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File: 34 KB, 1000x687, Ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22177727 No.22177727 [Reply] [Original]

Besides the enormous gas fees, why would you trust trillions of dollars of information on this when ETH was already hacked and forked with ETC? Why are mETH heads more than a 100% confident something like ETC will never happen again?
I dont believe in most ETH killers like ADA or XTZ either, since those rely on chainlink, and therefore ETH

But ETH is objectively a piece of shit. How is it not $0 already?

>> No.22177838

It will be once FTM takes off.

>> No.22178488
File: 52 KB, 1182x754, 1571333064115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is literally worst take i heard since 2016 on lowerst bar possible place on interwebs
And im not even eth fan kek

Wellcome newfag

>> No.22178552

ETH can only trend towards centralization.
It's too cost prohibitive to run a node so a fork isn't possible.
The single digit number of archive node maintainers are in too deep to rock the boat.

>> No.22178564

>cant explain at all whats wrong with what i said

>> No.22178602

>so a fork isn't possible.
then what was ETC? When ETH was first created, Vitalik never imagined ETC happening in a million years.
Why should any business trust, literally trillions of dollars of information, on a system that can fail at any moment.

>> No.22178714
File: 50 KB, 597x559, 1590255478195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think im gonna argue with newfags over and over again kek
Also everything is wrong from idea why people "trust bilions to chain" to idea chainlink is somehow tied to eth

Have good one newfag

>> No.22178856

post networth or shut up about newfag.
also, you literally cant defend a single thing i said. LINK is ethereum token. by people being dependent on LINK, they are dependent on ETH. Thats what the controversy of march was with chainlink, the high fees of ETH

>> No.22178903

Was using ETH for the past year, moved to TRX this week and never coming back to ETH. transaction in less than a second and less than a penny per transaction feels good.

>> No.22178937
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1575314841460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post networth or shut up about newfag
>LINK is ethereum token. by people being dependent on LINK, they are dependent on ETH.

>> No.22178994

>is so new, wasnt around for the March 2020 crash when LINK users were paying enormous gas fees
please keep embarrassing yourself. i bet you have $50,000 max in ETH and think its gonna reach $5000 lol

>> No.22179030
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>is so new, wasnt around for the March 2020

>> No.22179079

you literally werent. otherwise you remember how synthetix lost millions of dollars in ETH gas fees.

post networth

>> No.22179139

ETC was an early days offshoot in response to the DAO fork.
Since then ETH has become severely bloated, so much so they changed the definition of a full node and proposed to scrap the chain for 2.0
Nobody should trust ETH it's garbage.

>> No.22179141
File: 1.03 MB, 499x499, 1568492791618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screams "post networth"
>thinks hes oldfag since he remembers early 2020

>> No.22179190

>t. 2020 buyer

>> No.22179235

thanks for answering. my point is, how can anyone trust any serious amount of integration on ETH at all, when the original design was flawed since the start. Also, 2.0 is never coming out
post networth
post networth

>> No.22179286

it's unironically web3.0 and the future backbone of our international multi-cultural society, and there is absolutely nothing that could stop it now. the window where alternatives had a chance closed around 1 year ago.

>> No.22179351

Ripplenet >

>> No.22179382

>it's unironically web3.0 and the future backbone of our international multi-cultural society
how can it be, when the shit is flawed and needs to be fixed constantly?
The point of my post is how could any company want to integrate ETH on a global scale when problems arise out of nowhere. ETH should have been perfected at the start.

>> No.22179470

The day chainlink have to migrate will truly be a shit show

>> No.22179485

It's mostly about controlling the narrative.
ETH is saying the same stuff Bitcoin developers were saying 3 years ago except this time it's right because a communist pedo said it instead of freedom loving developers from the cypherpunk era.

>> No.22179517

There is no such thing as perfect from the start, especially in software development. Iterations for improvement following an agile design process is the best case scenario. I don't know if ethereum will ever be adopted to hold billions or trillions of dollars worth of data, but as long as the developers are attempting to improve it I think it is a worthwhile bet.

>> No.22179582

the evm has never been hacked, only smart contracts and this will always be the case. we're also using computers, although they are getting hacked. you can't have turing completeness and perfect code verification.
the DAO bailout should have never happened and I think they learned their lesson from the fallout so that it also won't ever happen again.

>> No.22179702
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>> No.22179755

does he actually think LINK is agnostic? LOOL i couldnt tell by the coping pepe posts
my point
>There is no such thing as perfect from the start
the whole point of cryptocurrency is a decentralized perfect system. if something isnt perfect from the start, it goes against the whole idea of cryptocurrency. Even if all the problems of now get patched up with 2.0, what would happen if newer problems arise except with trillions of dollars being processed through ETH?
The whole system would be fucked

>> No.22179831
File: 261 KB, 888x894, 669E977F-F26C-4B1A-9AD8-00A3B10623A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top fucking kek anon

>> No.22179897

enjoy your ten thousand gambling apps and uniswap clone with nothing of value to swap

>> No.22179933

Because ETH wasn't hacked. You're the equivalent of a boomer saying the internet got hacked because a single website did.

>> No.22179988

> if something isnt perfect from the start, it goes against the whole idea of cryptocurrency.

I don't know why I even bothered to respond. Your life is clearly so uneventful that you enjoy writing intentionally retarded things on anime forums.

>> No.22180477
File: 141 KB, 900x860, 1558370946924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being rude on new 2020 era blockchain experts, cmon anon embrace our new frens

>> No.22180622
File: 89 KB, 720x396, OhNooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22181429

try harder faggot, just because you post a frog doesn't make you an oldfat. you probably weren't even born when i came to the chans.