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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 157 KB, 554x524, Screen Shot 2020-09-04 at 1.57.19 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22193860 No.22193860 [Reply] [Original]

Released today, I recommend you get in now if you want to make it. Tron has no fees so theres upfront payment involved. Pearl on tron already did 1000x earlier this week.

>> No.22193922

True but 4000 for a pearl? How much do I buy in if I only have 900 dollars worth of ETH to spend? Is there a way to transfer ETH to pearl?

>> No.22193992

>tfw I had 100k BTT and sold them a few months ago

>> No.22194032

Sell your eth for tron, its defi on the tron network. Theres no 50$ fee for contract interactions, a lot easier to make money. Just search tutorials for how to use it, its practically exactly the same as ethereum, only no fees

>> No.22194098

what the fuck can you use a pearl for?

>> No.22194221

Can you give me a more detailed explaining of how I will make 1000x off of salmon farming? How long do I hold or farm? How do I and will it get rugged?

>> No.22194324

So uh... I can figure out how to get the TRX to the right place but where teh fuck do I get Salmon from?

>> No.22194350

If you can get in now the next 48 hours will be uber profitable as only a tiny portion of the supply is minted. You wont get rugged, its created by the same company that created pearl token which passed an audit. Salmon has yet to be audited but I suspect it will be in the coming days.

>> No.22194430

>Download tronlink
>Send tron to tronlink
>Go to just swap
>Put half of your tron into Salmon token
Token Contract: TXyrq6xE49dJhBGBYRH4pZzq9QdXNKWUQa
>Pool 50% Salmon 50% tron on justswap
>Go to salmonswap website and stake your Liquidity provider tokens

It works exactly the same way as sushi

>> No.22194462

You sir are a legend. Unless the rug gets pulled in which case I tip my hat to you, you fucker.

>> No.22194504

this aint it chief, shroom.finance has games

>> No.22194515

Based farm rewards are stupid high

>> No.22194576

>Paying 80$ to make one transaction

Thats a no from me

>> No.22194587

Thank you based anon. A couple questions
>where does pearl come into the equation
>how can I convert my ETH to tron or pearl

>> No.22194612

based Justin Sun redemption arc

>> No.22194651

Justswap keeps failing the pooling function... weird

>> No.22194659

Convert your tron here


Pearl is the first staking dapp on tron to get audited, made by the same company. Salmonswap differs in that you use liquidity provider tokens to stake like Sushi.

>> No.22194686
File: 59 KB, 1286x498, Screen Shot 2020-09-04 at 2.37.22 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they are doing some maintenance right now because their was an overload of interest today

>> No.22194701

Sorry if I sound like a brain let but could you tell me what gives my the provider tokens? Also how long do you think I should hold for and how can I track how much I'm up by?

>> No.22194720

i put all of my tron to stake into sun.io, what do

>> No.22194742
File: 93 KB, 748x684, Screen Shot 2020-09-04 at 2.40.44 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Download tronlink
>Send tron to tronlink
>Go to just swap
>Put half of your tron into Salmon token
Token Contract: TXyrq6xE49dJhBGBYRH4pZzq9QdXNKWUQa
>Pool 50% Salmon 50% tron on justswap
>Go to salmonswap website and stake your Liquidity provider tokens
And then you just wait

It works exactly the same way as sushi

>> No.22194757

Rookie mistake

>> No.22194820

45 tron left

>> No.22194845
File: 208 KB, 347x343, zbbibh3ha22ln.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in. Looks like I got lucky though, can't even load justswap anymore.

>> No.22194901

Thanks OP for the info. But I have to say I trade with my gut and my gut has a fucked feeling about this one. Idk what it is but it says not to buy this.
Good luck and good times to the anons who make a lot off of this though.

>> No.22195205

>created by the same company that created pearl token
why the fuck make a salmon token if they already have a pearl token?

>> No.22195225

sushi is trying to make money off of trading fees from uniswap
what exactly is this salmon trying to capture?

>> No.22195271

Different function
The same thing, Justswap has been down for almost the whole day because of an unexpected overload in new users. A ton of money is coming in. Look at pearls volume


>> No.22195540

Pearls for the jewelry.
Salmon for the nutrition/flavor

>> No.22195989

How do we see yields? I put 500 usd in

>> No.22196055

Just swap won’t let me get salmon swap

>> No.22196088

Holy fk 30 mill in volume and it just launched the based chinks are taking us to the moon

>> No.22196171

i want to know, can i exit whenever i want? i put some in the pool and claim some salmons and if i feel this shit will go down the drain i can dip, is that correct?

>> No.22196180

How do I get in on this justswap isn’t working wtf do I have to wait til the morning? Will my 1000x dream be lost by then?

>> No.22196380

Keep refreshing and trying, you can get it work with some patience

Not released yet

Its all true

Yeah you just unstake>remove liquidity>sell tokens

>> No.22196431

Why do I feel that if 4chan is interested It's over?

>> No.22196500


Also is there an easy way to buy TRON with ETH?

>> No.22196506

I have made $7 worth of Salmon in like 30 minutes from my $500 investment lmao

>> No.22196589

Makes me sad and angry watching you guys fall for these obvious scams over and over. But the worst thing is you've making this amazing tech look like shit.
Don't salmon farm. No kimchi, sushi, kimbap, hot dog, pizza or other meme coins. If you don't know shit about crypto buy bitcoin or eth from an exchange.

>> No.22196690


SALMON listed on gate io

>> No.22196871

Hey guys I just found out the mobile tronlink app works flawlessly with justswap right now if you’re having trouble on pc just got in 200 dollars I have 400 more in tron should I go all in?

>> No.22197271
File: 272 KB, 1800x900, salmonswap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pssst anon, you want to make it? Get off that clogged ethereum network, all the cool dapps are on tron now.

>Download tronlink
>Send tron to tronlink
>Go to just swap
>Put half of your tron into Salmon token
Token Contract: TXyrq6xE49dJhBGBYRH4pZzq9QdXNKWUQa
>Pool 50% Salmon 50% tron on justswap
>Go to salmonswap website and stake your Liquidity provider tokens
And then you just wait for the easiest 1000x of your life

market cap currently 20 million with 50m dollars worth of volume, you haven't got long buddy

>> No.22197285

This smells like the next YAM

>> No.22197656

isn't it past your bedtime, boomer

>> No.22197693

Help! I pooled my salmon and tron but i cang access salmon swap on mobile tronlink?? Wont even come up when i search with the links provided here

>> No.22197727

Done all that and now my SALMON/TRX Pool tokens are staking on the salmon swap. The question is when I want to convert my pool tokens back into TRX and Salmon, what would I have to do? There is only one way in (add liquidity) so how I can withdraw the liquidity and convert my pool tokens back into 50% trx and 50% Sal. Reply would be appreciated. Btw I am new to this shit.

>> No.22197764

Just withdraw lp token from salmonswap go back to pool on justswap and remove liquidity then resell back to trx

>> No.22197783

Idono, you're gonna have to find a pc probably, salmonswap was only released this morning so mobile functionality might not be accessible

>> No.22197975

All good im home in 1.5 hrs ill sort the rest then. Do you know how it works with adding more to the pool? I dropped $500 worth of trx and sal in earlier but i plan on pooling another $2000 once i sort out salmon swap

>> No.22198052

When I click harvest and unstake, would all the Salmon be credited to my Tronlink wallet address? Then I can sell those SAL to trx and unpool (remove liquidity) the sal/trx LP on just swap? Just final clarification.

>> No.22198502
File: 45 KB, 534x515, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good to see the clones arent late

>> No.22198584

>TRON tries to get into defi after dying in 2018
>immediately coopted by pajeets
Never change Justin

>> No.22198672

Yeah its easy you can add as much as you like without having to unstake

>When I click harvest and unstake, would all the Salmon be credited to my Tronlink wallet address?
>Then I can sell those SAL to trx and unpool (remove liquidity) the sal/trx LP on just swap

>> No.22198987

Cheers bro. Was worried it might fuck me around if i pooled, staked on salmon swap and then pooled and staked more later.

>> No.22199144

how the fuck is 'maintenance' possible on a dapp
fucking tron

>> No.22199473

anyone elses tx fail each time they try to add SALMON/TRX Liquidity?