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>> No.22101565
File: 5 KB, 230x250, 1530846945858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tesla mooning after hours

>> No.22101568

Reminder that I have 345 RKT :^)

>> No.22101578

Alright boys, what are we fucking what are we sucking

>> No.22101590

Anyone got news or rumors on WMT, MSFT, tiktok deal?

>> No.22101597
File: 250 KB, 1192x1460, Screen Shot 2020-09-01 at 4.27.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya know...
compared to october - february, this doesn't actually look quite as crazy anymore

>> No.22101606

Repost: When the bubble bursts how long will it take to recover to a normal, sane, healthy market? 1 month? 2?

>> No.22101608
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This can't be sustainable, right?

>> No.22101609

It’s up like $3

>> No.22101612

Is there a single reason not to go all in on TQQQ or FNGU and keep a decent stop?

>> No.22101624

Baggie is our only OP now this has to end

>> No.22101632
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>> No.22101633

Im holding (t)qqq but getting increasingly anxious

>> No.22101636

yeah there is a rumor going around that WMT and MSFT are teaming up to buy tiktok but nobody knows what they plan to do with it
sorry that's the best i got

>> No.22101650

lol wut

>> No.22101653

Wish I bought more SSUMY last week

>> No.22101660

So what IPOs are you guys looking out for?

>> No.22101669

I finally fixed the copy pasta. Some one else can bake it and fuck it up now.

>> No.22101678

haven't done a stuntman slammer in years

>> No.22101682


>> No.22101688

WMT and MSFT will be the winners but there is growing uncertainty as to how far China will go to fuck it up, on the brighter side of things the company that owns TikTok now followed Bill Gates and Microsoft on Twitter. I’m up 200% on my WMT call holding out for the deal

>> No.22101696
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Bought 10 shares of Tsla at 475

Am going to hold, how fucked am I?

>> No.22101700

Behold, the next truly meme ticker.

>> No.22101705
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>> No.22101714

>investing in robinhood when its servers go to shit every time more than 100 people use the site

enjoy losing money

>> No.22101715

Actually I appreciate it youre the only one that bothered to do it right all day

>> No.22101718

CLF will moon tomorrow

>> No.22101725


>> No.22101734

You’re going to have to hold.

>> No.22101741

Squeeze alert (Chad Edition)

>> No.22101744
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i'd be totally fine with 300% gains, sure. this is just pure gambling for me though, but you son of a bitch im in. im willing to give them through the holiday season at the very least. i might sell early at 100% returns though if they spike really hard one day, we'll see.

im prepared to lose the whole thing but i figure if this ultimately fails i'll probably exit losing half most likely.

>> No.22101747

FNGU is going to make mo so rich

>> No.22101752
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>tfw just wish I had enough cash to make some real moves

>> No.22101755

JUst fucking BUY OPES.

Dirt FUCKing Ch3@p, and + it's yet to merge. W1ll L1k3ly g0 2 $15.00

>> No.22101763
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MTLS what is it doing and why

>> No.22101785

can you stop zoomers from coming there?

>> No.22101792

Do you have to be on the london exchange to trade the new 3x leveraged tech stocks ?

>> No.22101794

Here's how smg works
>green = moon
>red = crash
numbers, percentages, that doesn't matter

>> No.22101813

>fast food
no thanks

>> No.22101823

Same. Robinhood is likely the WORST broker to choose.

Go TDameritrade. FUCK TONS better. THE only negative is that they don't do crypto.

>> No.22101835

Is day trading worth it as something small off to the side (Low budget investing and whatnot). Or is it more wise to do long term investing

>> No.22101837
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i want to marry Investing with Rose. It's so cute when she slightly stumbles over her words because she's not scripted.

>> No.22101845
File: 190 KB, 750x1334, 4CDA46A8-9ABD-4A75-9C41-84F0B73EC64C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no /smg/, I don’t feel so good . . .

>> No.22101849

Is the best hedge against a big market dump a pile of cash sitting on the sidelines in a savings account, so you can just buy the mother fucking dip?

>> No.22101850

This is true and I hate it but I love green line go up. Speaking of which wheres that AEYE faggot now that its "crashing"

>> No.22101852
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I went into my dads office to tell him how good my portfolio was doing today and he was on a meeting and wasn't muted and I could hear people start laughing fml

>> No.22101854
File: 268 KB, 795x704, pepe73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys my RH is -$18000 after today and I can't afford to pay that back in addition to the $46000 I have left of my student debt. What do I do

>> No.22101863

Doesn't fucking matter. Cheap SPAC, already reached lows. Catalyst is merger, which should be around November.

>> No.22101883

Name one thing that could cause a red day right now.

>> No.22101885

Why don't why have a live chart that displays the ratio of pink to green wojaks on smg over time?

>> No.22101891

kill yourself

>> No.22101895

Definitely kill yourself

>> No.22101896

Google 90/90/90 rule

>> No.22101911

you either make it or you long $rope

>> No.22101915


Honestly if that's true, you've just got btfo. Go Bankrupt and try again in 7 years.

>> No.22101923

Just delete the app off your phone retard

>> No.22101931

How old are you that you seek your fathers approval that way?

>> No.22101933

>TQQQ +5%
>WKHS +12%
lmao bros i'm about to retire here

>> No.22101945

This. Zoomer shit is easy money if you get in early. TikTok, SnapChat. All dumb zoomer shit. All made a fuck load of money. Always buy zoomer shit the second you hear about it and cash out before they get bored. I should credit a short zoomer shit index fund.

>> No.22101946

why you care what your pop's coworkers think of you?

>> No.22101948

I'm thinking of living in a tent innawoods and just generating a little income for food via covered calls.

>> No.22101957
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>90/90/90 rule
>mfw I beat it

>> No.22101970
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me and my dad just like talking about stocks anon

>> No.22101971
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What broker do you use?

>> No.22101983

Fuck it bros I bought back into fngu...

>> No.22101988
File: 2.68 MB, 1112x1636, princess diana 13th pillar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a notification on twitter that it is "Anzu Futaba"'s birthday, shouldn't you be kinder today??
His work friends probably think you're a very responsible young man to take such a keen interest in finance

>> No.22101993

it's fine but only if you know what you're doing and use proper risk management on every trade. just look up livetraders on youtube and watch literally all of his videos, take notes as if you were taking a college course. then practice in paper trading first. then start with like $10 bets to begin with. it's a slow process but definitely doable, the 90/90/90 rule only really applies to idiots who take on way too much risk per trade way too early (when they don't know what they're doing and have no experience yet)

>> No.22102014
File: 83 KB, 1771x1417, incidents_time_spanish_flu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virus, 2nd wave. We're all going to die.

Ok, but seriously, there's a decent chance at mutation, so keep your eyes on the death count in foreign countries like China.

>> No.22102021


>> No.22102029

what does this mean for stonks?

>> No.22102033

What does he think of your anime obsession? Also you don't knock or see if he's busy before you bust in chatterboxing during work hours? Shit if you were my son you'd be getting what fer and I'd be throwing out all your waifupillows

>> No.22102038


>> No.22102040

Day trading is better for market engagement and market awareness than making money. I make small amounts off it and don’t engage super often.

>> No.22102043

same. Except I feel bad because mine just owns a ton of boomer crab shit.

>> No.22102047

Thanks I needed a good laugh

>> No.22102058

unironically might hit 5 digits again holding apple

>> No.22102064
File: 26 KB, 873x549, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, enough is enough.

I just switched my 401k to 100% bonds

You're welcome for the 50% up day tomorrow

>> No.22102066

Especially PMs, until JPM dumps the futures market again.

>> No.22102084

Day trading is more time intensive and requires experience as you'll make mistakes.

If you work a job or have a g/f, just swing trade or go Long Term.

>> No.22102108

If you haven’t bought CLF yet you’re gonna miss out

>> No.22102111

yeah, doesn't the bonds dropping in value just mean that TINA is even stronger for equities?

>> No.22102113

It's never going to happen. China won't allow the sale unless there is Chinese oversight and the US will never allow that.
Bearish for msft/wmt, bullish for humanity because the app is fucking cancer

>> No.22102114
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you fucking dumbass pussy
bonds crash along with equities do you really think you're gonna be safe if we get a major pullback?

>> No.22102120

What’s a broker?

>> No.22102138

>>Go TDameritrade. FUCK TONS better. THE only negative is that they don't do crypto.
I'll probably move when I have enough shekels

>> No.22102140
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im do happy

>> No.22102152

Why Bonds with shit rates? Just buy Covid stocks like Disney at that point, since it's already taken a hit.

>> No.22102153

Do you understand the concept of holding a bond with a higher interest rate than newly issued bonds because of a falling rate?
If you're currently long on certain bonds with a certain interest rate and the rate falls after in the market the value of your bond goes up

>> No.22102177

honestly i've found swing trading to be more consistent. find a well known big brand name company (FAGTMAANN especially) and figure out what catalysts they have coming up. buy in at least a month before and just hold until a couple of days before the catalyst, then sell for profit. wash rinse repeat. i feel like the issue is you can't really use a stop loss, you have to just hodl through dips until the event, but that's why picking good solid companies with good fundamentals is key.

>> No.22102181
File: 1.92 MB, 1824x778, PricedIn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. All out race war about to break out across American cities in a time when unemployment is at an all time high and a pandemic allows no one to work? Literal communists executing people in broad daylight and more shootings on a daily basis that the entire year prior? Communist setting up commie block utopias? American metro city real estate market BULLISH. AS. FUCK. Buy with both hands. Say it with me "PRICED. IN."

>> No.22102184

There is reason to actually long the dollar

>> No.22102223

>tfw when I only bought 30 shares of SHLL
Gains are gains I guess

>> No.22102224

I asked because even though it feels like we're at the top it seems that there is no bad news to cause a market selloff anymore (people stopped talking about COVID and unemployment). With kids across the nation being back in school, I thought if we were going to lock down again we would've done it by now.

>> No.22102234

Day trading is for 100k+

>> No.22102235


>> No.22102243
File: 148 KB, 1440x1756, Screenshot_2020-09-01-13-45-25-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Build a Bear thank you for the cheapies today

Gonna buy back into Denny's at the dip tomorrow

Held tesla that was tough but overall up decent today

>> No.22102252


WeBull (Chink Chong would like more of your info please)
Robinhood (No afterhours trading, constant crashes)

Elite Fags:

>> No.22102254

I'm so torn on TQQQ. On the one hand the gains are amazing and I feel like moving the rest of my portfolio in there too, or I am going to miss out.
On the other hand, I fear like it's almost too good to be true and a crash can't be far of; I should probably take my money out and be happy with what I got.

>> No.22102255
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>> No.22102272

And what reason would that be

>> No.22102274

what the fuck is a broker?

>> No.22102275

How the fuck is that even possible? Are they accounting for failed algo traders?
Are you me? So far I have enough money to generate a relatively safe 150 - 200 every two weeks.

>> No.22102278
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just buy SE and forget it? It just doesn't look like it's going to stop.

>> No.22102281

You know how easy it is to turn that building into 5+ apartments?
It looks like shit but with renovation you can easily earn a good amount of money from it from rent alone

>> No.22102287

There isn't one at the moment. The OP asked for something that could cause a red day

>> No.22102291

Tastyworks is best for options

>> No.22102303

I don't understand 0% or even NEGATIVE interest rates. Who is allowed to borrow at those rates? Banks only? Why wouldn't they just borrow unlimited money and invest it somewhere safe with guaranteed positive returns, even if they're small like bonds or something.

In the end you'll have to pay back the same amount as you borrowed or even LESS if it's negative interest rates.

>> No.22102322
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>> No.22102331

Did not mean to quote, mb.

>> No.22102341


>> No.22102348

your moon is shit

>> No.22102352

Should I sell SHLL?

>> No.22102354

I got Jamfed

>> No.22102365

Big Brain strategy, I like it.

You Buying Tesla for Battery Day?

I'm sure COVID is dead to begin with; however no one knows for sure what's going to happen in October. Couple that with people being complacent doesn't bode well if virus takes a turn for the worst.

Good news though is a vaccine cataylst would pump stocks big time (likely December 2020). I might switch to Covid stocks soon.

>> No.22102378
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Pretty sure it's $30k+.

>> No.22102394

The point is to create dollar velocity and stimulate the economy but all it actually does is get people to pull out debt to invest which doesn't do anything except create asset bubbles which just further exacerbate the underlying issue. This is where we are now.

>> No.22102396
File: 1.63 MB, 771x906, inside.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would probably save money bulldozing the entire structure. Here is the inside.

>> No.22102399
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Naive. Much like Valery Gergiev as I wrap up my projects I only feel raw emotion, bloodlust, hate. You arent speaking to Cute Me, youre speaking to evil me. And I only care about Nana 'Scopolamine' Abe

>> No.22102400

fuck you QQQ stop going up my money hasn't settled yet!

>> No.22102422

They can still charge fees on loans, including negative interest rates.

>> No.22102423

So who can borrow at these rates? Banks only?

>> No.22102428
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>he isn't all in on WMT

>> No.22102467

>sold TQQQ for $40 during covid
>TQQQ is now $170 5 months later

Could have quadrupled my net worth ...sigh

And the Reits I'm holding haven't moved an inch since the lows

So what's next

>> No.22102472

What if I buy a sector ETF for 10000$ everyday when it dips and sell it right after I made 1% ?
Its a safe way to make 100$ per day isn’t it?

>> No.22102476

Who's holding RKT through earnings?

>> No.22102482

How would you rate Merril Edge

>> No.22102489
File: 3.43 MB, 3541x2508, 83492755_p0_r Pyra Mythra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BILI mooning
God fucking yes. See you at 70$

>> No.22102495

i was but honestly after reading about how many zoomers are getting into it, i ended up just selling today and taking my profits. i made $5k off of it though so i can't complain but it's just too spooky right now, i went big into AAPL instead. TSLA feels ripe to get bogged soon. i'll still play the breakouts to new ATH's while day trading though.

>> No.22102503

Governments and anyone issuing these bonds that get bought with a low interest

>> No.22102529
File: 94 KB, 1024x1024, 1598680842844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This world is a circus and the market is currently a cocaine fueled sexy clown orgy pit in the middle of the lion ring

But eventually the ringmaster will open the gates and unleash the lions

>> No.22102537

Haven't used it. I've heard of the branding, so it's not some cheap garbage.

>> No.22102559

Can someone explain to me why TAN and PBW and all the clean energy etf's aren't shilled at all on /smg/?

>> No.22102590

WealthSimple is in "worst" tier below WeBull and Robinhood but it's the only commission free option in Canada

>> No.22102592

Covid economy is entirely fear based. Facts no longer matter. Your political alignment now dictates which facts are true. If you aren't old or have potential comorbidity conditions, your survival rate is literally 99.96% Election wise it only matters if the media can get the fear back up. Trump wins and the media goes full fear blast mode 24/7, soccer moms everywhere will be glued to the screen. Biden wins and it will be a 2 months of "we gotta address these racial and pandemic issues" followed by pretending everything is now better. "Light at the end of the tunnel, we are the cure" narrative. Economy probably dies and goes full commie china dick sucking mode. If Trump wins then the left will force heavy action. Either way we are going into WW3 unironically with China/Russia.

>> No.22102595

depends what your goals are. 1% of 25k is still $250 which is a lot of money to make on a daily basis for most people. and that's not even considering the days where you can make well over 1%.

>> No.22102596

I have 10k in iShares Clean Energy, but who cares about lousy 0,5% / day

>> No.22102597

sir this is a business and finance board

>> No.22102632

If you get negative interest rates it means that instead of the bank paying you to leave your cash there you are paying them.
It's supposed to penalize you for contributing to deflation. If there is no dollar velocity you get deflation which is bad for economic growth.
Low interest is good for spurring economic growth, negative interest doesn't really do a whole lot of anything.
We are already at 0% interest so there's nowhere else to go except pumping even more liquidity but there is already such a wide income inequality that the money will basically never see poor people's hands. Hate poor people all you want but they actually spend money instead of tucking it into assets.

>> No.22102636

Think of it this way, Tesla dips, Zoomies buy in.

Consider buying for battery day hype. Just sell a day before the event, should be easy 10% gains.

>> No.22102637

I hold FSLR but because 4chan leans right of center half the thread is literally global warming denialists

>> No.22102647

I mean there is no PDT rule and you can day trade at 25k but I have done better by capturing the bigger move than jumping around all day chart watching heavy. Then if you lose focus from constant watching all day, boom fucked, time to make up losses. 100k+ though you could make one good day trade a day and quit for the day.

>> No.22102677

in what way is a sexy cocaine fueled clown orgy in a lion pit not a perfect description of the current state of the market? buffet basically said the same thing but PG13

or are you just butthurt I used a kyle "did nothing wrong" rittenhouse image

>> No.22102678

they like to jerk you around and take forever to process deposits and enable trading so basically expect a month long interest free loan and two weeks every time you deposit

>> No.22102688

I'll probably put some money in a clean energy ETF is Biden wins the election. I am almost certain he is going to do some 'Green New Deal' type stuff for the base

>> No.22102691

My bad. But honestly sometimes it's hard to separate the two when trying to talk about how thing may play out. I advise people to think out winning moves for multiple outcomes.

>> No.22102692
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It has a nice UI and it is quirky. I just got their debit card in the mail. Jealous? I bet your broker doesn't have a unique MasterCard in their own image. Also if you're in positions where you could lose it all just because the app is weird for 5 or 10 minutes then your risk is too high or you're gambling.

>> No.22102693
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who else holding GME until christmas?

>> No.22102716
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>> No.22102725

Eventually can be a pretty long time there kiddo. Hopefully you use this time to grow your liquid assets and move them into something like real estate which is a abetter long term hedge than the stock market.

That's 65k which isn't bad but that assumes you get it right each time and are consistent.

>> No.22102736

I bought in at $5 and got stopped out at $7, convince me to buy back in

The Merril Edge bro quelled by worries about shorts bailing

Is this real? lolcramer

>> No.22102737

This is the business and finance board you are filling the thread with off topic posts now please go back


>> No.22102740

I like those tits more when they're attached to that imperfect Uzbekistani face.

>> No.22102741

The markets seem to already be prepping for that with how much those etfs have rallied though, don't want to fomo in too late

>> No.22102742

Here's the thing. That survivability rate is dicatated on our current strains of Covid.

Scientists from CDC and WHO aren't exactly sure how this virus will behave in Fall.

Just something to beware of. It's most likely a nothing burger. We just don't want to have the rug pulled again if WHO finds a deadly strain in China/India/Italy or wherever. Especially with the markets as high as it is. Investors/Hedge funds are on edge..

>> No.22102768

All I care about is seeing my account value climb each and everyday till Christmas time. I want to end this year with 30,000 stuffed in the bank looking at me, a fat 401 and brokerage and fat pension to boot. Bring on the virus, bring on the fear, long as that apple stock soars why should I give a shit?. I'm enjoying this loads; semi retired and still getting paid for it.

>> No.22102772

Learn from your mistakes and move on, no point I. Dwelling on what could have been since now it’s impossible for it to be.

>> No.22102784

>Also if you're in positions where you could lose it all just because the app is weird for 5 or 10 minutes then your risk is too high or you're gambling.
While this is probably true, from what I've heard Robinhood tends to fuck up at the worst possible time, literally at the point of max pain, and turn safe sensible positions into massive losses

>> No.22102791

I am genuinely confused as to how gamestop even exists anymore.

>> No.22102797

wait what the new consoles still have optical drives?

>> No.22102801

>literally cant panic sell

>> No.22102802

Seems very likely that other big tech companies are looking what effect the split had on TSLA and APPL and are considering a similar move.

>> No.22102807

Didn't they shut down for an entire day when the market was crashing back in march?
Clearly they still haven't worked out all the issues.
Imagine losing an extra 10 or 20% of your portfolio value because your brokerage is too cheap to spend on the proper supporting technical infrastructure.

>> No.22102811
File: 237 KB, 613x630, bowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah nah you're a newfag redditor, go invest in diversity if you love it so much

>> No.22102816

geat for a starbukcs

>> No.22102819

I still don't see what people see in fucking Gamestop, but Micheal Burry is in, so I guess there's something

>> No.22102820

Yeah true, good point. Depends on your goals. It’s just a lot easier and you can diversify your day trades with 100k, imo. If you know charts, can trade and can capture 1% a day. $250 x 365 = $91k. I’m sure a lot people would be happy with that a year.

>> No.22102825

xbox releases in november and ps5 is due to release around that. also the big players have started getting in on the action. take profit at $20 but i can see the thing mooning to $50

>> No.22102833

>He bought BBW

>> No.22102844

They have more cash than debt, and a rotating cast of activist investors (Burry, Reggie, the CHWY guy)

>> No.22102848

I want in. Why is it mooning?

I thought their marketing was bleeding them out and they got a downgrade?

>> No.22102851

>me wanting to have good threads makes me a redditor

>> No.22102856

You didnt get the picture when Royal Carribean mooned after posting a $9 loss?

>> No.22102858


...all contender for a split.

Want to know how we're in a bull market....When people shill GameStop....God help us if something spooks the market.

>> No.22102872

Maybe, but they way things stand, I think there is at least a decent shot that Trump is going to win, in which case I don't think clean energy is going to be in an especially good position for the next 4 years. Somebody a few threads ago mentioned that Trump opened up drilling in nature reserves in Alaska, so you would probably be better of investing in oil companies if he wins.

>> No.22102881
File: 32 KB, 780x439, Oh My God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit, Boeing really is over.

>> No.22102887

The virus is not going to become more deadly. That's not how it works. Covid is 100% a meme.

>> No.22102898
File: 193 KB, 704x904, 1554763620625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your only posts itt are asking dumb questions about brokers and whining about other people's images

long ROPE

>> No.22102899
File: 142 KB, 700x920, DDF9DF91-41CC-4AC9-ADA3-1D38E5A68753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22102912

The amount of suits and boomers mad that TSLA and AAPL are still pumping because of the split are hilarious.

>m-muh fundamentals!

>> No.22102914

Especially with Amazon, I am almost certain they are going to split.

>> No.22102918

Your basis for investing in a failing industry is more competition?

>> No.22102929
File: 620 KB, 314x560, ezgif-4-a74d24e1d3ec.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just glad dead niggers and soys makes stocks go up to ATH

Cleaning the cesspool of society and making me money.

>> No.22102953

>posts are still on topic

>> No.22102956
File: 109 KB, 500x584, Bonglmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boing! has been dead for a while, it's just increasingly clear, like a animated corpse that sort of looks alive but the longer it stays a corpse the more it decays
>737 MAX
>tanker contract
They got yelled at by the airforce because there was literally random garbage like wrenches left in the main fuel tank on the KC-46As

>> No.22102964
File: 2.91 MB, 5000x4000, 83431209_p0_r Pyra Mythra Pneuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it mooning?
Hell if I know. But one thing is sure, waifus are the future.

>> No.22102970

Amazon...seems enticing..


Buy the Rumor, sell the news....

>> No.22102980
File: 424 KB, 1920x1080, 1526059190234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying the tesla bubble's bubble after it already popped

Stay poor faggit

>> No.22102990

I don't think they have the spread-ability data correct. Aunt had it bad, but literally no one else in her house living with her got it and all got tested. It makes it seem like this thing is a super spreader. Uncle didn't even get it sleeping next to her when they thought it was just a cold. Either that or this things spread-ability varys massively. I don't see an medical stocks being good for anything other than pump and dumps if you can buy the rumor early enough and sell once dumb money is in. No vaccine is coming, and we don't even need one. But if it does it may be treated as a miracle regardless. ICDC is suddenly super tight lipped and iffy about their data for something that has had over a million cases to study for over almost a year. I have to think a data dump is coming in some form.

>> No.22103002

>They got yelled at by the airforce because there was literally random garbage like wrenches left in the main fuel tank on the KC-46As
Didn't hear this one yet

>> No.22103005

the funniest part is Apples fundamentals aren't even that bad, it's a little rich right now but the PE is fine

>> No.22103021

Someone shill me on either TDA or Schwabb. I really like RH's UI and it's overall comfy but I don't think I can trust having significant amounts of money with them

>> No.22103022

The price of iron ore has gone up drastically over the past month and CLF is expanding its mining and refining operations. Not only that they just acquired AK Steel.

>> No.22103028

Same reason I'm staying the fuck away from Intel. Heard that an old Indian classmate worked for them for a year or two. He literally played Call of Duty during meetings.

>> No.22103037

So it's a zombie shell company?

>> No.22103046

/smg/ always up front with what's important

>> No.22103058
File: 158 KB, 487x788, Annotation 2020-09-01 161335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22103078
File: 259 KB, 610x449, 02D0685BC1FF4DCA95F6FF38D0B0C774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this time revolving around excessive fuel leaks.

>Boeing will have to rip and replace KC-46 sensor and camera systems on its own dime

>Air Force again halts KC-46 deliveries after more debris found

Boeing is LEGENDARILY awful

>> No.22103082

Amazon probably would do a split but the split would have to be so fucking high for retail investors to be able to buy it would probably crush the stock in term of ability to grow quickly since there would be a shit ton of share dilution

>> No.22103088

lol at thinking the niggers who live there will pay rent. they'll just destroy that shithouse even further

>> No.22103093
File: 60 KB, 772x512, 493F3AD8-FFB1-4DE7-AB9B-9D32A1337A21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are my tesla 500c 9/4 and GME 9c 9/4 gonna do tomorrow lads

>> No.22103097

>price-weighted index

>> No.22103106

With 85% short interest, yes

And the console release season will give them a rare infusion of actual cash

You see the bull case now?

>> No.22103115

I can't believe niggers did all of this.

>> No.22103122

Didn't Bezos say he didn't want a split ever so that retail ham and egger investors stay away from his stock?

>> No.22103135

Same with Chewy. You will be buying your ps5 this year right anon?

>> No.22103140

TDA's platform holds your hand less and forces you to learn. Scwabb I haven't used, but I'm comparing to my funny money Tastey Works account.

>> No.22103141

I actually sat and watched TSLA telling myself I wouldn’t FOMO for months and totally missed out. I’m in AAPL instead

>> No.22103146

These are months old and it's still up. Tech is unironically safer.

>> No.22103150

Diamond Hands(TM) mode

>> No.22103162

I think Bezos doesn't want the plebs touching the stock and influencing price, similar to Buffett with BRK.A

>> No.22103181

What’s the price to sell SHLL after the merger? I’ve got a lot

>> No.22103195

>Didn't they shut down for an entire day when the market was crashing back in march?
It was actually the first huge rebound after the initial drop. The salt from /smg/ and that other place was legendary

>> No.22103211

Yeah the stock BA seems disconnected from the failing company Boeing, but desu that seems to be the case across the market right now

>> No.22103217

Give it a few years and Schwabb will probably have bought out TDA
There really isn't that much difference between them on metrics of importance. The edge is usually given to TDA because of ToS

>> No.22103231

i'm holding mine for at least a year.

>> No.22103238

What makes you say that? I doubt he would want that since retail investors are what he makes money off of. if younger people were able to buy it would pump his stock so much and make him a shit ton of money

>> No.22103246

The only salon consoles I buy at launch are the Nintendo ones. I always wait 2 years for the refresh Sony always make, and for their console to finally get something other than crossgen ports.
So, no. But I know people will eat up the PS5 and XSX this year, I guess. Too bad these will be paper launches.

>> No.22103257
File: 184 KB, 750x1334, A2ACD5CC-DF15-4951-8E2D-6913633FA7E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i hit 40k by friday ill post a webm of me pissing in someones sunroof

>> No.22103259

I see the potential for like that weird massive brain pulse that happens like 5 minutes after a person dies. Still not long term bullish.
When you live in cities it is sometimes easy to forget the building next to your apartment is literally a giant rotting corpse full of rats and druggie degenerates shitting and pissing all over the place. Million + dollar corpse.

>> No.22103266

>went to bed at 8 am
>only down 3% on tsla

holy shit i would have gone so bat shit crazy when it droppd to 450-460 today. how was /smg/?

>> No.22103273

I think it’s fire damage.

>> No.22103282

CEO's change their mind all the time. Bezos also has a thing against Musk. Plus, what's the harm in owning Amazon? OH No, I was wrong?....just means I have to hold Tesla for a 5% gain.

Ran up today...I imagine, only 70 tops.

>> No.22103299

Institutions are gonna dump really hard on retailer tesla owners.

>> No.22103303

No you won't pussy.

>> No.22103313

hold tesla till battery day?

>> No.22103322

I can't believe the horse contract news is going to happen, good or bad. I'm gonna miss horseposting bros...

>> No.22103333

I have new nigger neighbors and i hate them because theyre niggers. They leave the windows down on their nigged outbenz all the time. Ill do it

>> No.22103334

Is it too late to get in?

>> No.22103337

I mean I agree but RH is probably one of the most popular brokers right now and trying to manage all that mobile data at one must be a nightmare. I pay my monthly $5 for Gold just to support them

>> No.22103340

FOMO you say? Oh oh, FNGU. Sorry I misheard

>> No.22103355

Nah another month of fun

>> No.22103363

I live by Detroit. I see buildings like that all the time.

People wonder why educated white/asians/rich indians don't live in the area....

>> No.22103376
File: 67 KB, 299x192, 775c5640-aa7c-11e5-950e-a7ffd3b90f12-300x192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a bubble

>> No.22103394

looking to hold for 5+ years. what companies should i go for? currently holding bili and apple

>> No.22103402

bros I have a very important question
everytime I win a risky play I want to put 20% of the profits away for later, but what should I put them in? I would buy T bond ETFs or something, but they've already mooned. would I actually lose money in the next 20 years by buying T bond ETFs now?

>> No.22103405

I'm sure they are taking more than their fare share in my order executions so I'm not giving them a dime on top.

>> No.22103414

Hope so. If they do I am buying hard.

>> No.22103417

Okay I'll hold you to it bitch.

>> No.22103420
File: 443 KB, 2557x1216, LongLongs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need an image to partner with that
Reminder if you hold TSLA shares you are basically 2x short on it. You disgusting shorty short

>> No.22103426

>Oil Inventories Fall by 6.36M Barrels

>U.S. oil stockpiles declined for a six-straight week as American producers braced for the onslaught of Hurricane Laura.
>The latest weekly draw comes after some U.S. producers halted operations last week in anticipation of Hurricane Laura, which made landfall along the U.S. Gulf Coast but its impact was not as widespread as many had feared.
>Crude Oil WTI Futures, the U.S. benchmark for oil, was up 1.03% after settling 0.4% higher at $42.76 a barrel on Tuesday. Oil prices were supported by better-than-expected U.S. manufacturing data, which strengthened expectations that the recovery in crude demand would remain on track.

>> No.22103435

Lmao that 3x tesla long etp was real i thought it was a joke

>> No.22103440
File: 34 KB, 680x363, 6A456611-C3BB-4876-8BBC-7E6A323FA358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I convince my gf to stop wasting money on eating out at restaurants multiple times a week without hitting her or screaming at her? 8/10 I’m footing the bill as well it hurts my pockets

>> No.22103441

the market doesn't run on fundamentals anymore because fundamentals don't exist during a pandemic. the market runs on hype now. which is scary, but also very lucrative if you can time it right. but so was the dot com bubble.

>> No.22103446
File: 105 KB, 850x919, 1593384951026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WKHS is a long term play bro. We'll be horseposting for years to come.

>> No.22103447

If you want non risky plays then Amazon and Apple are probably your best bets. Throw some NVDA in there for spice if you want.

>> No.22103452

Im up 75 percent in the last month. We crashing soon

>> No.22103453
File: 67 KB, 696x455, 135627455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this goes well with it

>> No.22103459

Yes retard. We're in an inflationary period where the sure fire thing to burst the bubble is an interest rate hike that won't come for many years.

Continue holding leverage etf's in the tech sector for 2 years.

>> No.22103460

Uhh anon...Burgerfi delayed the deal, and OPES has already said if they do they will liquidate. It's a horrible time to go public as a restaurant, and Burgerfi doesn't at all need OPES to do so, it was just a convenient way to do so. I'm watching this one very, very closely, but as of right now there's no reason to even be holding because it just as likely could go back to it's IPO price and your shares value mailed to you in the form of a check a few weeks later.

>> No.22103477

Looks more like water damage to me. Though I suppose the fire could've opened the place up for the water. In any case, that'll be 1.3 million dollars plus tax sir.

>> No.22103481

Women only understand force

>> No.22103502

Tell her you don't want to pay for it anymore and that will pretty much put a stop to it I guarantee ya

>> No.22103506

Threats work. I had my bitch do the same thing.

Threatened to leave her if her spending habits didn't stop. Worked out for 2 weeks so far.

>> No.22103508

Not this shit again lmao

>> No.22103510


If you're not comfortable footing the bill then don't? it's your money

>> No.22103513

Not offered on RH otherwise I'd throw $2,000 in just for the shits and giggles

>> No.22103531
File: 67 KB, 710x706, Paulie, the Third Manchild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are social creatures. They cannot survive without being in the presence of someone else. What you need to do is cut her out of your life for the time being, invest, and then wait until she comes crawling back after catching a whiff of your success.

>> No.22103547

ok. but tesla is slated to create 1,000,000 vehicles within a year or two
and reduce prices

>> No.22103574

Girls do not invest monetarily, they invest socially. They simply do not. I do finance media on youtube. When I get demographic data about my viewers it is literally a 99.9% male audience. That .1% female is probably that based Ark Invest MILF.

>> No.22103584

maybe the bubble will pop now but once it returns to mean it will grow more naturally

>> No.22103586
File: 253 KB, 389x671, sachiBEST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love money. But I hate women.

>> No.22103589
File: 883 KB, 460x320, HungryDev.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missed out on a once in a lifetime wealth transfer in the markets

watching all of you make money makes my blood boil

>> No.22103593

remember the guy who got really upset about "off topic posts"

suddenly he's silent about wife beating


>> No.22103599

With current prices they'd have to dominate the car industry and most of the sunny countries would need to have their solar roof as standard with a Tesla Smartphone going toe to toe with Samsung.

>> No.22103605

theres still time anon you can still make it

>> No.22103615

Are you well known and share actual content or do you just repost WSB memes?

>> No.22103624

Jump in. When it starts going down, jump into SQQQ.

>> No.22103631

Why didn't you yolo into RKT or GME too?

>> No.22103634

But why now?

>> No.22103647

Pssst. Here's a secret. The fed is committed to pumping the markets so just shut the fuck up and buy. You should have a sold 3-5 year run before anything too fuckey happens. By then you should have cleared enough to have some diversification in your assets.

>> No.22103650

Imagine thinking Tesla isn't a 2 trillion dollar company.

>> No.22103661

Hitachi news means they're serious about spinning up production to thousands per month, either because of USPS or UPS/Ryder

>> No.22103670

can i access this in ToS?

>> No.22103672

So it gives us some time to buy 200 more shares before it hits $30

>> No.22103680

I don't think Amazon and apple are non-risky, I think we are in a hyper inflated market and I'm looking for a safe vehicle to put some profit taking in
well what I'm asking is that something like TLT will long term fall because rates are basically at rock bottom now, so in 5 - 10 years rates increase decreasing the value of the bonds the fund is holding
Is this incorrect?

>> No.22103681

They'll all be janitors and shit

>> No.22103682

Apple price just collapsed in the after-hours market. Buffett sold?

>> No.22103683

pls respond

>> No.22103688

Strange mindset. I told my boomer stepdad not to go all in on TSLA with his retirement. He didn't listen and now his account is now worth over one million dollars, and he withdrew 500k and put it in a steady dividend account for a safe retirement. I am happy for him. I got completely dunked on by his boomer wisdom, because I was "too smart to win."

>> No.22103699

WOOOO NElly! ALmost got caught in the rat trap. Should of checked the news on that one.

Either way, selling for profit now. OPES is a bit risky for my blood with that.

Thanks for the heads up anon.

>> No.22103700
File: 76 KB, 249x264, hopper_cheers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX is a ten trillion dollar company but retarded Tesla kiddies don't get a CENT of that equity

>> No.22103706

I think people are getting desperate with this market and think they're gonna get the contract so more people are buying

>> No.22103723

no it didn't you fucker. this should be a bannable offense in all honesty.

>> No.22103728
File: 147 KB, 262x382, 20200726_095225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't say?

>> No.22103730

It's not my content, I just do video editing for a company that does finance.

>> No.22103734

I'm gonna short Tesla tomorrow AMA

>> No.22103738
File: 50 KB, 743x660, chrome_shj9bpom4E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh goys??

>> No.22103757


>> No.22103766
File: 242 KB, 1536x1044, rocket-ship-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's got RKT calls? After hours looking nice

>> No.22103768

what will you do with all of your monies?

>> No.22103779

Just tell her straight up. You might be surprised. Women are so dumb she probably just doesn't see the issue

>> No.22103782

probably a glitch google finance is shit like that

>> No.22103784

Wife just opened her IRA with 6k and said to buy whatever I want. My ira is very conservative, so want to do something more aggressive with hers. Dubbs tells me what to buy

>> No.22103799

Short it again.

>> No.22103802


>> No.22103803

>posts literally the worst rocket

>> No.22103814

Say you are going to make electric cars and take deposits. Then buy deep OTM calls on your own options chain
You don't need to actually make electric cars.

>> No.22103815
File: 337 KB, 651x624, 1569536178610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nice thing about investing is there is ALWAYS another opportunity out there anon. Just learn and be ready for the next one that you find. You can make it bro, we can all make it.

>> No.22103824


>> No.22103825

Half apple half tqqq

>> No.22103832

RKT call chads rocket up

>> No.22103836

I just have one call but I'm happy to be on the RKT ship, I'll probably execute and keep the shares on the 18th and sell calls on those babies

>> No.22103841

Is it possible to buy a sex slave? I’m not talking trafficking. I just figure there’s a fetish for it.

>> No.22103849

Burial or cremation?

>> No.22103856

My anger is currently stronger than 10000 suns

>> No.22103862
File: 435 KB, 1616x949, AAPL 9-1-20 539PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake and gay

>> No.22103863

you're looking for fetlife

>> No.22103874


>> No.22103875
File: 67 KB, 1074x269, Screenshot_20200901-163909_TD Ameritrade Mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow my order still didn't fill. Thats bullshit.

I'm sure it'll fill in the morning sell off though

>> No.22103877


>> No.22103883

technically you still can, you just need to find out who's going to produce the vaccines bro

>> No.22103885

I'm ready to believe that the market is going to continue to go up, I just feel like some of those large tech stocks (especially TSLA) could drop significantly.
And considering that people seem to make the really large bucks with triple leveraged ETFs, there is a pretty significant risk.
I want to buy more TQQQ, but putting it into a stable company with decent growth potential like AMZN or APPL is probably the correct choice.

>> No.22103899

No problem, but don't forget about it altogether and I'm personally doing research on it daily for anything new as it is a developing situation, you're literally the only person besides myself I've seen with any interest in the stock.

>> No.22103910

18000 dicks at $1 a pop, you can do it anon!

>> No.22103911

Stocks only go up

Stocks only go up

Stocks only go up

Stocks only go up

Stocks only go up

Stocks only go up

>> No.22103913

Srsly bro half apple half tqqq and thank me later

>> No.22103915

Thank me in 20 years when you can afford the Chrysler building

>> No.22103917

britbong here, what are good brokers in the UK?

>> No.22103942


>> No.22103948

A rocket held together by red tape lmao

>> No.22103956

Bob Hoskins

>> No.22103963

fine 99% tqqq and 1% Nak

>> No.22103991

Sounds like a pain though

>> No.22103994

I've been piling up my money for student loans in my saving account letting it build interest until the student loan freeze ends. How likely is it going to get extended? I'm sitting on 12k and I told myself I would drop it on loans come September, but I really wanna keep it on the sidelines in case the fed allows a big dip to keep people thankful.

>> No.22103998

It’s a TSLA 3x ETF

>> No.22104003


>> No.22104006


>> No.22104017

People from Africa are taking out loans and sending the money to their relatives that drive cabs in America to buy tesla stocks

>> No.22104036

i was looking for this things to bad it's on the LSE

>> No.22104038

3x tsla almost got trips. Woulda been a sign

>> No.22104040
File: 383 KB, 828x1792, C117AA7D-CF51-40FB-98D0-9B2FD0DFE6E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well boys we’ve officially hit the MOT will papa powell pooooooomp through this 10 year trend line or will be stick just the tip out and nosedive down...

Please look up the 1987 chart for the year it’s a carbon copy of this year

March nosedive
Pooooomp to ATH until September
Small bleed off
Followed by a fucking cliff

It has scared me looking at this

Also same % spread off the 200sma as right now

I’m scared bro’s but check for yourself don’t trust me.

>> No.22104042

>How likely is it going to get extended?
The student loan freeze? I don't know.

>> No.22104051

bullish news

>> No.22104056

Then put it in JNJ
100% FNGU
Just buy TQQQ then. It's not affected as much by TSLA as FNGU is and it still gets very good gains.

>> No.22104060


>> No.22104065
File: 845 KB, 828x1792, 6340B2F3-0D12-458B-BECB-AAB340028C72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close up of above trend

>> No.22104077

>meme lines

>> No.22104081

FNGU 300 end of week.

>> No.22104090
File: 1.93 MB, 480x268, giphy (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22104125


>> No.22104146


>> No.22104180

Just based on chart valuation, it seemed prime for takeoff on merger; however if a merger isn't likely to happen....

Hard to find good deals out there.

>> No.22104195

There's no Volcker this time. Hell, you can say his anti is in charge.

>> No.22104222

This happened pre mr.v

He stepped in after this dump

>> No.22104233

how much does he charge?

>> No.22104277

Volcker was chairman from 1979 to 1987

>> No.22104285

Why is tech even considered a sector? Name me one industry not totally entrenched in being effected by tech. Tech is king.

>> No.22104290

I'm in FSLR but am thinking of jumping into some renewable ETFs. I'm a little concerned with how much I've missed out on, but I dont see any potential dip lasting long term.
Personally I wish we as a society would move more into nuclear but it's treated as such a bogeyman.

>> No.22104338
File: 15 KB, 646x484, 85AB7EE2-D0E2-4689-889B-03CB88BB6832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant pre- his allowing the rates to self correct hence you could park cash in an account and get 20%

We’ll see that trend meme line has been pretty solid for about 10 years.

I bought some spxs as insurance against my lomg and my Roth from the wagecuck job.

>> No.22104341

Doesn’t matter boomer. Stocks only go up cause trump and JPOW said so. It feel free to exit the market while we leave you behind lmao

>> No.22104365

who got bogged by the nearly 5% drop on tsla today? kek

>> No.22104368

Ah, got it.

>> No.22104404

Enjoy the high chance of bag holding for 20 decades to break even instead of looking at charts and adding to the discussion

>> No.22104409

what caused this?

>> No.22104456







>> No.22104457


>> No.22104498

Massive institutional sell off, gold silver 25x in a year or so also didn’t help.

Many factors honestly I just saw the timing matching up so close and it spooked me so I’m doing some research now to get a bit more info. I’m sure the fed has “fixed” those issue since but their fixes often create new issues

>> No.22104586

All in TSLA baby

>> No.22104593


Breaks resistance. Tests. Moon inbound?

>> No.22104664

cook at home for her, i found hello fresh 5 meals/wk for $400/mo saved me 700+ a month.i couldnt believe how much money i was wasting. if you're extra jewish just download the recipes with a trial and go to the store.

>> No.22104678

I just want to buy into a real space company. Just let me give you my money

>> No.22104711

>5 meals/wk for $400
Thats an outlandish waste of money for 5 dinners