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22082848 No.22082848 [Reply] [Original]

You did buy DUSK right Anon?

iFinex Inc. invests more than US$1M in Dusk Network’s Security Token Exchange Project

>> No.22082890
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>> No.22082919
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This is the start of it anons- the Security Token Exchange meme is just beginning, as prophesied weeks ago on this very board.

Strapped the fuck in with my 100k+ duskchad stack, I'm ready for the gain to come faggots

>> No.22082944

If you plebs only knew... More news to come. This is just a small taste.

>> No.22082957
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Stop my anus can only fizz so much.

>> No.22082982
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>Leading player in the STO/security token meme
These guys are already in a joint venture with bitfinex to launch the first legally compliant, zk-enabled (so privacy-enabled) security token exchange (https://www.bitfinex.com/rm-2019-05.pdf - page 10)

The keywords here are FIRST, and LEGALLY COMPLIANT- the Security Token/STO market is going to a massive hype-factor in the coming bullrun, and Dusk will be leading the charge together with bitfinex

>Leading player in the Central Bank Digital Currency meme
These guys are already closely advising the Dutch central bank (DNB) in the implementation of central bank digital currency.
Reference: https://dusk.network/news/dusk-joins-cbdc
For those not aware, privacy is HUGE in Europe, hence the emphasis on GDPR and privacy regulations in this part of the world. There is a lot more going on behind the scenes between Dusk and DNB- these guys are very crypto savvy and are no doubt already testing the possibilities with the Dusk platform for an implementation of the Dutch CBDC.

Especially since scaling solutions such as zk-rollups are not far away from implementation to take transaction capacity to 3k+ TPS within the next 18 months, we are looking at a legitimate candidate for a privacy-enabled, legally compliant backbone of the Dutch Central Bank Digital Currency.

>Leading player in the tokenisation meme
Dusk is already working with one of the largest Dutch shareholder registries to tokenize up to 35,000 newly incorporated companies, easily tens of millions of euros of tokenized value right there just as a start, for a project with a sub-$30 million marketcap.

'Firm24 CEO Martijn Migchelsen. “Thanks to Dusk and LTO we are now ready to deploy our Tokenized Share Register, automating corporate actions, and lay the foundation to connect our customers directly with the world of alternative finance.'

Reference: https://www.coindesk.com/dusk-network-plans-to-tokenize-equity-for-thousands-of-dutch-companies

>> No.22083037

not sure which will be bigger, the STE or the CBDC with the dutch central bank.

hoping my 200k chadstack will be enough to buy a house this time next year

>> No.22083044

The prophecy, for the anons who missed it.

If your anus isn't fizzing the moment you finish reading that then there is truly something wrong.

I can't wait, all my musky bros will finally be rewarded for our patience these last few months

>> No.22083046

Just a little qoute from the article

The profile of the assets that can be listed include products such as Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), commodities, shares and bonds, as well as novel assets native to the blockchain.

It seems to be much more then just a Security Token market.

>> No.22083248

fuck me.... ETF's??? what kind of issuers are they working with??? if it's a big mainstream issuer maybe that's the facebook level partnership, cause that would be huge.

>> No.22083468

Could be one of the big banks in the Netherlands? I'm not sure maybe diving into Dusk employees networks on Linkedin would give more insight.

>> No.22084180

About a year ago rumours were that said bank was ING. We still have no news about it. DUSK has a lot of potential, but the official telegram is filled with pajeets and boomers that don't understand a single word in the white paper, which makes me raise my eyebrows.

>> No.22084266

Every telegram channel is full of those. But in Dusk Network telegram at least the devs are constantly answering to tech questions.

>> No.22084539
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ING is part of both the InterWork Alliance with DUSK (pic related), as well as the Dutch Blockchain Coalition, seems to be a very likely guess.

Non-crypto partnerships are often riddled with NDAs and other compliance issues- not surprised about those kinds of delays in announcements, but especially with the state of the market I'm very optimistic that we'll starting getting more news in the weeks to come.

>> No.22084567

We'll see in other news.


This article mentions the expected release date for the exchange is in q1 2021. Should we also expect mainnet by then?

>> No.22084638

please I can only get so erect

>> No.22084782

Yes I still think the rumour is true and very likely. ING always has been working and thinking around cryptotransactions, surely they would work with a local Dutch devteam. Perhaps Quinn of Credit Suisse (if he's still working with the team?) has some very close contacts within ING. I can only hope.

>> No.22085387

You get my anus fizzing anon.

>> No.22085394

or maybe it's multiple banks. dusk is really going for an 'ecosystem' type vibe, so that could be possible as well

>> No.22085686
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This might be the timeline bros:

First we have the confirmed Security Token Exchange:
>Joint venture with bifinex confirmed

^ We are here currently

Then we have the institutional-level partnerships announced
>Partnerships with ING, possibly ABN AMRO and Rabobank confirmed
We already know they're in contact with ABN and Rabo alongside ING through the Dutch Blockchain Coalition, so not too unlikely at all

And to really cap off this fizzy rocket, we wait for the confirmation that the they're working together with the Dutch Central Bank on a Central Bank Digital Currency implementation.
>Dutch Central Bank (DNB) conducting CBDC pilot projects on the Dusk Blockchain after Q1 mainnet release

Feeling so damn comfy bro's and looking forward to seeing all of the pieces coming together

>> No.22085741

how much to make it?

I’m sitting on a decent LINK bag, and I’ve been trying to find a low cap gem to pump some of my gains into

>> No.22085963

Sell all your LINK for DUSK. Step back in LINK when it dumps (it will).

>> No.22085964

i'd say 100-200k DUSK is basically a guaranteed moon mission. gives you enough to stake as a block generator and then some.

>> No.22086314

>We'll see in other news.


>This article mentions the expected release >date for the exchange is in q1 2021. Should >we also expect mainnet by then?

Not sure where the Block got that idea, but this has not been confirmed or denied by the Dusk team.

>> No.22086552
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This absolutely fits the bill anon.

Depending on your timeline of making it:

10k dusk suicide stack (around $1k USD now)
>Make it by 2023

100k dusk chad stack (around $10k USD now)
>Make it by eoy 2021

1 mil supreme musky dusklord stack ($100k USD now)
>Make it by eoy

LINK has had a great run, but ideally you want to be sitting in the next generation of coins that will be entering the top 50 for the next few years.

>> No.22086839

yeah I’m in the mood to yolo on some sub 100M cap projects, especially now that eth and btc are pumping.

I was big into the security token meme back in the day, and this looks like it could reignite that. thanks anon.

>> No.22086916
File: 96 KB, 1240x698, dusky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats, you're officially a musky dusky. see you on the moon.

>> No.22087006
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Good thinking anon, you won't regret it.

Pic related just tweeted by the Bitfinex CTO as further confirmation of DUSKies strapping in early for the Security Token hype wave to come.

>> No.22087023
File: 547 KB, 570x754, dusk4 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best decision of your life anon. Congrats