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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22108853 No.22108853 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize your coworkers are friends and you're not?

>> No.22108890

When all of them were the same race except me

>> No.22108906
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This thread was devastating to my ego. Thanks

>> No.22108911

My first day.

>> No.22108941

around the 4th time i said "maybe" to going out for drinks and never showed up.

>> No.22108958
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i never had a job

>> No.22108982


>> No.22109010

But I knew since my childhood that I was not normal so it was as expected.
It took me a lot of years to realize my true friends were anonymous on a basket weaving forum.
But they gave me more fun times and meaningful advice than any coworker could have given me.

>> No.22109023

The company I worked for started as a big group of friend co-workers from another, larger company.

>> No.22109057
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>aw bro lets hit da club!
>hey! lets go to a restaurant to take instagram pics of our food and pretend we are happy haha!
>hey BRO did you watch the bachlor?! cindy is so hot!

sounds fucking cringe to me. OP and others in this thread this is a reminder to not take part or associate with normies. their friendships are as hollow as their brains

>> No.22109061

>wanting to be friends with people you work with

>> No.22109117

Same I was fucked from the start

>> No.22109131

don't befriend coworkers or neighbors. only bad things will happen

>> No.22109151


>> No.22109156

Neet here, I've always known my family hates me.

>> No.22109253

The worst part is not knowing what's different and why until a few decades later, because you think you must be stupid for some reason when everybody fears, and rejects you.

I have to be thankful to that media article explaining how 4chan was the internet garbage collector.
It made me check this place out of curiosity.

>> No.22109378
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MY job is pretty comfy, but I'm getting the fuck out of there in a year when everything moons. I'll even be courteous enough to put in my 2 weeks notice, and then they will never hear from me again.

>> No.22109390
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/biz/ - Business & Feels

>> No.22109419
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All my life man. I, and dare i say many others, know the feeling that is becoming of these kinds of circumstances.

The only solution.. I'll have you know my fine chap, the only solution is to work on the internal world and purge every bad thing from your life. And for that we muat choose to be as we are currently not. For the consequences of our being are derived from what it is that we are, and the universe will hold you to, as what we might call, this natural law. When we lament the outside world and work to change it without tending the garden properly, we are forced again and again to poverty, dread, and fear. We start by removing EVERYTHING bad, and by going and doing a 3 or 4 day dopamine fast, unironically, do not ignore this because this will fix you. This abuse of your body prevents you and many others from doing anything and building towards anything tangible, keeping you as slaves. Also, fuck all front-line healthcare workers and those FUCKING piece of shit no-good jannies

>> No.22109459

when they didn't invite me to the football team.
when they didn't invite me to eat with them.
when they made fun of me.

>> No.22109483

Why the fuck would I want to be friends with a bunch of NPCs anyways? Who cares.

>> No.22109496

You can, you just have to compartmentalise. Co workers never meet roommates never meet coll ge friends never meet activity partners. Life is like a submarine. If one section blows up you seal the hatch so that the vessel survives.

>> No.22109499
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Hi Fren, we are glad ur here :)

>> No.22109537

That's a fantastic analogy.

>> No.22109553

I thought they were all friends until they started throwing each other under the bus. Nobody is safe from office drama

>> No.22109555

right away they knew i dont wanna be friends outside of work and i dislike people

>> No.22109602

It's all just retarded, small talk so predictable. I hope this simulation gets deleted soon.

>> No.22109618

I just realized I do this and boy howdy do I need to do so at least once a year.

>> No.22109633

I work at a library and all my co-workers are old ladies. I can joke and talk to them fine, but I don't want to be their friends outside of work.

>> No.22109634


>> No.22109650

based, this. you never get anyehere if you can't purge every last bit of parasite

>> No.22109671

Sounds like a comfy gig, anon

>> No.22109755

It's the best job I ever had. Shame it pays so poorly so I can't stay here

>> No.22109822

same, I even fucked one of my milf coworkers, was fun but wouldn't recommend it unless you don't work with them often

>> No.22109839

there was only one milf who was practically bimbo tier, but sadly she left and never got to fugg but I loved her ass and tits

>> No.22109878


>> No.22109937

I once brought a couple of friends from college to meet with my coworkers, it was a good night but I'd never do it again. It's just so much effort and you're the common denominator amongst everyone so your social battery drains v quickly

>> No.22109966

I dont shit where I eat

>> No.22110002

I like this

>> No.22110082
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I have no one

>> No.22110086

I'm 23 and work with boomers and gen x women. I have no idea what to talk to these people about youngest person is 34 year old guy but he's being boomer groomed.

>> No.22110130

i never cared

>> No.22110144

at every job i've ever had. mostly because i am borderline autistic and share nothing about myself at work and don't make an attempt to integrate. sometimes people reach out really hard and repeatedly invite me to drinks, etc. and i always refuse. i BEGRUDGINGLY go to the work christmas party but i think i will stop going.

i'm 31 years old. born an autist, will die an autist.

>> No.22110161

I did that 2 weeks ago. Flying out of here on friday.

>> No.22110219

When they knew I liked to go ham at metal shows and raves. They like to go to raves but I'd be the one that jumped to the front of the crowd. I have a few good friends there that I talk to about music because I spent about 15 years diving into every genre, theys eem impressed by that and when we work together. But they dont seem to kike how much I mess around when w we are all drinking.

Fucking normies. If I want to get drunk and snort some coke fuck em. They can't judge me.

(I slowed down on drugs, but shit was still annoying and I almost would do more just to fuck with them)..

I'm like a wildcard to them.

>> No.22110301

same here. i play up my autism so they leave me alone
isolation is a gift

>> No.22110533

Exactly. I have my 2 good ride or die friends. Haven't seen them in a minute but whatever we can pick back up no matter how long.

I wfh as software dev. I havea nice house, in very good growing tech location. Live with my gf, and our dog. Huge yard. I love doing outside work. And the less obligation to go out and do shit.

More money in the bank than I've ever had before. Covid has helped me greatly financially and in every day life.a at least short term.

Fuck going back to that normie highschool fake social office. Its a business stop trying to make it a highschool.

>> No.22110570

Do you have something planning after you leave your work to keep you focused?

I still hesitate to leave my work when I make it.
I get interesting technical things to do, and it got comfy after I stopped caring and corona allowed me to permanently work at home.
But the memories of multiple years of burnout won't leave me, and I feel more and more detached from my work.

>> No.22110586

When they looked at me like a leper when I said I didn't have a facebook or snapchat or insta.

>> No.22110589
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Going to start fucking around with options as soon as fidelity approves me. I think appl calls are safe start. Only going to start with 500 or so rest is in stock

Need to clear off my bio memes and go more into tech

>> No.22110635

Same same. Only thing that worries me. 50 percent of the time its answering questions for tier 3 support or resolving implementation issues. Other 50 percent of the time i can actually sit down and program.

Its annoying

>> No.22110659

Thank you fren.
I am happy to have a place in this world where I can discuss with frens who can understand me.

>> No.22110690

yeah not having a snapchat seems to be an instant red flag with zoomers, i've been instantly ghosted like 5 times after telling girls i don't have one kek

>> No.22110694

>when they all have a snapchat group and go to raves together and parties yet you aren't part of it because they are worried you might get a little too drunk because girl from college who we are good friends has told them things about me and now the rest of the devs don't know what to think of me unless I've worked with them directly and they know me.

>> No.22110701

a /biz/ philosopher has emerged

>> No.22110729

You sound like a turbonormie

>> No.22110737
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I'm only 2 months into my job and I can already tell I'm going to be the black sheep. Fucking hell I tried socializing and going to social hours bros, I just have nothing in common with these normies...

>> No.22110810

This is a good thread. I think over the last couple months. The truth is I don’t care though. Imagine making it. Imagine quitting. Fuck them and fuck Kikes.

>> No.22110879

Did you make money on Chainlink?

>> No.22110886

>reddit spacing
>have a few good friends there that I talk to about music
>nice house, in very good growing tech location
>my gf, and our dog
>calls others normies
you are a normalfag through and through

>> No.22111104
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Nah mate. I'm a cyborg. Skeleton.

Turbonormies don't like hard drugs, they dont like mosh pits, they dont like tech death and kero kero at the same time. They dont like taking 10 hits of acid in your room alone.

I've only had 2 girlfriends. The one is luckily just as strange as me. But we both calmed down with drugs....unless of course they come to us, which they dont often because we aren't in college. We net over 200k a year. No debt, house. No plan for kids. Mid/late 20s.

Covid gives me an excuse to not go out and turn down inventatios to parties and raves. I can just do yard work read books, get paid wfh, listen to music.

Only thing is I get stuck in cycle of daily routine. I need to make sure I actually excercise and dont just drink beer after work rinse repeat.

Doing yard work or house projects is mededitative. I can see why boomers like nice lawns now.

Difference is when I do yard work, I'm high on adderall listening to mall grab. Watching my gains steadily grow.

I'm going to continue to accumualte tesla. I hope it drops sub 200

Pick related about to finish it. Best damn nonfiction I've ever read.

>> No.22111131

took me some time to learn this but its absolutely necessary

>> No.22111167
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Wrong picture

>> No.22111196

My coworkers are all fat and retarded

>> No.22111207

Normies go to work events. I hate work social events.

>> No.22111258

y'all realize this is from seinfeld right?


>> No.22111264

what calls should I buy tomorrow?

>> No.22111284
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this this holy fuck this
working a shit retail job that made me want to kill myself i became real good friends with a cute coworker and we talked for hours at a time. found out both me and her had feelings for eachother but she was doing shady shit under the table which was the first sign. second sign was never telling me about illegal shit she would rope me into. i never let her meet any of my online friends, family or acquaintances cause i knew she would pull some shit eventually.
then she pulled a metoo card on me and told every person she knew, sicced her friends and family on my ass to constantly harass me, and revealed she was still talking to her ex. we split and i shut the hatch real fucking fast, cut every tie related to her, and quit my shit job before i was inevitably fired.

the best part is i am SO much happier now

tl;dr retarded anon finds mentally ill gf and gets what he deserves

>> No.22111293

Well that makes it even better

>> No.22111368
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>> No.22111371

my inability to make friends should be studied in a lab

>> No.22111393

The 90's was literally the height of J*w*sh brainwashing. I'm glad that people are more open about their feelings these days.

>> No.22111466

Tried to make friends with coworkers once, heard them talking about the newest avengers movie and attempted to worm into the conversation. It was at that moment I realized how autistic I really was, don't remember what I said I just remember it was as if I was an alien speaking in tongues; I relive that scene in my head at least once a week. Never again.

>> No.22111724

kek, I was upto 3 then Corona came. Saved my ass

>> No.22111873

>and revealed she was still talking to her ex
She was cheating on you and did the metoo shit to absolve her guilt because women are stupid cunts and do shit like that

>> No.22111901

When they are all talking and laughing on the Zoom meeting and once I dial in the laughing stops, everyone gets quiet, and the talk is business only at that point.

>> No.22111947

Don’t be so hard on yourself mate. Forget that shit and recognize most people suck and have awful opinions. I remember after Star Wars episode 7 I told everyone that Rey’s lineage would trace back to Palpatine. They all looked at me like I was crazy

>> No.22112005
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>> No.22112099

The only time I agreed to go out to a restaurant and a bar for drinks was with a former co-worker who turned out to be a 4chanfag like myself. He was based and redpilled. Knew right off the bat when he referred to the HR hens as "Those uppity Jew broads".

Moved on from that job last year but we still keep in touch.

>> No.22112153

This has been the case at every job/ internship I’ve had

>> No.22112163

cringe, kys /pol/tard

>> No.22112229

get out nigger

>> No.22112458
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You are the normie.

>but muh drugs


>> No.22112785

I read in a book about gifted people that you can only be friends with people who have an IQ difference of less than 1 standard deviation from you, and for work this must be less than 2 standard deviations.
This is caused by a difference in values, and thinking patterns which is the result of thinking faster and deeper.
If the difference is too big it will cause misunderstandings easily and will also put pressure on the person with a lower IQ to follow the conversation.
Starting at 125-130 IQ the thinking process changes from a sequential one to a multiple chaotic thinking process.
Now imagine what that means for someone in the 140 IQ range.
He can only have real equal friends in the 125-160 IQ range which is less than a few percent.
You statistically have to talk to 50 persons before finding one like you, but they will have long left any public space for this same reason and hid behind a computer...

>> No.22112888

Holy moly that was close
What did you do to her, if anything

>> No.22113119

don't worry fren Kleros court will hang them in the future

>> No.22113220

IQ is probably the most likely. People really are fucking retarded robots that sperg about stupid shit. And that's the reality of it: everybody is autistic, but normies are the most autistic of them all. Simply unable to adapt, while high IQ find no reason to adapt.

>> No.22113315
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This is true, the only friends I’ve held for a long time are other autist geniuses that are too smart for their own good and Carl who is just smart enough to be successful in his career but not like chaos smart like me

>> No.22113417

Found the kike

>> No.22114551

In the youngest one in the workplace, they youngest co workers are in their mid to late 20’s and I’m only 21

>> No.22115525
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I've worked 3 low tier jobs in my life, and I can say for sure that I don't want to go back
It isn't even that I dislike working, I just don't like some of the people you're forced to work with (usually those ones are women)
This has just motivated me to try to make it as a trader.

>> No.22115584

Buy XRP, and fuck your coworkers when you make it.

>> No.22115613

That show my entire life has been I’m long since numb to any pain

>> No.22115826

There we go.

>> No.22115837

Sounds like in the long run you made the right move.

>> No.22115874

Fucking kek. I just have been asked out to lunch or drinks with my coworkers a dozen times before they just stopped asking

Now I get mad that they’re all friends and I’m on the outside. Autism sucks

>> No.22115898

This. I will be friendly at work but I would rather not form any stronger bonds than the professional level.

>> No.22115911

they're conspiring against you
better shoot them all

>> No.22115949

You’re lucky. I loved my last job because I was surrounded by boomers. They loved me and had no idea about technology at all.

Now in my current job I’m 25 and there’s like 10 people the same age. Everyone’s super competitive, throw each other under the bus and suck up to the bosses. I can’t handle it much longer, just want to go work with boomers again

>> No.22116105

Shoo shoo glowfag Jew

>> No.22116936

people will usually treat me nice the first few days Im at a new job. Then they figure out that i'm weird as fuck and start avoiding me and straight up even laughing at me. Oh well, means little to me except i get a paycheck.

>> No.22116948

When all of them left the company together lol

>> No.22117143

Frontline healthcare worker here, see what happens when you ask for extra blankies and tendies after your suicide attempt after gf leaves.

No tendies
No blankies

>> No.22117201

Tbh maintaining these sorts of hollow friendships is too much for me, I’d rather just hang out with my girlfriend and a couple close friends than pretend I care about normoid nonsense

>> No.22117226

>working a shit retail job
there's your problem, why would you get close to some retail bottom feeder

>> No.22117233

I tested over 150 at age 17 with Stanford-Binet, used drugs and alcohol to cope with my alienation. I shouldve just kept applying to hard science college programs or similiar instead. Dont make my mistake. Other people as smart, or smarter are out there, you just jave to find the watering holes they congregate at.

>> No.22117320

I do contract work for my mum lmao

>> No.22118180
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>he calls his chores 'contract work'

>> No.22118528
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>tfw i'm attractive and charismatic
cant relate to you losers lmao

>> No.22118883

despicable. get the drug addiction fixed

>> No.22118898

Autistic faggot.. You aren't going to be friends with some-one on day 1..

>> No.22118977

I'm sorry friend. I only intend to amuse and beguile

>> No.22118997

You should make a snapchat and fraud to a few thousand score by spamming team snapchat

>> No.22119048

It’s tough out there, anon, stay strong.

>> No.22119325

I'm tested at 130 and and one of my best friends is probably something like 107. He's really weird though, unironically schizo, which probably makes it

>> No.22120142

I don't give a shit because I never ever want to be friends with them.

>> No.22120269
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What does this dopamine fast look like?

>> No.22120316
