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22188608 No.22188608 [Reply] [Original]

print("pee pee"+" poo poo")

Am I gonna /make it/?

>> No.22188632

tech bubble is over pajeet saturated the market

>> No.22188704
File: 7 KB, 245x205, 1595548142568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no whitespace around operator

>> No.22188869

Nobody wants to hire them though

>> No.22189164

What does whitespace mean? No bully, it's my first day coding.

>> No.22189262
File: 52 KB, 666x607, vbbb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unnecessary concatenation
>Probably missing a newline

>> No.22189320

every kike corporation is clamoring to hire them to increase diversity

>> No.22189451

>multiplying an integer by a string
what language are you using, this will definitely have a type error in it.
>What does whitespace mean?
a place where minorities are not allowed

>> No.22189603

It prints "A" 100 times in python.

>> No.22189632

you're a superstar!

>> No.22189635

pythons gay learn fortran or ngmi

>> No.22189684

That's disgusting syntax.

>> No.22189736

>not making words variables


>> No.22189799

I think its printf

>> No.22190230 [DELETED] 

I haven't completed that lesson yet
thanks :>

>> No.22190278
File: 52 KB, 1074x765, 121232131231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't learned about variables yet
thanks :>

>> No.22190296

class Op:
def __init__(self,name):
self.name = name
self.sexuality = "gay"

def isOpGay(self):
print(f"{self.name} is {self.sexuality})

anon = OP(>>22188608)

>> No.22190343
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I'm huwhite. How do I code myself into the whitespace?

>> No.22190388
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>> No.22190459

in all seriousness good luck fren :)
remember to learn your data structures/big O if you aren't a nigger

>> No.22190508
File: 89 KB, 1204x800, 4U61ty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK Seriously though,

Some sort of Udemy or Youtube or LinkedIn/Lynda or what?

Should I just see if I can take an online class at the local city college?

>> No.22190534


>> No.22190584

do you know why you want to learn python? What tasks are you trying to accomplish with programing?

>> No.22190587
File: 7 KB, 250x200, 1598068260097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already better than 90% of pajeet coders. You're gonna make it, fren.

>> No.22190588

non, I went to my local university for the basics. Actually nobody cared that I was chilling in classes without being a student

>> No.22190599

Thanks! Not sure what that means yet (literally started 1 hour ago) but I will keep it in mind.
I'm doing a free course on sololearn. So far it seems good.

>> No.22190611

"Learn python the hard way"

Honestly it doesn't matter though, pick one, finish it and learn the basic syntax and stuff, then just start doing practice problems and small projects.

>> No.22190678
File: 290 KB, 584x475, gcwaw7izkzo11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why fuck is that even allowed. glad I never touched that piece of shit

>> No.22190702

I think you've gotta CHECK THOSE DUBS!!

>> No.22190761

Can i really just learn to code myself into a job? I hate to ask to be spoon fed... but I'm gonna.
What do you guys? What types of jobs do you get? How do you prove you're worth hiring with no work or school experience? I'm guessing a portfolio but what would you put in it?
Where are these jobs posted?
How long does it take to get being good enough to hire?

>> No.22190791

>What does whitespace mean?
Instead of
>print("poo poo"+" pee pee")
>print("poo poo" + " pee pee")
Or ever better:
>print('poo poo pee pee')

>> No.22190831

>pee peepoo poo


>> No.22190858

Literally not what that outputs, uneducated Pajeet. Go back to doing the needful. In a toilet preferably.

>> No.22190872

>can write my own smart contracts and bots to make money

imagine being a codelet in this century

>> No.22190878

I'm just learning it as something extra for my resume. I don't plan on (purely) becoming a programmer.

>> No.22190912

It's actually
> pee pee poo poo
I learned this after 1 hour of studying. Don't give up on studying Python, fren!

>> No.22190950

unsolicited code review, ignoring syntax:
>def isOpGay(self):
a getter named 'isOpGay' should just return true or false. Also just rename it to 'isGay' and it doesn't need to be a function.
Ideally you should have another class that does the asking of whether OP is gay, because OP shouldn't care about asking whether he is gay or not, he knows he already is (self.sexuality = "gay").

>> No.22190951

>operator overloading bad
What else do you think multiplying an integer by a string should yield instead?

>> No.22190999

You're disgusting

>> No.22191071

>operator overloading bad

>> No.22191115

Self learn mobile dev here, I have a comfy job but I do wonder sometimes if my fundamentals are lacking compared to those that got a degree. I don't know shit about algorithms and big O complexities. I fear for my future jobs where they gonna ask me to do all this shit on white board. The fuck am I gonna do about it? Grind leetcode all day?

>> No.22191249

i wasnt coding with efficiency or best practice/formatting in mind i was trying to make it easier for a new programmer to follow along for the meme.

>> No.22191372

Coder here. The best and most fun way to learn is to make projects. OP I’d suggest a text based game, I can give you some advice, but that’ll be a way to get your feet wet that isn’t boring fucking classes. Fuck classes.

>> No.22191438

Shit code review. The function should be called something like printSexuality, since that's what it does.

>> No.22191440

an array containing 100 "A"s? the integer multiplied by another integer representing "A" through some arbitrarily chosen property by a retard language creator? It's too ambiguous.

An integer multiplying an integer will return an integer. A string plus a string will return those strings concatenated. Those statements can be universally agreed upon. Anyone will be able to expect the type to be returned. Allowing syntax like
obliterates readability for the sake of being concise, which is a mistake too many self-fellating amateurs make.
Just make a for loop and call it a day. Nobody needs to read hieroglyphics.

>> No.22191456

Thanks but I think I should learn the basics first. I'm only 1 hour in.

>> No.22191490

I was just trying to be funny. I have no clue about coding yet

>> No.22191501
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let shid = () => {

>> No.22191603

It prints NaN in JavaScript, no type error.

>> No.22191640

really depends on what kind of interface you want to create for OP. He might get a lot of inquiries about being gay specifically, people may not want to know whether he's one of the billion fucking leftist orientation laps. `isGay` may be useful later if someone needs to use a conditional instead of having to parse a string.

>> No.22191774

that's fine I just did it for the hell of it

>> No.22191803

better than a string at least

>> No.22191839

Not by learning python lmao

>> No.22191848

it's not a criticism of what you wrote so much as it is of python itself.

>> No.22191904

This. How the fuck am I supposed to be taken seriously by employers by just taking a bootcamp or online courses with no CS degree and no experience?

>> No.22192000

By creating something useful and demoing it in an interview and showing the code you wrote

>> No.22192046
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based fren, im taking programming 101 rn at a shit t30 uni, we're all gonna make it off tech, whether it's career-wise or from crypto/tqqq

>> No.22192177 [DELETED] 

I have no experience, but from what I've heard you typically start out with random shitty jobs (anything you can get) just to build your resume
> "but I don't want to waste 3 years working shitty jobs before I get a good job"
If you went to university for a degree you would "waste" at least 3 years too (without getting paid) before you could get a good job too.

I'm just learning python on the side (I'm doing a non-programming major).

>> No.22192179

Yes, these representations are arbitrarily chosen, just like just about every terminology in a language/library/class/whatever else. They're as intuitive as possible, though you may have to learn them. Getting an array through multiplication is definitely not what you'd intuitively expect that to become, and it might even be the same thing depending on how the underlying language handles strings (that is, whether these native strings/arrays are pointers, but I hear meme languages like Python abstract pointers away anyway)
>obliterates readability
It's the opposite. It's obviously more readable. Anyone who can't even program in this thread will be able to tell you what they expect that to do. If you're making a for loop you're using a lot more space for no reason, possibly digging yourself deeper in indentation, and swapping an operation that is clearly meant to be reduced at compilation 100% of the time for one that relies on an efficient compiler to detect and optimize away the for out of existence. Operators are simple, whereas anything that creates more nesting gets really ugly and unreadable really fast if you use it for no reason.

>> No.22192571

6figures every year coming your way

>> No.22192819 [DELETED] 
File: 321 KB, 860x1054, 216-2162134_pepe-meme-rarepepe-happy-happypepe-elegant-apu-apustaja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm know how much my programming skills are worth to your corporation and I'm not willing to accept anything below $1MM/ year.

>> No.22192854
File: 321 KB, 860x1054, 216-2162134_pepe-meme-rarepepe-happy-happypepe-elegant-apu-apustaja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I know how much my programming skills are worth to your corporation and I'm not willing to accept anything below $1MM/ year.

>> No.22192872

if it makes you noncoders feel better I am in a job that makes me want to die everyday
every job sucks besides the job where you want to work

>> No.22193024

Is 25 too late to learn to code or go to uni for CS? Don’t want to be the fucking boomer with massive uni debt and too old to get hired while zoomers zoom past me

>> No.22193387

I think you're better off just trying really hard for 3 months and applying to some IT job.
You can crank out enough side projects to show your worth in 3 months, I think.
I do think the opportunity cost of going back to college for CS is way too high, when you can learn everything for free.
Keep in mind, I am at a job I despise and it is probably the best job on the market.

>> No.22193654

It's never too late to learn a new skill and improve yourself. Theres so many resources for coding or CS these days that I don't think you really need college. College is going to make you take waste of time liberal electives classes to.



>> No.22193845
File: 28 KB, 640x361, 76EC08C7-E03C-4F0E-BC24-14BEFB5CF259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks friends, we’re all gonna make it.

>> No.22193928

unironically very intellectual

>> No.22194165

Probably not. Take an online data structures + algorithms course. Lookup your big o. Practice leetcode easys in the language you use now. Cant solve in 15 min? Look at solution. Move to medium. Cant solve in 25 min? Look at solution. Move to hard. Cant solve in 30 - 45 min? Look at solution. Your learning will never stop as a dev so don't worry about it. Chunk out a little bit everyday. Or every other day. If you avoid FANIGGERG companies you likely wont have to worry about tech interview shit. I dont know myself if thats true because i wage cuck for amazon. I have heard it confirmed by many tho

>> No.22194270

>tfw too stupid that HTML even confuses me

>> No.22194432

I learnt algerbra in year 8 thank you very much

>> No.22194477

tfw want to pat your head and say its all bullshit anyway

>> No.22194573

The diversity meme will end with the next crash.