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22174882 No.22174882 [Reply] [Original]

For how long do I have to lurk /biz/ to know how to invest my money?

>> No.22174934

about one year, use a portfolio site and track different coins

>> No.22174973

Throw a few hundred bucks at something and play around, don't fuck with options and it won't go to 0.

>> No.22174993

Rule 1) Do not buy alt coins or shitty unicorn coins. Most people on here reek of curry. You will buy a shitcoin and then when you see it tank you'll go to swap it back out for ETH a message will pop up saying "sorry, you got scammed faggot :)"

>> No.22175012

put your house up and get a margin

>> No.22175020

Depends on how intelligent you are.
I browsed for 2-3 weeks before I started investing, made some mistakes on the way and got some valuable experience.
Overall my portfolio increased drastically the first month despite the mistakes.
Just make sure you diversify a large sum into many different coins and experiment a little, accept some loss in the learning process.

>> No.22175022
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Lurking /biz/ is not enough.
If you are into crypto, start reading what is blockchain, how it works and then learn why there is so many tokens. Then, you can safely try to invest bit by bit.
If you are into stock market, learn what is it, how it works and don't forget to visit /smg/.
If you are newfriend, who has money, but knows jack shit about anything, because his dad gave him money, then buy chainlink.

>> No.22175033

The two are not related.

>> No.22175060

Practice with $10 max per investment to see how it goes and watch trends

>> No.22175074
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Rule 1: always do the opposite of the /biz/ consensus. If /biz/ says sell, buy. If /biz/ says buy, sell. If there is no consensus, hold (or do nothing)

>> No.22175083

Not long. Start today

>> No.22175282

experiment a bit and accept your losses. at this point you're just figuring stuff out. diversify and don't use too much money.
for browsing /biz/: the food tokens are a scam (apart from maybe sushi, not too clear on that). the y clones are mostly a scam as well.
just read threads, see what people say, observe the market and maybe you'll figure something out.
there's a lot of trolls on 4chan obviously

>> No.22175367

I'll save you years of lurking and missing out. Buy Link and shut the fuck up. Good luck fren

>> No.22175412

Link as in Chainlink?

>> No.22175450

888 billion trillion million trillion factorial. It's a while but at the end. You'll be Warren buffet on crack untouchable, a bitmex GOD, cocaine and heroin 24/7, Gatsby parties with endless champagne and lobster. A biz god. Welcome to the club FREN

>> No.22175514

You cannot learn to invest here, or really anywhere on the internet

>> No.22175558

You can buy ChainLink and wait, or you can gamble. It's up to you. Also, DYOR this is not financial advice.

>> No.22175580

You already know OP isn't gonna dhor if he's having to ask a question. Your good advice is gonna fall on deaf ears

>> No.22175585

Yup. Any FuD you see on this board is by anons holding at least a !k suicide stack, probably more. We either all make it or we go down together. I want to be part of it either way and you should too.

>> No.22175616

Link as in URLs. There's money to be made flipping them

>> No.22175679

Depends on your IQ and how long it takes you to go through the filters.

>> No.22175726
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rule 1: if something is shilled on biz you can be sure the discord oldfags are already at least 2x in the green and waiting for dumb money to sell / swing
rule 2: always do the opposite of what biz says
rule 3: newer buy the top, accept to miss some moon missions if you can't get in at rock bottom (lowest risk)
rule 4: newfags should lurk at least a year before posting or investing the biz way

also look into DAOstack. a gavin wood brainchild, deeply connected and intertwined with Polkadot (PolkaDAO), Kyber, etc. and still pajeet-level cheap. possible 100x.

>> No.22175891
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3 years. went from a minimum wagie virgin loser living at home to having enough to own a home in that time frame.

>> No.22176022

do the complete opposite of what anyone on this board tells you and you will be rich EOY

>> No.22176075


by asking this question you are already an expert here.

>> No.22176741
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>> No.22176852

If you lurk obsessively probably a month. This gives you time to see what scam posts look like, how people use irony, sarcasm and everything in between to trick others, and lots of other little details. Also make sure the times are evenly spread out, for example if you're never here late at night you'll miss probably the most honest threads where people say what they really think.

>> No.22176866
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Just do the opposite of what this anon tells you.
Or the opposite of what I just said.

>> No.22176953

This is also solid advice. That said your timeframe for making it if you do this will be longer than most of us, unless you can drop like a hundred grand on it now. But its the safest play you can make with still significant upside (BTC/ETH won't have the same ceiling)

>> No.22177155

biz is global anon

>> No.22177321

yes but its mostly american, and I see a lot more serious discussion threads in the late night hours

>> No.22178412

Right now I have 10k. Is it enough for investing?

>> No.22178561

Yes, it's enough for a start.
Diversify across 3 solid coins.
Sell them all when the market comes back up.
Then get more advanced as you will probably have doubled or tripled your money.

>> No.22179061

yeah put it all up for collateral and use leverage to margin trade BTC for 10x

>> No.22179135

maybe you'll learn something after you get scammed twice and miss a gem because of pajeet fud

>> No.22179138
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>thinks /biz/ will teach him anything

>> No.22179332

Well /biz/ has taught me so far to be afraid of pajeets and their scams.

>> No.22179395

No one here gives good advice. On purpose. Remember this.

>> No.22179404

The board never sleeps so that just means most people in your time zone are scamming little shits and the opposite side of the globe is filled with slightly more honest people

>> No.22179513

Don't invest in DeFI until you understand it.
Go with well established coins for your first time.
They will have smaller yields, but your money will be safer while you continue to observe and learn.

Market crashes are always the best time for new and old swing investors alike to make big money with a simple thing called patience.

Nothing gives you a better opportunity to make an investment than a market crash.
Just make sure the coins you are buying is done falling so you can get as many as possible of them.

>> No.22179637

How to know when a coin is done falling?

Thank you everybody for your advice desu

>> No.22179714

Not with these gas fees

>> No.22179789

Nobody can truly tell you when it's done falling until it starts going up again.
Anyone who says they can are either lying/larping or an actual insider (which can be hard to discern).

You don't need to buy at the absolute bottom of the fall if you don't feel like you can predict or understand it.
Anywhere far away from the top or average price of the coin is just fine, you'll still make good money on it.

This kind of opportunity is unique to market crashes.

>> No.22179990

Many places in 4chan are niche and unapproachable to the average normie. With /biz/ it's the opposite. This is likely the most active crypto trading forum, which means that almost everything shilled here is an attempt to get dumb money in / dump bags.

I suspect you could even make quite a bit of money by shorting everything aggressively shilled on /biz/ and currently at an ATH.

Remember: buy low, sell high, do your own research. Every single time I've violated these rules because "this time it's different, a real exception" I've lost money or missed out on gains.

Have fun newfag

>> No.22180965

The redpill is nobody here knows what their doing

The blackpill is nobody especially wallstreet know what their doing

>> No.22180974

I will, thanks!

>> No.22181156

greentext your story

>> No.22182004

Yes pls

>> No.22182155

I’ve literally never followed any investment advice on /biz/ and I’ve been here for 4 years. I have a 7 figure net worth.
Most of the “advice” on here is brainlet tier or curry scamming. I just come here for entertainment/ shitposting.
If you pay attention you might be able to find a few altcoin gems on here, but there are better ways to research alts than browsing biz.

>> No.22182275

Checked. Where do you do your research?

>> No.22182380

what an awful time to get into crypto, but i it's still better to get into it than not. With current gas fee, I wouldn't bother getting into crypto with less than $500
One of the first things you should probably learn is the different kinds of token standards /blockchains, which gives you a better idea of what can be traded directly. E.g. ETH is ERC-20 and so are all alts on eth blockchain. BTC has its own.

>> No.22182441

you mean buy high, sell low...
that's the /biz/ way

>> No.22182491

Couple months + DYOR