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File: 398 KB, 1043x1218, BULL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22110489 No.22110489 [Reply] [Original]

>Missed STA Pump
>Missed STONK
>You are here

$BULL is a new Index Fund focused on providing the best returns in the coming bullrun.

Official website: bull-token.com

Total Supply 100M
Public Dev Wallet holding only 5% of the supply.
Verified and Trustless contract.
Sale is already happening.
You're early, we are just about to hit the soft cap..
Discord: gg/kyhf9Np

>> No.22110517

Thanks fren

>> No.22110549

Very bullish on this

>> No.22110562

Scamcoin is scamcoin discord fag

>> No.22110636

Insider here, we are gonna pump this hard once it hits uniswap
Stay poor fag

>> No.22110702

I know what you're doing bitch. The dev announced he will burn remaining presale tokens if they don't hit hardcap. You just want your stack to be worth more.

>> No.22110893

Index funds will pump so hard once normies get into crypto. I still think STA will be the biggest since it was first but this can be a close second

>> No.22110935

I think STA might seem too daunting for dumb normies with it being deflationary. Not to mention it was already exploited. This seems more geared towards them.

>> No.22110980

Good thing I am a whale in both then

>> No.22111031

Finally a real project with a real use case.
Thanks anon, hope we all make it.

>> No.22111036


>> No.22111083

Got caught fudding red handed kek

>> No.22111389

lol I was skeptical but comfy af now

>> No.22111454

True, now we know this is safe to invest

>> No.22111483

Buy bags fast or regret later anons. Not many opportunities left on biz.

>> No.22111544

Damn the site looks sweeeet. I see that the dev is sending the tokens instantly as well.

>> No.22111588

Bought a 5 eth bag earlier after talking to the dev. You would not believe what he has set up for marketing. STA won't even see this coming.

>> No.22111755

Yea he seems to be quite experienced. He told me that one of the reasons for them staying anonymous is that they have another big project that they actively develop. Guess he doesn't want both of them to be linked.

>> No.22111887

Let's just ride this lucky break we got. Not many based autist devs left.

>> No.22111935

Based dev. Immediately sent tokens. This will be a solid kick in the ass for STATERA.

>> No.22111942

Bought a 2 eth stack anons, will I make it?

>> No.22111979

How does 2 billion sound?

>> No.22112069

I think you're lowballing here anon. Imagine owning a chunk of the s&p 500

>> No.22112254

This seems like some above average shilling, speaks to competence imo. Solid marketing effort, I might get 0.5-1eth worth and see what happens

>> No.22112404

Can't wait to see reddit fags crying kek

>> No.22112448

I'm more stoked to stop being a wagie when this takes off.

>> No.22112741

I really like the name too. BULL literally represents the bullrun

>> No.22112919

We are all bulls anons. Let more bears rope.

>> No.22112972

Screenshot this. If this goes 100x, I am getting a BULL tattoo on my ass.

>> No.22113022

Guess you will be getting a tattoo soon fren

>> No.22113308

BULL squad to the moon!

>> No.22113398

Fuck the moon anon. We will board Elon's first rocket to mars.

>> No.22113540

what is the contract address?

>> No.22113568

Thanks based anon for sharing this. Such low mcap for what it is.

>> No.22113593

You can find it on their website and discord

>> No.22113844

Fuck I'm so early this time

>> No.22113941

We are all early fren. Time to book a few lambos

>> No.22114167

I am more of a rolls guy desu

>> No.22114351


>> No.22114547

How does the otc work? Once you create the address in metamask what happens?

>> No.22114601

if this ends up being a rugpull i'm gonna be mad but not surprised

>> No.22114665

You send them eth, they send you tokens

>> No.22114717

True but it doesn't seem like one

>> No.22115119

We getting ready to moon

>> No.22115183

This is 100% a scam

StevenB took me for an eth

>> No.22115192



>> No.22115203

Same dude as findex

>> No.22115333
File: 345 KB, 1125x884, bull-shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the same fucker who rugged on FINDEX. Compare the message he sends you when you DM him with interest in the presale to the one that he sent me for FINDEX exactly a month ago.

Don't be a dumbass like I was.

>> No.22115444

FUCK I just lost 1 eth then

>> No.22115471

at least you got some nice trips though

>> No.22115611

1 eth is bearable over 10 or more for that matter. I suppose shit like this is part of learning about the DeFi space. A google search may have helped me, but I still can't tell what the fuck is legit or not.

>> No.22115680

Been rugged so many times I lost count. Still at ath. All part of the experience I guess, but I try to keep my biz brethren alerted to any scams that get me.

>> No.22115768

I'm reading now that if liquidity is locked, then that's kind of a good sign. Unfortunately everything about this token points to a rug pull now that I'm really digging into it

>> No.22115849

something you learn the hard way in this space unfortunately. hope 1 eth wasn't much for you

>> No.22115890

Lmao he just instantly deleted 3 people talking about it being a scam and getting rugpulled. I came pretty close to falling for this one not gonna lie.

>> No.22115978

Yep, it's a scam, I invested a large sum and asked why he was quitting early, and he immediately banned me from the discord for asking...

>> No.22115987

aw man now i've got another scar on my eth wallet

>> No.22116007

Now he’s saying that they moved the hard cap down to 125 “after talking to investors”

Deffo rug pull?

>> No.22116046

Yes, he claimed to have talked to the investors before reducing the hard cap, but he didn't talk to any investors.
I was one of the bigger investors.
It's over. It's a scam, and we'll never see any uniswap listing.

>> No.22116049

Yeah fuck dude. Universal karma is real & it catches up. He's got it coming for him

>> No.22116083

I'm slowly getting turned off by this Defi space. None of it seems useful anywhere.

>> No.22116107

Wow. So glad I had to wait to get some eth. Maybe there is a god.

>> No.22116117

Help out by reporting his wallet to https://scam-alert.io

The wallet he stole the ETH with is 0x7635A2366acBE47Ec8a8b7dA515F8Bdd2dA4307A

This means the eth will be tracked and the exchanges will be unlikely to trade with him and rather report him to the authorities.

>> No.22116136

Someone say they are waiting for coinbase to confirm their purchase of 20 eth and ask him to push back the end of the sale and see what he says.

>> No.22116172
File: 422 KB, 4554x2901, unknown (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting this for you fucking idiots falling for scams, there's still 100 slots left for donation presale, its as legit as you can get, i see the dev for the waifu token behind this as well on their team

>> No.22116186

Why? There is still a fuckton of money to be made. There’s a 50x every fucking week.

>> No.22116328

why won’t he list on uniswap? isn’t that another thing he can dump for a shit ton of eth?

>> No.22116431
File: 42 KB, 1452x182, Screen Shot 2020-09-01 at 9.50.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22116465


>> No.22116496

Address: 0x7635A2366acBE47Ec8a8b7dA515F8Bdd2dA4307A
Scam Type: Fake ICO (Token Sale)
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>> No.22116564

> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Address: 0x7635A2366acBE47Ec8a8b7dA515F8Bdd2dA4307A
Scam Type: Fake ICO (Token Sale)

This means he might be busted and arrested at some point in the future when he tries to sell or trade the ETH.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>> No.22116787
File: 192 KB, 1951x1318, SCAM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump for scam awareness!
Most exchanges are unwilling to trade with anyone listed on scam-alert.io.
The eth will be tracked from his address if this gets listed.
This requires enough people reporting him.
It also increases the chances that he will be caught and jailed at some point in the future.
This data is forever in a ledger and he can't escape the evidence when he is caught.

>> No.22116859


This proves that the tokens are, in fact, being sent out to people. So the question is just whether it'll be be listed on Uniswap?

>> No.22116923

What makes you say its a scam, Anon?

>> No.22116935

It won't. The token is now useless.

>> No.22117004

gah damnit the asshole banned me from discord

>> No.22117039

Stop buying SCAMS and buy a legit project

ELI5: https://sentivate.com/information/sentivate-the-future-of-the-internet-eli5/

>Undiscovered Microcap Gem
>Alpha Product is out for Download: Closed Beta in October. Active Github
>KuCoin Listing September Rumor.
>Active Community on Twitter & Telegram
>Navy Seal Co-Founder owner of Templar Titan “Providing Timely Solutions to Complex Scenarios.”
>Rumors of partnership floating with NTT DATA, a recognized leader in global technology services, ranked No. 3 in the 2019 IDC FinTech Rankings Top 100
>Strong Roadmap coming up with Exchanges, Closed Beta, and Mainnet Launch:
>Strong Marketing Team
>Interviews and FAQ:

WHERE TO BUY: https://uniswap.info/pair/0xAb9Bef8242c2B97772aE239A5d71c60496A06334

>> No.22117080

He has been banning all the investors and anyone asking questions for quite some time now.

See the bottom of the other thread for more:

>> No.22117154

Are you fucking retarded?
Shilling a fucking useless shitcoin nobody cares about in a fucking scam thread?
You dense mother fucker, as if we are going to waste money on something so useless after just being scammed.

>> No.22117211

well to be fair I didn't invest and was just spamming

>> No.22117379

This is hopeless.
People are still buying from him despite being a confirmed scam...

>> No.22117401

yeah its a scam. I joined the discord, it just got deleted. kek at all the poorfags who wasted their 1 ETH life saving on this shit

>> No.22117710

as soon as he rug pulls be sure to report him to his domain registrar. they likely have his real name and bank info and will be able to tell authorities that he stole from people.
you better list this shit on uniswap stevey

>> No.22117721

Thanks for the heads up?

>> No.22117740

his discord too btw. they'll have his IP. you have to DM discord's twitter to report abuse

>> No.22117788

Damn straight we are going to report him everywhere we can.
The more people report him, the better chance of him being caught.

>> No.22118252

aaaaaaand the discord is gone. that's it boys. i said "kill yourself but repent first, otherwise you'll end up in hell thief" and everything disappeared lol.
faggot bitch we're gonna find you.

>> No.22118334
File: 86 KB, 893x501, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man fml. I got rugged by OnlyUp earlier and now this..

Should have known better

>> No.22118384

No its not retard

>> No.22118408

Lol you must be StevenB.

>> No.22118425

Enjoy your sheckles kike

>> No.22118431

>Join Discord
>See that they suddently made the decision to end the pre-sale early for some reason
”Okay this is a bit weird” I say and begin following up with a question as to why this is happening
>Get immediately banned before I can even finish the question
Nice project. 10/10, would invest my life savings into.

>> No.22118483

It doesn't matter how many warnings we give down here...

People are only reading the first post.

Ever since this was first confirmed a scam he's gone all the way up to 100 ether.

>> No.22118496


I didn't see it before giving my sheckles. Wish I did.

>> No.22118544

The fud on this is super bullish, cry later anons

>> No.22118563

he literally exit scammed
nice dubs though

>> No.22118591

Why would we cry later when we already lost eth to investing in this scam?
We are investors who know we have been scammed.
We got banned for asking questions on the Discord after investing and the developer suddenly canceling all plans.

>> No.22118637


It's probably the pajeet himself.

>> No.22118668
File: 7 KB, 249x202, E0F089FC-24C8-44B6-A711-EA26A3D38811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now why the fuck would you invest before asking questions?

>> No.22118689


I did ask questions but due to the nature of the project it's rather simple in functionality. Where I fucked up was trusting my better judgement and sending money to someone literally giving you a wallet address in discord.

>> No.22118732

I was a fucking idiot and had dollar signs in my eyes and high hopes.
That's right, I'm a god damn retard for investing in this shit in the first place.

>> No.22118804

I'm with you. Sent 2 ETH to this.
But the thing is, he could still launch it on uniswap, it should even be more profitable. Already got the ETH, why not sell the stash for more ETH.

>> No.22118806
File: 412 KB, 1328x1429, 2F71FEEC-4C06-4BB4-BD82-0EF48F27B5B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re not a retard, anon. Here, I’ll be nice and share a secret with you: QQQF. Look it up, it’s what these guys were copying.

>> No.22118852
File: 9 KB, 474x474, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22118863
File: 450 KB, 220x220, 20200831_170639.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tired of getting rugged?

Visit bonktoken.com
Liquidity locked live on a twitch stream, team is public, you can't get scammed

>> No.22118916

Basically a list of coins to never buy.

Anyone advertising off-topic shitcoins in threads like this are coins you should never trust or buy.

>> No.22118974
File: 28 KB, 499x481, 3559E38D-582A-42B6-A64A-0F8206E0F3F2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, fine. Here I was making a nice gesture and giving out a helping hand and you slap it away. Must suck not having the brain capacity to be able to tell legit projects and scams apart, no wonder you fell for this crap in the first place.