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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22129405 No.22129405 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.22129460

ADA is coming

>> No.22129555

SURF will be out in a few days. Hang tight

>> No.22129589

SOL/SERUM is coming bro

>> No.22130571

unironically use Tron. They have a working relationship with Band protocol as an oracle.
The transactions are faster and way cheaper. Maybe the best thing about it is that an ethereum developer doesn't need to learn an entire set of skills to port their projects over, it uses solidity to make smart contracts. It's only a matter of awareness.
Tron is the solution to the high fees, high txn cost.
I've completely given up on buying Eth, the fees are just too high for me.

>> No.22130934

Imaging paying fees in 2020

>> No.22130971

>They have a working relationship with Band protocol as an oracle.
thanks for warning me never to use tron

>> No.22131000

Xdai stake

>> No.22131021

>chinkoid subhuman, the post

>> No.22131022

what's wrong with band?

>> No.22131052

December 12 fren.

>> No.22131061
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What did he mean by this?!

>> No.22131100

What do you need 2nd layer for? You just need to lift off the block size limit, and let miners to mine as big blocks, as it's possible.

>> No.22131231
File: 130 KB, 398x398, waiting for eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll just keep waiting for a solution for ETH

>> No.22131262

Nigger did I say anything about commie eth? I can't wait for that shitcoin to die along with you kike.

>> No.22131289
File: 464 KB, 750x1291, 098B55CD-538D-40C4-A2B6-13EB15E98FE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one fucking poster mentioned STAKE/ xdai being the solution to ETH gas crisis.

Have fun with your food coin and YF chink scams /biz//

>> No.22131361

The Twitter yield farming cabal is already talking about forking a L2 solution with liquidity farming to hasten migration.
When they talked about forking 1inch in this way it took less than 1 week for Sushi to come out.
So yeah keep an eye out for that, it will most likely be the next legit yield farmed project.

>> No.22131382

he means you should be comfy on 10k+ link and not trading shitcoins around constantly like a degenerate gambler

>> No.22131792

dude. Vitalik himself said that everyone should stop using ETH.

>> No.22131822

don't worry, LINK and Arbitrum will save the scaling issues

>> No.22131925


I'm here since 2017 and since that time I heard that "insert name" will solve eth scaling issues.

So far nothing did.

>> No.22131944

seriously how is there no solution to the gas fees. surely SOMEONE worked on something the past few years. fuck crypto ill be back in another couple of years

>> No.22131990
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>> No.22132131

help am brainlet. who do i follow on twitter to keep up on this?

>> No.22132185

Unironically this

>> No.22132278

How the fuck does Vitalik's twiter icon look so punchable? It makes literally everything he tweets read with an arrogant "not my problem lol" tone when you couple it with his face. I've noticed he's gotten a lot more smug with his remarks ever since Eth 2.0 fuckin failed. My guess is he's fucking given up; I would too if I made as much money as him off some shit project he thought up while jerking off in the basement. Imagine getting rich off his meme scam and sticking with it this late in the game when you're finally getting called out on it. If he were smart, he'd take his profits and vanish from the face of the fucking planet.

>ETH gas prices are too high!
>"lol don't blame me! Someone else was supposed to solve the issue for me lmao"

>> No.22132493

Kys chinkoid

>> No.22132843
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somehow, some way, the jews are responsible for this. i just know it.

>> No.22133270
File: 19 KB, 210x240, 1598377078920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eth is useless and outdated and has no future because it doesn't fit my /biz/ centric worldview

>> No.22133904

unironically stakenet + raiden

>> No.22134425

Lava network created by infernal toast who made 0xBitcoin. Swap 0xbtc for lava tokens and pay someone 0xbtc tokens for them paying your gas fees. Look it up. The idea is good. Just need to allow any erc20 to be swapped.

>> No.22134503

Vitalik wasnt the sole creator. Gavin Wood built the EVM and invented Solidity. Imo, Gavin was the heart of Eth. Now he made Polkadot.

>> No.22134721

chink scammer

>> No.22134784

based shitalik sharterin

>> No.22134820

Hello Vitalik, you're a fag and I wanna cum inside your mommy

>> No.22135254

If solana clears December it’s going to nuke eth into orbit