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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22109346 No.22109346 [Reply] [Original]

So much low effort fudding as of lately.

Anyone who cannot see why this will grow HUGE one day, and potentially reach a top 10 spot on Coinmarketcap, should quit investing in crypto once at for all.

This project literally solves THE BIGGEST issues in crypto right now.

Speed, and transaction fees, but not only that, they are also making crypto WAY more "normie friendly"
Pretty much a Decentralized Coinbase.

>> No.22109451

Except it doesn’t lmao and its a scam. Go back to your tranny discord faggot. Your download malware DEX has 300$ in daily volume LOL

>> No.22109956

Way to prove his point retard.

>> No.22110684
File: 44 KB, 554x400, SickSparseFinch-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have prevented this.

>> No.22111291

Weak FUD, lol

>> No.22111346

Wen $1? If xsn is so great why is it not even worth $30mm? People talking about a billion mc when it still hasn't even hit 9 digits yet

>> No.22111462

Big institutions didnt take their big cut first and shill the bits
XSNs network is directly open for anyone to get in early

>> No.22111549

Does that mean money is coming or never coming? Your reply confuses me further. I would like to request a refund if money is not coming.

>> No.22111654

Get out now. Their patented vortex technology stole all of my XSN from my wallet AND fiat from my bank account.

>> No.22111922

Oh no, that is bad.

>> No.22112037

Is this Grant?

>> No.22112049

No it's either cz or blockcucks.

>> No.22112074

Discerning between whales fudding, blockcuks, panic sellers, and genuine idiots is hard.

>> No.22112091

Either way they want to take your stakies away from you.

>> No.22112092

Blockcucks were the whales pretending.

>> No.22112111

Don't they have their own chains though? Why steal from us?

>> No.22112167

Checked, nice digits. Because blocknet is on-chain and binance is a CEX. No competition is near Stakenet atm. They are simply that far head of everyone else.

>> No.22112244

being only on a small exchange and no advertising is making it too volatile for my tastes. you have one or two people dropping 400k sell walls and they can do anything they want to the price

>> No.22112250
File: 3.05 MB, 1125x2436, 6FC971D5-786F-41D5-AE77-D57D5C076440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every XSN bot start their thread with “low effort fud”

If they aren’t bots, then they have their scrips well rehearsed.

>> No.22112407

So they steal from us so they can use xsn? I thought they would steal to sell. How do they get the fiat though? That's neither on chain or cex.

>> No.22112454

The only thing they can do now is buy xsn for themselves. Lots of shakeouts have happened lately, thin orderbooks have made it very easy to manipulate.

>> No.22112491

IN case you were referring to this post >>22111654
That is all nonsense. They can't steal your xsn from your wallet or fiat from your bank.........

>> No.22112629

we got too cocky XSN bros!

>> No.22113055

xsn fudder here, finished accumulating for cheap. Lol @ the weak faggots who were shaken out

>> No.22113074
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Checked and based.

>> No.22113120

That is a relief. Still, fuck grant, cz, and blockcuck for scaring me like that.