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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 128x128, springroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22145139 No.22145139 [Reply] [Original]

You're finally early /biz/

under 1m mcap, an actual non scam clone of SUSHI, contract owner can't mint new tokens, no rug pull

- 1000 issued per block for 1st week.
- 100 issued per block after 1st week through LP reward on SpringRollSwap exchange.
- 0.05% of total trade volume is collected as fee and used to buy back SPRINGROLL and burn.



>> No.22145232

This is not SUSHI
This is not KIMCHI

This food here, this is real food

>> No.22145239
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>> No.22145272

fuck up faggot, and fuck every other nigger getting rug pulled falling for stupid shit like this

>> No.22145432

not a bad idea, grabbed a small bag just in case

>> No.22145479

kek you bought HOTDOG and NOODLE didn't you?

>> No.22145992

in and out, you can still x30 - 50 your stack easily, why do you think biz loves it...

>> No.22146036

Omg a food token? That’s so cool!!!!! Time to invest!!!!!!!!!

>> No.22146035

Hold up, actually he may be right:


>> No.22146098

Nah this one's actually unruguble, about time someone made a proper fork: >>22145239

>> No.22146198

Bought a bag, finally early on a food farm coin

>> No.22146265

We're gonna make it

>> No.22146396

By the way OP what's a make it stack?

>> No.22146540

just aped in 20eth, lets see how this plays out

>> No.22146621
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I'm in

>> No.22147338

post tx

>> No.22147616
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>> No.22147742


report these faggot rugpullers. there's a group of these fags shilling these scams and hyping it up/giving false hope and ganging up on people when exposed. this is a scam, report these threads

>> No.22147949

Literally everyone said this about ONLYUP. Tell me why this one's not total BS too. Good answer and I'll drop 3 eth in

>> No.22148048
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>> No.22148109

That says literally nothing about liquidity being locked

>> No.22148146


>> No.22148148
File: 50 KB, 1258x170, Screen Shot 2020-09-02 at 8.58.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dev just confirmed. This is legit!!!

>> No.22148165

He didn't confirm shit faggot. He said "ohhhh I'm definitely going to do this now"
This is 100% a rug pull

>> No.22148176

what? It's yield farming, all the liquidity comes from other people.

some of u rly dont know what you're doing

>> No.22148192

Then why dev selling right now as we speak? He can drain liquidity easily that way

>> No.22148321

Speaking to the dev right now. He is locking as we speak. Folks are holding off loading bags until then. Looking out for you anons.

I will confirm once we get the word.

>> No.22148360

thats not the same thing as liquidity locking, is a dev not allowed to invest into his own ecosystem?

>> No.22148486

Okay I was wrong and a time lock was added, I apologize all. Just bought 1k

>> No.22148526

Oh shit, so this is legit then?

>> No.22148543

Confirmed! Here we go boyz. Finally a proper Sushi fork.

>> No.22148571

It's legit now. Here's the timelock code:

>> No.22148795


>> No.22148906

Bought 20 ETH worth. Hope you phaggots are right.

>> No.22148924

>sushi fork
>confirmed not a scam
Not going to be a pajeet and talk about guaranteed moon but I honestly don't see how this isn't going to go way up from here

>> No.22148974

Ok, does that mean that this has the potential to do SUSHI numbers in terms of price?

>> No.22148995

In theory yes, however sushi being first means it has an advantage. But given how massive the DeFi hype is right now I'm honestly expecting an insane moon in the next few days

>> No.22149045

I'm all-in with $2500

>> No.22149100

Pretty much the amount I'm all in at too
Could have been $3500 but I failed at flipping a shitcoin earlier today and lost 1k like a retard.
Already made 150 roll in an hour so it shouldn't take much time to make back that money, going to reinvest before europe wakes up tomorrow and wants in

>> No.22149158

Can someone please explain how to buy and farm this shit?

>> No.22149222

follow this guide
roll works the same as sushi

>> No.22149253

I meant roll here, but the rest is correct.

>> No.22149289

Holy shit thank OP. I bought 7000 all my money. I cum on face.

>> No.22149360

how the fuck do you farm?

>> No.22149381

read the damn guide >>22149222
you add liquidity, then go to their site and choose what coin you want to farm

>> No.22149493
File: 365 KB, 977x745, 1583036194429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll poop if this hits $2 or more

>> No.22149546

don’t farm unless you’re pooling and farming thousands of $$, gas fees just to pool, stake, etc will cost you nearly a couple hundred usd at this point. you’ll spend forever trying to breakeven if you barely put anything in

>> No.22149572

if you're a broke boi dont even bother, you're better off just buying the token

>> No.22149709

got about 5k TRADE that is swelling pretty good, feeling the fomo about this one though. thinking about swinging half into farms. you boys think 4 bands is enough to push past fees and earn some dough or should i fuck my ass back off to holdville?

i'm still in gains rn even if i kept like 300 trade btw

>> No.22149796

I have roughly 2.5k in and am already making enough to push past fees, 4k will be plenty. Get in this for the moon in the coming days then transfer profits back into trade

>> No.22149822

I don't see this going anywhere but up at least overnight. But who knows when the next thing will come out and people will dump and move along to the next thing

>> No.22149861

This isn't a long term hold but I think people are so tired of getting rugged by food scams that they'll be hesitant to jump ship to the next one. But then again people are really fucking dumb so who knows

>> No.22149886

if it's rugproof and mintproof people will naturally flock to it imo. if this receives even half of the shilling as kimchi we're all easily doing 5x shortterm

>> No.22150002

i agree with your guys' assumptions about this project, its basically a better sushi and sushi is ultimately vamping value so this will vamp value from sushi as a result

i'm going in boys. wish me gas

>> No.22150100

$2 is FUD this is reaching $10

>> No.22150435

please stop trying to scam people, you're just fucking with everyone's gas fees

>> No.22150467

inb4 BSB YAM thread

>> No.22150490

guys, how can i remove liquidity from the uniswap later on? The token is not shown on zapper.fi.

>> No.22150619

Well, this is depressing

>> No.22150868

Never mind, its doing exactly what sushi did. Bullish.

>> No.22151627


Anon... we haven't even reached a 5 mil cap... just hold man, people are pulling out their gains

>> No.22151651


best MC monitor is on their website's front page:


>> No.22151661

posted this in the last thread

Yeah, anons I got out, there's alot of red flags:
>Apparently there was some problem with the UI? They had to redeploy something to fix it
>The UI is closed source
>The devs admitted to selling tokens to "pay for costs" (lol)
I exited with a 5 eth loss, if I lose some money, then it's whatever, but if they do something with the UI everyone is fucked, good luck anons

>> No.22151718


what scammer has a million dollars to supply liquidity and would risk running an op this big on ethereum...

>> No.22151736
File: 42 KB, 1374x226, exp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure fud. The devs are being genuinely transparent and honest with people.

The UI thing was just the dev overriding the site with that of an old project for a minute by accident. An honest mistake, and it affects nothing about how the project works.

>Exited with a loss
Should've just waited, man. I'm not a stupid moonboy or anything, but this is definitely going places in the next few hours/days.

>> No.22151783

Like I said, if I don't care about losing money, but if the UI goes down and I can't pull my staking tokens I get fucked over massively, that's not a risk I'm willing to take, good luck to you guys.

>> No.22151805
File: 156 KB, 1994x950, chefwang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on man. You don't see this kind of transparency with other devs. All I'm saying.

>> No.22151842

YOu can still do it by interacting with the smart contract directly, you know that right?

>> No.22151844
File: 124 KB, 620x330, 1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone that shills this Indian/Chinese shit scam will die in their sleep tonight and burn in hell.

Anyone that buys this obvious scam will die in their sleep within a week

>> No.22151939

ah yes and white people don't run these scams. fuck off.
You'll be seething with the rest when this get to 100million marketcap.

>> No.22152034
File: 51 KB, 450x677, 1461155814904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up you soul-less insect. You scammers are not human.

You will experience great tragedy within a few days. You are cursed for profiting off other people's misery.


>> No.22152302


>> No.22152358
File: 375 KB, 840x859, emoji-directory-pepe-the-frog-retard-11562867960jwownu2lwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going all in hope i dont get rug pulled , wish me luck!

>> No.22152488


>> No.22152725

this looks good - actually a transparent project for once

>> No.22152824


>> No.22152906

i cant stake
>Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Out of gas]
I fucking put 500 gwei gas fee how is this happening?

>> No.22153171
File: 431 KB, 398x580, rug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao pic related but whatever i bought in

>> No.22153203
File: 99 KB, 369x466, 1434489209371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nobody here actually buys your shit scam coin and you're just wasting your time

Off to shill the next scam!

>> No.22153261

Don't go in, it has the same wallets dumping the prices and cashing out as YFP, HOTDOG, YFBI.
Just don't, and you fucking op kill yourself

>> No.22153334

spicy. proofs?

>> No.22153351

right, because people who make insane gains yield farming only do it once and never do it again, such weak FUD

>> No.22153475
File: 88 KB, 720x724, 1523871420168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nobody here actually buys your shit scam coin and you're just wasting your time.

Off to shill the next scam!

>> No.22153607

Anybody have a site where i can see the graph which isnt dextools?

>> No.22153619


>> No.22154087

Look at that fucking dump holy shit

>> No.22154110

Wow finally some real food

>> No.22155014


>> No.22155064
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>> No.22155337

boys where my damn rollies at, once euro and merica are up and once this is coingecko listed we are in this bitch.

When is coingecko listing?

>> No.22155961

they see me rorrin...

>> No.22155979

im filled with spring rolls

>> No.22156511
File: 105 KB, 808x434, springrollsells.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is unironically going to compete with sushi.

'Thats not the dev selling. The 10,000 sells are the dev grant pool. Converting small portion into USDC to fund projects such as zippo page, governance voting page, new exchange UI, etc'

The guys in discord are actually very helpful.