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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22160010 No.22160010 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like I've hit the wall salary-wise for my job. I make ~90k as a technical writer in the DC Area. I could probably make ~20k more by changing jobs to a more senior role, but I'm pretty comfy and I don't see a huge difference between making 90k and making 110k.
I'm not really sure where to go from here. I've thought about moving more into cybersecurity, but I don't think those jobs pay all that much more than what I'm making now.
Should I shoot for management? I feel like climbing the management ladder or starting a business are the only ways to make $$$. I have no life outside of work so I could theoretically dedicate all my free time to picking up skills, networking, more education, etc. but I literally have no idea what the best play is here. Any other anons in this situation or have any sage advice?

>> No.22160171

You should go into management

>> No.22160192

Sounds like you have a comfy job but very little going on outside it. Rather than shooting for promotions etc why don't you try and use your time to having a bit more fun? Meet new people, start new hobbies, date, just enjoy life.
Working harder for an extra 20k isn't worth it imp.
No one makes serious money working for other people. You only get that working for yourself but starting a business takes time, energy and money.
Good luck with whatever you decide

>> No.22160286

Why do you say that? And what's the fast track for management just get an MBA or something?
Meeting people, starting hobbies, dating, etc. don't appeal to me, all I care about is making more money. I agree that working harder for 20k doesn't make sense which is why I'm trying to figure out how to get the best return about the time I invest.

>> No.22160290

I agree with this. Once you make enough money to comfortably buy everything you need and a couple toys on the side, more money stops providing more enjoyment. It's why rich people who are focused on just becoming more rich are so miserable all the time.

Focus on having fun outside of work and you'll be much more fulfilled!

>> No.22160340

I see where you're coming from but I thing you're overestimating how far a 90k salary goes in one of the highest COL areas in the US, and I've tried the dating, hobby, travel etc. memes and none of them bring me any enjoyment whatsoever.

>> No.22160680


>> No.22160790

You sound autistic as fuck

Just live in shit house/shit apartment, drive a shit but reliable car, save as much as possible, buy ChainLink, and then retire in a few years so you can do nothing all day

>> No.22161320

Sounds boring af

>> No.22161377

You literally just said you had no hobbies, dating and all you care about is making money

What do you want to do with it? Why pursue making more? Sounds like you're boring but you can escape the rat race by being autistic and boring

>> No.22161469

Checked and based
Says he doesn't like doing anything and nothing brings him enjoyment. says doing nothing is boring.

Autistic af

>> No.22161620
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I'm fully aware that I am autistic af. And I already said that I enjoy making money, which was the whole point of the OP.

>> No.22161713
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Time to think of a side business, or learn a trading skill.

If you enjoy making money, because your autistic (Like me) then thats fine. Just focus on that if that brings you enjoyment.

>> No.22162107

Based, any advice on how to get started?

>> No.22162174

If you don't like interacting with people, you shouldn't go into management. Change to a more senior role instead.

>> No.22162303

Didn't say I don't like interacting with people--I don't really care about interacting or not interacting with people

>> No.22162986

You literally said
>Meeting people, starting hobbies, dating, etc. don't appeal to me, all I care about is making more money
Management is, at best, "managing" workflows to maximize output, but much more often, it is "managing" the emotions of your workforce (to maximize output). If you don't honestly love working with people and their emotions, you will hate management.

>> No.22163079

I was in a similar position. Comfy 9-5 job with minimal overtime. Got offered a promotion, $20k pay bump.

I looked at the people in that position though and they were in the office all hours of the night, working weekends during the busy time of year. For me, it wasn’t worth it. I can make 20k a year extra doing shit I enjoy in my afternoons/weekends if I really want to.

>> No.22163135

As I said before, I honestly don't care about working with people or not working with people. I'm not interested in pursuing hobbies, I'm interested in making money. I wouldn't sit around solving complicated math problems as a hobby, but I would do it to make money. Same thing with interacting with people.

>> No.22163375

Since it sounds like you're in denial about the reality of managing, I guess you can suit yourself and do it. I've managed many people before, and if you are only neutral about interacting with people and don't absolutely love interacting with people, you will most probably hate it. People aren't like complicated math problems; they're irrational and chaotic.

This is the better idea for someone like you.