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File: 4 KB, 500x500, buy-bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22195348 No.22195348 [Reply] [Original]

Place your bets. What's king shitcoin going to do next?

My bet is that whales will dump it below 10k in about 7 hours hoping to cause a mass sell off.

Can't fucking wait for BTC to die out. Fucking Yahoo of crypto.

>> No.22195709

The fact that bitcoin is still #1 is just a testament that people are buying on brand recognition alone hoping to get rich. There are plenty of projects out there with much higher utility but because it was first to moon thats what everyone buys.

>> No.22195758

An unconfiscatable, decentralized, immutable digital asset is a massive use case. It is the biggest use case, that is why bitcoin is the biggest. All those fancy coins have way larger attack surfaces. Bitcoin is the least volatile cryptocurrency, its where big money goes first.

>> No.22195761

It really is digital gold, useless if not for being a store of value and pretty to look at in the wallet.

>> No.22195782

beartrap get ready to get the ceiling pulled

>> No.22195800

Yahoo is still better than Jewgle though

>> No.22195838
File: 41 KB, 387x425, 20200820_194839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will fill the gap
then it will rise unnaturally to a new ath blowoff top

>> No.22195855

t. discovered crypto in 2017

>> No.22195996

It has the most hashing power behind it of all PoW projects which is unironically massive value.

>> No.22196371

Here is what will happen
>NASDAQ opens red and keeps dumping
>BTC dumps accordingly
>Every other crypto follows
I hate this useless piece of shit

>> No.22196408

NASDAQ will open red and BTC will pump
watch it

>> No.22196461
File: 224 KB, 521x937, 1598199969284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Future suicide. 10k new Cape Canaveral. Don't let the light and noise overwhelm you as you raise your eyes to the sky in October.

>> No.22196543

100k unironically
just bought 2 more btc after this dip
you kids can say all you want, tech of new crypto is fancy and cool and blablabla but you cannot even do a basic calculation of supply and demand.
BTC and ETH, the rest is just noise, will buy some AVA just in case.
1 month BTC mined amount is sold in two days, guys this is probably the first economy lesson, DON’T FUCK IT UP

>> No.22196583

he fact that so many anon still name Bitcoin "the greatest or most significant or most influential" cryptocurrency ever only tells you how far cryptocurrency still is from becoming a serious alternative. Stocks critics have long recognized that the greatest stock of all times are AMD and Apple, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Metals critics rank the highly controversial Silver over metals who were highly popular around Europe. Cryptocurrency critics are still blinded by commercial success: Bitcoin sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore it must have been the greatest. Stocks critics grow up trading to a lot of stocks of the past, Metals critics grow up trading to a lot of metals of the past. Cryptocurrency critics are often totally ignorant of the crypto of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that Bitcoin did anything worth of being saved.

>> No.22196619

>Bitcoin is the least volatile cryptocurrency
>violently shits -12% of it's value out in 24 hours

>> No.22196630

I invested in 0x_MR. It doesn't matter what Bitcoin does because there are no Bitcoin pairs to dump the price.

>> No.22196654

This. Ffs you need to understand that the big money is possible to be coming from normies who see btc as wealth storage and inflation hedge in times of zero interest rates and infinite qe. 21 million fixed amount in btc is boomer finance coffee talk. You may not like that, but that's where the money is sitting. Technological features are vastly overestimated. I predict a massive bullrun in corn despite known issues with whale market manipulation and slow transactions. Legit stock market exchanges are planing to offer btc investments to normies wit insurance against hacked wallets. This is bullish af.

>> No.22196666

It's still cryptocurrency.

>> No.22196946
File: 609 KB, 652x812, 1521518959237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is about to moon.

>> No.22196991

BASED that’s my call too brother. Don’t let these scams take your precious bitcoins brothers. There is only 1 real crypto.

>> No.22197038

The only post here that makes sense.

>> No.22197369

I don't remember the exact details but the number of btc wallets which have remained untouched for a certain period of time reached their peak a little while ago (about 60% of all wallets I believe). The effective circulating supply is low, allowing these violent crashes to happen. But at the same time I guess it would be possible to achieve huge pumps right now with relatively little money flowing into btc.

>> No.22197961

Imagine actually believing this

>> No.22198013

my bet is that was it we corrected to 10.5k to 10.2k and that's the bull market standard correction.

losers like you will be left on the roadside rektally bleeding.

>> No.22198033

do not underestimate $14k resistance!

>> No.22198059

You are such a fucking retard it is unbelievable. It is the least volatile CRYPTOCURRENCY.

>> No.22198110


>> No.22198178

The Chinese miners don't want bitcoin above 11k because they are in good profit at that rate. If the price of BTC rises too high then it makes mining profitable for the competition. Whenever it goes up too high they start selling off.

>> No.22198757

Doesn't matter what BTC, what matters is what Nectar does. NEC to da XXXXX