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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 986 KB, 1088x612, Kleros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22076519 No.22076519 [Reply] [Original]

Clement rested his hand upon the golden handle, its surface honed by the grips of thousands that passed through the door before him. He paused – his feminine thumb circling its hazed surface.

How many people entered the Temples court through its gratuitous door and left in shackles and chains through its guilty exit knowing they would be cast into the depths of the latrines below, spending the rest of their miserable lives feeding only upon the feces of those above in the just, free world. How many people deemed guilty by its jurors, staking a mere 0.0001 Pinakion to adjudicate on the most damning, complex issues faced by global, oligarchical, commercial conglomerates of the New World.

Pensively, he fixated his gaze upon the handle – almost as if the handle were to gaze back though his mortal form into his soul.

“Battle not with monsters…” he chuckled, knowing full well the troubles his own machination set upon the blockchain caused for the world.

A wind of testicular fortitude came over him. Not knowing if he would ever see the outside world again, he twisted the handle in a motion not dissimilar to opening a bottle estrogen filled plant-based milk as the light and chants from the arena blinded and assaulted his senses.

The irony of being judged his own machine could only make him chuckle as he shuffled towards the scales of justice incarnate.

His moment of introspection penetrated by the booming words of the court master echoing off the walls of the Temple.

“Sir, please do the needful and step up to the podium. Your final judgement is upon you….”

>> No.22076523

based. where to buy sir?

>> No.22076546

uniswap, sir....

>> No.22076523,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why are people shilling their shitcoins when Ethereum is literally spiking

>> No.22076770

Ain't it weird how we only see kleros threads when it's around 9AM (office hours) in India?

>> No.22077242

Sir......please from texas I hark.

>> No.22077267

Im DONE with this SCAM

PNK is a complete scam

Look at the charts we get dumped at .17 and .18c all the fucking time . Fucking SCAMMERS

Fuck kleros
Stay away

>> No.22077292

anyone still holding this is a retard, pnk will dump to oblivion soon and you will regret it...sell sell sell!

>> No.22077326


>> No.22077343

Don't listen to these yidniggers trying to get your bags for cheap before adoption even begins kek

>> No.22077389

they can buy later for cheap, or do you want them to hold while you sell your bag? don’t listen to this suspicious individual

>> No.22077392

same here senpai, fuck this pajeet coin

>> No.22077440
File: 65 KB, 931x294, Screenshot_20200823-031603_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain how this piece of shit always dimp in the .17c .18c range .. and these stupid fucken posts happen around this time ...

Pnk is a SCAM i

WARNING stay away from PNK its a SCAM. Believe me im not fudding to buy more as soon as it pumps to
17c again im OUT!!

>> No.22077456

why are pnk fudders so bad
it doesn't even seem like they're trying

>> No.22077470
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1573682742895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... I've just been served a subpoena from the kleros clerk... The kleros district attorney has been under pressure from the kleros governor and is launching a full blown kleros RICO suit at me, some of my guys even got detained at kleros county jail... I got them released on kleros bail and my kleros lawyer filled a kleros appeal but he tells me I'm basically fucked because the kleros judge they assigned to my case is a hard ass and is aiming for a position at the kleros Supreme Court, it's an election year so of course it's political and he's going to indict me as an example... My kleros legal team hired an investigator and he discovered the only way for me to get out of this one will be to bribe or intimidate some of the members of the kleros jury... Problem is they're in India and I got zero outreach there, our operation is only in jersey... How fucked are we... Madonn...

>> No.22077493

hello lads I’m the british tranny who wanted to travel, sorry to say but I actually sold I just couldn’t take it anymore...good luck anons

>> No.22077542

nice actual pajeet english Rashmed hahaha
All this fud is so BULLISH they know adoption gets closer every day

>> No.22077582

says the guy holding RupeeLC top kek, I rest my case your honor

>> No.22077633

how do you even navigate the internet while being so retarded you don't have a bag of the Bitcoin of Decentralized Cloud Computing?

Tell me to sell my Link next Rashmeed lmaoooo

>> No.22077656

the klerlos court finds you guilty of holding rlc you will be sentenced to klerosn prison sir

>> No.22077678

your whole shtick is reskining link memes. gtfo with your shitty project this is a pnk thread sir

>> No.22077693

RLC and PNK are both held by WHITES only good luck convicting me of anything street shitters

>> No.22077725
File: 116 KB, 1079x1079, 1597279129780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some more breadcrumbs though. It's not too late

>> No.22078127

Wait is the Temple of Kleros discord group on the FUD train now to buy cheaper or not. I didn't see it in the chat it moves to fast and im not going to sit there reading it.