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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 285x125, yfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22187119 No.22187119 [Reply] [Original]

Give my money back you FUCKS

>> No.22187157

This is what you get for trusting a youtuber

>> No.22187236
File: 551 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200903-195540_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22187299

too busy farming :)

>> No.22187406

>oh I'll just collect my 10 and sell them now then
>gas fee of $14
>hmm that seems low
>check eth gas station
>$14 for fast
>ok looks good
>click confirm
>5 minutes later
>check, gas is $30 for fast
>try to cancel
>that is stuck on pending too because gas for cancel went from $2.20 to $2.70
>try to cancel the cancel
>I am here

Well I only lost $1800 today while I was at work. Great! Oh nope now it's $1900! Thanks ETH!

>> No.22187444

Feeling pretty comfy. September crash is nothing compared to the crash in March.

>> No.22187490

Checked. Keep farming and hodling, YFV Chads. $100 is imminent

>> No.22187536

Still holding strong. Fuck you weak hands get nothing

>> No.22187549

i'm farming 150 YFV per day

>> No.22187564


>> No.22187565


>> No.22187587

Holy shit. Youre gonna be rich as fuck soon

>> No.22187599

>$14 gas fee
are you retarded? you chose the lowest possible gas option and wonder why your transacion doesnt go through

>> No.22187695

hes larping

>> No.22187775

Gas fee stopped me from taking profits, wouldn’t have mattered. Thanks vitalik you booger eating sperg

>> No.22187834

we needed this. In fact we need it to go lower. Too many pajeets and niggers got in. GET THEM OUT LINK MARINES IM COUNTING ON YOU.

>> No.22187847

That was the fast price at that moment. I refreshed metamask twice and checked eth station to confirm. I know it sounds stupid, but I legitimately clicked fast because I ALWAYS FUCKING DO FUCKING VITALIK

>> No.22188169


all will be fine in a few days

>> No.22188429

Could one of you YFL anons help an aspiring farmer out? How would I go about joining the pool in pic related?
Do I need to own any BAL? And do I use the Balancer UI or can I just do everything through the YFL UI once I connect my wallet?

>> No.22188466
File: 233 KB, 639x608, fischer price yield farm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I meant YFV anons

>> No.22188548


add liquidity on balancer for whatever token you dont mind holding for a long period, then farm the LP shares on the yfv.finance website.

>> No.22188732
File: 25 KB, 1103x206, YFV seed pool v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. How would I join pic related? There's no link to a balancer pool for seed pool v2

>> No.22188749

You don't need it, you literally just farm stablecoins directly

>> No.22188779

>bought a yield farming coin

>> No.22188883

Wait . . . simple as that? Just connect wallet, click farm, and YFV pays you for liquidity?

>> No.22188947

Correct. Lower rates and no balancer rewards (I don't know how these work and/or are distributed...but it's an added perk for keeping balancer spinning money in circles)

>> No.22189048
File: 208 KB, 1435x1433, Yeld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of fretting over failed past trades, jump in on the next guaranteed moon mission : YELD

This is as early as it can get.

>> No.22189058


IF YOU'RE 5 5 5 THEN I'M 6 6 6

>> No.22189152

unironically this, so many people dont deserve YFV under $300
fuck I sound like a retarded pajeet now

>> No.22189162

all the recent fud is a buy signal, pretty obvious this is here to stay. $500+ once vaults are released within the next 2-3 weeks. Exchanges like bithumb, huobi and OKEx don't list shitcoins, this is going places. Binance listing is pretty much guaranteed, stay strong anons

>> No.22189189
File: 14 KB, 811x157, balancer warning text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren
With the balancer pools though, what is the impact of YFV going back to the $10-13 range besides lowering the value of the liquidity? Are the other tokens still safe to be withdrawn (obviously not immediately but, say, in a couple of months)?
With all of the pools at 98/2 it seems like even a huge dip in the value of YFV token doesn't really affect yield farmers that much, other than the YFV staking pool of course

>> No.22189205

YFBeta bro reporting in, youre doing it wrong anon

>> No.22189259

organized discord shill campaign, yeld is a massive scam.

>> No.22189708

How much YFV is the staking pool going to reward? I know they said they will send out YFV I guess

>> No.22189756
File: 27 KB, 727x421, EebhNZnUwAAbIOC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22189788
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>> No.22189977

Making about roughly 24 right now and considering putting in more but should I wait for the epoch tmr?

>> No.22190168

started staking 5% of my link stack a few hours back, projecting 8.5 yfv/day. first time farming, am I boned?

>> No.22190272


You should be fine due to 98/2 balance.

>> No.22190406

Also thinking about farming some link. Problem is I got them cheap years ago and switching to balancer bpt is a taxable event afaik

>> No.22190692

With wat jeez 20000 bat only nets 2

>> No.22190819

that 98.2 split is really well insulated, that's nice

>> No.22190836

another thing I got greedy on and didn't sell when I was way up. sold for barely any profit especially w the gas

>> No.22190845

>switching balancer bpt is taxable

anon you don't pay taxes on anything that's not profitable. Yes, it's a crypto to crypto sale that can be considered for taxes, but your taxes on $1 of link to $1 of bpt is $0.00

>> No.22190907

I literally bought at $15 lmao imagine not selling at like 400% return. am I fucking retarded?

>> No.22190991

I sold most of mine after buying 320 at $12 average because the volatility was insane and the amount of actual retarded pajeets on twitter and discord buying it scared me. Glad I trusted my instincts.

>> No.22191094

Thing is, that $1 of link is practically all profit. If I sell it for something else then I'm on the hook with the tax man

>> No.22191155

Oh of course. Sorry if I misunderstood anon, I just have seen a lot of people fearing the taxman on here. I'm totally set for taxes - will pay on my link stack sold and get to offset a bunch in my gigantic bleeding failures

>> No.22191341

I could dump some Fiat into this. But then I can stake in any of the pools. Which way would you go? Link? YFV?

>> No.22191888


Use zapper.fi it allows you to set up all the liquidity pooling combos on a single user interface and then tracks it for you.


Use my referral as well for LINK/YFV pool which has the best returns currently

Tutorial on zapper.fi

I'm farming like 61 YFV a day currently its fucking sick