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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2217201 No.2217201 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else still live like they're a poorfag even after they got a decent job?

>still live in a $650/mo shithole apartment
>still eat about $100 worth of shitty rice/beans/chicken a month
>still drive $500 shitbox Civic
>only own a PS2 and only buy $3-7 games from the local used game shop
>still buy clothes exclusively from second-hand shops and thrift stores
>make $60k/year


>> No.2217204

You are doing great.
People who pay more cause they earn more will never have more

>> No.2217205

>buying games

>> No.2217213

I love living like a poorfag, that way I can spend my money on shit I actually give two fucks about

>> No.2217232

the only thing i'll change when i get a decent job is i'll move into an apartment with one extra room

>> No.2217258

I eat really expensive food, so no. I spend over 100 a week on food easily. I don't eat out or anything, but in my country, if you don't buy organic food, you put your health at risk. Otherwise, well I travel a bit, but only ever drive and camp, so that's only ever 100 or 2 a month. I had a near death experience-- I wouldn't say I'm overly impulsive now, but I do like to enjoy life.

>> No.2217269


That's the best kind of lifestyle to live, hombre. I'm living it right now.

>own my own condo
>own my own car
>never behind on insurance
>can always afford groceries
>save my money for fun shit like marksmanship and vidya

It's a conscious decision to make decent money and NOT buy a designer living room set. I admire simplicity

>> No.2217285
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>live in proverbial mother's basement
>eat tendies
>no hobbies, only work and shitpost
>most clothes are several years old

>> No.2217294

>Be 23, only recently got my first job finally
>Live in switzerland
>Live with parents
>Everything expensive as fuck
>"help" with appartment payment, 700 a month (costs 2.5k total) yet still old and small as fuck
>Get cucked every end of month with payments
>Live a turbo poorfags life

How the fuck can I get into a decent place where there are no jews?
At least I can steal food and other shit from germany where everything is literally 800% cheaper.

>> No.2217301
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Be rich, live cheap.

>> No.2217305

this man gets it

>> No.2217307

opposite anon. net about 15-20k/month and manage to spend almost all of it. can't take it with me to the afterlife.

>> No.2217317

If your gonna play retro get a raspberry pi and load in anything up to ps1/saturn/what ever the fuck was the last non internet console.

Actually still buy games over a decade old. You believe this shit

>> No.2217319
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>> No.2217320

I pay 86 dollars a month for internet alone, lol.

>> No.2217328

I think its 120 for us.
Dont even know what im paying each month

>> No.2217330

get a job you fucking degenerate. Switzerland is literally one of the best countries in the world. all you have to do to get rich is get up in the morning, go to work, repeat for 20 years and then retire in Thailand.

>> No.2217345

for everyone in this thread


>> No.2217410

I earn like 1.5k a month more than the average in my age. Still a poorfag.
Youd have to be born in a rich family to continue being rich forever.
Or be friends with jews.

Youre cucked with expenses here.

If youre rich you can avoid a lot of shit here ((legaly)).

>> No.2217440

I know someone from switzerland who is around 35 and still lives with parents. A lot live with parents there

>> No.2217465
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I was redpilled on Switzerland when that gay otaku banker started uploading his fetish videos to youtube or whatever the hell he's supposed to be doing.

>> No.2217582

How do you let it get to the point in pic related...

>> No.2217592
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I want to be as cool and rich as Melonpan-senpai

>> No.2217676

What does living like a poorfag have to do with this video?

>> No.2217787

can definitely one-up you
>24, live with parents
>pirate everything, drive shitbox
>travel is a stupid goy meme
>$84k/year, net worth $200k

>> No.2217962

I live like a poorfag but still comfortably. I know the importance of building wealth but living like a jew for many many decades just so you can enjoy the last couple decades of your life is pretty dumb imo.

>> No.2218044
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> I live in one of the most expansive cities in North America.
>Have a huge 1700sqft apartment that I built in a room in to rent out (commerical lease desu), cheapest rent I've ever paid ($800CAD all inclusive).
>Uber everywhere, eat nice, only luxuries for me.
>Make roughly $80k a year.
>Have a great, hedonistic social life. Work in clubs so tend to stick to the ones I work it because the people that come in are great and its cheap for me.
>Socking away cash, net worth about $110k, debt free, student loans paid off.

Never thought I would be where I am considering I was a mentally ill, drug-addled dummy 5 years ago but life is very good.

>> No.2218055

At least you'll retire early.

>> No.2218093

>wanting to go to a nursing home any earlier than necessary

>> No.2218142

I'm living frugal now but once I get my house paid off and a little bit of emergency money (10K?) I'm spending my whole paycheck every month.

8 years on 4chan
For your wife's son?

>> No.2218197
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Teach me your ways sempai

>> No.2218411

How the fuck do people do this? How can you be so bad with money that you can't even think a few years into the future? How old are you?

>> No.2218432

>buying insurance at all
Insurance is for people who don't have money saved. For every dollar you put into insurance you'll only see 70 cents or so back after administrative fees. You could put that money into stocks and mutilply your money instead.

>> No.2218445


>not having insurance in a place prone to natural disasters

Bruh. Think these things out.

>> No.2218446

>Wanting to work for niggers and Jews longer than necessary

You can just buy a house and live off investments. You can travel all over and do whatever.

>> No.2218459

>>still live in a $650/mo shithole apartment

HaaaHHHaaa jokes on you, I work 12h a day and make 550€ a month


>> No.2218464


>buying one house

Dudemanbro, it's all about multiple homes and collecting that sweet rent money

>> No.2218469


>12h a day and make 550€ a month

...what kind of fucking job do you have that pays so poorly? Or rather, where do you live that your taxes are so high that you take home so little?

>> No.2218487

Just a normal wage for a poortuguese.

I work in a Rent-a-Car, but just to give you an idea, a nurse makes €2.95/h

>> No.2218488
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>make $40k/year
>still in my Mom's house
>still stealing media with /ptg/
>barely any monthly expenses (Rent, she & I share food, nothing else)
>accumulating wealth for no reason

She's my best friend though and I rue the day we'll have to split

>> No.2218499


Dude. Immigrate to the US ASAP. You can make so much more money here and be happier.


No shame in being close with one's family

>> No.2218507

>being a wagecuck

You are a poorfag, just a deluded one.

>> No.2218537


>travel is a stupid goy meme

Since when? If you have the money, you can do shit hardly anyone else can do

>> No.2218543

>Dude. Immigrate to the US ASAP. You can make so much more money here and be happier

I could just go to Germany with my EU ID, but I really don't want to leave my home, I'm 38 this is my country and my home, I will never feel happy anywhere else.

>> No.2218549

That's middle class mentality

The only way to get rich is maximize income streams, you won't get rich clipping coupons.

>> No.2218566


>you won't get rich clipping coupons

Bullshit, that's how you continue to keep overhead low. It's also how you maximize your income. Think these things through, senpai.

>> No.2218592

Having capital for the sake of it is worthless.

If you're just going to live the poorfag life anyway you might as well just NEET it up.

Numbers in an account mean nothing if you aren't using it. Before someone spergs out, i don't mean waste it like a retard, but if you're accumulating capital for the sake of accumulating capital you're doing it wrong.

>> No.2218595

>it's how you maximize your income
If you spend your free time trying to outshekel retailers for pennies instead of building something that makes you more money, you fucked up

I don't live expensively though, just a nice apartment and I only eat soylent

>> No.2218607


>Having capital for the sake of it is worthless.

This is actually a dilemma I face. I'm not ready to jump on the BTC train (yet) and have a few stocks, but I really want to use my capital for a business... the trick is, I don't know anyone with a stellar business plan or idea, so the money just sits there.

>> No.2218624

Nope 22 years old
1K a month rent for a cash 900sqf apartment
Drive a 2015 Chevy high country
Ps4 master race
Eat out once a day

Frugal cucks are the worst and I don't even associate with such low class mentality betas

>> No.2218635

PC > PS4

>> No.2218654

Good goy

Next you need to get married, have some children, and don't forget to buy a house with a big yard so they can run around. The white race is counting on you!

>> No.2218660


you are kicking ass right now, and it will pay off in dividends later

>> No.2218678


>> No.2218754


enjoy your meaningless shitlife

>> No.2218790

All life is meaningless new fag

>> No.2219863

Honestly, took SSRIs, put myself into real social jobs that forced me to interact. Took my work very seriously in a field where people don't. Took awhile but got the hang of it.

>> No.2220232

>high country
>not a denali

>> No.2220246

An old Honda Civic literally costs at least 8k-10k USD in Brazil, if that makes you feel better

>> No.2220350

I'm german making 200k a year, is Poortugal worth a longer trip?

>> No.2220377

What do you do for a living?

>> No.2220576
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>have job working from home
>move to China because why the fuck not
>$300 a month apartment
>no car needed
>food is $5 a day if I go on the cheap
>make 20 to 30k a year + shitcoin trading
>50k in cash. 30k in ETH
meanwhile my friend who is my age

>about to get married to a fat chick
>no money or time for travel
>60 hours of work per week
>60k per year
>little or no savings

>> No.2220583


>> No.2220624

What's the point in having money if you don't spend any of it?

>> No.2220639
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r u me?

>> No.2220686
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This is like really depressing. If even the Swiss are getting fucked then what hope is there for a non-degreed Amerilard like myself?

Who the fuck has it made these days anyway?

>> No.2220696

I'm in tech

since always
this stupid bourgeois obsession isnt remotely enjoyable

>> No.2220717

>If you spend your free time trying to outshekel retailers for pennies instead of building something that makes you more money, you fucked up

you have a good point but jokes aside, I think you're talking out of your ass

>> No.2220725

>this stupid bourgeois obsession isnt remotely enjoyable
Travel? please elaborate senpai

>> No.2220739

The fuck you mean OP you are doing amazing.

Keep it up and use the money you make to pay down any debt you have and afterwards start investing in a total market index fund.

>> No.2220741

>eating Chinese food from China

>> No.2220786
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>t. no sack

Grow some balls, pussy. This is why you will stay poor.

>> No.2220818


>move to china

Yeah, I'm moving to China right now, Sr. Pyongberg.

>> No.2220878

>move to China because why the fuck not

Aren't they pretty strict about visas and tracking where you are? Are you there legally?

>> No.2220900

>bought 1000 eth when it was sub 10
>still live in parents basement
>haven't told them

>> No.2220913

The high country is cash m8

>> No.2220937

upper middle class white americans fawn over "travel" like it's the greatest thing ever, when it's actually an uncomfortable, expensive, tiring, money sink shit fest that leaves you more cynical, racist, and distrustful than you ever were before

that is unless some fucking mudslime didn't run you over in a lorry

>> No.2220980

In which area are you in?, software development. IT guy, Network engineer?, Im about to get my degrree on telecommunications and electronics, I have cert on CCNA R&S... the sad part is that i dont know shit about programming, im trying to learn on my own, to have a bigger line of work... where do you live dude?....

>> No.2221033

electronics design in the midwest, so even though the cost of living is lower I still won't move out

>> No.2221058

Nice, I've been thinking on leaving my home country in search of a better work that the ones that are offered here, but have no experience on the field at least on my carrer, I have worked before but daam, i'm nervous that i wont find a decent job in my area... with good pay i wont move either

>> No.2221098


I take it that you haven't travelled... Like, ever.

>> No.2221133

>$2000/m working remote
>Min wage is like $50/m so I'm like in godmode
>still live with parents
>still eat like shit because there's no variety in food
>sometimes we have no gas/water/power
>sometimes we can't find basic hygiene shit
>get mugged every other month

Life is hell

Good thing I'm moving out of this shithole soon

>> No.2221146

How much top pussy do you get out there?

>> No.2221157

I'm in a strictly monogamous relationship, so a lot but just from my girl. Does that count?

>> No.2221261

>Reads tmf once

>> No.2221291

>having kids

Sorry m8 you failed at life just by procreating

>> No.2221325
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I still drive a 2007 camry
Barely buy any clothes, and if I do I buy clothes with value that can be resold easily (424, supreme, ysl)
Live in a shit apartment
>fast internet
>grow own weed
Eat rice beans and other cheap foods

I barely spend money on anything, and always hustling, put a decent amount of money into btc early on and have been chilling ever since, have some regrets selling early but I've still saved a good amount. Waiting for btc to reach 1 mil.

>> No.2221340

You get to look at and admire superficial numbers on a screen

>> No.2221452

>make $60k a year at job 1 (buyer at a food company), covers eye, medical and dental insurance
>have weekend job as shipper/receiver and make $18/hr for 20 hours a week
>no car
>live at home, no rent, dad still pays phone bill, only expense is ~$1000 annually in bus fare
>also a shut-in who doesn't spend any money on beer/social events/normie shit
>all my after-tax money goes into market-linked GIC
Probably going to sink my savings into property flipping in 3 years, my dad has made a few hundred k off it

>> No.2221730

literally doing this in a few months

been learning Chinese the past 3 months, could live there for awhile but will have to try teaching, wish me luck

>> No.2221736

Why the fuck would you ever do that? You could just buy a house in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and live cheaper than in any non shithole location in China.

>> No.2221846

Money buys time. Early retirement instead of wagecucking 50 hours a week and spending another 20 relaxing & preparing to wagecuck.

>> No.2221948
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>22, living with parents, trading crypto and doing freelance online work literally from my mom's basement
>50k net worth so far
>managed to escape the degreeslaving meme so no debt

I want to save up enough to buy a small house on a little property and pay it off quickly/immediately so I stay debt free and live a frugal lifestyle like OP, except I won't be paying rent either

>> No.2221948,1 [INTERNAL] 

My name is Mrs Cheryl Blake. I live in USA i am a very happy woman today? I told my self that any Loan lender that could change my Life and that of my family, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to Them.They gave me and my family happiness, i was in need of a loan of $30,000.00 to start my life all over as a widowed with 4 kids I meant this honest and GOD fearing loan lending company online that helped me with a loan of $180,000.00 U.S. Dollar, They are indeed GOD fearing People, A reputable loan company.

I am very happy i got my loan from them last week. If you are in need of loan and you are 100% sure to pay back the loan please contact them and please tell them that Mrs Cheryl Blake refer you to them. contact via E_mail: juliajohnson88@outlook.com

Mrs Cheryl Blake

Testimony on how i got my loan

>> No.2222865

You gotta get a woman and some kids, otherwise no matter how much money you got you will always be a loser.
Continuing your genetic line is a must.
Not saying spend all your money or start wasting it but you gotta get a mate or you can never win in life.

>> No.2222870

What work do you do online that nets you money?? please give some advice.

>> No.2222896

are you mentally retarded?

>> No.2222983

yes, pws. are you a programmer? i can program, python, php, javascript, html, mysql, etc but i have shitall of papers.

>> No.2223048

I am learning as we speak. how much if i work 8 hours a day? Where do you get the work?

>> No.2223105
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>be eastern european
>earn 800$/month (alot since minimum wage is ~300$)
>160$ rent +bills
>70$ food (always buy on sale)
>never go out, never spend money on taxi
> use public transport
>dont spend money on sodas,alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or anything that is not nutritious
>charge my phone in public places
>pick every coin I see on the ground
> never lend anyone anything
>5 y old laptop
>3 y old smartphone
>no new clothes for 3 years
>cook in bulk to save gas (why boil 12 eggs on 3 different occasions when you can boil 12 at a time and store them in the fridge)
>steal pens and paper from uni colleagues
Understand that an 8% annual return for 15 years, is ~3.15. Imagine every dollar I spend today can be 3.15$ in 15 years. Suddenly that bag of chips is expensive as fuck

>> No.2223120

just get into crypto and every dollar will be worth 1000 in 15 years. In fact I trat my Bitcoin as if they were worth 100k already

>> No.2223139


>dies next month

kek...I guess you dont have a woman since your life style is atrocious.

What you dont understand is that everything has a price,everything.
The most precious things in life are time and quality and anytime you try to cheapen out you lose some in most cases(besides the times when its literally a scam).

>dont buy shoes
>fuck up your legs

>dont buy good clothing
>lose social standing and potential contacts that can set you up later

>dont date cause too cheap
>fuck up your game and have even lwoer chances of getting a worthy mate later on
>also become hungry and settle for less
>fuck up your mental and physical health cause those are the results of not having an active social life and a mate.

>use shitty laptop
>lose time and be more annoyed
>same with iphone

There is no way around it dummy.
You make money not by saving on shoes but by investing in yourself, gaining useful knowledge which you can turn into money and in starting a business since that is the thing that can produce the most value.

>> No.2223197
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>mfw your unborn daughter will ride my billionaire dick in 15 y from now

>> No.2223216

you can take it any way you want if you need to cope
at least that's more original than

>> No.2223220

>tfw normal wages are 300 euros here
>tfw /foreverpoor/

>> No.2223226

>shes gonna be like 10

>> No.2223264

I wish I had your discipline OP. My job pays well but I'm renting in Australia so a tonne of it just fucking disappears.

>> No.2223346

nur ein fuffi bruder komm schon

saragoldstein@gmx.net = paypal

>> No.2223563

>pay around $720/month for room in a house
>pay $170/month in groceries
>pay $40/month for bus pass, only use public transport or walk everywhere, thus no car insurance payment, gas costs, or maintenance costs
>use project fi for phone service, so only pay around $25/month
>misc expenses add up to $100/month
>pirate video games and movies and music for free
>meanwhile make 84k/yr while only spending ~13k/yr

>> No.2223611

Your country is the size of a handkerchief. Just go live across whichever border you're closer to and save half of your living expenses. Break down the extra hour of commute or two as ~$1000 of tax-free money if you need motivation.

>> No.2223623

Posts like these really activate your almonds when other burgers say it's so hard to get ahead because muh obama or whatever.

More of a drumpfkin myself but damn, you have to be literally retarded to not be able to get rich as a legal American.

>> No.2224402

>make $60k/year
>decent job

Pick one

>> No.2224414

You should eat more veggies, you need cruciferous greens senpai. Beans only take u so far

>> No.2224431

>60k per year
>decent job
Lol fucking moron

>> No.2224480

Traveling is anything but a meme

>> No.2224487


>doesn't realize that even breaking $30k/year is doing really well in America

Most of the people you graduated HS with will never make $60k in a single year on their own in their entire lifetime. Let that sink in for a bit.

>> No.2224499

Hello norman

>> No.2224512

That's good if you are also investing. Gonna be a millionare pretty soon m8

>> No.2224517

But 30k/year is Walmart-tier

>> No.2224546

I guess traveling is not for everyone.
I hope you do something to enjoy your time on earth beyond accumulating as much wealth as possible, money it's only the means to an end, if you don't use it at all might as well not have it, makes no difference either way.

>> No.2224550


Yeah, maybe for the employees working 50-70 hour weeks and clocking monster O/T

Most of those employees are lucky to get a full 40 hour work week in the first place.

>> No.2224554

>buying games


Literally every PS2 game can be found for free online.

>> No.2224565

what's ur job?
must be goverment or something if u wain't getting rekt by the commies.

>> No.2224567

Good point, you're right.

>> No.2224603

You're delusional m8. Average income here is 50k including all the CEOs making 350x as much as their employees

>> No.2224604

Software developer. It's not like I withdraw all of my earnings, that would definitely raise a few flags.

>> No.2224669

why don't you leave that place? sincere question

>> No.2224702

Well I did say in my first post that I was leaving soon

Currently I'm saving up some money, I think $5k will do to get established in a place like Argentina or some other South American country. US is out of the question as I don't wanna be undocumented

>> No.2224749


>make 80K/year
>add another 10K from coin trading and shit
>moving back in with my parents
>spend $100/month groceries
>don't go out
>all money goes to crypto

Financial Independence or die my nigga

>> No.2224752

>I hope you do something to enjoy your time on earth beyond accumulating as much wealth as possible


>> No.2224776
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>tfw you're a disagreeable man

>> No.2224911


>> No.2224948

he probably has a mortgage and the jews won't allow him to be uninsured since they own most of """his""" condo

>> No.2225028


I know that even if I had 2 Million dollos, I would still be a cheap stake eating only rice, eggs and broccoli.

>> No.2225039

impressive. The only bragging rights I have over you is that I don't own a car at all. But I make less than you, so you're still winning.

Also, frozen veggies + whatever meat is on sale actually makes for some nice stir-fries.

>> No.2225044
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>Dude. Immigrate to the US ASAP. You can make so much more money here and be happier.

You can't just immigrate to the USA. You either play a literal lottery and get lucky, get someone to make you a job contract or prove that you have shitloads of cash that could benefit the US economic system.

Man, if I could move to the USA, I would do it in a heartbeat.

>> No.2225077

not that guy, but if you have an employer a visa is easy. They like having white people around, we're like an exotic status symbol to employers and businesses.

>> No.2225105

I made 86k last year and spent 22k. But I dont even consider myself to be very frugal, just boring

>> No.2225119

I have PPP of 800k and don't even have a car.

Why live rich instead of live longer?

>> No.2225127

I've been told that process takes year. Do you have a work visa?

>> No.2225154

I will always be a poorfag but I live like a monk so I guess thats ok. I spend my money on used books and bitbeans.

>> No.2225174

Here's the thing Anon. Travel kicks the brain into exploration mode. It's possible to get into that mode in ways other than travel - the library is a good place to explore for example - but we're biologically hardwired to go deep into exploration mode when we're travelling. That's why it's such a life changing experience for people who have done it, and that's why when someone says they don't enjoy travel, what we hear you say is that you don't enjoy novelty or learning.

so yeah... there's definitely some chauvenism there. Not saying it's fair, but maybe you understand it a bit better now.

>> No.2225188

not there now, maybe it changed since I went (2008). Took about two months if I recall correctly, I got an english teaching job first and the employer arranged the paperwork. I just had to send my passport to the embassy.

>> No.2225198

I can make $1700-ish a month teaching English in the Czech Republic

Is it a good idea?

>> No.2225219
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My goal has always been to never have to work, like, you know, a real job.

I`m 29 and got 300k from 10k.

I think this guy will make my dream come true

>> No.2226532


Just GTFO of Portugal for awhile and make some bucks. You'll get way more money and work much less.

>> No.2226567

I bet you love traveling along ur dads dick faggot

>> No.2226602
File: 25 KB, 300x360, 1489525502712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to say this.

You're doing the right thing OP, fuck all these people telling you to waste money. If you haven't noticed, everyone telling you to spend money doesn't actually have money.

That's all I came here to say, I will not read any replies or respond

>> No.2226753


>Never thought I would be where I am considering I was a mentally ill, drug-addled dummy 5 years ago but life is very good.


Currently 1 year drug free. Made 100k last year new car, got in shape, feeling good. I hope i can keep this shit up and be able to look back 5 years and feel good about my self.

>> No.2227019

Yes, and I'm the only person at my company who's doing this AFAIK.

>> No.2227510

How do I get in on private trackers now that What.CD is gone?

>> No.2227510,1 [INTERNAL] 


I'm Mr. Johnson Williams, a legitimate private loan lender, do you need a Loan for business or to pay your bills? If yes we offer all kinds of Financial assistance to cooperation agencies and people Financial, we offer all types of loans at a low interest rate of 3% to request an email now through: willianloanfirm6@gmail.com and we will do it Proceed immediately with your loan process, the loans are delivered to Clients within 24 to 48 hours. To request contact us by email: willianloanfirm6@gmail.com

Thank you

Mr. Johnson Williams
Managing Director
Email: willianloanfirm6@gmail.com
Phone: +1(409)-331-6319
whatsapp: +1(214)-305-8945