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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22128224 No.22128224 [Reply] [Original]

Get in quick for a once in a lifetime opportunity

>> No.22128281

ADEL just made some anons 25k USD richer over night.

Holy fuck bros we are going to make it aren't we?

>> No.22128426

surely it's overvalued atm? i sold my adel, 1 week's worth of adel had the same value as my overall akro staked

>> No.22128675


Anon I...
its going to $100 you weak handed limp wristed wagie. Please don't neck yourself when it happens.

>> No.22128711

don't neck yourself once supply reaches 60m

>> No.22128716

started staking yesterday, am I getting any staking rewards or do I have to wait until next week?

>> No.22128769

you will get rewards, see: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nOJ6a2QAbHkpBggFfw1RL3W7ajtbgLNElkCRO_5Kh6M/

There's no more ADEL distributions until they get the governance up and running though apparently, you will still be earning ADEL though.

>> No.22128925

what is this 2017? You really think 60 Million ADEL, which are going to take forever to be released, is going to stop it from hitting $100?

Back to you wage cage, you don't belong in crypto.

>> No.22128945

okay so adel hits $6 billion market cap, higher than chainlink MC right now


>> No.22129019

I've still kept half. I'll be alright I think ;)

>> No.22129062

Nice. Feels good to have the prospects of making it off adel alone.

>> No.22129220

ok now compare the entire crypto market to gold/silver/stock market.

if you don't think that AKRO will play a part in the greatest transfer of wealth in our generation, what the hell are you doing here? AKRO will be the defi chain for Polkadot. AKRO will make permissionless DCA easy for normies. AKRO will provide under-collateralized loans. AKRO....

fuck it. You are a non-believer so just neck yourself in minecraft. I am happy I bought my multi-million stack at 13 sats when the AKRO testnet credit pool looked like a piece of shit from 1997.

>> No.22129288

adel was THE big brain play of the week in this farming season
Best thing: this was accessible to small holders too

>> No.22129455
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>ok now compare the entire crypto market to gold/silver/stock market.

>> No.22129546

lol...... you're gonna be like those YFI guys that sold YFI at 1k

>> No.22130055

Stake pool is 100%.

Good Luck Anons

>> No.22130224

I’m going to fucking murder this faggot Vitalik. I’m already staking 250k but wanted to stake another 100k before the pool filled up. I’ve been waiting for over a fucking hour for my transaction on Uniswap to go through and now the pool is filled. This faggot needs to fix his ETH shit asap or else Polkadot is about to absolutely just him

>> No.22130384

he sperged out on twatter and basically told people to use L2 solutions. Fuck this guy and his spaghetti code eth bullshit. its time for web 3.0 platforms to eat his food.

>> No.22130424

adel trading at 3.3$ lmfao

Who is buying this shit ???

>> No.22130446




>> No.22130533

imagine YFI at 1k

>> No.22130636

>tfw got into yfi at $1k
>tfw got into the sbree presale
>tfw staked 650k akro the first weak for a 6200 adel airdrop
I am blessed AF. And I'm not even a yield farmer. I just buy random leftovers scraps dumped by degenerate yield farmers and make tons of money regardless.

Also checked.

>> No.22130644

its second governance token lol
who the fuck is buying this shit?

>> No.22130653

people who actually see an undervalued governance token and buy cheap.

$100 ADEL is fud. screencap this.

>> No.22130680

and its at 100% now.