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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22197296 No.22197296 [Reply] [Original]

This is scary. I predicted the March crash, the rebound and September crash. How do I profit off this?

>> No.22197308
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Buy now?

>> No.22197314


>> No.22197332

Say "LINK $1K EOY" repeatedly

>> No.22197336

Trust your own "predictions". Otherwise, you are just talking out of your arse.

>> No.22197368

How to profit from predictions? That's the dumbest question. If you believe in them just invest by them.

>> No.22197373
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So then I think we both know what comes next.

>> No.22197382

>"""predicting""" something that was obviously going to happen
not fucking hard to do if you know what the kikes are doing and planning
>how do i profit
you're an idiot. i swear /biz/ does zero research and for the most part are full of complete retards.

>> No.22197393

buy puts

>> No.22197411

lol. nah. ARPA is the path to riches.

>> No.22197417
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oracle fren is the blood stop or keep goin

>> No.22197439

how much SUTER for the confidence to attract a gf among this tier?

>> No.22197481

I'm scared that I will be wrong this time and it goes the other way. I do think we have yet to find the bottom for BTC and other markets. March crash wasn't a real capitulation, since it was mostly caused by Shitmex liquidations.

>> No.22197833

FLETA hasn't faired too badly. I'd suggest stocking up and staking whilst the gas fees and uncertainty around Eth clear up

>> No.22197855

is it cheaper gas fees than eth?

>> No.22197859

If you need to ask how you profit from this you haven't actually predicted anything and is probably a schizo.

>> No.22197904

>september crash

>> No.22197947

yeah bro, next to nothing and super fast tx
good APYs also

>> No.22198053

>had lots of cash back in March
>didn't buy cause was going to use cash soon for major purchase, was worried about lost
I was such a pussy, I fucking hate myself

>> No.22198185

>5 %
Anon, I lost 25 % of my money overnight.

>> No.22198212

>he didn't lose 50% in 2 days
get on my level

>> No.22198223
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how? if you're an actual trader you wouldn't lose this much, if you are a gambler (options or crypto """trading""") then i can understand.