief and to the point
>its a giant fucking wall of text packed with negativity on a hideous flat green bg

I can only assume the head of marketing was some tiny little lentil brain retard indian woman because muh diversity but holy shit, it's like it's bad on purpose

>> No.22206570
File: 50 KB, 515x515, 1572952500709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they trying to make people jump on to the tracks?

>> No.22206575

Tell me about it. 12 years alimony for me. also, almost lost custody due to numerous false allegation of abuse. system is stacked against dudes, bros

>> No.22206588

Wtf. Go touch up your kids pedophile

>> No.22206589

How about the fact that most of the guys on 4chan are content to marry another dude's cumdumpster? It used to be that practically everyone on 4chan would laugh at people who did this. These aren't even normies that have invaded this place, they're just outright fucking losers - people who were simultaneously too dysfunctional to be a normie and too low IQ to be a redpilled NEET aristocrat.

>> No.22206643


I never said shit about getting married. I'll have a child out of wedlock fuck it. I'm still a good 3-5 years from that being a possibility though. Plenty of time to stack metals and bury them somewhere without ever telling anyone in case my future GF gets any funny ideas about taking my money.

>> No.22206648

>wahhh I don’t want to pay for the children I created
Men are literally the biggest gold diggers

>> No.22206663

i dont get into LTRs but entering relationship with a woman who had previous partners is not cuckold. how many partners is a matter of standards though, but dreams of virgin traddy beautiful waifu are as unrealistic and pathetic as being a real cuckold who lets his woman fuck other men

>> No.22206673

Lmao baited you fags way too easy. I’ve never touched a boob and haven’t left the house for years.

>> No.22206724

Think about that next time you reply with "have sex incel" to someone who has standards for a prospective wife. 100% your fault for marrying a whore - totally avoidable catastrophe which happened because you're a fucking manchild who would rather be romantic with a cumdumpster than live alone.

>> No.22206748
File: 42 KB, 500x322, 2FA2781F-0E55-4EE9-9890-44053D573DDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop I go back to Uni next week

>> No.22206758

>Not entering a relationship with a woman who has had sex with other men is just as bad as cuckoldry

>> No.22206765

Aka big Chinese cock

>> No.22206786

>I was only pretending to be successful

>> No.22206818

Ha! Jokes on us

>> No.22206821

The stuff about the devout Catholic who has "only" had 2 bfs was what made it seem real for me, chief.

>> No.22206826

No idea? Maybe sheep that were recently shaved

>> No.22206888

>let me intentionally paraphrase his words in a wrong way to fit my argument im sure he wont notice

>> No.22206994
File: 96 KB, 867x685, 1570480532951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The North needs to secede from the rest of the country and close the borders. Newcastle and Scotland can fuck off too.

>> No.22207060

>devout catholic
>only had like two bfs before me.
lmao you cant make this shit up

>> No.22207110
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, 1588350892611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry you had to go through that too, the family court experience made me want to take an uzi with me on the freeway and kill everyone indiscriminately as we all sat waiting in traffic to get to work. i've read a lot of dystopian books, but the family court system is so dark and filled with complete indifference to your and your children lives that there were many times I thought I was literally in hell.

i paid for both my lawyer and hers. i paid for every single court visit. the court paid for her therapist and grief counselor. ultimately, the money was burnt and didn't mean anything. i actually went into personal debt just to keep fighting for 50/50 custody because she wanted only weekends, which means she got more money and i saw my children less. i just cared about my children and trying to fight my ex without destroying those bonds in the process.

my ex came from a conservative background, volunteered with the Republican party and had parents who are still together. it does not matter who the female is when the state gives each one of them a loaded gun to your head, which is no fault divorce, that they can pull the trigger on at any time for any or no reason. mine was irreconcilable differences.

t. network security engineer at a big company who now gives 2/3 of my large income to the state and my ex.

>> No.22207138
File: 56 KB, 798x418, 57945eb5-5abb-489a-8a59-aa31139c3840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dreams of a monogamous relationship in which your wife doesn't fuck black guys is as unrealistic and pathetic as-

(pic-related, some whore(your wife)'s boots)

>> No.22207285

Did I say your wife should be a Republican, a conservative, a church-going Christian, etc? No. I said virgin. You deserved everything that happened firstly because you married a non-virgin and secondly because you were a porn addict before and during your marriage.

>> No.22207667

you will learn by wisdom or experience. nobody here will visit your grave or even cares if you exist, only yourself. plan accordingly

>> No.22207961

Where is that?

>> No.22207992

Can confirm, though estate building is turning them urban without the infrastructure to support it.

>> No.22208030

>devout catholic
>only had like two bfs before me

>> No.22208083

>you will learn to accept your place as a cuckold by wisdom or experience, as I have. By the time I die, my wife will no longer be busy fantasising about her past lovers and she'll maybe post about my death on social media for attention or something, idk

>> No.22208121
File: 80 KB, 1333x900, 1596191154420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little things we love


>> No.22208407

hey that's unironically my town

>> No.22208441


>> No.22208626
File: 10 KB, 621x111, PT Logo@3x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest in power trade when the sale goes on

>> No.22208731

Absolutely beautiful. Do you live there?

>> No.22208769

Ah being stupid. Have you taken the time to mediate in the church? Highly recommended ;)

>> No.22208778

Get drunk. Find yourself talking to a man in an unmarked van. Abuse ecstasy. Find bliss in a 909 kick. Make out with a stranger. Snort ketamine during the comedown and end up at some random person's house smoking weed and talking about Maid in Manhattan until noon. Fall asleep on their couch. Go to a rooftop, watch the sunset, invite your new friend. Drink cheap champagne with a group of friends you love. Order a pizza. Make plans to all do acid together in the wilderness. Go home and sleep for 14 hours.

Go to your job and when people ask you what you did this weekend, say "not too much."

>> No.22209020

I broken the cycle by making almost 15 years worth of wagie salary from crypto. Still neeting it up, working remotely on passion projects with fellow minded online friends, and will never wage again. Feels comfy, fuck the system