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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 32 KB, 400x400, 20200901_005244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22195780 No.22195780 [Reply] [Original]

Vitalik just retweeted that this guy died.
WTF hes dead on about current situation without being Karl Marx. Fucking scumbag boomers did this to us bros fuck. No one, not even the working poor should be working more than 4-5 hours a day 3-5 days a week.


>> No.22195899
File: 140 KB, 800x664, JTA-serve-Jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the FUCK back in the office wagie, your coronavirus vacation is OVER and your unauthorised leave will be deducted from your pay. Mr shekelstein is getting a new harem of impoverished desperate white shiksas and you need to pull 80 hour weeks to pay for it, you filthy fucking goy golem.

>> No.22196003
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This is why Jesus said these kind of rabbis would just go to hell, it's not even a Jewish conspiracy it's a Satanic one. Spiritually dead men pretending to serve a God that they don't even truly understand or have even met in the first place.

A tale as old as time.

Praise Jesus.

>> No.22196018

So what the fuck happened?
he shilling MPC tech again?

>> No.22196063

>wants to work 4 hours a day 3 days a week
>wants a civilization

pick one moron

>> No.22196078

>it's not even a Jewish conspiracy it's a Satanic one
The eternal christcuck strikes again.

>> No.22196199
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Even in their own scriptures it talks of the numerous times that the Jewish people (ethnically) went and served other gods and even sacrificed their own children to do so (among other things), much to their own detriment later. If THEIR OWN holy books speak of this being a recurring pattern in their history , why do we expect this situation to be any different given the circumstances?

Glory be to God

>> No.22196242

I think you missed the point. All those jobs that literally dont need to exist would allow the jobs that do need to exist (police, nurse, garbage collector, pizzaman, drivers, etc) to not work as much. Literally everyone could be 2 x 12 hours a week, and everything else automated. Then if you wanted more luxury you could work more, but since even the poor wouldnt have it that bad only some would.

>> No.22196277

The problem is that people want to compete for resources to make their lives better. People don’t want resources distributed equally.

>> No.22196302
File: 97 KB, 907x447, yahwehasherah4(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude even kikes know they're shitty that's why it's not even their fault it's the fault of the adversary from their bronze age fairy tales lmao
(((yahweh))) isn't real, it's just the most effective kike psyop. Deal with it, christkike.

>> No.22196338

I'm really surprised I don't see people bring up Yahweh's origins more. It honestly feels like a complete checkmate against christfags.

>> No.22196413

I don't want this thread to go off topic any further really, but normally when you bring up that he was part of a pantheon their NPC programming kicks in and they start screaming about how the others weren't gods they were just demons (or nephilim) that yahweh (himself a conflation of multiple gods) tolerated for some unknown reason.
It's not important though trust the jews and just have faith bro :^)

>> No.22196415

How much ARPA does this asian bb hold? Can I visit Beijing or Seoul or Tokyo after Bella Protocol moons and sends ARPA 100x?

>> No.22196668

you really have no idea how much money the super rich are hoarding, do you?

>> No.22196817

Rothchilds 6 trillion
Saud 3 trillion
Soros 1 trillion

>> No.22196891

What would you rather have, to wageslave for 40 years and die knowing you did better than someone or wirk half as much and have a better quality of life. Its a scam

>> No.22197022
File: 32 KB, 550x310, Egbe8z6WkAERhsZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read the paper, it says perfectly what i finally realized a year ago (in my mid-thirties). hope more people read this, it’s really great.

id also like to add a few things:
1. eternal wagies are disgusting people
2. artists arent just a benefit to society, they are the greatest danger to the ruling class, because they wake people up to their own bullshit. that’s why most artists and musicians cant make a living, and that’s also why the cia created modern art and modern music, to destroy both art and music and turn everyone’s minds to mush. (read "the cultural cold war", where the cia admits doing this but then says the reason was "to fight the russkies", kek)
3. you know your thread is meaningful when it gets instantly mobbed by glowniggers arguing about religion.

>> No.22197072

Its also the reason in any commie takeover they immediately put the artists in the gulag first along with acedemics

>> No.22197127

It's not that much, what in assets?

>> No.22197196

This. You cannot checkmate someone with faith, because logic does not apply to faith by definition, or by their definition at least. They *know* that they have communicated with their God/gods and that you are simply misguided, as sure as you know the sun rises every morning. Tide goes in, tide goes out, you can't explain that.
>t. religious mother

>> No.22197256



additionally anon, what matters even more than money is your voice and thats what (they) seek to control. Thats why Lady Gaga and Katy Perry have satanic occult themes and encourage childrens minds to be mush, thats why anyone telling the truth is marginalized, that why real art and music is pushed aside. Your voice matters, even if its just to 10 people on a japanese bridge discussion forum.

>> No.22197264

i kinda think it’s a lot more than that. the irs collects over 3 trillion every year and that money goes almost entirely to the banks to pay down interest on the national debt. so who owns the banks? even poor people hide money so im sure the rich do it too, except they’re masters of it.

>> No.22197275
File: 9 KB, 158x250, 1594130948946s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not even a Jewish conspiracy it's a Satanic one
Congratulations on figuring it out, your IQ is at least 50 points above /pol/.

>> No.22197294

and quoting the article "the elite dont want everybody having all that free time" kek they fucked up even labor intensive jobs have shitloads of free time now.

>> No.22197309

Yeah, Commies, fascists, monarchists, our own capitalist democratic republic of burgerstan, the People's Republic of Commucapitalist China, the used-to-be-Soviet-Union, and probably back through history with any nation-state of reasonable size, it's all just different methodologies of seizing power and controlling people. Some degree of control is needed for large scale management of human beings, and power tends to accumulate no matter how you slice it. Technology seems to offer innovations in decentralizing power, but we can all see how any attempt at decentralization quickly gets invaded by people who already have power and becomes a dick-waving swordfight among said people. I think it's the human condition, don't know any solution.

>> No.22197374
File: 11 KB, 300x200, chairmanmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commies were invented by the rich to make us afraid of workers rights movements. it’s no accident karl marx was from a rich industrialist family. or that chairman mao went to yale and was in the skull and bones.

>> No.22197404

check this out


A huge estate owned by the Rockefellers in Westchester. Think they pay property taxes? Nope, its a trust, which means they control it, but they dont technically own it, they one of the houses they let the plebs look at every summer.

>> No.22197482
File: 72 KB, 861x1024, Marina-Abramovic-And-Jacob-Rothschild-Satan-Summoning-His-Legions_censored-861x1024-1.jpg.optimal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22197584

a better social contract. We give up total freedom to live as a cohesive whole. That means we give up the right to kill and assault without provocation, stealing, not curbing yr dog etc. in exchange we reap the benefits of humans working together. It will never be perfect but with modern tech further decentralization and exponential properity should and will happen.

>> No.22197674

i dont know how to save the world but any individual can improve their life if they just stop believing the bullshit and turn off the tv (or at least the news).

>no corona virus is going to kill you.
>no terrorist or antifa is coming for you.
>no serial killers or pedophiles are coming after your kids.
>no one world government is coming, because it’s already been here for centuries.

the only things you have to worry about are believing their lies (prescription drugs and massive loans are good for you!), and wasting your life doing bullshit you hate instead of what you were born to do.

>> No.22197728
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yes what i was born to do!!!!!!!!
suck cock on grindr!!!!!!!!

>> No.22197763
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, Jeffrey-Epstein-GettyImages-588163060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no pedophiles
>no antifa
>no new world order

Fuck you.

Bros I had no idea /biz/ was infested with literal glowniggers, are they the ones shilling food defi scams? Never posting my blockfolio again except as a humorous larp.

>> No.22197785
File: 301 KB, 1440x1188, IMG_20200904_032141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK you really have to hand it to these assholes, always playing the humble card

>> No.22197917

kek people actually buy it too, many such cases

>> No.22197974

>many prominent kidnappings and serial killings, assassinations and mass murders have been already outed as hoaxes by the elite. if there were real ones then why would they need to manufacture fake ones.
>antifa are just bad actors, and SO ARE THEIR VICTIMS. tptb realized centuries ago they can just use tens of thousands of actors to drive or fake any public sentiment they wanted. it’s no coincidence that acting is an ancient part of jewish culture.
>it’s just the OLD world order that’s always been around. nothing new about it. they’re trying to squeeze you more than ever before, but aside from that not much has changed.

biz is definitely invested with glowniggers, but since it’s impossible to tell who they are you’ll just have think for yourself.

>> No.22198080
File: 92 KB, 112x112, AD3199D2-E400-4660-ADA2-F9A86402FCA4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s all to get the women bro. I don’t want communism because I don’t want some roastie. I need to grind hard to get the women.

>> No.22198095
File: 54 KB, 670x670, 1597994216110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw not sure if yr a glownigger or a schizoposter

>> No.22198118

if thats true then why did i get more ass than a toilet seat when I was 18 and broke

>> No.22198180

Look, insulting me isn’t very persuasive...

>> No.22198204

sorry fren wasnt tryin to insult

>> No.22198242 [DELETED] 

I’m just saying communism doesn’t help me get the women. I’m a 30yr old virgin , (my boomer parents cockblocked me when I was young) so capitalism is the only way I can relive my youth and smash 18yo virgin pussy. Otherwise I’ll be completely miserable the rest of my life.

>> No.22198297
File: 11 KB, 300x218, 1023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you hate being a wage slave for your whole life but your job is construction and maintenance of power generation faculties and is essential

inb4 i know im a small cog and can quit and nothing will happen to power generation

>> No.22198525

Self interested sociopaths will takeover the government as they always do, the more power you give them the easier it will be for them to fuck everyone over.

That's why libertarianism is the better system, it's the only one that doesn't need the leaders to be both benevolent and effective in order to work.

>> No.22198638

Good looks and maybe some level of charisma.
Another reason communism is shit, it removes one of the hierarchy you can climb in order to have access to women. In a capitalist system an ugly guy can still have the hope of getting a high quality woman if he make money, as long as said capitalistic system isn't so corrupt that social rising is possible of course.
In a communistic system if you're born ugly you're out of luck for life, the only way to get high quality woman is to get on top of the government and roughly dominate your fellow men.