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22106591 No.22106591 [Reply] [Original]

Am I retarded for betting 3k (20% of portfolio) on Trump winning? I feel like it is really obvious that he will win.

>> No.22106634

If your net worth is 300k it's just fine.

>> No.22106657

I got 5k usd on trumpdaddy at $2.2

>> No.22106661
File: 45 KB, 381x381, trump_groyper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRUMP 2020 MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.22106701

I wouldn't say no to free money either.

>> No.22106767
File: 1.00 MB, 867x6091, time traveller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes because you could be putting that 3k to work for the next month and placed your bet three days before the first debate. Now it's just setting there doing nothing except losing value to inflation
I am curious though OP, what odds did you get and where did you place bet?
>t. placing bet on September 28

>> No.22106775

I beted $1k on trump, odds were 2.5, now its 1.90

free money

>> No.22106800

Everyone is worryed dems will cheat again.

>> No.22106810

it is so obvious that the quotas are shit, if you havent made the bet in early June, betting on a shitcoin or buying scratch ticket will have a higehr roi

>> No.22106831

Hahaha he’s an incumbent as he’s still trailing betting on that kind of turd is autistic af. Economy is fucked do you really think what you’re seeing in the stock market is reality?

>> No.22106851
File: 103 KB, 591x620, 1518588403576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where did you place your bet, fren?

>> No.22106860

Id be careful. I’m shocked so many people think this will be some sort of cut and dry think like a normal election.

Trump has already said he won’t accept the results if he loses. This thing will go to the courts, and even then it’s unclear what will happen.

So what happens to your bet if Biden wins on paper, Trump claims election fraud, and he doesn’t leave the White House in January?

I’d be way too scared to bet on this election.

>> No.22106869


I bet £300 and expect to get £900 back. Free money.

>> No.22106999

it's fucking retarded biden will not debate trump. It's obvious why, he'll lose since he cant form a cohearant setence anymore.

>> No.22107247

Where do I place bets?

>> No.22107300

crypto is fucking mooning and you want to tie up 20% of your portfolio on a capped-upside bet that's going to take another 3 months to play out

>> No.22107397

Trump lost the majority of his supporters in 2020. His brutality in the protests and his actions against coronavirus showed how ruthless he is
He's not winning

>> No.22107448

the spread is so low not even worth it, where do i get 3x

>> No.22107456

nice bait
If not baiting, put your money down for Biden PLEASE

>> No.22107510

I think Trump will win but the major concern is mail in voter fraud from liberal shitholes

Hopefully once Trump wins we can turn Gitmo into an actual concentration camp for communists or BLM faggits

>> No.22107563

I tried using Augur but the fees were too much and it uses dai.

For now im on predictit

>> No.22107601

Is that what CNN told you? Trump is a fascist that won’t give up power? Kek

>> No.22107655

I'm betting 10% of my portfolio on trump, back when odds were 5/4 and not 4/5

>> No.22107659

Yes because from today till election you could bought aapl weeklies and make that 20% every two weeks. Instead you have your money parked in some jews account whos doing what I said.

>> No.22107734

You know I thought this too,
But you have to understand all of the unpolitical ones in the middle might see him as a safe bet, he is an old white man etc, they don't see that he is a puppet for the extreme lefties

>> No.22107947

Jesus the leaf bait in /pol/ is better

>> No.22108257


2 months out. anything could happen. he could even keel over.

>> No.22108432

>t. Guy who said hillary would win in 16
Imagine being this out of touch with the zeitgeist lmao

>> No.22108489

Anon is correct except it will be biden contesting the results as they will claim mail in votes will change the results. Hillary and Podesta have already advised this as well

>> No.22108586

I actually withdrew my Trump bet. I won pretty well on 16 and last dec placed £150 on him winning again but i think this year and his platform are total flops.

I want him to win but really am sceptical.

>> No.22108670

What happens if he dies though?
Is the bet cancelled or do you loose?

>> No.22108769

ftx trumpwins

>> No.22108827

>I beted

>> No.22108863

Rioting and massive lawlessness has swung most moderates to Republican Party but they won’t say public ally for fear of being called a racist. Joe Biden has Alzheimer’s and Kamala is an unlikeable whore who literally sucked dick to get a job.

The Dem convention was so terrible. Literally the only platform Biden was running on is the “I’m a nice guy, Trump bad” meanwhile Biden can’t even receive communion because he promotes child murder


>> No.22109081

This sums it up
Black and hispanic support went down after kamala was announced and the DNC managed to go four days without announcing a single policy, running on a one note song of "trump bad, democrats good"
Every sane person, no matter their race, is voting for trump.
Also, as much as he is still somewhat of a caricature, trump has sharpened up his appearance, both visually and linguistically. He is looking far less orange these days and is actually talking about policy rather than just attacking the opposing candidate

>> No.22109237

Best part is Kamala isn’t black enough for black people and she made a career out of arresting pot heads while admiring to smoking weed. She’s total scum

Again only concern for gambling on this election is mail in voter fraud

>> No.22109282

That is the one thing holding me back from actually putting my money on this. If there is a fair election trump wins 100%, but there are plenty of people who will do everything in their power to manipulate the result in their favour

>> No.22109488

dubs of truth

>> No.22110036

No he is saying the Democrats will contest the election with their mail in bullshit and nigger riots

>> No.22110094

If you think it's obvious trump will win, you get all your information from an echo-chamber

>> No.22110260

says the nigger who gets all his news from cnn and msnbc

>> No.22110506

You are retarded OP, yes.

>> No.22110669

If you beleive this youre a delusional idiot easily brainwashed. I live in Seattle right by CHAZ and these fucking asshole liberals are letting this city go shit. I'm moving in a month because of it. Fuck liberals and fuck you if you believe their complete bullshit.

>> No.22110722

All of you faggots think he's gonna win easily because you live in fantasy 4chan land. You don't live or talk to anybody in the real world.

>> No.22110866

I'm a committed center-leftard, despise trump with every fiber of my being and I am 100% certain he will win again.

The riots and establishment dem response to them are really the clincher. Supermajorities of every demographic group hate riots and mass property damage, including blacks. But for reason democrats are hellbent on mainstreaming mob violence.

NPR, which has considerable center-left clout, even ran a piece last friday interviewing vicky osterweil about her book 'in defense of looting' wherein she reframes looting as a premeditated political act and a joyous and celebratory occasion for the looters. No pushback from the interviewer, just a totally credulous puff piece that legitimizes looting, in arguably the best respected moderate liberal news outlet in the country.

Nobody likes this shit and it will cause vast amounts of defection and sideline-sitting in november, and polls don't capture this yet because the process of dems violently repelling their voter base with radical nonsense is still under way.

It won't even be close at this rate, trump will win by a landslide because nobody is going to vote for a party that advocates for lawlessness, theft, and property damage.