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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 659 KB, 696x361, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22129224 No.22129224 [Reply] [Original]

No Arbitrum, no reputation, no staking, no mixicles, no threshold signatures, no TEEs, no fucking nothing.
You get absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.22129256

pee pee poo poo

>> No.22129276

You mean all of that and more is still on the horizon?
Just sold 100k

>> No.22129278

>market dumps
>suddenly link fuds everywhere
You having fun there, trannies?

>> No.22129281

It's funny to see link twitter spin smartcon as anything but a scam. The speaker list included Oracle and Microsoft, they told jokes in their timeslots

>> No.22129302

>chainlink has tons of extremely exciting things not even released yet
>many of these things will literally change the entire blockchain industry
>not even released yet
>chainlink is top 5 without any of this world-changing shit

this is now FUD

>> No.22129344

>still on the horizon?


ya ok

>> No.22129355

The most recent of those things outside of Arbitrum was announced 1 year ago.
And still NOTHING.

Arbitrum was half a year ago, and doesn't need any of the other features.
And still NOTHING.

>> No.22129496

You are brain dead and fucking stupid if you think this small shitty team is anywhere close to the features OP listed

Sergey is not talented enough to pull this off. Proof is in the pudding

>> No.22129545

Even if Sergey WAS a retard, Ari is not so your FUD is dumb

>> No.22129556

>Sergey is not talented enough to pull this off.
That's why he's drawing in the right people, like acquiring TownCrier and Deco.

His only problem is never actually releasing anything.

>> No.22129587

fuck sergey and fuck ary
lying piece of kikes
>muh research

>> No.22129606

I get 30x
Suck it bitch

>> No.22129618

Ari has worked for link the entire time, wise up fool

It's two pronged, no features and no actual integrations/adoption. It does not count if your only customers are scam projects

>> No.22129691

>no actual integrations/adoption
Chainlink is the driving force behind nearly $3 billion in Defi alone.
Also, a Deutsche Telekom branch is running a Chainlink node right now.

This is just what's going on right now.

Not sure what you're trying to prove, other than the distended nature of your prolapsed sphincter.

>> No.22129801

Sergey is not the one developing, low effort fud

>> No.22129819

what is the next hopium, bros? and when is it?

>> No.22129893

Defi is a meme, which reflects why link is worth only $14

He has to execute as a CEO like Jobs or Musk. He can't, so the plan fails. Name enterprise adoption, I have all day. Your scam defi doesn't count

>> No.22129933

When the fud stops, it's time to worry.
Keep it coming, boys. It keeps me reassured.

>> No.22129989

Uh... ummm.. um we're feature creeping DECO? Ummm arbitrum soon? Heck i don't know, anyone know how staking works?

>> No.22130043
File: 110 KB, 1157x765, t-systems paid in Link tokens deutsche telekom t-mobile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defi is a meme
It's very real, but it's child's play compared to what Chainlink should become.

>Name enterprise adoption
See pic.

>> No.22130050


>> No.22130052

Arbitrum, reputation, staking, mixicles, threshold signatures, TEEs, all on the way
all fuckin in

>> No.22130124

> "We've got some huge things in the pipeline don't you worry!"
> *dumps a big steamy 500k on your face*

>> No.22130142


>> No.22130270

wait till tuesday :)

>> No.22130306

Wasn't Oracle supposed to integrate LINK by now? Or are Ribeiro and Keane playing you all for a fiddle?

Node operator making $, not adoption

>> No.22130323


>> No.22130344

>Wasn't Oracle supposed to integrate LINK by now?
Q3 was always the plan. So by the end of this month.

>not adoption
Running a literal Chainlink node is "not adoption".
Whatever you say buddy.

>> No.22130889

Learn to fud better, this shit is pathetic. Even the pajeets fud better with their broken English. Oh, and remember to dilate.

Basedbros, stop trying to spoonfeed and educate these trannies. They already know how great link is, they're seething because they're priced out and it will make their shitcoins obsolete.

>> No.22130918

What's on Tuesday, nothing? Are you guys becoming like xerpes?

>> No.22130981

Don’t fuck with us, please
We’re too demoralized as it stands.

>> No.22131214

lmao, get rekt bitch. Muh FUD

>> No.22131498

absolutely seething

>> No.22131636

>how great link is

Congrats on some shitcoin named BAND having better gains than LINK in half the time. You fucking retard

>> No.22131732

>I can only think of the short-term. My brain can only comprehend what's directly in front of me. I'm incapable of individual and rational thought. I'm a brainlet.

>> No.22132212

>small shitty team
You are aware they have one of the largest teams in crypto yes? And outside of their team they have more other crypto projects developing than every single other project in the space besides ETH, yes? And, you are also aware that Sergey has more connections than any other single person in crypto by multiple magnitudes, yes? Ok

>> No.22132683

Industrial Bank of Korea and 6 smaller banks
