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22082499 No.22082499 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /biz need your smooth brains for this question

Which country/city is in its golden age today?

When I say golden age I mean America of the 90s, Japan in the 80s, UK in the 40s, Africa in the 50s, Argentina in the 40s, Hong Kong until 2019

So what city/country is presently in its golden age lads?

>> No.22082612

The internet.

>Goes on PornHUB and does what one does there.
>Comes back to see Portfolio has increased by 4000 dollar.

>> No.22082671

Absolutely China.
Its full of good energy and hustle in Shanghai. Young people going for it, and still having fun. The worst degeneracy is banned, e.g. porn, strip clubs, guns, YouTube, videogame etc keeps people focused. High average IQ. Super big infrastructure with surprising amount of space even in big cities, beautiful parks and subway systems. Although an authoritarian government, regulations for entrepreneurs are surprisingly lax, as long as it doesn't threaten the government then go ahead and experiment with whatever you want.

Although the fact that the country is authoritarian means that monopolies will be established and regulations will increase. So I am looking at what might spin off from China... taking their new infrastructure building but keeping freedom for innovators. Perhaps India.

>> No.22082672

>watching porn
You’ll never make it no matter how much money you have.

>> No.22082727

Nofap is for losers looking for an easy solution to their shitty lives, nothing to do with wealth.

>> No.22082751

what about link investors?

>> No.22082778

>Nofap is for losers looking for an easy solution to their shitty lives
digits and true
nofap helps in the short run
discipline helps in the long run

>> No.22082804

I feel like nofap is like noalcohol

Or nosmoke


Moderation is the key?

>> No.22082899

finally a great answer, mate i'm hearing china has gone downhill for foreigners in the past 24 months thanks to nationalism and shit
would you say its time to take the SEA pill?

All the big reports state SEA is the place to make bank in the 2020s, booming young population and high GDP growth post corona, cunts are dying for western amenities eg. aussie coffee shop etc

you can't make a coffee shop in nanny state Australia without paying for a billion licenses but you take simple business concepts to SEA this decade and you can make it

>> No.22082932

It's just a crutch for weak people. A real man is capable of deciding for himself instead of piecemealing a bullshit religion with all of the downsides but none of the good like going to paradise or bringing curses upon enemies. It's the wicca of zoomers.

>> No.22083060

how the fuck did no fap bullshit get in this

god dam right fellow linkie

>> No.22083087

>he doesn't know about sexual transmutation
never gonna make it.

>> No.22083186

I'm an American living in SEA for 8 years total now. There's a lot of money to be made but not for you. Corruption is high and the local elites don't give a fuck about their own people's ability to live decent let alone earn a real wage. They sure as shit down to local level don't want whitey coming in and succeeding in business. If you start to do too well they will find a lot of ways legal and illegal to take that action.

SEA is only good for retirees that didn't plan a proper retirement fund or digital nomads that are independent of local economy.

>> No.22083243

>I'm an American living in SEA for 8 years total now.
What you do for a living? You living in Thailand? :)

>> No.22083262

was in KL Malaysia for new years, first time in my life that I saw what 6% GDP growth looks like, shops filled with people buying luxury items, everyone working, businesses opening everywhere, definitely potential as long as you remain tight with your embassy

>> No.22083595

What do you do in thailand mate

>> No.22083662


>> No.22083690

shut up faggot, this is about global international business opportunities you doomer cuckstain

>> No.22083779

>local elites don't give a fuck about their own people's ability to live decent let alone earn a real wage.

Local elites do whatever their masters at the IMF, World Bank and UN tell them to do lmao

>> No.22083890

oh vey shut it down

>> No.22084031

>A real man is capable of deciding for himself
A real man can only decide to be on nofap.
A beta faggot would let his limbic system decide for him.

>> No.22084062

UK in the forties? Are you joking? Half the forties was spend in a bloody war with Germany and rationing didn't end until 1954. People had nothing. Everything was about the war effort, and the slow recovery afterwards. Golden age of Britain was probably the 60s, when everyone could get work and excellent, free education with a guaranteed career at the end of it.

>> No.22084109

malaysia is definitely up and coming *was just ther

>> No.22084125

i feel like asian countries peopleare generally more focused and hardworking

culture is different in the east than the west

east looks more promising and smart money has been moving there past 20 years

>> No.22084147
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MJ Demarco is one of the few cliche money self help books that is actually helpful

>> No.22084234

so UK died for Israel to be created lmao

Chinkville has become too anti foreigner to do well in the past 24 mnths
Singapore has peaked
but Malaysia next door has room to grow, KL is so underrated
most slant eyes are zombies, but the opportunity to do business is too good to miss out on
based, need to re-read this again

>> No.22084386

No mention of Vietnam where you can get a $120 One year business visa?

Local talent is entrepreneurial and looking to collaborate.

I'll be checking out Vietnam after this bull run, if not down others in this thread.

Fuck the US.

>> No.22084547

Dear me, but your history is poor. Britain signed that region over to the Jews because they were tired of being blown up by Jewish terrorists (King David Hotel etc). They just washed their hands of it, essentially. This had zero effect on people living in Britain, who were barely aware of it. They were preoccupied with piecing their own country back together. Its America that's being destroyed by Israel, ironically. What was it Netanyahu said? 'When we're finished with America, it can blow away like dust'

>> No.22084580

I've heard good things from a mate who visited for business, redpill me on vietcong brah

thanks scholmo, tell me more about tel aviv

>> No.22084606

Now London has a BDS protest every week lmao

>> No.22084623

literally me

>> No.22085373

What's your point? It's a worthy cause. I don't know anybody who upholds Israel as a force for good in the world. Its the head of the snake, without a doubt

>> No.22085642

China would be nice if it weren't for all the chinks. I've dealt with nearly every nationality in trade; Japanese, Germans, Finns, Russians, Mongolians, Indonesians, Koreans, French, Italians, Englishmen, Taiwanese, Brazilians, Mexicans etc. You name it and I've probably fucked it or traded with it.

Nothing is as disgusting and subhuman as the average chink. I would rather cut my own dick off with a rusty spoon than be forced to live amongst the revolting bugpeople in shanghai.