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2215376 No.2215376 [Reply] [Original]

I got rich and I don't know what to do about it.

So you people are into lambos and shit, but, I'm not.

I got like 300k out of 10k which is more like 3k, so I sort of 100x.

Now I'm rich for me.

I don't really know what to do with all the money. I got a rollerblade and that was nice.

I just checked, I can get a sportscar and a 3 room house with pool in my weird 3rd world country.

Teach me to be rich biz

pic related: car I can buy and still afford the house

House: https://www.zapimoveis.com.br/oferta/venda+apartamento+3-quartos+ingleses-do-rio-vermelho+florianopolis+sc+159m2+RS850000/ID-12622355/?paginaoferta=1

>> No.2215396

Rent a porn star. You are always smatter after your ballz are empty.

>> No.2215399

Move to the western world where 300k won't buy you a house, then claim you're rich.

Nice gains though, do it again and then you're rich.

>> No.2215406

Don't buy random shit and invest it to enlarge your capital so you are actually going to be rich. If you just spend your money on cars or pool you just behave like a mindless middle-class consumer keeping up with the materialistic life style of their neighbours.

Invest your money in indexfunds/crypto/real-estate/business etc.

>> No.2215409

Don't spend it yet, reinvest and live frugile for now. Your future self will thank you. Getting rich is easy staying rich is hard.

>> No.2215430


>> No.2215444

>I got like 300k out of 10k which is more like 3k, so I sort of 100x.

what's your cost of living?

if you're smart, you can re-invest your profit and live off it for the rest of your life.

>> No.2215445

If you've got nice gains, I'd invest into buying a flat or a house, not the super deluxe mansion, but a decent place to live, that you can rent to others, and if your life goes to shit you'll have a place to live if you're currently living with ur mum or something. And the rest of the money you should reinvest. You can start a business in a real world, not a world of buttcoins. For now, reinvest.

>> No.2215486

I'm retardedly smart, IQ like 150 or more.

well, drunk now so maybe 120 but. whateves.

cost of living 2500 in the US, could be less if wanted to live in 3rd world country.

>> No.2215496


that's not a bad idea.

>> No.2215520
File: 454 KB, 316x767, pHzH6vna09pyEhOvmyy24zTHRPa1Ya95aEF0gNs7Qc4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me some btc

>> No.2215532

>buy house
>rent out house
>spend a year in SEA

>> No.2215547
File: 388 KB, 2100x954, madman winnings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm in a similar position OP, 6 months ago I was 60k in debt, then I made a quarter mil in 10 days, tax free, gambling on the US election using nothing but debt (thank you poor lending standards in Aus!). I had 60k less than zero dollars, and now I've got ~230k in stocks, and no bad debt. Since then I've made another 15k day trading stocks before I switched my strategy to long term holds on spec stocks so I can minimize my CGT. Main regret is missing crypto, could have easily 3x'd my money again, even more with leverage. At least I'm 14% up on paper on my spec stock play (~30k), still hurts though.

What's fucking surreal is now I stress more about money, not less. Opportunity cost keeps me up at night, knowing fuck, I could have done x instead and made y.

As for what to do? Keep going. You've already done the hard work, you've trained yourself to notice opportunities, exploit opportunities, and make phat stacks. First million is the hardest and you're already 1/3 of the way there. If you think crypto is going to go bear market for a while, learn stocks, learn commodities, learn fx, crypto isn't the skill, the skill is seeing opportunities to profit and exploiting them. One of the big regrets I also have is had I known more about FX trading, I could have 250x leveraged a short on the peso, and made a few mil with that 80k of credit. There's always more to learn, always higher levels to play the game at.

I know for me it's not about the money, but the freedom the money will provide. I won't have to work a job to pay the bills, I won't have to get up and go somewhere and do shit I don't want to do, I'll be able to go do whatever, whenever, get bored then do something else.

You need to decide what you want and work back from there, I know for me I wanted to get a R35 GTR, but then I did the math on opportunity cost, and was like, well, I'd rather have the debt I can get available to exploit the next huge asymmetrical opportunity.

>> No.2215594

Makes me wonder what country you are from, so many different kinds of pesos.

About the freedom the money will provide, I feel like I just got it.

No kids on the map, living on an island (currently renting but, well, I could buy that house)

I got freedom.

Congrats on prediction ability.
Read Superforecasters, might help you get more money.

>> No.2215612 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 700x639, 1472848972322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send me sum money boi

LTC: LSTET3MHzmpakVx5e5ppktU8fGH2CZamLw
MOON: 2JaDaDgdNxQrgPc8qMvz34DHTw4S5rwhuM

>> No.2215615 [DELETED] 
File: 104 KB, 350x200, broke-woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best what you can do is to help others :( I have a debt of $3500, which is a lot... because I make only $400 monthly :( Can't sleep at night... I already made 3x of my money on Poloniex, but with very low budget.. not possible to save my life. I need at least $500.

So if You want to help me, here is my btc address: 13NEBvQAV6AhDXBuHaagxXs1M6rR4X38fb

@madman You should wait when Crypto crash again like at the end of 2013 and then invest heavily (see coinmarketcap d.o.t com global charts - Tools/Global charts). Or find a stable ICOs, e.g. Tezos, Exscudo, check icostats d.o.t com.

>> No.2215629


Australia, so cost of living is freaking stupid. Right now there's a massive property bubble going on, so say to buy a 3br house in Melbourne in an 'ok' suburb (30 min from CBD say) is like 800k - 1m.

Is that all you want out of life? Just to live comfy and wait until you drop dead? Maybe go travel / vacation for a month or something. When Napoleon Hill (Father of the 'success' type of business / books) was down to his last $100 in the 30's, he went and checked himself into a 5 star hotel for a night, so he could feel what it was like to be wealthy. After that he finished his book, it was a huge success, and he hit that next level. He had taught people about 'success' for nearly two decades, but he still wasn't wealthy, do you want to be rich or do you want to be wealthy?

Shaq is rich, the guy writing Shaq's cheques is wealthy.

>> No.2215634

buy the house so you can't fuckup, forget about the car and roll the dice on crypto again with the change

>> No.2215649

how did you got your mnoney?

>> No.2215670

Short story is buy dash hold
Buy ether hold.

But, if you are asking cause you want to be rich too, too late to do it with coins. Do it with the next thing.

>> No.2215676

Implying I have LTC or moon.


>> No.2215683

Only problem with property here is everyone seems to think they have to own one, when it's actually a good investment (dips hard) the mentality has changed and people will look at you like a retard for buying one. Do an experiment, show cunts a property price chart but relable it moonstock or someshit and see if they reckon it's a good time to get in.

>> No.2215702


Fucking beggars. No shame. Die.

>> No.2215709 [DELETED] 

Why it's too late to become rich with coins? I think that it's just the beginning. There are many potential coins with price of $0.00X.

See, this guy made $5m on crypto, these are his words:

"I still believe that cryto is the best investment over the next 10 years. I think I will reinvest the most into crypto and get to 50m within 5 years."

So there's a chance, so many new projects like e.g. Tezos with billionaire who invested in this...

Can You please check my previous post? PLEASE :(

>> No.2215729

Last time i rad about Tezos they found there is hig potential Dev can escape with money. Convince me it is not true.

>> No.2215746

rich op here

turns out I'm friend with friends of the Tezos guy.

Seems he's legit. Just saying.

Don't trust me.

>> No.2215771 [DELETED] 

It's just an example of new coin, Tezos has no cap... we should wait until it hit exchanges. May be a risk investment.

There are a lot of new ICOs:
Exscudo, Bancor, Sonm, Storj, Monaco, Bancor, Ping Tau-Chain, Cosmos, Polkadot, Blocknet Supernet, Adel... I can find at least 50 new upcoming coins easily. See icostats d.o.t. com for previous ICOs. ETH was a biggest winner, probably 400x ROI ;(

But I think what will happen in the next 1-3 months in alts, big dump like in 01.2014 or next wave?

Why these people who made millions in crypto doesn't care about others :( I really need some help...

>> No.2215820


The risk / reward isn't there for property in Melb / Syd, outside of there the market is already turning / retracing.

In Melb there is minimal upside potential short term, massive downside potential, and to me given that property is illiquid as a short term asset (lots of costs getting into / out of a deal), I don't like the probabilities. People are tapped to the limit on credit, house prices aren't moving, rents have been flat for years, and the whole market is propped up by speculators. When the herd leave (those 40% of mortgages in Australia that are interest only), and the banks get squeezed, shit is going to be glorious. I have my model, I check the data quarterly and essentially there will be a time to make a massive, asymmetrical bet by shorting the banks, it's not today, but I'm betting 1 - 3 years.

Then, with the money I make out of that, go get some massive leverage & go shopping for some apartment blocks for cheap when everyone is all doom and gloom :D.

>> No.2215865

that sounds interesting.

Any opportunities for Brazilians in Melbourne?

>> No.2215947
File: 111 KB, 768x480, luxury-villa-home3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag here (I'm not going to beg right now, don't worry).

If I were you, I would buy some land in a quiet and greenish place, I'd build a house there, and maybe use the land for something profitable.

Just buy a normal and discrete car (cheap to repair, cheap maintenance).

About the rest of the money... I would save some for future investments, and use the rest for travels, culture and teenagers prostitutes.

>> No.2215956

Whooops, forget about the reference to another thread.

>> No.2215971


I live in one of the poorer EU countries. If I had 300k I wouldn't go for the maximum that I can afford and instead focus on style at a reasonable price. I'd be able to get a nice place and car for well under 100k.

>> No.2216000


Would any of you be interested in mentoring? I'm not talking about a handout. I'd be interested to hear about the way you worked your way up.

>> No.2216066

you have to figure out what your nucleus accumbens and amigdala are into.

if you fail marshmallow tests, then investing is not your thing, just find a job that pays well.

I held through 83% losses at times.

most people's nervous system is not wired up like that.

>> No.2216141

>figure out what your nucleus accumbens and amigdala are into


>> No.2216166

amigdala amygdala, potato potato, suck my balls anon

>> No.2216203

300 k in my country,buy 3 apartments about 40-50k each so 150 k in total..the other half invest in opening bussineses,gas station clothing stores etc.????? profit

>> No.2216229

Can you please tell me why it's too late to invest in crypto currency? I think that it's just the beginning. There are many potential coins with price of $0.00X.

See, this guy made $5m on crypto, these are his words:

"I still believe that cryto is the best investment over the next 10 years. I think I will reinvest the most into crypto and get to 50m within 5 years."

The best what you can do is to help others with little amounts. I am in debt and every $10 counts for me. If you want to help, here is my BTC: 13NEBvQAV6AhDXBuHaagxXs1M6rR4X38fb

>> No.2216257

lol shut up

>> No.2216301

read "Zero to one"