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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22157900 No.22157900 [Reply] [Original]

Those with no vision of the future are destined to not succeed.

>> No.22157936


>> No.22158046

I would have had 40k usd if i had waited to sell at 40 cents. Sold at 3.

>> No.22158106

You could have had 320-440k if you swing traded from 17 cents to 35 then 7 to 30.

But only if you added liquidity each time you swing traded otherwise the piss-poor liquidity(not just the slippage) would have murdered 20% of your gains.

>> No.22158145

Be patient and stock up, let the scams fall apart. Become comfy.

>> No.22158179
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>> No.22158185

same, except i sold at 4. still want to kms

>> No.22158189
File: 32 KB, 391x280, nigeria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
is that the dev from Nigeria?

>> No.22158305

Like a clockwork, there he is again, salty about selling st 3c.

>> No.22158349

Based Zen monkey, we are gonna make it!

>> No.22158383

I sold shitera at $0.34 and made $300k since then with other shitcoins
stay poor you absolute retard
stafaggots are the new rippletards. Fuck off back to your tranny telegram and stop polluting my board with your disgusting presence

>> No.22158411

PRQ, sushi, cbdao, etc so many 10x opportunities while staggots are still holding their pathetic bags of nigerian shitcoin KEK

I bet you are all a bunch of poorfags who hold less than 5k shitera and are hoping it becomes $100 so you finally stop being poor

>> No.22158441

i don't fud statera but i sold when it pumped from 1 cent to 2.5 cents after the hack. i don't even know why because i bought on day one and actually believed in the project too. if it can get under like 8 cents i won't feel bad about throwing 4 or 5 eth in again. it looks like the higher gas fees that are resulting from the defi/yield farming craze are hurting coins that have all of their volume on uniswap, so maybe i'll be able to buy a dip. either way good luck anons

>> No.22158455

It's okay anon, I also hold 250k STAs

>> No.22158552

Sure you did anon.

>> No.22158596

>made 300k with other shitcoins
i also made 350k with other shitcoins just in 1 month!

>> No.22158973

Nice try, buying more, we waited for you pajeet
You did shit, you went in statera with 100$ and sold at a loss, gtfo shitskin

>> No.22159170
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>> No.22159962

Next pump from these levels will be huge probably breaking 1 dollar

>> No.22160247
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My body is ready.

>> No.22160505

been holding 25k since 0.05 in May
Lord only knows what my stack would be if I could be fucked swinging

>> No.22160522


>> No.22160588

Those who don't live for the present will never be happy.

Enjoy being empty inside, lads.

>> No.22160593

Realistic price predictions? How high do you see it going in the mid term and long term?

>> No.22160737

>gtfo shitskin
Shitera devs are literal shitskins of the darkest shade
you are buying a niggercoin

>> No.22160765

there is 0 demand for this shitcoin outside of some tranny and pajeet shills from telegram and discord that are trying to sell their bags since they are in red.

it will continue bleeding to 0
>inb4 muh token burn
its called supply AND demand, if there is 0 demand your >muh reduced supply
means fuck all retards

>> No.22161052

Australia shitposters, just go to sleep already.