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22164921 No.22164921 [Reply] [Original]

Where you moving to when you ghost everyone?
I’m heading to the mountains
Pic related

>> No.22164948

>$4 eggs
>$8 milk
>$12 cheese

>> No.22165001

Thats canada pricing right there unironically

>> No.22165063

>Live in one of the most desireable places on earth where virtually all food has to be flown in.
>Complains about $1 surcharge on eggs.

never change /biz/. Never change.

>> No.22165093
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 8AD8518F-E792-453A-91B2-814A96366340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong state dipshit

>> No.22165397

I'm so jealous of you faggots in USA. You can buy an amazing cabin somewhere away from civilization for like $250-400k, depending how large/nice you want it to be.
In europistan not only would it be impossible to find such a location, if you do find one somewhere in Switzerland etc. you'd have to cough up 2-3x as much money for it.
How do I move to USA as a NEET?

>> No.22165456

The problem is it doesn't have to be flown in. Hawaii used to be agriculturally self-sufficient. There are still dairies and egg farms and chicken farms on the outer islands.

>> No.22165592

Ironically you probably are able to better connect with people in the countryside.

>> No.22165638

Are you swiss as well? What canton?

You can find things like this for cheap in north italy, germany in the more rural parts or even slovenia has some pretty good deals

>> No.22165687

I just used Switzerland as an example, since it seems like one of the only countries left in western EU that isn't completely shit up by refugees. Plus the nature is similar to the states I'd be interested in living in the USA.
I'll have a look at your recommendations, thanks!

>> No.22165835

What do you think about Czechia? From what I've read it's pretty based. Anti-refugee, not too expensive, great beer, might get firearm rights written into its constitution which I think is huge for a eurocuck nation.

>> No.22165952

true. I have a second house in a wood 40km from the city where I live and I have amazing relationsips with the neighbours. Ctities are pure shit

>> No.22166010

Any ex-USSR country tends to be more based than the rest in terms of immigration and freedoms. I doubt people in rural areas would be very friendly to foreigners, even white ones. Would definitely have to learn the language.

>> No.22166015

Switzerland is a bad example because it has the highest cost of living in the world.

Germany is a bit expensive but probably the best if you want to work in the country. Really the refugee thing is greatly exaggerated on 4chan.

Italy is less expansive but the don't speak english.

Slovenia is pretty nice and cheap and they mostly speak good english.

You can go further east and find really much cheaper real estate, but you need to have enough money to be sure you never will need to work in your life.

>> No.22166106

> usa
> europe
There are so many good places on earth and you choose the worst place to be.

>> No.22166227

>Really the refugee thing is greatly exaggerated on 4chan
I doubt it's a problem in rural areas, but from what I hear cities are pretty overrun by them.

>you need to have enough money to be sure you never will need to work in your life
It's becoming easier than ever to work remotely, but ultimately the idea would be to live off dividends.

Such as?

>> No.22166413

Few countries in Asia. Personally I want to move to Costa Rica. Gonna learn spanish. I am belgian/jap. French and japanese as mother tongue and I don't want to live in japan even though I speak the language.

>> No.22166433

Even in the cities it is not a problem it really gets exaggerated on here. Go have a visit and you'll see for yourself, you probably won't see any refugees and if you do they definitely won't make any problems with you.

There are more and more blacks though all over western europe but still nowhere near as many as in the usa.

>> No.22166476

Living with asian people gets a big NO from me, would even rather live in south america than anywhere in asia.

>> No.22166559

>I don't want to live in japan
Damn really? I thought Japan was pretty based and hapas are considered attractive there. What's so good about Costa Rica?

>> No.22166592

Definitely not interested in living in Asia. If you're half Japanese it might be an option for you, not really for whites.
I have actually looked into central America, but that's only really an option if you're retiring there. Doubt there is much work, other than remote.

>> No.22166614

Nice doge yo.

>> No.22166971

Even as "half" I will always be a white gaijin in japan. You work a lot and it's almost impossible to have a car if you live in Tokyo. Also you can't have a car in Japan if you don't have a carport. The only things I love in Japan are food, cleanliness no matter where you go and the mutual respect that people have in everyday life. Costa Rica is more for the nature. Electricity is cheap but electronic devices in general are expensive because of the import taxes. Also houses are not so expensive.

>> No.22167174

I understand that and it's not my primary objective as well. And like you said I think it's not the best place to work. I'm a junior dev and I thought it was a good idea because of the remote thing

>> No.22167303

From what I've seen rural Japan has some of the most stunning nature I've ever seen, and diverse types of nature. Beaches, mountains, forests it has everything. There there are houses in the countryside that are abandoned and given away for free. Also in Costa Rica you'll never be seen as native either. At least as a Jap hapa you'd have some connection to the people and country. Cheap electricity? Really bro, that's your reason. Put some solar panels on your roof.

>> No.22167399

What do you think about Montana or Wyoming? Or the American Northwest in general. Seems pretty chill there.

>> No.22167531

>Really the refugee thing is greatly exaggerated on 4chan
Sure buddy, come to Frankfurt and we'll talk again
>069 Cho
>Germany is a bit expensive but probably the best if you want to work in the country
Germany is very shitty for what the other anon wants. Good luck finding any "cheap" land here. Bebauungsplan and other laws will fuck you up even more. There is no chance that you can do anything yourself in this shithole.

>> No.22167736

Looks really based, a log cabin home in nature, hunting, fishing, lower costs of living and US constitution rights. It's fucking idealic. I don't think you can do that anywhere else in the world. No niggers, that area is almost all white. I don't know why burgers complain where there's shit tons of great places if you just get out of leftist cities working you wage cuck jobs to service high costs of living.

>> No.22167808

well im not telling 4chan. but fuck any heavily populated area

>> No.22167833

Wyoming is better than Montana. They're culturally similar in many ways and there's never much trouble there. Wyoming has the better vistas, while Montana has more photographic locations. Wyoming is much smaller though so it's much easier to live the quiet life.

Pacific Northwest looks nice, but the governance is shit and right now it's burning as a result.

The big problem with the interior Northwest states is that they are EMPTY.

>> No.22167900

True, Ill see if I can move out there. Ill save up, invest etc. I'll be working towards it. Good luck to you anon.

>> No.22167965

That sounds pretty good. I'll keep Wyoming in mind. Thanx for the info man.

>> No.22168000

North ga. Elijah, or blue ridge most likely.

>> No.22168064

What about Idaho? Have a similar discussion on /out/ atm

>> No.22168148

You are right at many points but people in japan are mentally sick. Something is wrong there. Like the country itself is cursed. I'm thinking about the years to come. Japan was almost the first country to have that demographic problem. In rural japan younger people are almost non-existent. I like to go there as a trip but living there is another story. Ye I talk about electricity because where I live it costs 0.21€ kw/h

>> No.22168205

wyoming is gonna be kill faster than you can blink. places like this are already chosen for future babylonian cabal society

all the fed billionaires vacation at jackson hole

kanye, jeffrey star, all kinds of scum bag billionaires are buying property there. there isn't going to be anywhere to run from the affluent liberals fleeing coastal cities, bringing their political cancers with them - it should be heavily emphasized to these people that their pozzed world view is not welcome

>> No.22168306

>wyoming is gonna be kill faster than you can blink. places like this are already chosen for future babylonian cabal society
>all the fed billionaires vacation at jackson hole
Isn't this a plus? It just means you can get in early and your children will go to school with their children. They'll be set for life.

>> No.22168328

Yeah for boomers the American Dream was to flee the countryside by getting a high paying job in the city that would keep your entire life rising up in the ranks. Then get a big house in the suburbs. I think the new American Dream is to flee the city by wage cucking, saving and investing and then get a small house in the countryside.

>> No.22168464

I was in munich for a month and didn't see a single refugee.

Housing doesn't seem that expensive, there are houses for 100k all over germany.

>> No.22168470
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Get the fuck out of my town. There are only so many places where Juniper pines grow. Seriously GTFO we are full.

>> No.22168482

That sounds really nice. I want to be somewhere like Utah but without the mormons

>> No.22168800

>>$4 eggs
Raise 5 Chickens, fresh eggs every morning.
>>$8 milk
Raise a milk goat, milk once a day, hire young kid to do it for you or split time with neighbor and split milk
>>$12 cheese
Make cheese with goat milk

Comfy life

>> No.22168889
File: 69 KB, 629x711, 1598836660760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move to New Mexico. Taos is a cool village but full of boomers.
Colorado is pozzed.
Or Alaska. Depends how bad you want it bro. The thing about Alaska is that there are more men than whamens so be prepared to put in the work for some tail lmao.
Utah is nice. Kinda.

>> No.22168951

You were in a very conservative city for one month and did not see one refugee (which is questionable in itself) and therefore come to the conclusion that the whole refugee thing is overblown? selection bias much?
Travel through other cities and you'll see.

>> No.22168962

Yes, the Jewish Reserve holds their cult meetings out in Jackson Hole.
Fuck this gay ass earth. They always have all the fun.

>> No.22169059

based headed to either a remote cabin in the Appalachian with several hundred acres or heading to montana/wyoming to a ranch out there

>> No.22169065

>there are houses for 100k all over germany
>You can buy an amazing cabin somewhere away from civilization
That's what I am referring to and no, you can not find an amazing cabin somewhere in Germany and even if you could you are not allowed to hunt or fish without spending money and a lot of time for a license. You can't even make a fire or camp somewhere. Germany is not an out friendly country and it is also not friendly for people who like to do and build stuff on their own. It's a wagie's wet dream though.

>> No.22169207

moving out west in the middle of nowhere. Hodl guns and marijuana.

>> No.22169282

I wish I could make it so druggies couldn't buy link...

>> No.22169328

appalacia is the only place left for white christians

>> No.22169447

dont worry, anyone who buys link now will go poor as it declines back to sub $1

>> No.22169536
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Yes, I too enjoy rich metro Jew York fags placing their cabins next to 3rd world tier of poverty.
North Carolina and West Virginia need to unfuck themselves first.

>> No.22169539

I thought it would be the same all over Germany, my mistake. What are the most conservative cities in Germany? And what are the most leftist? I would have thought Frankfurt was conservative.

>> No.22169685

>Living with asian people gets a big NO from me,

What's your specific issue with say...Vietnamese people or Taiwanese?

I can certainly understand not wanting to be around Japs, Koreans, most chinese people, singaporeans

>> No.22169709

I thought all german cities were pretty similar in terms of refugees, my mistake. What cities are considered conservative in Germany? And which ones leftist? I would have thought Frankfurt is pretty conservative.

>> No.22169724

>It's a wagie's wet dream though.
that sums it up pretty well

>> No.22169893

Why do you understand japs koreans and chinese but not viets or thais?

Just prefer to be around my kind and never really appreciated any asians I met except for one half japanese guy i met who was based.

>> No.22169938

No problem, there are certainly hotspots. The south of Germany is more conservative in general. Berlin is a hipster leftist shithole for example

>> No.22170030

What about Cologne? I want to live in Germany for 6 months to perfect my german, I'm really hesitating between Munich, Cologne or somewhere else. What would you recommend?

>> No.22170044

Living in singapore is dope man, you just whtemog them all and they scatter.

>> No.22170654

I'm from Rhineland-Palantine and Köln is not that far from me. I think Munich and Cologne would be both great choices. Do you want to stay in one place for the whole 6 Months? A friend of mine recently was in Hamburg for one Semester and really liked it.

>> No.22170662

Wyoming is a tax haven for residents, isn't it? Also Kanye doesn't own property in Jackson Hole, he's in a nearby city. It's because of some environmental protection policy (or something like that) that makes Jackson undesirable long term. my coworker was born and raised 30 min from Jackson Hole and told me this shit

>> No.22170724

Yeah just one place. How would you describe the differences between Munich Cologne and Hamburg?

>> No.22170850

>Why do you understand japs koreans and chinese but not viets or thais?

Taiwanese, not Thais. I can also understand not wanting to be around Thais.

This is all just from my personal experience. Korean/Jap women are the most hypergamous on the planet, but Japanese men can be neat.

Chinese are super nationalist, scammy, chaotic.

Vietnamese people seem pretty nice and entrepreneurial.

>> No.22170895

> strict
> no drugs
> long hair ban in the 60'
> 15% of the population are muslim

>> No.22171307

What's the point of living there? You will never speak there language, or understand there culture or be racially similar to them.

There are enough european countries and colonies to choose from all over the world.

>> No.22171461


I've lived in the Colorado mountains for almost a decade. Summit area.

What do you want to know about it?

>> No.22171547

This is not true, I am originally from Texas currently reside in Montana.
Everyone escape Wyoming to live in Montana, the only thing the locals keep complaining about however is California yuppies buying up all the houses recently

>> No.22171579

>”Colorado is pozzed”
>suggests New Mexico instead which is the most beaner state in the country my percentage AND is full of literal pedo Muslim compounds in the remote parts of the state
The fuck?

>> No.22171585

>What's the point of living there? You will never speak there language, or understand there culture or be racially similar to them.

Good question. I'll name a few factors: I like the motorcycle culture, the women are into me, no snow, cheap as fuck (can be done on $700/month), pretty good food.

Learning Vietnamese is possible, even if I'll never be racially similiar. I guess that similarity isn't that important to me. There are other expats for those that need to be around other whites.

You can get a business visa for $120/year and get started very easily with the labor costs + low regulation.

>> No.22171648

>Summit area
that's a funny way of saying leadville

>> No.22171677

Not OP. But Id like to know, the cost of living, politics, what activities can you engage in. What are the people like etc.

>> No.22171875


Frisco. I do own too goddamn many Mellys though


It's expensive. City prices. Tourism is the driving industry and with Covid we might be fucked. Alcoholism is rampant and it's a mixture of nothing but white people.

On the other hand, I work 2 restaurants twice a year for about 4 months each. In a year I've managed to put away about 40k which I'm watching bounce in the market today lol.

Hobbies are outdoor oriented, summer is better. Rock climbing, fishing, hiking, rafting, sailing, golfing, etc. In the winter it's pretty much video games and snowboarding.

Rural areas run red as usual, the "towns" are mostly wannabe hippies and such.

On the other hand, even wendy's pays 15 dollars an hour. Get a job at a resort and you can get accommodated living, it's like a dorm but if you're young and like getting fucked up you can party far too much.

>> No.22171955

Worked on big island. Can confirm many healthy grass fed cows.

>> No.22171982

You can get all that stuff in europe or america. Only difference is you can probably pull girls ridiculously easily and be treated better in asia if you're white, downside is you will have half asian children.

Better to just go to asia for vacation from time to time.

>> No.22172309

Pacific NW is pretty much out. The rural parts are based and we hate the libshits in the cities. The problem is the real estate has 3x since the crash. East Idaho is mormon country and very white but the climate is dry and hot cold. I am very happy in PNW if I had a country cottage. It is one of the safest most white places on earth so I can't complain.

>> No.22172796

Sounds interesting, I'll jot this stuff down. Thanks for the info dude. Might go for a trip first tho.

>> No.22172849

yeah except the hawaiian natives are extremely racist against whites. no thanks.

>> No.22172856

>How do I move to USA as a NEET?

Try getting a job

>> No.22173235

>on the outer islands
Nigger Oahu has Shaka'Moa and Ka'Lei eggs from Waianae, and based Waimana TKG eggs from Waimanalo. You can get local eggs at each farm or 60 for $15 from Eggs Hawaii in Kalihi.

Local eggs are still more expensive than they should be because it's a blue state and ag is taxed hard.

>> No.22173281

>You can get all that stuff in europe or america
You can?

Where in America has a motorcycle culture that isn't a bunch of old fags on Harleys or ex-cons on sportbikes? I'm also talking about the ease of getting work done on bikes e.g. flat tires changes for $8 at a dealer.

I also enjoy being in a walkable city. I might not have been clear in the first post, but that $700-$1200 per month was for being in a walkable city and not a cabin in the woods.

Being "treated better" is also a huge perk.

If you have a specific place in the US or Europe that has these things though, I'm open to checking it out. I'd love for you to be right.

>> No.22173559

>Utah is nice, Kinda
Not for long, sadly. One of the fastest growing states in the country. All the annoying dipshits from California and Texas are flooding Salt Lake County and Utah Valley like crazy.

>> No.22173930

>the hawaiian natives are extremely racist against whites

100% true

>> No.22173976

Take your anti-Semitism elsewhere.

>> No.22174042

I stay on tye beach in Miami Florida for only $1250 a month. No complaints here. I rare venture into the city itself. Weekdays the beach is empty weekends turns into a giant beach party. Good weed here too.

>> No.22174355

No idea about bike culture but the rest you can get easily in spain, and all of eastern europe.

>> No.22174719

that looks like a firetrap

>> No.22174791 [DELETED] 
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Racist how?

Politically correct definitely not, but I think white, black, and other mainland people are just being sensitive, or dare I say, fragile.

>> No.22174941

refugees thing is right. Even before the 2015 sandnigger crisis germany had much less of them as a percentage of population then UK and France and still does.

>> No.22175123

what is wrong exactly, elaborate. I am interested since i will be living there soon

>> No.22175269
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Already have a house and land in Siberia. Perfect for ghosting. Trying to save up a bit more so I can retire there at age 30.

>> No.22175369

Stay the fuck out haole

>> No.22175754
File: 86 KB, 645x430, Galway bay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I've been thinking about ireland. I can get citizenship because my grandparents were from there and still have GI bill to pay for college housing? How do you guys feel about it? I've been before and liked it.

>> No.22175922
File: 56 KB, 1032x696, RIP Tito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get U.S citizenship buy joining the military sometimes. Just do a 2-3 year stint

>> No.22175924

Does GI bill pay for education costs outside the US? Pretty cool if true. I would go for it. Just don't sperg out with muh heritage when you're there kek.

>> No.22175950

>Africans and people with lower iq's than Americans

>> No.22175987

im living in a tent somewhere, because despite being a poor pleb who wont make it, i can still live in nature away from cities for free like a hobo in a tent lol

>> No.22176025

No it is not.

>> No.22176296

GI bill pays for college up to a certain amount per semester but its alot and a good amount of schools have programs that will lower their price to the GI bill max. The GI bill will also pay for housing during that time based on the zip code of where you are studying. If you go to school in San Francisco it'll be like 4 grand a month.
>Just don't sperg out with muh heritage when you're there kek.
yeah talked to irish before and don't bring it up unless they ask, and always say my grandparents were irish not myself.

>> No.22176386

of the three I'd want to live in Cologne. The other two are really big but not that pretty. I'd also recommend Dusseldorf north of cologne that seems like a smaller cologne with younger people, and wiesbaden/mainz to the south.

>> No.22176730

ready ahead of you, but i'm having a bit of trouble getting my own house for the senpai