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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 106 KB, 568x565, MOON_IS_A_JOKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2211412 No.2211412 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys,

I just want to share a warning with you to not buy MOON. The coin is a joke, and a scam. The community is counting on you /biz guys to swoop in and buy. They are laughing at you in their own private Discord (invite only). IN the public Discord they will claim that this coin is "Long term" and based on "solid tech" and such nonsense. The reality is that the ideas that MOON brings to the table are shit, and the coin is priced low for a reason.

I have pulled out and lost a substantial amount of money. Don't make my mistake! I am hoping this warning will save some biz bros some money.

If there is some generous benefactor out there, my BTC address is 1LiUqNTCptZ3k2sK5zXKUAz3sp3Cxvm5pP

>> No.2211426

stay poor faggot every coin was dumped even the great BTC stop being a whining bitch and hold your balls and be patient every coin starts like this

>> No.2211431
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1448583670073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try, have fun staying on earth with all the shitskins while i party on mars with some aliens

>> No.2211434

t. discord shill

>> No.2211441

go back to your discord chat you shilling faggot

it's people like you that will never make over $1000 off of crypto

>> No.2211447

>look Im copying and pasting a thread! That will stop them!
When will they learn?

>> No.2211449


>> No.2211453

Mars? Im partying on the MOON!!!

>> No.2211466

If this is a copy&paste then link to the original, faggot. Of course you can't because you are yet another MOON shill.

>> No.2211471

kys faggot

>> No.2211474


"the coin is a joke and a scam but also please give me money here"

The coin's fine and not any worse than any other alt-coin. The PnD already happened and a lot of people holding now are actually long term holders.

The community's counting on anyone to come in and buy to bring some attention to it. The fact is that if enough people become interested in the coin and buy, it'll get onto a bigger exchange and take off from there. The potential's huge and the price to buy in is so fucking low

>> No.2211483
File: 23 KB, 208x243, IMG_5092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never went to it cause it's pointless but I've been around long enough to know the shit will get awaken

I made money off ETH and LTC when it was at cents you faggot hahahahhaha it's all a patience game that you faggots don't even know how to handle cause weakhands

probably all live with your parents cause you're all losers who threw al their money on one coin

>> No.2211493

says the faggot nocoin beggar. Just like that, your argument is invalid and fuck off to work.

>> No.2211497

Yeah I lost a lot of money on MOON and it stings. At the same time, I know there are guys out there for whom the money I lost is complete chump change, and if someone were to take pity on me I would be ecstatic.

>> No.2211499
File: 38 KB, 400x300, eJwNyFEOgyAMANC7cABahjDwMoYgAY1YQruvZXef7_N91WdealVNZPAKsB-cae6ahWaqRVeiepU0DtaZOiSRlFsvtzBY40PwzvuA8WWjc_GpYBZEa2y0-DYGFxDapJWtE936HFX9_pfjJF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2211521

Hey Mooncoin peeps

please take that 2 sat sell wall down, you're making us look bad


Johnny T. Bagholder

>> No.2211523

patience young one

every coin has gone through this stage EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM
hold your vagina tight and it'll go up to 15 SATS

>> No.2211542
File: 79 KB, 300x300, espers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea mooncoin is a lost cause at this point, check out espers https://discord.gg/hhYP8yT

>> No.2211545

everyone fell for the rich fags screaming scam that they panic sold

we are the ones bursting the crypto bubble because of stupidity
this was the one chance for all of us poorfags to finally have something great and it's ruined

never trust a Jew feels like this dream is dead even though I'm still holding

>> No.2211549

No I have already sold. If anyone reads this then SELL SELL SELL or you will end up becoming a bagholder.

>> No.2211577
File: 27 KB, 240x208, IMG_1649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally comparing ETC and LTC to a bullshit shitcoin

please tell me you're b8'ing so that I don't have to laugh at your very existence.

>> No.2211609


funny because true

>> No.2211624

>Buy Mooncoin, good sir, I am not a Discord shill, and this is not pump & dump, I swear by my poo

>> No.2211653
File: 44 KB, 492x408, 678435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

denial levels are over 9000

>> No.2211660

Pajeet, even if Mooncoin was to soar in price someday, it wouldn't need this amount of pathetic, desperate shilling because it would have happened all on its own. It won't happen, though, so you may continue your bagholding agony while your upper caste superiors from the Discord group are enjoying their triple gains off of you.

>> No.2211678


I know, i know, im more pissed that my funds are tied up in this coin

>> No.2211745
File: 86 KB, 800x547, pajeet-coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But sir, MOON is poised to rise to 353543453 SAT!

>> No.2211752

>lost a substantial amount of money
how much?

>> No.2211768

Around 0.33 BTC...

>> No.2211790
File: 20 KB, 200x200, qyzeljskpg0y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>substantial amount of money

>> No.2211802

you know why you lost it...?

Because you didnt hold till next week wagecuck!

>> No.2211807

Well I am sorry my losses aren't enough to impress you Mr. Richy Rich, but for the that's like a few months of groceries.

>> No.2211821


PLease do yourself a favour and unload while there is still some solvency in the market.

>> No.2211832
File: 313 KB, 752x500, 2363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you shouldn't be investing your grocery money in something called MOONCOINS

>> No.2211851

Thanks guy, wish you could have told me that a few days ago, and I could have avoided my impending scurvy.
I was extremely foolish, no doubt about it.

>> No.2211866

Literally the exact same thing was said about every coin but bitcoin, youre on the wrong side of history, were going to the moon

>> No.2211888

Glad I only put 10 dollars in it

>> No.2211893

All crytos crashed in the last few days. Why are you saying moon coin is a scam when every coin is crashing?

>> No.2211909

Why do you feel the need to lie? The discord is public and we welcome all criticism.

>> No.2211914

Hmm, let me think why... Maybe because it was a raid of coordinated shilling? And because unlike other shitcoins shilled here, Mooncoin ONLY targeted /biz/ to hustle the anons?

>> No.2211916

the only place you're going is in a McDonald's working a cash register, making up for all the money you lost on your dumb shillcoin.

>> No.2211926

You ban&kick any critics (for being "negative"), and you also have a separate private discord that one of your admins gloated to me about. KYS

>> No.2212169

Bump. This is important.

>> No.2212177

How tf do you lose money on a 1sat buy in when people are still bidding

>> No.2212271

I did not buy in at 1 SAT. And yes, there is some remaining liquidity, which is why I advice ppl. get out while they still can.

>> No.2212278 [DELETED] 

>when people are still bidding
They're clearly using some kind of bots. Small penny buys come at unnaturally regular intervals, there's no way it's done by humans. Some whale still hopes to pump up the price again. When this stream of penny buys ends, it's over.

>> No.2212359

>when people are still bidding
They're clearly using some kind of bots. Small penny buys come at unnaturally regular intervals, there's no way it's done by humans. Some whale still hopes to pump up the price again. When this stream of penny buys ends, it's over.

>> No.2212572

Moon counter-shilling bump.

>> No.2213286

I'll give this a bump.