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22110898 No.22110898 [Reply] [Original]

Is the American economy going to collapse soon? I recently started my job and am thinking of investing, but it seems like shit's going to hit the fan sooner or later

>> No.22110985
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Yes get body armor anon. I got some coming in the mail.

>> No.22111007

nothing ever happen

>> No.22111060

it is likely, due to it being election year, and all the plandemic/falseflag etc events. on top of hurricanes/etc.
save a chunk of change for october-november and see if anything you like goes on sale.

>> No.22111232
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Depends, it's a little complicated, the collapse really already happened in march, even the cripto market felt it. It has been more than ten years since the last financial crisis and the government keep printing, but due to corona we don't really know if we are "in collapse" since the economic lockdown is minimizing the damage.

There's really only two ways this can go:
1. Quarantine ends, we've gone through the worse safely and recover after sometime.
2. Only after the quarantine the effects and recovery of the economy really start happening.

Personally i believe 2 is more likely, since economies recovering is something that all of the economy must "do", playing it safe will minimize damage, but make it a whole lot longer.

>> No.22111309
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I have made a terrible mistake

>> No.22111410
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Perish fool

>> No.22111550

We are in a massive bubble, and the pop, if they let it happen, will probably spiral out of control.
>Interest rates can’t go any fucking lower
>Everything on Main Street is fucking underwater
>Household net worth in comparison to GDP has disconnected
>Debt to GDP
>P/E of the market is extremely high
>We have so many fucking zombie companies, I heard 26% recently
>We have seen a runup in tech that is reminiscent of the BTC crash, but this time everything is on the fucking line because every major Index is extremely heavy in it.
>The Feds balance sheet is fucking huge
>Signs of deep social fracturing
>America taking a back seat in the global economy

This is just to name a few. I don’t understand how the GDP has quadroupled since 1980 but the general market is up 30 fold. This is truly hell, and it feels like I’m schizophrenic

>> No.22111616
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>> No.22111715

>Is the American economy going to collapse soon?
capitalist propaganda, they don't want you to buy cheap

>it seems like shit's going to hit the fan sooner or later
no, not in the next 300 years. stop being a SHEEP

>> No.22111766

We’re fine. USD is the worlds currency. Everyone else will go down before us

>> No.22111788

Nothing will happen like always

>> No.22112048

Couldn't the FED just start buying stocks? What would happen if they did?

>> No.22112197

it seems like they can and will do anything to keep the dollar weak and the market propped up when it’s clearly failing. i don’t know if anybody, including them, understand what they’ve been doing, which is partly why I never think things will truly pop. the masses are too dumb to realize the lies they’re fed every day.

>> No.22112285
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English language waifu-bots would skyrocket in popularity along with going for drinks with your boss after 16-hour workdays

>> No.22112456

This, they want normies to stay scared and sell off their 401ks while stocks are on a bullrun. The end goal is a two-tier society with only remnants of a middle-class left.

>> No.22112660

it already has but the whole things a Ponzi so unless they get shut down meaning system changed they can carry on there game, were building alternatives fuck them they will be our bitches in digital world

>> No.22112695

cripito coine

>> No.22112771

Long way off. You'll be old before a collapse, if ever. Things will definitely change though. Hardcore, bunker type preppers are soulless.

>> No.22112795
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>America taking a back seat in the global economy
dude what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.22112896

>he thinks he can pontificate on global political and economic circumstances before learning there/their/they're

>> No.22113130

China is going to take a massive shit down our throat, we’ve played right into their hand

>> No.22113163

your wages get ihyper inflated to oblivion while stocks keep bleeding up, trust me that's the plan

>> No.22113296

are pontificate over your face with a ground and pound I've got food in fridge older then you

>> No.22113345

He literally has no idea

>> No.22113356

only joking I don't no ufc I want to learn though

>> No.22113607

escape with SAFEX once it fully launches

>> No.22113678

>a country with 3 times the people, stealing our intellectual property, expanding their sphere of influence all with no regard for human rights, pollution standards or western ideals
>country with expanding minority population that can’t create anything of value and is a massive fucking drain on the aging/dying white population among many many other things that i already listed
yeah i’d say we’re going to be taking a backseat but I GUESS IM FUCKING CRAZY FUCKING SHIT

>> No.22113690
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cannot dump those SAFEX bags?

>> No.22113760

It won't collapse overnight, it isn't a crypto. It will slow bleed out over decades like Japan. Keep your job as it will be impossible to get another one, prices of everything will rise, investments will be shit. Crypto will be the only ticket out of clown world if it isn't already.

>> No.22113955

It'll either pop with Biden election or there will be 4 more years fantasy greatness

>> No.22114277
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Yeah 3 times the people with 1/100th of the ingenuity, literally everything in China is a cheap knockoff of an American original. As if I give a fuck about 10 trillion bug people who can't so much as construct a functioning escalator without killing 10,000 of them.

Our minority problem is no more pronounced than any other 1st world western country. If we go down, the whole WORLD will go to shit. We are literally too big to fail, we can dump on little shit countries like we're Wells Fargo in 2008.

>> No.22114294

they will try a last ditch effort to implode the economy and install a Dem puppet after the Fonald gets reelected

>> No.22115146


>> No.22115173

That's fucking illegal (allegedly)

>> No.22115299

>don’t understand how the GDP has quadroupled since 1980 but the general market is up 30 fold.
it's called inflation