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22144303 No.22144303 [Reply] [Original]

>the year is 2021
>you are worth 7 figs and "made it"
>everybody you hang out with (friends & family) are working 9 to 5 and can't afford activities you want to do.
>you're rich and alone

What would you do? How would you change your social life and find rich friends to, for example, travel the world with ?

>> No.22144344

>friends and family
go back

>> No.22144450
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You want to go on vacations alone ? You want to sit at restaurants alone ?

You reek anti social incel gtfo

>> No.22144501

I’m not a neet and already have rich friends and a hot gf. all I need is 3x and I’m retired. god damn it’s so comfy being a LINK chad.

>> No.22144585

Where did you meet your friends bro ? College?

>> No.22144925

Everyone knows you bring your day ones with you

>> No.22144982

Anon, my friends are already very successful men. Why would I suddenly start hanging out with miserable wagies for no reason?

>> No.22145005

What kind of health insurance yall gonna get when you make it

>> No.22145026

I can enjoy Michelin star restaurants alone while I shit post on biz as usual

>> No.22145037

>omg doing something fun by myself
>someone might think I’m a loner
Go back, normie

>> No.22145089

you haven't made it unless you can bring everyone you love along with you

>> No.22145100

imagine being such a smooth brain and not getting my point.

Sure you can enjoy things by yourself but sometimes you want company and you don't have it. What if you want company anon ?

>> No.22145102

youre doing it wrong. When you become rich and do rich people hobbies, youll tend to meet other rich people and eventually build a new network of high networth friends

not that id be interested in doing that, I hate people, but that is what most rich normalfags do.

hang out at exotic cabin retreats or boat clubs or exclusive golf clubs or whatever the fuck

>> No.22145122

You didn't actually make it if you can't free your friends and family from wagietude.

>> No.22145176

what are you even asking? if you have company before getting rich, odds are that you will have company also after getting rich.
If you have no company before getting rich, that will likely not change.

>> No.22145202

Than get a dog.

>> No.22145364

Marry a wife material girl and have kids. Your days will never be boring and you'll never be lonely

>> No.22145379


>> No.22145388

>implying I hang out with anyone

>> No.22145402

dude i'm 22 what are these boomer ideas

>> No.22145414

7 figures isn't even "made it" anymore.

>> No.22145445

Have kids younger so you're the cool parent, not some old ass boomer. I have a daughter who I had at 19.

>> No.22145560

yikes. just tell us what you want so we can close the thread.

>> No.22145580

Anything over 5 million after taxes is made it territory if you're good with money

>> No.22145581

I'm already alone

>> No.22145666

>be a billionaire
>give a girl who wont love you in 5 years half

You can literally have a hot college cumslut on retainer for less money. I get that its a nice traditional thought. You need to realize now that women want attention and drama more than anything. A stupid billionaire would be their dream. Your business and hobbies serve you more than gambling a family away.

>> No.22145696

two options anon:
hang out doing wagie activities
hop on the next flight to indonesia, meet an asian babe every night, stay at four season, listen to the music you enjoy at the beach

if you cant be alone and enjoy it you're a loser

>> No.22145747

parents are retired and I can probably rotate friends on vacations. If both those things fail tinder in foreign lands usually yields companionship.

>> No.22145753

Hire some egirls from tiktok

>> No.22145808

I've known her for a decade and she is very family oriented. Came over here from Europe when she was a teenager. And she's scared of black people

>> No.22145811

Learn to sail so God can challenge you on the open seas. Your reward is beer and poon at whatever party you run aground at. Used to be Moon Party but its probably Ibiza and Italy again.

>> No.22145874


Go back to Facebook or plebbit, you simp fag

>> No.22145891

I already have no social life, I have literally nowhere to go but up.

>> No.22146069

>rolling dolo
open ocean swim
learning new stuff
life's awesome

>You want to go on vacations alone ?
>You want to sit at restaurants alone ?

>> No.22146076


>> No.22146096

Literally just become a musician. Whole world of people there who make cool shit and don't work 9-5.

>> No.22146143

I have an internet GF in Scotland I will be able to hang out with in person

>> No.22146162
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>>everybody you hang out with (friends & family) are working 9 to 5 and can't afford activities you want to do.

This is a mute point. If you wage slave nothing changes, you are just in prison with them.
I see a awful lot of coping in this thread.
Poor fags.

>> No.22146212

I'll live in Philippines, making one girl pregnant a day

>> No.22146215

You genuinely don't belong here.

>> No.22146221

>>you are worth 7 figs and "made it"
Damn, Safex actually worked out

>> No.22146270

Marriage in its current state is ridiculous. I think after a certain point in personal wealth marriage is just irresponsible. A loving relationship with a sweet European girl sounds great. You can do that without losing everything you built. I'm not saying that once you cash in your stacks you party until your dead. I'm saying that I personally will be a complete sexual hedonist and acquire a harem of on call sluts whenever i get bored. I will still opt for relationships but there's no way in hell I wouldn't take advantage of that situation.

>> No.22146282

Vacations alone are unironically fine
Stay in hostels and you meet so many people. I have a bunch of friends in Europe now that I don't even have to pay for accommodation in most places.
You can also do whatever you want whenever you want. Being in another country alone is the ultimate freedom

>> No.22146448
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I don't have any friends. I would like to make some though. I'd probably put out some feelers on here and find similar anons. We could hand out and play sportsball, pool, go fishing or climbing, that kind of thing. After a fun day of activities we'd take turns hosting and have a casual party at one of our houses and if there's enough people, or just drink and play vidya/watch anime.
Potential business here too. A friend matchmaking service. Even wagecuck millennials don't have friends so everyone could benefit. It'd work like a speed dating experience and hopefully by the end of the night customers will have made two or three potential friends and can arrange further meetups if there is interest. We'd also offer bespoke packages for our more autistic clients who need a little more handholding. I'd definitely pay for such a thing. With extra handholding because seriously how do people make friends outside of the internet?

>> No.22146608
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Pretty strange question. After the 2017/18 bull run I just flew to Japan/SK/SG, stayed in the best hotels, ate the best food, hit up a couple clubs, hit up even more tea houses. Wandered for months. You meet people along the way if you want to. Drove around the countryside when a girl offered to show me her city. Spent most of my time alone soaking in the sights, sensations, feels. Had a femdom sit on my face. Those memorys are with me now forever.

When I came back home I hung out with my friends I've known since middle school. Went out eating/drinking just chatting like always. Then watching movies/tv at my house. Then back out traveling, took my mom to Hawaii she always wanted to go.

No real desire to meet rando rich people to do things with, unironically feel those people would just be fake.

>> No.22146646

I'm worth that on paper but make closer to $1000 a day. This happened over the course of... a week more or less.

It is a bit lonely at times. But mostly I'm not really worried, I've lived my whole life like this. It's somewhat comforting in fact.

>> No.22146677

If you're desperate like me, larp as a normie and do one of these

Or ambush some twitch streamers you like, and flex a little (but not too much) so they want to hang out with you.

the core issue OP is addressing though is the fact that most people wouldn't have the time flexibility of people who have made it. So the question is, how do you vet people who have made it and just want to hang out and filter out malicious actors (a platform with a bunch of rich people on it, what could go wrong)?

>> No.22146697

this. I signed up for a stunt driving class because it sounded fun. met a great friend. he's an actor, invites me to incredible parties because i'm not a turbofag like everyone else in hollywood. I met another great friend at jujitsu. it's about the activities. The people naturally happen, especially if you're a genuinely happy and exciting person with no agenda.
Signing up for courses and sports is great, but not the only thing. The basic shit like hiking and such is not really the best, because it's so diluted. Anything sub $1k-$5k weeds out the losers.
I'm gonna go do some horse riding stuff in a little bit. Maybe meet some horse chicks? For girlies church is great, and yoga, especially if you're not a creep just trying to bang. generally leave the banging to the girls' friends, and if you're a leader of some kind (I teach yoga, for example). For actual friendships, activities is the best. Sailing was tons of fun. Did you know you can show up with a six pack of beer and hop on yacht races? if you know how to man a jib, and can talk a bit of the lingo, you're good. From there, it's just being yourself.
If you're an incel homo who hates the world, good luck. If you are interested in getting outside of your comfort zone and actually living a real life, literally the entire planet is right there.

>> No.22146767

how do you find expensive events

>> No.22146974

Hang out in public places, and cash out into stocks and shit so you don't get drilled for private keys, idk. Say I really make I'll hire personal bodyguards with big nohomo muscles that carry guns. Worst case scenario I don't make any friends and just give bodyguards a raise to pretend to be into the same shit I am and be my friends. It should be easy enough to sniff out if an anon you meet from here really made it or is looking to kill you, I hope.

>> No.22147143

Whores, anon. Lots and lots of whores.

>> No.22147188
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>you're rich and alone
what the fuck nigger?
that's the entire goal

>> No.22147200

build something and make urself worthwhile

>> No.22147266

This. The best thing about not wagecucking is being able to stop pretending you like everyone.

>> No.22147367

imagine not having rich friends
it feels bad though because im the poorest one literally deposited 100k in hotels in vegas to get all free shows, rooms, prostitutes, free meals they even paid for the flight only gambled like 10k-20k i had no idea you could do that being poor really is a state of mind when you can get shit for basically free and even get paid if you end up winning why are poor people so pathetic

>> No.22147409

based lol

>> No.22147423
File: 675 KB, 1024x768, safex bagholder scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your safex bags

>> No.22148018

like 1k a day without digging into your original position? thats really good.

>> No.22148076
File: 368 KB, 1280x960, 2006-Suzuki-Gsx-R-750-750---Motorcycles-For-Sale-11565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a motorcycle my friend and hit the gym everyday

it will change your life and keep you busy every day

>> No.22148582

based schizo

>> No.22148717

getting 100 acres at least - my brothers and few few friends that don't have shit going on can move there if they want, also have like 10 kids and do whatever the fuck i want on my property - would probably need around 2 mil tho

>> No.22148794

i didnt deposit the 100k but yeah my friend literally got almost everything comped and only gambled like 20k lmao he gets emails offering free flights and shit to come back

>> No.22149174

i'm already poor and alone so it won't change much

>> No.22149275
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When even I go somewhere alone I just meet new people. You're the antisocial pleb who has the same sad little friend group from highschool. Kek
I would stack PMs. Learn things. shitpost. Exercise. Read. Adventure. Travel. Hike. Camp. Etc. The freedom to disconnect for days or weeks in an instant gives me a massive peepee

>> No.22149335

Yeah I do

>> No.22149394
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>made it so dont need to work
>volunteer at some animal shelter full time
>get to hang out with a bunch of girls with actual decent personalities
>seen as a decent person because of all the money you donate (1 whole LINK will be enough to keep it running for eternity)
>find an innocent wife
>take her back to my ranch just outside the city, where i have my pet llamas running around my rescue dogs
>she can spend all her time caring for the animals and my 6 children (4 sons, 2 daughters)

its really this sinpel

>> No.22149403

Is that yours? any complaints about the bike?

>> No.22149456

Have a family and start a small farm. Do wholesome shit that grounds you. Hedonism will never work. Use your money to build the most beautiful church you can that will last for generations. Do shit that matters

>> No.22149839

Because I have 2 Asian gfs right now and good close friends

Wait you really thought I was a loser like you Lolle