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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2216445 No.2216445 [Reply] [Original]

>convert €3000 into crypto
>manage to turn it into €300 000
>somehow almost €100 000 of that now belongs to the government


>> No.2216459

learn how to avoid taxes noob

>> No.2216462

Just give it to charity

>> No.2216466

33% worth of taxes. Where do you fucking live?

On a different note, a kinda retarded question not just for OP. What would happen if you didn't pay? What if you hid it under your bed and locked yourself in your room? Would the cops burst in and take your money?

In a more serious tone, what about moving them offshore? And spending it from there. Would they still get taxed?

>> No.2216469

Can't you withdraw it through a company you open in a tax free region?

>> No.2216484
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Why would you convert crypto into fiat? Isn't crypto THE FUTURE and totally not virtual tulips? Or are cryptocucks just hypocrites?

>> No.2216490

because its easier to pay your groceries with dollars than with bitcoin or a gold bar.. duh

>> No.2216492

Can't make a house payment with BTC quite yet.

>> No.2216496

>Isn't crypto THE FUTURE and totally not virtual tulips?

It is, which is why most "cryptocucks" have made 10x in a month what you make in a year.

>> No.2216502

>he didn't open an off shore bank account in a tax haven country
>he didnt wire his earnings to that account

i know youre role playing but you need to plan that shit out

>> No.2216504

fuck you public services thief

>> No.2216505

leveraged shorts if you know what youre doing

no need to cash out

>> No.2216508

Could the average Joe Schmuck do that?

>> No.2216521

you need large capital to do this for starters, the days of a bank account thats insured and trustworthy and also private are over; now its all about bullshit like "investments" in other countries

but fuck all that when you can do the same thing but better by keeping it in bitcoin to begin with

>> No.2216523

taxation IS theft.

>> No.2216527
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I bet tulipfags from 1630 said the same thing.

>> No.2216547

Yeah the government is just laughing and spending your money on cotton candy and hookers. Definitely not funding education and roads and municipal waste management and water treatment. You can open a faucet and water comes out. You can shit in a toilet and it gets flushed away. Suck it up you big baby.

>> No.2216622

I'm not against all taxation but I do think taxing bitcoin profits at 33% is just plain theft. There is no conceivable explanation for why they should be entitled to A THIRD of someone's profits.

>> No.2216646

I'll give you that. That's pretty fucked. Specifically bitcoin?? That can't be right. Here in Canada it's just capital gains tax. Roughly 5% depending on your annual income.

>> No.2216656

And yet I pay for my own education and utilities and I've even considered paying for toll roads because the public ones are so shitty and full of traffic. Hmmm...

>> No.2216660

yes you can

>> No.2216813

And besides, those services are mostly handled by local governments. The federal government who taxes capital gains mostly uses that revenue to advance the genocide of whites.

>> No.2216816
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Redistribution of wealth, whether you like it or not, results in a society that is much more reliable and much more compatible with upward mobility than a society in which the rich get to hoard everything, and the only upward mobility for the poor comes in the form of

A) Charity
B) Employment, which will be reframed as charity by the rich.

People are cutthroat, especially those at the top. People don't hire other wagies unless the wagies they hire can make them more money than the wagie's wage. Employment is self-interest taken to an extreme. You leverage your means of production and accumulated wealth against the time and energy of someone poorer and more desparate than yourself. Nobody but those whose ancestors won would even have a chance if it weren't for taxes and other necessary evils. Until overproduction and AI puts us in post-scarcity mode taxes are necessary.

Once post-scarcity and AI kick in negative income tax or Basic guaranteed income will become necessary.

If these don't happen speculators will leverage their assets against the whole of humanity and create the biggest slave colonies in human history as they move off into space.

>> No.2216880
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>paying taxes

Taxation is theft.

If I was a tax paying cuck the government would have taken about 2.2m dollars (all from crypto) from me.

>> No.2216897

How did you avoid it? Did you just not cash out?

>> No.2216985
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My friend existence is theft.

Taxation, like militaries, money, and employment, is a necessary evil.

I will agree that taxation is theft.

Employment is theft. Military is sanctioned murder. Governments are corrupt. Businesses are corrupt. And taxation done properly is the only form of theft which gives the majority leverage against the enriched few.

Corrupt power structures are better than cutthroat wastelands.

>> No.2217075

I also want to know the answer to this. Do you just start using BTC as currency?

>> No.2217095

- posted using the fruits of government funded military research channeled via government infrustructure

>> No.2217096

>open LLC on the caymans
>trade on behalf of said company
>pay no capital gains tax


>> No.2217103

tax in general isnt necessarily theft, but taxing gains on something as speculative as bitcoin trading makes no sense at all. no "public services" helped in any way towards gains made through something like that.

>> No.2217407

I really could not give a single fuck about poor people's upper mobility, nor do I agree with your underlying premise that social mobility is in anyway desirable.

>> No.2217423


this guy fucks

>> No.2217447

>this guy fucks

<<<<< Reddit

>> No.2217453

sorry forgot noone here fucks

>> No.2217474


Source? It's 50% of capital your capital gains taxed at the marginal tax rate

(Capital gain x 50.00%) x marginal tax rate = capital gain tax

>> No.2217477

this guy sucks

>> No.2217485

This kind of attitude is literally why crypto is becoming relevant. Old money deserves to be destroyed for a reason. Useless rich fucks that really provide nothing to society anymore.

>> No.2217496

this guy sucks

>> No.2217497

Taxation is theft, period.

Don't convert it into fiat, just wait for the day you can buy everything with crypto

>> No.2217503

rebecca! how pumped are you for tonight's episode of Silicon Valley?

>> No.2217506

really makes you think..

>> No.2217508

basic income will never be necessary

once AI and automation make 90%+ human labour unnecessary for producing basic items for survival, those people become completely useless and theres no reason to provide for them as theyre no longer a net positive on society.

no rich person is going to want to throw away most of his money to fund a bunch of basic incomers. if their only option is massive taxation why even bother trying to create highly automated companies and services in the first place, when a much lower paid job will still yield 90% the same pay after tax. why even create services to sell to people who can only afford them because you're paying them to buy your own shit after the government skims off their share.

no rich or even slightly well off person is going to stand by while people try to step in to steal their money. the first countries to introduce this will lose most of their talent in a matter of years unless they can create a system where so much infrastructure is dismantled that no one pays more in taxes than before.

>> No.2217513

>not holding long term to cash out at a bigger bitcoin price and pay less taxes
fucking idiot

>> No.2217517

Thankyou for this senpai

>> No.2217519

machines that they replace humans with will be taxed, to stop countries from rebelling and killing the elites once they've bought everything

>> No.2217521

Basic guaranteed income will be spent on consumption by most normies for net rich gainz.

There will be massive incentive for the rich for BIG or negative income tax or both.

It will guarantee the poor will continue being consumers instead of dying off. It's an investment in consumers, and the consumers are meant to be on an eternal boom bust cycle.

Just think of the consumer as their own form of currency, and wealth redistribution as a forced investment

>> No.2217522

Yes you would go to jail.

>> No.2217528

Yes, I imagine viper does fuck
and smoke crack

>> No.2217532

if they can't earn their own money to spend on consumption though....

>> No.2217533
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the government can't do nothing, they cant steal your bitcoins

hold for 10+ years and retire, 1 BTC will be enough.

>> No.2217535

>It will guarantee the poor will continue being consumers instead of dying off.

>hey remember the old caste society?
>yeah, it was horrible, but considering how things worked back then it was a necessary evil...
>we're bring it back, baby!
>well we need someone to sell our stuff to, so why not turn 9 billion people into debt slaves and work them until they drop?
>how else am i supposed to enjoy a life of fucking children and doing satanic rituals?

>> No.2217542
File: 297 KB, 473x453, 2A0Ns38_R-atKwG-ijMY2zrHvzxuqA_-W_FPSeFPJOg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot.

The poor make better employees and consumers when they have upward mobility.

There is an incentive to invest in the poor for your own personal gain.

The poor need to be healthy and happy enough to become steady wagecucks who do the jobs you don't want to do.

By not giving a fuck about the poor you provide incentive for them to become molotov-tier and unruly.

>> No.2217552

just use local bitcoins :^)

>> No.2217554

Everyone in this thread who claims to have avoided taxes is lying. I promise.

It's actually comical. And those who avoid taxes are the ones who post their blockfolio with less than $5k in their port.

This board is cancer. Taxes suck, but it's part of life.

>> No.2217558

Old money always wins in the end, untermensch.

>> No.2217559

They will more often than not if they are given a social safety net time and time again. This is why the removal of social safety nets almost always result in market crashes, just like the removal of regulations almost always results in market volatility.

>> No.2217569
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Is Julius Caesar's family still rich?

>> No.2217572

I'm glad you understand

>> No.2217574

how to 10000% gainz?

>> No.2217580

you guys already see the illuminati control and how it gonna end, what shall we do ? :/ just wait for die ?

>> No.2217585

The problem here is you think that you think "upper mobility" is the same as being "healthy and happy."

>> No.2217595

i'm sure there are developing countries out there that would love for you to set your automation factories up out there for much better

consumption is down and will continue going down, give people some extra money most of them not needing it to survive will save it. multinationals will be the only ones to benefit because they'll be able to set up in the most attractive taxed countries for production and sidestep most of it.

the kind of basic items poor people need will only increase in value to offset the tax. the money is just forcefully being spread around, but the government is going to take a share, and a certain % will be saved instead of spent.

its going to be a raw deal for everyone but the most poor individuals, and when the middle class lose their jobs too, they'll be relegated to being poor and will have even less spending power. this only works out in a society where there's no way for the rich to escape.

>> No.2217597

But he's right

>> No.2217598

You survive on Little Caesar's Pizza and yet somehow that's a question.

>> No.2217616

much better rates*

>> No.2217620
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My friend, we are all wait for die

>> No.2217622

i do have a problem with taxes (specifically federal taxes), but they are necessary, at least when you're dealing with nations as big as the US.

i've read that government intervention isn't necessarily a bad thing because although it does introduce inefficiency into the economy (and if you disagree just look at the NHS), it provides for the development of organizations that can have radical impacts on other, unrelated parts of the economy (and nation), that wouldn't otherwise exist.

for example: the military isn't very useful by itself (it's entire job is to invade countries in the end), but it allows the nation to develop with the assumption that random cities won't get flattened for no reason. you can't assume that the military in it's present form would exist without taxes because of the sheer scale of organization required to run such a thing. giving everyone a rifle and telling them to protect their neighbors might work for civil defense, but that won't work when you're attempting to conduct air raids.

i just want to pay less taxes though. it's fucking annoying when i have to accompany a friend with a knife wound or something into the hospital, and i see 14 people in the emergency department because they have a cold. i don't want to pay for that.

>> No.2217629

Do they take it automatically or will they send you a bill or some shit

>> No.2217632
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>> No.2217642

>the poor make better consumers and employees when they THINK they have upward mobility


>> No.2217653

you have to report it to the IRS, and if you don't you're going to get fucked once they find out. even just depositing $10,000 into your bank account out of the blue will have your bank investigating you for fraud, and trying to deposit the full $300,000 would probably put a semi-permanent hold on your account until the IRS is done sodomizing you.

>> No.2217670
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is there any way to avoid this or are we just completely fucked

>> No.2217672

Grab a bitcoin card and use for you daily buys...and don't bring that money back to your bank account

>> No.2217700

do what >>2217672 suggested i guess, but what's the point of going to all that effort if you can't buy your sick NEET ferrari or buy 1/12th of a suburban house in san francisco?

>> No.2217720

>transfer to private wallet
>oopsie daisy I lost the wallet and my pass keys
>claim capital loss on taxes to offset trade gains
>wait a couple years
>move to some country like the Phillippines
>live like a king

>> No.2217730

That's because you're clearly a piece of shit edgy teenager

>> No.2217763

You sound like a little bitch. If you were a real man you wouldn't need your kike buddies at the IRS to steal money from people whose ancestors weren't total failures for you to have a decent life.

>> No.2217775

Owned his ass

>> No.2217791

I'm sorry you're so unhappy anon.

>> No.2217801

>can afford a nuclear bunker
This is oddly tempting.

>> No.2217838

Open a company in Denmark

No taxes on crypto

>> No.2217866

Lel here in Slovenia you only pay tax if you mine them.

>> No.2217964


Is Slovenia part of the EU? Could I just 'move' to Slovenia and cash out there tax-free?

>> No.2217978

I wonder about this as well

If I would have to pay 100k or more in taxes I would just move

>> No.2218006

Could you also avoid the scrutiny of the IRS if you just cash out small amounts every week to coer your living expenses?

>> No.2218059
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It's all beyond me; you receive after-tax money and either spend or invest it. Retarded spender doesn't get taxed, investor does. Rigged motive is fucking obvious!

An idea: withdraw all after-tax money and use a service like localbitcoins, so that your money becomes untraceable. If banks ever starts questioning your reasons, simply answer, "I'm an alcoholic retard who loves spending money on useless shit. Now shut up and give me my money."

/biz/, recommend me some good BTC wallets. Is anyone using localbitcoins? Are you happy w/ those type of services? Is this type of deal legal? Pros, cons, ideas, suggestions? Is someone else as much pissed off?

>> No.2218425

What does cash out mean to you? Are you transferring USD to your bank account or getting cash from an ATM?

>> No.2218429

He probably lives in Sweden.

Get back in cuckshed, Sven and pay your tax to the bull government!

>> No.2218455

Great idea.
Which bitcoin VISA card would you recommend? Which one has the least commissions?

>> No.2218457

>advance the genocide of whites.

we're literally funding our own deaths

>> No.2218467


I don't think there's something like bitcoin atm's in Europe.

>> No.2218605

maybe if you dealt with BTC ATM's exclusively

you'll get raped by the fees, but no taxes i believe

>> No.2218640

i don't know bro, i would like to know either, i don't even know if the card is anonymous

>> No.2218686

Is mining ETH in anyway profitable? I got a 480 in my rig not doing anything.

>> No.2218700

Mining is a meme unless you're mining shitcoins that you think will be worth something.

The only way to make a real profit mining is by buying hardware specifically for it.

>> No.2218707

Step up the crypto trading game, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna

>> No.2218789

>>convert €3000 into crypto
>>manage to turn it into €300 000
Nice LARP.

Anyway if you enjoy using roads, having electricity and running water, and not getting bombed by foreign countries, giving away a small fraction of the money you earned by doing literally nothing is a small price to pay.

>> No.2218937


>you don't already pay road tax
>you don't already pay electricity + maintenance fees
>you don't already pay for your water

Capital gains tax is just a tax on top of all the other taxes you're already forced to pay in order to make sure your politicians can live fancy.

>> No.2218954

>You can open a faucet and water comes out. You can shit in a toilet and it gets flushed away.

Because I pay for it. I see more and more wealth centralized in the elderly cohors, who charge me for the privilege to live. They're the landlords, the business owners, the shareholders. Completely out of touch with what's it like to start your life now. Why give them more and more money for health services/security/etc...? Taxation doesnt benefit the young, it benefits the old.

>> No.2219004

Cry me a river you big baby. Those other taxes would be much larger if they didn't also recieve funds from capital gains. You didn't lift a finger to earn that money, so it's time to grow up.

>> No.2219022


Don't bother. That guy is probably a 30 yo virgin neckbeard living in his mom's basement who doesn't understand you actually pay for those facilities.

>> No.2219060

>you're not entitled to profit from the capital you risked goy

>> No.2219066

you sound like such a woman

>> No.2219085


You're a special kind of retarded, aren't you? You already massively overpay for electricity and water if you look at what it actually costs... Capital gains tax is literally free money for the government. They do not provide ANYTHING at all for this. How do you think politicians pay themselves 6-digit wages every single year?

>> No.2219133

>You didn't lift a finger to earn that money,

...and the government did?

>> No.2219216

it'd be /maybe/ slightly fair if the government covered capital losses. But they only let you deduct LMAO 3K on taxes per year (aka money already being taken from you) on that shit

>> No.2219244

Can't stop progress

>> No.2219248

Don't listen to >>2218700
You will turn a profit mining with a 480 as you can't ASIC mine ETH, it just won't be much

>> No.2219251

If taxes are so bad, then why don't you move to Somalia where there aren't any?

Oh right, you need them to not have your country be a shithole.

>> No.2219268

>Your choices are a shithole like Somalia or paying 39% on capital gains
You're a fucking mongoloid if you actually believe this, a decent chunk of the EU doesn't have capital gains tax.

>> No.2219270

shit argument
why do people always overlook it's a nog country ran by nogs?

>> No.2219320


My country doesn't, but capital gains are treated like normal income, making you pay income tax on them. Which is actually higher in most Euro countries than capital gains tax.

>> No.2219340

I know Denmark doesn't tax gains.

>> No.2219365


Belgium doesn't either, but you have to pay income tax on it.

>> No.2219373


Short note, income tax in Belgium is about 52%...

>> No.2219490

Maybe that's because the nogs are the only ones that don't realize you need funding if you want a stable government. You've literally lowered yourself to their level of retardation.

>> No.2219514

nogs government is pumped with first world money, and they spend it on AK's and hookers

stay mad

>> No.2219593

>things I just made up about Somalia so that I can justify not paying taxes like every other person in every other stable country ever
Also how the fuck do you think recieving forgeign aid is a sustainable funding model for the US, EU, or anywhere else? You are terminally retarded.

>> No.2219623

You seem to have missed history class a few times when in every society ever with huge massive wealth inequality, the poor rise up and kill the rich.

giving your 30% pittance on lucky speculation seems like a fair trade to keep your life.

>> No.2219682
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>> No.2219716

>Once post-scarcity and AI kick in negative income tax or Basic guaranteed income will become necessary.
stfu commie. there will never be a time when capitalism is not the most efficient system

>> No.2219821

Why are there so many commies/socialists on a board dedicated to business? Doesn't make much sense to me famalamadingdongs

>> No.2219835

Crypto fags make 40 mil a year?!?

>> No.2220116

Why are you retards in my highly developed first world society? Shouldn't you be in Africa or something?

>> No.2220169

That overpriced ukfag

>> No.2220481
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Africa is the epitome of a communalist/socialist society. A dank shithole where people life off of gibsmedat instead of learning to make life better through hard work and competition.

Laissez-faire is what made the west great and Keynesian government regulation is what will destroy it.

Yes, tax as a means of keeping a useless class of consumers alive because its good for business does make sense but its morally reprehensible to do so. Tax IS theft anyway you look at it.
>I come into your house, take your guns away, then make you pay me to do a poor job of defending your house for you and if you dont pay me i will shoot you.

>> No.2220510

what are some countries with no capital gains tax?

>> No.2220523

You seem to have missed the part in class where 90% of peasant rebellions, slave rebellions, and socialist revolutions have been brutally crushed.

It is not the dog's place to desire the master's table. Know your place.

>> No.2220530

>he thinks gov spending is competently managed

>> No.2220748

because what we are doing is obviously morally wrong when thousands of people are homeless

>> No.2221036

Because it's easier to buy pussy with fiat, in due time tho, I will be able to trade BTC for pussy

>> No.2221104


>implying 99% of the people on this board aren't under the age of 17 with total investments worth <$500 fiat

>> No.2221111

No it's not. If we redistribute all wealth to all people in poverty in the world, then literally everyone will be in poverty and society would collapse in a day.

>> No.2221220
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>not stocking up on guns to kill glow in the dark IRS niggers
paying taxes so gib me dats stay happy haha fuck no

>> No.2221289

spot the 23 yr old NEET fag

>> No.2222085
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Lol, screencapped.

This board can be a pretty good parody of itself sometimes.