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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 51 KB, 750x750, Swipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22110356 No.22110356 [Reply] [Original]

You guys think Swipe will be the best actual usage of crypto currencies?

>> No.22110375

>Just staked my 250 sxp
jeeez man, thats lunch money. Get a little more

>> No.22110449

I'm putty 70% of my weekly income into it after getting the swipe app so yeah I will be

>> No.22110846
File: 34 KB, 487x500, 1589415731035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm comfortable with it being used but I don't like the stability.

>> No.22110904
File: 412 KB, 1125x1254, B49C8C5C-5586-4CE0-BDAA-D421CCEE51EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just scooped more yeahhhh babbbyyyy

>> No.22111149

i'm down 50%.

>> No.22111853

Holy fucking shit nice stack brother

>> No.22112089

Well the exchanges are the new banks and as cryptocurrency is gradually becoming less of this mysterious wild thing (especially as the boomers die out and with the wealth transfer from boomers to millennials continues, *especially with the recent market crash*), it will most definitely become more adopted. Crypto.com has been really good so far with their business model (even with the MCO debacle). Hopefully Binance doesn't fuck up but I really don't think they will.

The entire history of crypto has been as a store of value, this shifts it more into a currency. As for other use cases for crypto, encryption and software solves a lot of issues that crypto just doesn't need to be involved with and just complicates.

>> No.22112148

It has the potential but rn I’m down 30% REEEEEEEE

>> No.22112269

Man I need more money to put into this, pretty prime time to buy now

>> No.22112605

i don't think many people want or need a ERC20 token backed crypto credit card.
Normal visas are just better
Max spend $200- Max cash limit $100. I think thats on all tiers too.
The steel and slate cards aren't even metal just plastic with metallic paint, and it looks shit.
If i was going to have one i would pick CRO just on aesthetics of the card and app alone.
Binance have launched their own card anyway, i doubt CZ gives a shit about this, he's probably made 20x plus already.
Just a Filipino slam pig for him

>> No.22113206 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 974x1900, bncswipe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

limit is 10k / day
cash limit is 300 / day. it is shit interestingly.
they're making actual metal cards soon, the current steel and slate ones rn are placeholders

CRO is a very nice card too.

the binance card runs on sxp too.

normal visas very rarely give you 4-5% cashback. and if they do it's in worthless fiat, not bitcoin.

>> No.22113310
File: 296 KB, 974x1806, bncswipe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

limit is 10k / day
cash limit is 300 / day. it is shit interestingly.
they're making actual metal cards soon, the current steel and slate ones rn are placeholders
BUT they support google pay, so you never need to use the physical card other than cash withdrawal.

CRO is a very nice card too.

the binance card runs on sxp too.

normal visas very rarely give you 4-5% cashback. and if they do it's in worthless fiat, not bitcoin.

find better arguments to fud.

>> No.22113494

Hello Mr Jordan M Richards

>> No.22113591
File: 99 KB, 1082x697, Ee-nd4gXoAMsYzH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fud nigger

>> No.22113847

Crab and dump. That's all this shitcoin does.

>> No.22114185
File: 207 KB, 979x680, 002d6919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they should make all the app and marketing orange and black>>22113591 even on the entry tier.
The orange and white make it look like a cheap mini-mart store card

>> No.22114387

it would look better but still no excuse for posting nigger pics
May all your investments get AIDS nigger loving faggot

>> No.22114440

Thanks anon

>> No.22114485

kek, doesnt wash the pic before uploading... hope you arent too attached to that loot anon.

>> No.22114536

I totally agree, Orange and black is way better at bringing in new people, just a cooler look anyway.
I'm in the process of doing some photoshops for some SXP babes

>> No.22114626
File: 276 KB, 900x900, 1608503388 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22114645

based, you browse TPOWIS?

>> No.22114691

Yeah I like the retro lycra and swimsuit shit

>> No.22114846

nice man, just found out about it like a week ago, have been accruing close to a terabyte of this stuff since 2015, and only now discovered this site

>> No.22115017

I picked up a lot over the last decade. Imagefap was one of the best places but a lot has been scrubbed.
It used to be difficult to find but since the 80's vibes got more popular there's loads of it.
Hired a few amateur models in the past too to do private shoots.

>> No.22115242

That's awesome, how much do they usually cost?

>> No.22115293

literally only latent fags like spandex

>> No.22115457

Bro it's just a preference, nothing wrong with it

>> No.22115489

ye that's what i said. just like preferring the feeling of cum oozing out of your asshole. nothing wrong w it.

>> No.22115496

same boat, dw senpai we gonna make it eventually.

>> No.22115600
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>> No.22115761

What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.22115824

what cunt? Great fucking comparison, clothing aesthetic taste to homoerotic degeneracy, fantastic work.

Like comparing an AK-47 to a nuclear weapon

>> No.22115853

It depended how hot they were but if in Europe i would pay about $300 per shoot and that always ended with a fuck.
In Asia could film a porno for between $60 and $120.
This was before fans only shit though, so would put ads on craigslist or just found them on facebook and book a hotel.
They nearly all stayed the whole night.

>> No.22115960


>down -30% while everything else pumps

Feels good bro, fist me deeper until your hand comes out of my mouth.

>> No.22116050

So did you go through an agency or, if in your home residence, actually go to these and do the shoots yourself?

>> No.22116169

No never used a agency just found them online.
Craigslist was the best but it's more difficult now they can just use their phone in the mirror and guys will pay money for that shit.
Used a lot of hookers in Asia too.
Local dating sites too.
Never done it at home always a hotel, i used to try and combine it with a cheap holiday and line them up a week or so before.

>> No.22116228

Just thinking anon i have 2 big suitcases full of vintage 80's spandex and japanese race queen swimsuits that i can sell on ebay.
They sell for quite a lot these days. I bet i 5x on what i paid for them at the time.

>> No.22116287

Holy fucking shit man that's awesome, was planing on accruing some when I settle down; good to see I'm not alone with my tastes

>> No.22116362

I want to sell them, i scared of dying and my family finding them lol
I've got all my porn on a encrypted hard drive though.

>> No.22116401
File: 70 KB, 600x600, ooooo_swipies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got 1200 staked on-chain, strongly debating buying more before 2.75

>> No.22116448

Yeah I'm moving mine onto a harddrive within the next week with some sort of kill switch, and yeah I have the same thought from time to time about my parents finding them. Damn man you got anyway we can talk further off biz?

>> No.22116490

Just like some way to keep in contact, not proper messaging or anything; just want to keep as a contact on some messaging platform

>> No.22116497

I think we will go under $2 again.
Then start accumulating again.
A lot of under water week hands eyeing up other coins to fomo into.

>> No.22116506

WITHDRAW YOUR SXP FROM BINANCE. Stake in the on-chain contract at app.swipe.org and give less ammo for binance to manipulate the price. Currently more than half the supply is withdrawn. Keep fucking going. We earn 20% APY too
it's up 400% in a month you whiny faggot zoomer

>> No.22116577

I'll see if i can recover my wickr account, it's not a good idea to put any contact info on the chans anon especially /biz/

>> No.22116581

I've already done that man

>> No.22116589

how much do you get for on chain? i have 3k but was too lazy to pull them from binance

>> No.22116616

is it 20% really? binance only gives 6%-12%.

>> No.22116617 [DELETED] 

Yeah of course, that's what I meant like something that's completely detached.

Plus I was thinking of getting a sewing machine when I'm at my own place and making my own.

>> No.22116701

lol good luck with that.
There's a lot out there now, i got some from Russia on ebay from a company i think was called Sharkz or something like that and it was all the same gear as what those hot Russian models wear who are in a lot of the spandex sets.

>> No.22116717

I have a Wickr account, do you have a username?

>> No.22116743

I'll have to set it up on this computer i haven't used it for a long time.
You can give me yours

>> No.22116812 [DELETED] 


Reason is just to get tips and advice from time to time in my pursuits, will be extremely infrequent

>> No.22116880

Ok i've saved it anon you should delete that now.
I will message later but will be knocking around the swipies boards too

>> No.22116945

ok cool, gimme 1 sec

>> No.22116995

what's with the sxp shaming. this is why people dump on you dumb faggots

>> No.22117013

Yeah i hate the flexing on /biz/

>> No.22117070
File: 184 KB, 512x512, pepePump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not when SNTVT literally just exists

ELI5: https://sentivate.com/information/sentivate-the-future-of-the-internet-eli5/

>Undiscovered Microcap Gem
>Alpha Product is out for Download: Closed Beta in October. Active Github
>KuCoin Listing September Rumor.
>Active Community on Twitter & Telegram
>Navy Seal Co-Founder owner of Templar Titan “Providing Timely Solutions to Complex Scenarios.”
>Rumors of partnership floating with NTT DATA, a recognized leader in global technology services, ranked No. 3 in the 2019 IDC FinTech Rankings Top 100
>Strong Roadmap coming up with Exchanges, Closed Beta, and Mainnet Launch:
>Strong Marketing Team
>Interviews and FAQ:

WHERE TO BUY: https://uniswap.info/pair/0xAb9Bef8242c2B97772aE239A5d71c60496A06334

>> No.22117083

Thanks to this token I no longer need to cash out. Tax man entirely btfo. So happy bros...

>> No.22117084


>> No.22117113

yes it's double

>> No.22117136

>Just staked my 250 sxp
You have to stake 1000 at the minimum, don't you?

>> No.22117141

Exactly. You can literally just directly buy shit irl using crypto money, so it's perfect.

Would still advise to pay your taxes though, there's only two certainties in life.

>> No.22117508

onchain is 1000+ to stake
binance spot wallet is 1+ to stake

>> No.22117965
File: 40 KB, 474x385, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orange and Black you say?

>> No.22117990

Yes sir.

>> No.22118037
File: 101 KB, 764x538, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bird of paradise I call Swipie the money chicken, feel free to share him around I think he makes a cute mascot.

>> No.22118065

Thank you brother, I will