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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22081071 No.22081071 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22081109

ah yes the pajeets is priced out, now soon the average person.

>> No.22081115

Fucking crybabies. Ethereum was at <$100 for a whole year but instead of buying you were here fudding. Now pay the fucking fee or GTFO my board

>> No.22081121

It will be over very soon.
They take their profits and then hard reset.

>> No.22081122

ADA is the future

>> No.22081130

60+ by EOM

>> No.22081145

fuck off would you pay 30$ for a fucking transaction?

>> No.22081165

I have pay it dozens of times already to gamble in contracts and shitcoins

>> No.22081190

This shits been fucking my Uniswap trades today. I managed to get one trade to go through. Tomorrow when I get up I know what I was wanting to buy will be so much more expensive.

>> No.22081226

good job burning your hourly wagecuck money for nothing

>> No.22081275

This is like a NYSE circuit breaker for bulls, trading will be halted when to expensive.

Time to remove it with L2s like xdai

>> No.22081278
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Basic monopoly theory.

>corner the market
>make competitors obsolete
>up the transaction price
>make bank

And don't tell me it's "open source" or whatever, it's clear this fucking greedy commie skelly faggot is just milking everything he can from this shit before he exit scams.

>> No.22081299

i make more than $30 hourly on yvaults kek
outta our way wagie

>> No.22081301

Burn the coal pay the eth toll

>> No.22081304

0xb0abc18a6ca33123e3a617f23a5f9013dc1ad493279f50a22d73253309a45060 g g guys my transaction has been stuck all night. What can a simple pajeet like myself do to recover my magic beans?

>> No.22081310

If you have any substantial amount of money you pay a $50 fee like it's nothing. Stop being poor or wait for L2

>> No.22081313

Because I make 200$ an hour minimum

>> No.22081323

Coinfess all your shitcoin scams

>> No.22081325

Isn't this the whole point of why ETH is valuable?

>> No.22081347

Invest in layer 2s like xDai and matic you shit heads. This is the most obvious play there has ever been in crypto. Everyone is busy chasing defi scams right now. You should be selling all your defi projects and using the gains to buy layer 2 solutions. Stay ahead of the curve faggots.

>> No.22081357

Prq and yfi made me rich, now I can't sleep because I lost 300 rupees on transaction

>> No.22081360

does this mean uniswap is dead?

>> No.22081393

I will never use that piece of shit for as long as I live after my most recent experience.

>> No.22081399

Based anon

>> No.22081928
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You had 3 months of foreplay before the bullrun to accumulate.

>> No.22081977

Cause it is for a smart contact on uniswap. Get the fuck off the board nigger.

>> No.22082568
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How can ETH price go down if no own can afford the fees to sell?

>> No.22082923
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>ETH shillers

>> No.22083647

I do. My yield farming setup will make me $12k this month. Paying a few hundred dollars for some transactions is nothing.

>> No.22083669

holy shit vitilak is a genius

>> No.22083686

$30 is nothing for a transaction of 10s of thousands

>> No.22083688

>12k this month

>> No.22083786

This. On-chain defi is a dead man walking.

>> No.22083808
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>> No.22083867


Would you download a car?

>> No.22083870


>> No.22083877


>> No.22084091

what about POA network?

>> No.22084108
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On Etherscan.

>> No.22084314

Same, I'm not sure where all these faggots find these crazy gas fees

>> No.22084347
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>Invest in layer 2s
why yes i'm 100% in link

>> No.22084487

what the fuck does it have to do with layer2 solutions?
you retards put your fucking scam everywhere

>> No.22084529

Probably a mix of relatively stable incomes like yvaults and moonshot farming like SUSHI and/or YUNO. At least that’s what I’m aiming for.

>> No.22084542

poa network was the previous project of the same people who made xdai
literally same tech, same everything. token unfortunately dumped 99% because they were too busy actually building working stuff instead of endless hype and meme partnerships
it's not all wasted because they rolled out all their efforts into xdai. you can buy stake if you want. i wouldn't because it already did a 30x, and a 10x just this month. but xdaichain is legit

>> No.22084571

>Time Last Seen:

>00 days 06 hr 29 min 41 secs ago(Sep-01-2020 04:11:00 AM)

>> No.22084575

before or after taxes? what's that? you said "fuck uncle sam"? oh well your cellmate, Mammy-Sammy is going to FUCK you

>> No.22084576

Yikes somebody doesn't have their 100 suicide stack.

>> No.22084584

yeah the thread saying he paid $150. Serious sell signal. the retards are here

>> No.22084604

not everyone is a burger

>> No.22084633

ummm 99% of new projects get a little bump on start, then downwards for 1-2 years. I think xDai is legit, but this is what will happen next.

But what about POA? looks like new cycle is beginning

>> No.22084641

I assume this is to simply transfer ETH? The big gas prices are for smart contracts...

>> No.22084673

can u spoon feed me? how can these layer 2’s specifically xdai affect gas prices

>> No.22084730

Gastoken.io. By chainlink labs team. Check it out

>> No.22084734

just use metamask and uniswap then find out retard

>> No.22084757

i'm not sure if you're trying to shill your bags or if i'm just not being clear
the exact same developers (mainly igor barinov) are working on poa and xdai. poa is essentially abandoned. xdai is the literal evolution of poa
you wouldn't invest in steem after hearing about eos, or in NXT after hearing about chainlink. same idea here

>> No.22084786

most transactions should happen on L2 which means the only two times you'd pay gas on L1 will be to enter/exit
if you're mainly interested in trading for example, think of it as deposit/withdrawal fee

>> No.22085121


I have 8k LINK in the yaLINK yearn pool, I stake 1YFI in governance and borrow USDC against the rest of my LINK stack to farm UMA. So three different pools that net me 12k at current APYs.

>> No.22085160

It's $40 now. I can't even degen gamble on shitcoins because I hate paying for the huge fees.

>> No.22085225

So RLC right?

>> No.22085341

Arbitrum. Coming Q4

>> No.22085442

problem is you have to pick the one that ends up winning
good luck with that

>> No.22085471

>Running things on mainnet becomes to expensive
>Cryptos move their operations off of ETH mainnet because of this
>More value flows into xDai chain
>The token used to secure the network (STAKE) moons

Already a decent amount of projects like Aragon, PowerPool, saying they will move to xDai network. Just buy the STAKE token if you want to profit.

>> No.22085516

Lmao. There isn't that many and not only one has to win. Unlike DeFi which has 10,000 projects, and most of them go up 10000% then down. Also not every single DeFi pajeet scam is a winner too. Buying layer 2's is a lot more profitable right now then buying rug tokens.

>> No.22085545

L2 DEXs are your friend

>> No.22085551

imagine you're smart contract platform is so demanded that this is the cost of execution

>> No.22085591

>Arbitrum. Coming Q4
Arbitrum is seperate from LINK and linkies won't profit off of it directly other than it will make the ETH network better. If a better private smart contract system comes along LINK would kick that shit to the curb.

RLC unironically could help with the scaling problem. It could move some of the computations off chain which would free up some of the network's resources driving the costs down.

The bottom line is there is a lot of room for layer 2's and ETH is just going to be the base layer security part of the chain. That is where you settle things, store coins for long periods of time that won't be moved, etc. Running all these DEX without ZK rollups won't last long.

>> No.22085621

poorfags on suicide watch

>> No.22085634

BASED Vitalik raising gas prices to prevent the stacklets from yield farming

>> No.22085876

How much do you have invested for that return? I want to put in but it costs hundreds in fees at this point

>> No.22086039

Smart contract based wallets are fucked then.

>> No.22086173


>> No.22086496


You are using the yaLINK yearn vault? I'm still learning and trying to be specific.