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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22142940 No.22142940 [Reply] [Original]

Early voters want to drop the next set of rewards for farmers by 5x, this will probably massively fuck the TVL and really harm the protocol's long term prospects. Go spend the $30 to vote, you'll lose much more if your APY drops by 5x.

>> No.22142976

Can I vote while my YFV is in balancer? Where vote?

>> No.22143018

Okay found it but it says I am unvoteable. I suppose I can harvest YFV to vote, is that true?

>> No.22143045

You have to have YFV staked to vote

>> No.22143095

and you only can stake with at least 90 yfv

>> No.22143118

Why do we keep dumping

>> No.22143169

Oh I thought it was 96. How long is the vote open? By tomorrow I can harvest enough without having to pull anything out of balancer

>> No.22143262

I voted to adjust the LINK pool. Fuck the rest.

>> No.22143287

that's largely because of the market dumping as a whole dumping, also the tokens that were staked can be unstaked in 7 hours, along with the APY for this protocol dropping like a rock as people leave for higher yields might really fuck us in the short term.

The voting goes through tomorrow, the beginning of the next epoch is when you can no longer vote.

>> No.22143292

>How long is the vote open?
i didn't find this info. I have another question - why would anyone want to reduce the rewards? How does it benefit the holders?

>> No.22143312

Worth holding or should I get out?

>> No.22143336

I get that thinking, I'm farming the link pool too, but there's clearly becoming a farmers versus hodlers dynamic here and I want the tokens on the market ASAP so we get to 0% inflation (YFI did 40x and YFLINK has done a 10x since hitting 0% inflation)

>> No.22143370

The guys who got in early are trying to drive scarcity. Greedy Jews. I voted to keep it as is

>> No.22143410

There'll be pretty big FOMO at some point, the dev team seems solid and have interesting plans to differentiate themselves from yearn, but a lot of whales doing governance just want to fuck over farmers even if it fucks the token's value and some future prospects as well.

>> No.22143414

>apy stays high
I tend to my humble BAT farm
>apy goes down
I tend to my humble BAT farm and maybe my YFV goes up

Sorry I don't have the vote power this time anons

>> No.22143641

why would wales want to fuck the value of the token?

>> No.22143648

Isn’t the next epoch 1 day 17 hours 50 minutes tho? That’s beyond just tomorrow. So it says According to my farming page

>> No.22143738

Whales don't fuck over the value of the token, they fuck over the apr with the hope it means less farming which means less tokens added to supply so upward pressure on token price

>> No.22143757

they already have huge stacks and want to decrease inflation as much as possible so in the long term the price goes up, they dont care what happens to the short term price or the farmers

>> No.22143777

bat is getting absolutely fucked

they want to fuck farmers, and I don't really think they understand what they're doing by dragging out inflation for 20 weeks.

that's the correct time for the next epoch, you can vote up till then.

>> No.22143885

>interesting plans to differentiate themselves from yearn
Can I read more about this somewhere

>> No.22143923

>and I don't really think they understand what they're doing by dragging out inflation for 20 weeks.
What does this imply? Im a holder and if the token price goes up faster that would be good news for me but could you explain how it could be detrimental?

>> No.22143933

https://medium.com/@yfv.finance Here's there medium fren

>> No.22143986

so the other YF forks and YFI pumped very hard once they reached 0% inflation (no more farming rewards), by lowering farming rewards, it'll be longer until all the tokens have been farmed, so it'll take us longer to get to 0% inflation.

>> No.22144053

Oh fuck i see. Damn these voters are retards. How much longer would it take to reach no inflation if their vote passes and if doesnt pass

>> No.22144058

>Bat is getting absolutely fucked

Yes but you see, that is the entire experience of being a BAT holder.

>> No.22144131

I’ve read those I don’t remember any plan to differentiate

>> No.22144168

Vusd and Veth

>> No.22144244

I have no idea the pool structure but I would prefer they honestly just burn some of the pools and eliminate them and pare down to 3-4 pools with higher APRs.

>> No.22144380

Why the fuck would voters want lower rewards for farming? Is it because they want higher staking rewards like kikes?
>tfw farming with 3k worth of BAT

what do bros

>> No.22144435

exactly in the same situation..

>> No.22144543

I just want to know, since I put all my BAT into BPT, can I pull out to get the BAT back, or can I convert the BPT to another crypto if I wanna pull out

>> No.22144572

i can smell a bump coming...

>> No.22144595

Someone spoonfeed me. Only starting farming in the Link Balancer Pool an hour ago. Says 'This account is not voteable'. When can I vote? Do I need to stake some of the earned YFV to vote?

>> No.22144666

I have 10 of these
How rich am i gonna be

>> No.22144692

Where do we vote?
The best thing to do is max out farming rewards so we can get all the tokens into circulation, that way we can burn them much faster and drive the value up. The whales are trying to fuck the system.

>> No.22144700

You need to stake in the YFV v2 pool. That requires 96.4 yfv.

>> No.22144743

I believe only yfv stakers can vote.
Really don’t care if apy gets voted lower, planning to drop another 4k link in the pool. Fuck you poor fags.

>> No.22144778

Why is this vote taking place in the first place? Like who decided it was needed?

>> No.22144806

Haha I did that earlier too. Should’ve started farming in August but I was on holiday

>> No.22144879

I started about a week ago and beat the high fees, won’t be able to avoid them any longer. Mid triple digits can come soon enough.

>> No.22144892
File: 3 KB, 329x28, bAsAdO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pic related

>> No.22144905

enjoy 16 yfv per day

>> No.22144917

bro how much do you fucking have farming, that's gotta be like 80k in BPT

>> No.22144945

How does 10 dollars sound?

>> No.22144965

Fuck you whale, and fuck you dolphin.

>> No.22145063

Beautiful. On second thought token circulation and burn is a very good idea, although that depends on what the devs have planned after pools run out.

>> No.22145145
File: 123 KB, 1312x879, 2020-09-02 (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So as someone who has more YFV staked than in one of the pools, I should be voting to get more power right?

>> No.22145168

sry guys i am so balls deep in YFV that i literally can not vote anymore because of gas

>> No.22145237

how much gas is it to vote anyways

>> No.22145244

Basically this. Whales who have accumulated fuckloads already are trying to keep the rest from gaining anything. Price will rise too fast and it'll become a pump 'n dump. This can go much further than that but whales just want quick profits and move on to the next money-farming project.

>> No.22145261

What should someone do right now with 1k link, go into the link farming pool or just swap to yfv?

>> No.22145282

Yes correct.
Though I don't get why you currently have more in YFV staking pool than one of the Balancer ones. Balancer = x8 daily return (Link pool) or x10 (BAT pool)

>> No.22145306

can this shit ever hit $1k? Marketcap be damned this seems like the only Y token people are actually using

>> No.22145322

25 bucks... yeah i am that broke

>> No.22145354

when i realized this, the 40 hour staking lock was already in effect. Certified brainlet FFS

>> No.22145366

Unlikely because that'd mean 15 billion mcap if considering max supply (which would be hit by ~6 months latest).
Unless all of these Y-tokens all pull some kind of Bitconnect

>> No.22145395

What's the highest you think it'll go? I bought some hoping to flip it, I was planning on selling at $300

>> No.22145403

Go into the pools, don’t ever sell your link. It’ll cost money but learn to use your assets to make income. Think like a stripper.

>> No.22145435

Yea i know, but at the time i didn't have much cash (or the balls) to put in the balancer pools.
3.5 eth is letting me farm 1.2 yfv per day in knc pool and i had 10 eth. Poorfag shit.

>> No.22145464

KEK rip. Either way, the Balancer pools looking like they'll retain atleast ~50% yield for next epoch. ~1.5% daily returns is still decent.

>> No.22145490

I am brainletting too I still don't get it. Are you saying YFV can be put in any pool? I staked mine in the YFV I thought thats where you had to

>> No.22145515

Also how many times am I allowed to vote?

>> No.22145521

Lol honestly have no idea. Depends if Binance decides to list? YFV looks like one of the more legit ones, and with the recent YFII and SUSHI listings, could very well happen.

>> No.22145532

i can unstake in about 11 hours, theoretically.
Might sell of these and start farming more. Or do you guys think the vUSD/vETHs could be worth it ?

>> No.22145578

no, only in the v2 staking pool. You'll get vUSD for now.
But once staked you can not unstake for 40 hours. So pray it doesnt nosedive in that time.
The rewards are way higher (for now) farming though

>> No.22145617

this entire thread is about how jews are finna boutta fuck over farmers. Tread lightly.

>> No.22145649

Right from what I understand:
>2 types of pools: Balancer pools (Link, BAT, REN, etc) and YFV Staking Pool
>Link Balancer pool takes 98% Link and 2% YFV only. Ren Balancer pool takes 98% REN and 2% YFV only.
>YFV Staking pool takes YFV only.

Currently the daily yields on Balancer pools are way higher than the YFV Staking pool. There's no lockup period for staking in Balancer pools. YFV Staking pool has lockup period (dno how long as I've never done it). Only advantage of staking in YFV Staking pool is you get to vote on shit, like what the yields should be for next epoch for Balancer pools.

>> No.22145754

That is basically correct - the voting part is pretty important though!

>> No.22145771

so what should I do? buy this or NEC

>> No.22145827

ok I know all about Balancer. Its really better to be there? fuck, you'd get Bal airdrops for the Link and Ren too.

>> No.22145845

nigger i dont know

>> No.22145864

So ideally you want to own enough staked YFV to vote on shit, but the majority of your holdings should be farming the BAL pools?

>> No.22146071

this, voting is how we beat whales from manipulating the supply of the coin and dumping on us.

>> No.22146137

how soon is soon?

>> No.22146271

Yeah better to be there if you're looking at it in terms of yield only. Though as others have said, being able to vote on shit is important too so yeah, find a good balance. Also I just read you need 90 or 96 minimum YFV to stake in the YFV Staking pool, so keep that in mind too I guess. One thing though, I don't think you get the BAL airdrops, as you're taking the BPT (Balancer Pool tokens that tells everyone you contributed to Balancer pool) and staking them for YFV. Basically you get YFV instead of BAL.

Yep basically. Though obvs the more YFV you have staked in YFV pool the more weight your vote will have. Their medium article says they also take into account how long you've been staking in YFV pool, so a big whale can't just come along last minute and takeover the voting (low staked time = low voting weight)

>> No.22146343

For anyone that wants 100% spoonfeed and handhold mode for how farm in Balancer pools: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgYA8I06TAw

No that's not me.

>> No.22146349

lol you brainlets just worry about your daily yield. most of you clearly do not care or do not understand that the current vote will make the price of 1 YFV much more expensive. And you will rather begin to stake or save up your YFV than dropping them on the newfags here.

Current vote = bullish for everyone who holds YFV

>> No.22146572

cutting from 25 to 5% weekly from one epoch to the next is retarded, at least half it every time

>> No.22146654

Then leave the Link pool it is clearly noticeable that you are in there and go to the Balancer or KNC pool.

KNC is by the way undervalued and made a good dip. Time to buy more and put them into the pool.

>> No.22146683

YFI cut their fucking farming from 0 to 30000 coins from full throttle to 0% inflation. 0% inflation is the fucking goal. My theory is that I bought the wrong YF clone because YFI was low cap even when all coins were farmed and then went 0% inflation mode. also the other clones are 0% inflation before the great yfi clone pumps. only YFV is fucking high cap while still farming

>> No.22146792

Oh I thought you meant staying in the Balancer pool (just holding the BPT) was better.
If I take the YFV I have now and go to the Link pool the BPT token is a 98/2 split. But don't stay in Balancer right? Give the BPT to the finance site

>> No.22146797

i'd vote to burn the remaining coins out of circulation but not a slow trickle over months, that's retarded

>> No.22146866

yfi had a fucking forum up within a few days of launching. the sad truth of the matter is that fucking YF devs are no andre cronje and can't pump out new stuff like crazy, hell they can't even clone YFI at the same time andre cronje develops new shit. hope this goes to $100 at least

>> No.22146872

Because you get to vote, the whole point of the thread is people can vote to fuck our yield, and we have to vote against them.

>> No.22146904

Because YFV is made by people who want to make yield farming sustainable and not just PnD shit like the other clones.

Coingecko lists the wrong total supply as it is right now 2M.

If you want to earn long term gains and long term a stable passive income then you should go into YFV. If you want to get scammed but also the chance of a fast increasing token price then go into YFL and the other clones, which by the way have not even a pool to participate.

>> No.22146908

look at ampl's market cap peak and imagine if Vusd did even a quarter of that.

>> No.22146940

They will do this soon again

>> No.22147063

why would it do that

>> No.22147159

Why are the devs anonymous
Why do they force the token into every balancer pool creating huge risk
Why does the audit letter look so amateur and have a bunch of typos

>> No.22147191

>I know all about Balancer.
Explain how this site works and what it does. I cant keep up with some of this defi stuff.

>> No.22147308

you forgot 579 000 in your fucking 2M
I hope that YFV implements Vaults fucking ASAP and copies as much of YFI as possible but I guess this clone is rip by design because of the fucking inflation if this 8x it is the same mcap as the OG

>> No.22147331

watch a few videos idiot

>> No.22147417

The new staking pool has an unearned YFV box. Pretty decent returns it looks like.

>> No.22147444

Because It's an AMPL clone

>> No.22147451

huge risk? all the yield farming is huge risk.
Typos? Audits getting pushed. And YFV is the only clone which has been properly audited the other ones have no audit. And the Audit has been done by a US company. Complain there about the typos.

>> No.22147495

Newfag here,
Could I farm enough YFV to be worth a shit with 3k of stable coins or am I too late to bother?

>> No.22147530

what is this retarded brainlet shit? the max supply is NOT 15mil

>> No.22147539

Stablecoins: "only" 275.1% APY

>> No.22148196

>Literally anyone
>Being able to type correctly
Anon, if you can type and spell correctly you're literally an elite. I am not even shitposting. My friend is an engineer for toyota and doesn't know the difference between to and too.

>> No.22148220
File: 10 KB, 112x112, tenor (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22148926

>people unironically don't think this will flip YFI and all the other clones
>Value pools
>Payout in eth
>The only good audit in the game
Buy one don't miss the train to 50k+

>> No.22148958

I need some goddamn information on veth and vusd and liquidity. RIGHT FUCKING NOW

>> No.22148985

shhhhhh dont buy

>> No.22149082

>The only good audit in the game
You had me at first half. Yfi run Inc. But good audit? Come on bro, literal who auditor audited this shit

>> No.22149161

AMPL-like geyers are coming is my guess.

>> No.22149209

This is gonna flip YFI like LOKI will flip XMR

>> No.22149391

it will when it goes to binance