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File: 915 KB, 1800x1200, Gold-and-Silver-Bullion-Bars-Ingots-Coins-and-Gold-Rings1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2208847 No.2208847 [Reply] [Original]

Are you faggots stacking precious metals? Or is this place just for speculation?

>> No.2208880

I stacked about 15k worth, but it just sits there
I guess the hedge is worth it, but sometimes I worry someone is going to break into my house and find it

>> No.2208902

>is this place just for speculation?
no, but it's sure has hell not for buying slow moving illiquid dirty chunks of earth

>> No.2208906

Silver is like 17 bucks right now, you'd have to be retarded not to. These markets are manipulated to all fuck right now, but one day, they'll go to the moon :^)

note: last time gold was going to the moon, that scumbag kike FDR sent military police out to confiscate all the gold (he even stole the Swiss gold held in the US, kek)

Nigger, get a safe the size of an oven and you're good.

>> No.2208931

i'll be buying gold and silver soon.

better a physical item than an intangible like BTC.

>> No.2208953

I only stack ETH.

>> No.2208958
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>a safe the size of an oven
It should he shaped like one too. Might deter the kikes a bit.

>> No.2208959

Gold is heavy as fuck. Someone I know had a kilogram bar and that thing was fucking dense as fuck. If I needed to dip in a hurry, I'd want something besides metals because carrying any amount of them would be inconvenient as shit.

>> No.2209018

Play with crypto but gold is where its at. Regret buying silver but I likely wont sell unless it breaks.

We might have Fiat but gold is integral to the system. Heres one example, in the US the Treasury owns and stores the gold, its in lend to the Fed, same with European countries. Fiat still needs to be backed by something when dealing with other countries. Unless ofcourse youre the reaerve dollar, however, Saudis whilst not getting gold for their oil which is what they wanted, get gold futures. You may laugh at that but over 40 years those futures are mined, I wouldnt be surprised of they have one of the larger holds. Russia and China both buying record amounts of gold. I cannot fathom why Canada sold theres off.

>> No.2209080

and BTC relies on electricity. you can't carry 50 grams? 50 grams is about 3000 CAD. inflation adjusted, gold would need to hit like 6000 USD/oz to match the 1980s high. it's at 1300 USD now. so my 50 gram lump could be worth close to 14000 CAD.

if anyone really believes in THE HAPPENING, they'd be stocking guns and bullets.

in other parts of the world, you would have a very hard time convincing someone to accept your BTC as payment for anything. but everyone recognize the value of gold.

>> No.2209149

This. I mean, everyone is playing in crypto, but no one is liquidating precious metals to put into crypto unless they're really looking to make as much money as they can before they see the global situation deteriorate (which won't occur at any point before September or October, regardless). So they'll surely put money back into PMs before any budget showdown or fed rate increase (which would be toward the end of the year). Summers are always volatile though, so who knows.

>> No.2209151

Truth brother. Guns, ammo, medicine, technical and medical manuals, batteries, petrol, clean water, and shoes are nearly impossible to get in times of crisis. I'm considering purchasing a small Honda generator, a bike charger, and some machining tools and equipment in the event of THE HAPPENING. I need to move the fuck out of the city first.

>> No.2209168

why not buy both, I spent some bitcoin to buy gold/silver and would have had more money if I just held onto all my coins
i like this idea
silver is even crazier, if i had to bug out I wouldn't be able to carry 10k worth very long, where gold it's easy to move 100k worth

>> No.2209259


i have 10k in metals and 5k in btc/altcoins

>> No.2209313

>why not buy both
because of the 2, precious metals have been used as money since humans developed societies.

>> No.2209342

>hur dur gold is to heavy
This fucking meme.
If carrying around gold is to heavy for you and this is your major problem in life you literally have nothing to worry about.

>> No.2209363

Don't think for a second you can hunker down if you live within a few dozen miles of a big city. It'll be the Walking Dead, I want to be behind fucking mountains when the day comes. Just always keep a full tank of gas in your car.

>> No.2209393
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with physical markups
silver is good at 10-12(MAYBE12.50)$ an oz.

>> No.2209413
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not to mention you'll probably be reselling to pawn stars unless your holding serious weight.

>> No.2209435

Have you ever gone for a hump? Every fucking ounce matters. Even the weight of a candy bar should be carefully considered when you put it in your ruck. Thats why I don't like the idea of gold as a bugout currency. I'd probably hoard it in a cache and move on, return to it later.

Yah but it would never be a zombie apocalypse because thats just stupid. I was thinking more like The Road or 28 Days Later. Some kind of major plague that decimates the human population and causes a breakdown in society. Then it'll be roving bandit gangs of murderers and rapists, refugee convoys, and renegade/rogue military.

>> No.2209546

You're talking to a doomsday-type, mate. I think silver will be worth 50-100 dollars or more an ounce should the SHTF, and I live in an area where I'll be able to use it to barter (and it's easier to barter with than gold because of the value:oz)... If you want to get out of fiat, and know what's coming, well... silver at 15, I can do that with a clear conscience. Don't think it's bad advice either, but then again, I think it's good advice to own three methods of water purification and a case of 100+ lighters.

I didn't mean the walking dead as in zombies, I meant that starving city folk who walk for days to find food in the suburbs will resemble zombies, and I won't want to be anywhere near them. As for a plague, well, maybe, but more realistically is a global currency reset where fiat enters hyperinflation and China and Russia position themselves to be the new reserve currency backed with all their gold. Being that China and Russia are run by jews who are trying to fake a showdown between east vs. west, I think it's clear that they want to destroy the diseased remains of western markets and make the east the new center of commerce. I'm going to position myself accordingly. Crypto might be involved, as well. We don't know who invented Bitcoin :^)

>> No.2209557

I have 6000g silver bullions. Bought with BTC.

>> No.2209649
File: 105 KB, 1906x795, mad-max-fury-road-pole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with a gun to your face your password is public knowledge and your silver is free for the taking.

i would be interested to hear your contingencies for local tribal defense infrastructure & hierarchy ?

>> No.2209709


A kilo is 2.2 pounds. Christ, you're a neet pussy.

>> No.2209794

a full tank of gas wont help you

as soon as the exodus from the cities starts, the roads will become clogged. accidents etc will grind everything to a halt. then people will start abandoning vehicles. most will die within city limits. the remainder will die within bike/walk limits.

>> No.2209977

That's mid- to long-term planning which requires a lot more resource and time investment than any one person can provide. It would be a communal effort, but I believe the best organizing criterion would be by blood and familial ties. Six to twelve related or linked families, maybe two dozen armed adults, to provide labor, security, and care for the children. We'd need a base camp in an area with clean water and game for food.

This. Not to mention that tunnels, bridges, and highways will quickly become sites for ambuscades. Even the suburbs are a risky bet.

>> No.2210041

familial ties ?
lol have you never read Shakespeare?

you're not ready.

>> No.2210077

We're not talking about politics or some gay moral grandstanding. It would be a question of literal survival. In those times, family would be the only institution left because it is the atom of society at large, already existing in nature.

>> No.2210103

kinda like cain and abel ?

>> No.2210821

I am going to probably buy some more at the end of the year. I think if the ECB gets off their QE plan then the prices might drop some more.

>> No.2211298

30% gold, 10% silver, 25% safe bet stocks, 5% gambling stocks, 20% btc, 5% shitcoins, rest in bank account/ cash for fast acces if needed.
based isn't it?

>> No.2211367
File: 102 KB, 620x349, gold 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone explain something to me please. Why, when someone asks

>hey guys do you have gold and silver?

Do faggots immediately jump to


We're talking about insurance against a recession or crash, and a hedge against inflation. They have nothing to do with your fantasy of being a post apocalypse Duke Nukem faggot and everyone should have guns, ammunition, and a supply of non-perishable food just as a matter of principle.

>> No.2211397

We're talking about insurance against a recession or crash, and a hedge against inflation

if that was so , why not just buy silver gold etfs, index puts, and index funds ?

where you have no security and storage issues, and get fair market price for your equities?

>> No.2211485
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>if that was so , why not just buy silver gold etfs, index puts, and index funds ?

Because those are not the metal itself, they are currency. Paper contracts have about 20 times more metal on paper than they do in truth available for physical delivery, so instead, if everyone demanded delivery in a short enough time frame, you'd be paid in bank notes which are quickly depreciating in value in those circumstances.

>where you have no security and storage issues, and get fair market price for your equities?

No security issues? Your shit can get wiped out overnight. Most of the stock market is a Ponzi scheme, like social security, and is set to fail thanks to Central Banking fucking with the market.

Oh, by the way, citing cautionary tales by Shakespeare and desert Jews doesn't change the fact that familial ties are generally strong due to blood bonds. You're a know-nothing contrarian who contributes nothing but cringe.

>> No.2211631

I bought this 3 years ago

still waiting for the world to crash

>> No.2211635
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>> No.2211673

this man has it right. reading the prospectus of ETFs would reveal that they are to MIMIC the underlying.

commodity etfs use derivative contracts of some sort. and futures have this crazy thing called liquidation orders only when SHTF. basically would freeze up all liquidity as no new issues could be made. it's meant to stabilize the markets. what will happen is the futures price will stagnate while the physical price would rollercoaster.

in a case of a short squeeze, futures might have silver at $80 while the physical market could be at $100.

>> No.2211692

stacking mooncoin get cucked poorfag

>> No.2211699

what site is that?

>> No.2211756
File: 890 KB, 918x1632, tmp_26296-20170415_125153183804872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a few

>> No.2211777

33% gains overnight, lets get FUCKING LIT

>> No.2211782

I don't need any contingencies because I'll pretend to be a starving faggot like everyone else. My precious metals will all be safely buried somewhere riding out the collapse... I'm not planning on walking around with gold coins in my backpack to trade for loaves of bread, lol. That's what the lighters are for.

>> No.2211795

I bought $500 of silver back when it was $16,50 oz.

I want to get a little more and some platinum as platinum is seriously undervalued and WILL go to the moon in the not too distant future but with how much I have Im better off making some faster gains on other investments for now

>> No.2211826
File: 67 KB, 625x350, maxmaxmain-625x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No security issues? Your shit can get wiped out overnight. Most of the stock market is a Ponzi scheme, like social security, and is set to fail thanks to Central Banking fucking with the market.


We're talking about insurance against a recession or crash, and a hedge against inflation. They have nothing to do with your fantasy of being a post apocalypse Duke Nukem faggot and everyone should have guns, ammunition, and a supply of non-perishable food just as a matter of principle

ok man....

>> No.2212941

Why platinum? I was under the impression that it will only moon if a new industrial use is discovered for it.

>> No.2212961



>> No.2214276

just put it in a safety deposit box in a bank

>> No.2214305

How do I buy physical steel?

>> No.2214322

you can strip copper from for sale and under construction homes at night.

>> No.2214326


u r so dumb

gold volumes eclipse crypto volumes ya big dummy.

>> No.2214327


fug, meant silver

>> No.2214358

goddamn romanians! you gypo cunts are always talking about stealing copper.

>> No.2214366

Stacking metal IS speculation you pleb.

>> No.2214374

google "buy silver online"

It ain't hard.

>> No.2214391

I just did that. Turns out your mother is a whore.

>> No.2214395


No it isn't.

A non-diversified portfolio is speculative. Holding 2-5% gold acts as a great hedged against inflationary movements for the currencies in your portfolio and is not going to ruin you if it (somehow) drops to zero. However the upside is in the hedge and can help to protect your wealth which I would argue is completely rational based on the history of finance and the role gold has played in that history and continues to play today.

>> No.2214404
File: 261 KB, 744x853, 1431715145003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, metalfags are the worst.

How many goldbugs do you know of who are millionaires thanks to hording metal?

Case closed faggots.

>> No.2214461

Yes, it is.

Including speculative assets in your portfolio does not prevent them from being speculative. Metals generate no revenue. All they do is sit there while you hope that the value goes up.

>> No.2214513


metals have always been recommended to be as small portion. the general public has forgotten this and gone all in on real estate or stocks.

i don't think you understand what metals actually do in a portfolio.

>> No.2214528

No, I do understand. I'm not saying that you shouldn't have gold in your portfolio. What you don't seem to understand is that does not prevent it from being speculation. Precious metals are speculative by nature. Using them as a hedge in your portfolio does not change that.

>> No.2214572


Second guy wasn't me and I get your point about speculation however surely gold's history as a store of value comes into play as well. Gold standard was dropped completely in the 70's and it will be interesting to see what role gold plays now that we are at the end of a credit cycle and the macroeconomic markers are there for another systematic collapse.

I get your point about speculation though.

>> No.2214633

the SPX was 95 points in 1971. gold was 44/oz. actually 35/oz in the london interbank market.

current day spx 2400/95 = 25x return
current day gold 1250/44 = 28x return

simple math illustrates that gold outperformed by 12% since 1971. 1971 being key because gold was no longer price controlled by the US.

you can argue DRIPs but i will argue that gold would be almost impossible to tax for capital gains. a huge advantage. buy your oz in cash and keep it somewhere safe. how the fuck will the IRS find out you sold 10 years later at a profit.

i would argue that gold has kept up with inflation very well. i don't think there's much point in arguing with you because you've completely discounted gold as an investment. when nobody wants something, you ought to be looking at it. because that's the only time such a thing will be cheap. gold basically fulfills a similar role to bonds in balancing a portfolio.

>> No.2214673


He makes a good point about how gold itself generates no revenue and so your bond comparison is somewhat flawed.

>> No.2214711

i admit that. but remember capital gains tax. massive advantage. 28x return fully yours. instead of HALF. and i demonstrated gold outperformed by 12% with simple math. i'm pretty tired of hearing that gold has been beaten by the financial markets.

1971 is the true reference point because bretton woods was thrown out. people tend to pick random dates when the markets are in a massive bull run and gold is getting shit on.

but that's not how long term investing works. i'm convinced that the macroeconomic picture globally is dimming. for a number of factors. some controllable, others not. i will personally be buying up large amounts of metals soon.

this thread plays out pretty much how i imagine explaining this to my friends. there's no point. everybody knows gold is useless. you can't convince me to change my position and i can't convince you to change yours. digital ramblings lost in time. of no use and of no consequence.

>> No.2214730

your just a point on a statisticians graph.

try to be in the mean unless you have alpha.

>> No.2214739


Jesus, do you know how you apocalypsefags sound? Humanity is at its most prosperous, healthiest and most peaceful yet. Nothing even close to your disgusting fantasies is likely to happen decades/centuries after your miserable, paranoid lives end.

Fucking freaks.

> Fiat still needs to be backed by something when dealing with other countries
[citation needed], idiot.

>> No.2214754

if someone really has alpha, they wouldn't tell anyone. game theory is a bitch.

>> No.2214762

once again , you are just a point in a plot.

>> No.2214773

I don't have any yet, but I need to get some because my stats just passed a law saying gold and silver are currency here. I love my state

>> No.2214960

so are you. why do you insist on making the same point over and over. you're welcome to embrace your mediocrity. i on the other hand refuse to. it is the human condition to strive. if you cease to reach, you are no longer living.

>> No.2214982
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don't "so are you" me.
you are but a variable in a vast number of variables, in a statistical model of investor dispositions.

me ? i am a genuine, official 1% outlier.
my accountable net worth climbs higher into the billions day by day. you are not permitted to the type of assets that i hodl in appreciation.