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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 265 KB, 2400x2769, C92812EA-4C73-42C3-A01C-F9351CD3D65C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22155442 No.22155442 [Reply] [Original]

>only 10M market cap
>simple, solid and rugproof project
>team has proven to be legit time after time
>huge pumps in the past - shown to have potential for very large jumps
>solid support line met, great entry point

Statera (STA) is a smart contract powered Indexed Deflationary Token (IDT), which synergizes with a trustless and community driven portfolio of class-leading cryptocurrencies.

Every trade for Statera creates an arbitrage opportunity. Trading attracts liquidity, which in-turn attracts trading. Liquidity ripples and the supply of Statera decreases.


>Trade on Uniswap


>Phoenix pool on balancer

>Whitepaper https://stateratoken.com/assets/Statera_Whitepaper.pdf

>> No.22155460


buying up like a mf lol

>> No.22155482

i own LINK and STA

i need nothing more

>> No.22155585
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>> No.22155603

bought STA at 1 cent. bought YFI at $1100, and then bought even more at $5k. bought RSR at $0.0028. bought LINK at 41 cents. we're gonna make it.

>> No.22155632

got a comfy stack at 40k+ bought at 10c. Waiting to see it over 1 year and hit $1

>> No.22155639
File: 545 KB, 604x699, 2020-04-22 05_01_11-(20) LindyMan (99%) on Twitter_ _Flashback to these little slit-eyed chinks givi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like statera because it generates money and i use money to eat and live

>> No.22155701

Gonna put my sushi gains back on now 10¢ STA

>> No.22155754

These peices are bargain, buying as much as I van afford before new pump. Buy low sell high is the chad way

>> No.22155857

Yeah. I do think we’re pretty close to the bottom and if we happen to go down to 10c I bet there will be a big load of buys to eat that up. Don’t think we’re going there anymore though.

>> No.22155863

Linkies STA and weed, all a nigga need

>> No.22155914
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>> No.22155921

Not a massive holder myself, but below 0,10 I'll want to hit a 10k stack.

>> No.22155933

Sta is a Nigerian kike scam

>> No.22155956
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Stafags are now sadder to watch then amplers

>> No.22155986

Dude, give it up already. This was biz pnd flavor of august

>> No.22156054

Honestly they really should come forward and be a little more public about who they are and where they're from. Sergay came out into the open fairly early on as far as I remember.
Why the cloak and dagger bullshit?
It just adds to the fuel when people call it a Nigerian shitcoin. And it's not going to make it better from here..

>> No.22156082

how low before i should buy

>> No.22156112

10 cents

>> No.22156122

The altruistic anons reappear. I'm glad anons got anons best financial interests at heart.

>> No.22156132

Wow, fudders are on full force today. Smelling below 10c prices and they prey harder.

>> No.22156143

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto anyway?

>> No.22156174

I think I’ve never seen as much fud as there is now. A bit tired of it because it’s not even about the token itself anymore now that the refund is done.

>> No.22156187
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>> No.22156280

Fudds will doubt statera, just like they doubt everything else 1 year before it moonshots. Statera is for the holders with iron grip

>> No.22156305
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Never give in.
Have an iron hand.
Reject fudders.
Embrace Statera.
Together, we will all make it.

Become one with the zen monkey.

>> No.22156319

There he is again. Always watching. I believe he’s salty for selling at 3c which he admitted to in another thread.

>> No.22156368
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Comfiest hold. $1 EOY minimum

>> No.22156387
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Get in niggers

>> No.22156564

Who knew YFI would be the token that would retain most of its price.
Meanwhile AMPL and STA are plummeting and crabbing almost as hard as Chainlink during the bear market.

>> No.22156609
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How's that audit that will blow STA out of the water coming along anon?

>> No.22156627

Last time I checked XMM was 2c and now it’s 0.6c. Not doing too well there eh?

Red all over the place. We’ll see if STA will reach 10c.

>> No.22156634

Well concerning sta and link; that's how being early looks like anon.

>> No.22156673

like roaches you come to Statera thread instead of making your own, nobody wants you are selling

>> No.22156834

By end of week only 500k market cap, GO AND GET THIS GEM

>> No.22156868

1% deflationary token, not DeFi

>> No.22156874

STA save me from the scams

>> No.22156963

>that's how being early looks like anon.
I would have preferred being early on Yearn.Finance.

>> No.22157070


>> No.22157080

You had one day, the creator of Yearn said it was worthless, and nothing was tested. If it didn't pan out you would have to come in and say that you just actually gave your money away knowingly.

>> No.22157212

Would preferred being early on btc also brainlet

>> No.22157215

What’s up?

>> No.22157317

It will take some time but Statera will be huge I think.

>> No.22157488
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This is a faggot coin and I regret buying it but now I am forced to hold in the hopes it goes up because I already took a loss this week and don't want to take another one.

The dev team is fucking pathetic and if you defend them you are a retard, the """"Top 25 Exchange"""" did nothing and has no volume.

I am trapped in this hell because I bought this disgusting nigerian niggercoin, stuck here with these GOD DAMN STAGGOT IDIOTS FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU

>> No.22157501

you actually fell for it? KEK

>> No.22157573

FUD is on a full force today

>> No.22157584

speaking of YFI, the #1 statera holder holds twice as much statera as anyone else and accumulated statera below 1 cent right after the hack, putting in over $60k,and not selling or even pooling/adding liquidity when we hit 45 cents. he's also a top 50 YFI holder as well, and despite that, statera still is the largest holding in his portfolio.

>> No.22157598
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>> No.22157941


>> No.22158197

Just look at it. It’s so sexy. Going to be even sexier once it passes the $1 mark.

>> No.22158621

The support seems to be roughly at $0.12, slightly below the first pump top. I think we’re good.

>> No.22159068
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I hold more than 100k and I hate myself for letting it get to this.
I kept buying more and more on the way down, thinking stuff like
>We're never seeing .25 again, better buy now so I can break even at .22
>Fuck, the ceiling lowered...I'll buy more here, now I break at .20
>It crashed even harder?! God damnit...please stop...last buy, I swear, this way I can break even at .18
>Please...I beg you...don't go any lower...I'll sell other stuff, now I can break even at .16....surely it'll go back there...right...?
And now it's under .12, and heading further down.
I'm wondering if I should put in 7ETH more here so my break even becomes .15, but it feels so useless.
The fact itself that I can buy so low means I'm incredibly far from being in the green, and the more I buy, the harder my eventual sell would affect price, making my "real" break even price higher, making it all pointless.

I just want it to be over.
STA legitimately ruined my life for the past 2 weeks, it's absurd how much stress I'm under just because I was retarded enough to massively DCA on a teamless coin with no future.

The worst fucking thing is these threads too.
Look at the first 10-20 posts, it's pretty much the template "Wow, great project, just bought 5 ETH!" posts you see mass-generated in shill threads.
It reeks of desperation, and I'm just as desperate.

>> No.22159117

>Pink ID
Like pottery
I've been the pinkest wojak for days

>> No.22159160

I too am interested in this slow-drip niggercoin elaborate scam. ATH of 13c.

>> No.22159162

Tbh I've noticed a tendency where the coin does better the more negative /biz/ is about it and vice versa.

>> No.22159171


>> No.22159275

Sitting comfy with my STA while pink wojaks cry about the latest yiff or food scam

>> No.22159387

desu I've noticed the shills keep being cocksuckers even when the volume and price is dropping like a knife.

>> No.22159418

It's for sure a good idea and a well delivered project. But there seems to be little direction going forward. I don't think the bitcoin model of development can succeed anymore.

>> No.22159597

I for one have sold my crypto and invested in gold bars that I keep under my mattress.