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22073008 No.22073008 [Reply] [Original]


Alright you wet sacks of mostly Monster Brand Energy, listen up. I recently got involved in a number of small projects, all weeks/days old. My bags are nicely packed. Although I was specifically asked to wait on shilling for more accumulation time, I’ve decided to bust my nut just a bit early because I don’t like the people shitting on the chans in the TG. So here are the beans.

- 3 projects
- All around $4-5 million MC
- Rockstar dev with original Etherium genesis wallet
- Staking being coded as we speak
- Everything just weeks/days old


There, I even got the trips for you, so I’ll tell you their names:

>> No.22073026
File: 27 KB, 645x370, ash2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XAMP supply (est): 476,121,713.00
XAMP marketcap (est): $4,437,568.64

Ampleforth’s edgelord younger brother. Still waiting for The Downward Spiral to be remastered. Deflationary mechanism. Rebases (burns) on days when the price is down, reducing the overall supply — the pie gets smaller, but your share of the pie remains the same.

>> No.22073058
File: 111 KB, 980x653, ash3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TOB supply (est): 1,801,511.00
TOB marketcap (est): $5,062,245.91

Designed to behave somewhat like the VIX. Deflationary mechanism. Burns as price goes UP, fast trends, did an INSANE 60x on launch with necessitated a massive Day 1 coin burn of roughly $30 USD market cap…but I digress. As above, the pie gets smaller, but share of pie remains same.

>> No.22073096
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BOA supply (est): 95.10 (not a typo)
BOA marketcap - $4,387,706.04

The safe (or selfish) option, depending on how you look at it. Minuscule supply means staggeringly high price per coin. Does not rebase coins from your wallet, but does burn in a way that rewards holders and punishes sellers. The new kid on the block, just released.

>> No.22073201
File: 49 KB, 640x496, soonium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>sounds like a ponzi

It would be more accurate to call it THREE ponzis, all blowing each other in a restroom toilet. Or to be even more accurate, the three coins play off of each others’ perceived ‘strengths’ and ‘weaknesses’, creating volume and interest. People swap and do arbitrage, line goes up, line goes down, and the TG is always full of people screaming at each other. They scream so much, actually, that they’re the most active TG on Telegram according to Coin Grammy (https://www.coingramy.com/).). By far. The TG (is full of booms and zooms and keyboard antifa and low-key nazis and r*d*dit types and gif-spamming spergs, so the shilling will likely reach every corner of the internet in due course. If you can't find the TG, hit up Coingramy.

>new coins are 2017, 2020 is all about staking shrimp and yams

Ah. Well, $ASH is coming (rumored with ZZZ). Staking. You’d better be early and watching the TG like a hawk when it drops, and you don’t have long to get those bags packed, either. $ASH has already been announced, and will allow staking of all three of the above coins. Interesting features to favor staking of the lowest market cap coin, so the MCs should balance themselves out via market forces. Decent intro here: https:// medium.com/@burn_the_state/tokenomics-of-ash-a-new-type-of-yield-farming-e67c6de0bbe0 Timeframe for release: 2-4 weeks.

>> No.22073241
File: 59 KB, 512x356, ash5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which do I get and where

Uniswap, fren, as always everything of interest is on Uniswap. As to what you get, that’s up to you. Some get all three, some stake XAMP/TOB pairs in the liquidity pool, some are maximalists. It all depends on how you like to trade, and whether you’re a whale or a krill.

Beyond that? Well, there’s a rumored Big Project after that — maybe another DeFi thing, maybe a dex, nobody really knows for sure. But communication has been fantastic, and they consistently underpromise and overdeliver. It really doesn’t get much better than that.


That’s not a question, but you’re welcome. I'll be around for the next hour or so to answer any questions that might pop up.

>> No.22073289


>> No.22073887
