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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2206801 No.2206801 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2206819
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i didn't survive

>> No.2206827

Iron hands reporting in, not breaking a sweat, 14k down for the day

>> No.2206839

Does anyone know why Blockfolio would show me as being as £2,200, yet only 1.34 btc? Frankly shouldn't I have almost 2 BTC now it's dropped so fucking much?

Sup with Blockfolio?

>> No.2206843
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Want to buy more ETH - No fiat left to invest

>> No.2206849

I lost a third of the value of my folio.

Keep hodling bro, never fucking sell at a time like this.

>> No.2206850

who the fuck sells a coin that is going to be worth 10k by the end of the year? Based on a correction?

Oh yeah /r9k/ neets who thought they could win easy & fast money in a few days. I guess days seem longer when you have nothing else to do...

>> No.2206851

I don't even concern myself with the BTC price.

As far as I knew it's worth $1k.

All I'm concerned with is stacking more BTC.

>> No.2206853

Bought 2 ETH when I woke up, already up $44.

>> No.2206854

>tfw too lazy and busy to trade back to fiat anyway
I couldn't care less

>> No.2206857

normalfags and robots who think they will be rich in a month.
I hope the crash scared them for a while.

>> No.2206872
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here we go

>> No.2206874
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>> No.2206875


>> No.2206876

Titanium hands reporting in, HODLing strong

>> No.2206877

Didn't dip enough, next time I'll go in

>> No.2206878
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>tfw if i had sold my stash at 210, i could have doubled my holdings

literally too braindead to daytrade, i guess its back to converting fiat into eth like a peasant

>> No.2206882

Lost 2 BTC worth of value the past couple of days, everything's still trending down so went fully back into ETH/BTC. Still up 33 ETH and 3.5 BTC from trading the past couple months.

>> No.2206883
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Doing spectacular desu! Went 11k in the red and still held onto those bitches. Managed to make 6.5 ETH in the process. Feels good mang.

>> No.2206885
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>sold 35 ETH at 108 EUR thinking it would go down further
> it went back up before I could place a buy order.

Please tell me it will dip again.

>> No.2206888

same brah - didn't touch anything
21k down for the day
still 8k in the green for the week.

>> No.2206892




>> No.2206893

Hodled though I started getting Parkinsonsesque trembles towards the end. Portfolio down £1400. Going fucking huge soon.

>> No.2206895

Bought 20 eth at 141€.

Now it's at 133€ again.

Should I have bought more when it diped? Or am I fucked in the head?

>> No.2206897

Adamantium DGB hands here, the HODL is strong!

>> No.2206900

Yay!!! The day get's even better. :D

>> No.2206901

Woke up thinking I would be higher

Lost £1000

Another day in crypto.

Hodl'ed, recovery is AGAIN beginning.

Every fucking day recently is recovery it seems.

>> No.2206902


>> No.2206905

I did a stupid sell and bought back in. I only lost $60 though. I got scared guys.

>> No.2206906

This is me too.

Everything is locked in wallets, so I would have to transfer everything individually to an exchange, sell individually for BTC, sell BTC for USDT, place USDT in its own wallet, and then do all that again in reverse order to get back in the market that may or may not potentially fall lower than where I sold at.

Then on top of that, be charged a fee for every single one of those transactions.

I could do all that...

Or I could just HODL and weather out the storm.

>> No.2206922

Eth is a long term hold, so HODL!

>> No.2206932

>he doesnt just consider this some silly phone game

>> No.2206934

converted btc to eth at the dip now up by 1% in terms of btc.

>> No.2206936

Bought at 190, hands of steel brothers

>> No.2206937
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I sold my DGB at 500 sats and then sold the BTC for $1990. Kinda wanna die desu.

>> No.2206944
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> he didn't go all in on Ubiq during eth/btc dip to counter the loss

lmao hodlers never learns.. im still breaking even

>> No.2206945

DGB will be 1000 satoshis in a couple of weeks.

>> No.2206954
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Check out my loss :^)

Feels good man

>> No.2206958

Nocoiner here, waited for the crash. Gonna start trading on monday, is this
safe or should I wait more?

>> No.2206963

Lost 3.5 ETH by attempting to outsmart the whales. Down from 57.5 3 days ago to 54.

>> No.2206965

>says the nervous DGB bagholder for the 5th time this week

>> No.2206973
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>literally buying high and selling low
what a legend

>> No.2206976

Not nervous mate. As a previous anon posted

>he doesnt just consider this some silly phone game

- I actually do. I like holding and watching shit go up, but when it goes down I sigh and smile.

DGB - will hit 1000 satoshis, were it not for all the hyper bitcoin up and doon shit, it already would be there.

>> No.2206978

> he fell to the 4chan pass meme

>> No.2206981

how much of your fiat money did you invest to get to that?

>> No.2206985

Can someone please tell me BTC will drop to $1600 or so? Please?

>> No.2206987

Same. I want to buy back in but that bad sell wouldve cost me 600eur/

>> No.2206992
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>Want to buy the dip
>Pay doesn't come in until tomorrow

>> No.2206996

Bought at 40EUR average though.

>> No.2206999

The real reason why my hands are so strong

>> No.2207001

I seriously doubt it. The bottom was around $1900 and I don't think people will panic sell it down to that point again now. Best you can hope for is probably $2010.

>> No.2207018


This isn't over friends.

>> No.2207021
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0 out of 0

>> No.2207025

balls deep BTC copper hands reporting in, lost 10K in this drop

>> No.2207028

Thanks anon. I'd be really happy with 1700 but I think 1500 is possible.

>> No.2207029

Its a game to hit 1,000 bitcoins. Not going to just watch as I bleed coin value, I'll get back into alts later.

>> No.2207044

strong manly hands here. Holding everything.

>> No.2207050

Dude just stop. I bought into the 1000 sat meme too but it's just not happening. Maybe if BTC completely tanks but not when it's above 2000. I still tripled my money with DGB but it's dead coin now.

>> No.2207052
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After going through stages of denial, anger, sadness and depression I finally accepted my fate and I am not going to sell my coins even though they suffered -40% losses because I do not feel any feels anymore.

>> No.2207059

I'm gona buy some bitcoins now

>> No.2207064


>still at 500 satoshis after an uberdip.

>more stable than 99.9% of coins.

I feel for you, I hope you lived a good life. Please don't make a mess, think of your family.

>> No.2207065

Hey, did you just blow on from stupidville?

>> No.2207067

Please explain sir.

>> No.2207070


>> No.2207073

What kind of idiot would have sold ETH during this crash? I was trying to fucking buy more last night, but the only thing I can use in my country - Coinbase - is a piece of shit.

Had a demeaning conversation with my bank an hour ago trying to find out why my transactions weren't going through, made to feel like a drug-dealer and a gambler.

Fuck them. I'm still up, as is anybody who isn't retarded enough to buy in one week ago and triple their money.

Depth charts looking healthier by the minute. ETH is going to correct at no lower than $140, maybe higher.

>> No.2207076


>> No.2207078
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....yes I did.

>> No.2207086

I'm sure some people made money buying ETH during the crash, riding it down, and buying it up cheaper.

>> No.2207103
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Will it recover though? I went into the bull trap like a fool, and I wonder if hodling is a good idea, or if I should just bite the bullet and sell low, in order to cut the losses?

>> No.2207128

Of course it will. It will take time, but within a week or two you should either have a good portion back, or all of it plus extra.

Just hodl like fuck right now. Don't give in to fear, or make stupid mistakes. This has happened before, and it's always recovered.

>> No.2207131


Yes, some whales who sold at the start made a lot of money, definitely. I wasn't smart enough to sell at the ATH, but I'm not stupid enough to sell so far into a dip.

It's the idiots who bought in a week ago with $1000 and thought they'd have a lambo by Christmas who have been eaten up by whales. Some guy on leddit was moaning about losing all his family's holiday money - "I thought for sure it was going to go up, you guise told me it was going to go up". Good. Fuck them.

>> No.2207133

If you don't know what to do, just close all your crypto tabs, uninstall meme apps from your phone and check back in a couple of months at least.

>> No.2207135

>invest in altcoins
>told altcoins are better than bitcoin
>faster transactions, smart contracts, etc.
>they all crash down 20-40%

There really is no point in investing in altcoins is there (unless you want to make money on their hype) since they're all dependent on bitcoin doing well.

If bitcoin dies, all the other coins will die with it. That's what's apparent now.

>> No.2207139

except ETH

>> No.2207146


>cut the losses

Don't be a fucking idiot.

>> No.2207153

Might crash more tomorrow :(

>> No.2207154


are you kidding?

BTC -18.12
ETH -18.72%

ETH is just as dependent on BTC as the others

>> No.2207167

They are now. But only in exchange terms. If bitcoin dies (which it won't for a very long time) altcoins will still exist. Another exchange currency will arise, and then you withdraw.

The only issue if BTC dies is the amount of time it takes for said altcoins to rise to the same value as when you bought in.

But ultimately altcoins are only tied to BTC via exchange rates. Of course now they will tank. But we do have ETH, so you can always exchange to ETH - at least in the long term.

>> No.2207168

Wow, some people are actually helpful in here. Thanks for trusting more in my investments than myself. Guess I'll not look at /biz/ and Cryptowatch for the next one or two weeks.

>> No.2207176

KEK. It'll. The question is how much before it "returns to normal" 1600$?, 1500$? or maybe even 1200$?

>> No.2207178

Of course, everybody is in the same boat right now.

>> No.2207225


>> No.2207235


>> No.2207243


>> No.2207269

I havent been able to buy anything using coinbase in the last 3 days, wtf is going on?!

>> No.2207383

What do you mean?

>> No.2207385
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>> No.2207430
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tfw i sold everything after Fluffys "announcment" bout memero. Still made 2.75 gain. Comfy as fuck tbfh

>> No.2207486

Gotta wait until the 1st. Its suffering

>> No.2207622

I tried this but it backfired hardcore. I will never try to time the market again.

>> No.2207636

I sold my 1 ETH to day trade and buy it back again later, and I will tell you it was not worth it, all I gained from it was 30 SC and a lot of stress.

>> No.2207673

I've stopped daytrading when I realized I was competing against bots.

>> No.2207696

>still 30% down
dude, it's not a recovery. We're in wild downward swing mode. This is how markets crash, with big swings, each ending a lower price. Just look at it

>> No.2207698

If you can't out-trade some teenagers mac-d crossover algorithm then definitely stick to the long term horizon.

>> No.2207702

ETH dropped to <$120 and I was sleeping while that happened.

>> No.2207797
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Investing rewards acts of bravery and patience and punishes acts of cowardice and impulse.

Hold now you will reap the rewards.

>> No.2207852
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>> No.2207864

>sold BTC for USDT at $2659 per bitcoin
>waiting to buy back
>gained 3.3 BTC so far from all this crashing

HOW LOW CAN IT GO, /biz/? Hoping it bottoms out at sub $1400 desu.

>> No.2207865

you forgot to mention you bought @2500 ;^)

>> No.2207882


Buy ATH, sell the dip.

Classic /biz/strat

>> No.2207894

Just ~200usd at first (2014). Then some losses in trading. Also I've had jobs that pays in BTC back then. But not so much.

Most of my portfolio gains are from XEM though cuz I got in early. Learned a few lessons long the way to just hodl and not give a fuck until you really need the money in fiat. It's fun seeing those numbers always changing everyday :)

>> No.2209545

Don't sell.

>> No.2209551

Still BTFOing my DCA and haven't sold anything.


>> No.2210565

you fucking moron

>> No.2210602


If you aren't feeling anymore then you're going to be just fine. Feels mean bad trades.

>> No.2210708


im hodling like a real macho and i buy some btc yesterday

cheap coins everywhere

>> No.2210725
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>wake up and check charts
>BTC sub $2k and ETH around $120
>feels really fucking bad
>check a few hours later
>back on track to LamboLand

Get fucked nocoiners.

>> No.2210763

I'm hit pretty badly but I can bounce back

>> No.2210792

You people are fucking retards. Didn't you see the bubble coming since 1800$ ? or were you one of those faggots that wanted to sell at 3000$ at BTC?

I got out early, way early at around 2300$
It was so fucking obvious that it was going to drop.
And if it's dropping too hard then all the altcoins will drop too.

Don't you faggots know anything about cryptographic currency?

>> No.2210802

$30 down yesterday (2.7 ETH@~$166)
$9 as of now.

HODL, and grow fat.

I know it's peanuts, but I was a nocoiner until yesterday.

>> No.2210812
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>sold all my ETH at 160
>bought back during the dip at 125
>I now have 10 more ETH than from before the crash
>got to enjoy newcoiner tears the whole ride down as icing on the cake

another crash pls

>> No.2210818

i advise people to look at the charts and notice patterns. be prepared for tonight.

>> No.2210829

We sound like ETH twins bc my balances were the same and are the same. Wish we could rub sticks together.

>> No.2210831

>hurr im being vague because i have no idea what im talking about

get fucked nigger

>> No.2210840

lol just saying look at the times dips have occurred in the past couple of days lol its pretty obvious if yer not a mong :D

>> No.2210862

Did anyone really rush to sell?
This is the time to buy.

Coinbase really fucked me though

>> No.2210864

What is with this iron hand meme?

Wouldn't selling at profit while seeing the dip be better then holding if the dip enters Providence of were you bought in

>> No.2210869
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yes laowai
buy the "dip"

>> No.2211189

>$45 down now

It was a good life, I guess.

>> No.2211251

>I was a nocoiner until yesterday.
and those 166$ gave you more thrills in two days than you have ever had before. Life is crazy

>> No.2211268

the last time BTC dipped this low, wasn't ETH much lower? or is it the same

>> No.2211272

It's weird, but I feel good about it... like gambling, but not a hard win/lose. Need to study up more, though. I want to diversify, I'm just waiting for Coinbase to deliver my ETH.

>> No.2211283

hodling everything trying to buy more bitcoins as nz is hard to buy them anyone know where to buy bitcoins with paypal?? i neeed mooorrreeeee

>> No.2211304

at least, but it might retest the high in a week or two, then collapse, methinks

>> No.2211306

key is not playing with all your money. Diversify and if the apocalypse comes, you can just turn around and let it all burn without any big consequence to your daily life.

>> No.2211317

please link to XDDD

>> No.2211347

I have no sympathy for people that fucks around with money they don't actually own or can lose. I would hit them with a baseball bat when they go with that "it was all or nothing" bullshit excuse.