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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22201254 No.22201254 [Reply] [Original]

What time do Americans generally wake up? Is it just whenever their farmer rings the bell to let them know that their slop trough has been filled up?

>> No.22201288
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Perhaps the better question is this; how long does it take an American to lift himself out of bed and waddle over to his computer?

>> No.22201338

I’m American
Still lol’d
7-9am EST depends on where you live

>> No.22201401

So they'll reach their trading stations in around 5 hours. We have 5 hours to SELL SELL SELL.

>> No.22201420

Europoors cannot escape their birthed caste. Truly a shame. Hopefully one of your descendents will make it to America.

>> No.22201485
File: 93 KB, 500x825, E16F29FC-46EA-44D6-AF75-EDDA026A752C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans start getting up now

>> No.22201517

Hope they didn't see the dump and we go up now

>> No.22201540

I'm american, just got up and I'm selling everything seeya boys!

>> No.22201579

So we still have a few hours for them to get out of bed and walk to their computer.

>> No.22201627
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Which country are you from? One that we saved (twice) in World Wars or one that we defeated (twice) in World Wars?

>> No.22201821

holy shit op btfo'd

>> No.22201998

white people are the lowest caste in america. Fag

>> No.22202009

"we?" maybe your grandpa did... and where did that get us? White replacement immigration. Nice job

>> No.22202014

Smells like curry and shit stains over here. Enjoying your migrants?

>> No.22202327

Your grandpa doomed us all to a world of ZOG wageslavery and child trannies.

t. A Scot - you probably jerk off to the idea of being 1/8th Scottish, mutt

>> No.22202348

What are Americans thinking when they make fun of 80% White countries while theirs is less than 50%?

>> No.22202355

^^^ this

>> No.22202356

Once you can smell the hamburgers you know it’s time to go

>> No.22202463

QFT. The mutt golems are one of the most feisty festering furuncles at the rosy pink rim of humanities asshole.

>> No.22202490

>be me
>be american
>check /biz/ in the morning
>click first thread i see
>someone's butthurt about america again
>begin reading thread
>lots of cope from people who wish they were american
>make this green text
>exit thread with no intention of returning to read responses
>being american is epic

>> No.22202637
File: 70 KB, 1024x797, 1597682285458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean you turned a 3:1 lead into a 4:1 lead, beat up some nazis that were already on their last legs and then decalred yourself country of the match? Seems about right, should have stayed on your island.

>> No.22202665
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How's that 'Queen' thing working out for ya?
If it wasnt for my grandpa, you'd still be turning up turnips and wheat for your fief masters you eternally ungrateful blaggards. Go find Nessie while your at it.

>> No.22202708

americans are better posters than almost every other country

>> No.22202746

Cope more, thirdworlder

>> No.22202753

Well it looks like they're up, lads. The market crashes NOW.

>> No.22202898
File: 45 KB, 486x1024, 1581584541254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you foreigners are funny you're all speaking our language on an American website while trading cryptos that we invented in a world that we pretty much own. Feels great to be a burger.

>> No.22202984

Name a relevant cryptocurrency invented by an American.
BTC? nope
ETH? nope
polkadot? nope

>> No.22203002
File: 75 KB, 482x427, 1596148810705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I even bother buying crypto when the mutts are just going to dump it again every fucking time

>> No.22203015
File: 53 KB, 500x694, 2087b948cb0ff57bb58aa17b57adec51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're speaking the king's English, mutt.

>> No.22203045
File: 9 KB, 225x225, amerimutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
