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22067989 No.22067989 [Reply] [Original]

>crypto goes up
>crypto corrects

>stock market goes up
>stock market doesn't correct
It's a all one big manipulated scam isn't it?

>> No.22068284

The stock market is becoming increasingly detached from reality. The worthless pharmaceutical/bio companies that got pumped on the off chance they came up with a covid vaccine (they didn't and they won't) are basically the equivalent of a 50M marketcap shitcoin. But even big companies are seeing comical stock gains despite no real world correlation. It's a clown economy now, anon

>> No.22068318

So what do we do? I hate that if the stock market crashes then we do too, it's not fair

>> No.22068371

just look at tesla, no way its worth its current value and in no world should Elon Musk be worth more than Mark Zuckerberg

>> No.22068423

Make some gains then get the fuck out desu.

>> No.22068513

In no world should either of them not have their testicles be given the business end of a potato peeler somewhere in a federal torture dungeon, but we live in clown world where meme stocks dictate reality and those creatures are allowed to dictate national economic trends.

>> No.22068571

Where else should you put your money? In banks earning 1% interest? Stocks are 99% of my gains. I only dabble in crypto cause it's fun.

>> No.22068590

There's nothing we can do. If the stock market goes down a bit, it gets pumped by the government. Fiat currency is becoming a meme but it's still extremely powerful. There's no entity that will dump money into crypto if it goes down. The best we can do is take gains, hedge our bets, and hold things we have long-term confidence in. I got fucked in March but I didn't sell (because what's the point when you're down 50%), but now I'm only down like $200 and I've learned plenty.

>> No.22068647

Its always been one. Fact of the matter is that Crypto has no intrinsic value. I doubt most of you fuckers even know how many bitcoins are even in existence or circulation as we speak yet you've already decided a value of them.

The reality of it is that we live in a very wealthy society where one farmer can food for a quarter of a million people. The entire thing is a big fucking game. There's honestly not much you can do to provide people with value in modern society. I'd estimate that 80% of the people living right now are completely useless and provide no value whatsoever to greater society. Most of them live their lives dealing with man made road blocks nobody wants to deal with.

The only thing you can do about it is create something of real value. Would it not be better to invest all of your money into your own company then a inflated stock?

>> No.22068707

I'm literally up $100k in crypto somehow and have $200 in the bank.

What would be the sign I need to hop the fuck out? I want 1m.

>> No.22068717


>> No.22068741

People who say this don't understand why the stock market is pumping or its purpose. They're as bad as goldbugs who constantly push the gold meme because if the world collapses it'll be worth something.

>> No.22068795

Uhh it took 20 years for the S&P to double from 2020.
Shit doubles in crypto in 5 minutes.
Obviously it's more volatile.

>> No.22068824

*from year 2000 peak

>> No.22068830

End of January - beginning of February is usually when there's a big dump for about a month or two so act accordingly to that

>> No.22068852

>Its always been one. Fact of the matter is that Crypto has no intrinsic value. I doubt most of you fuckers even know how many bitcoins are even in existence or circulation as we speak yet you've already decided a value of them.
But stocks are literally no different anymore. Most companies don't provide dividends and some don't even give their shareholders voting rights, so in effect there is no intrinsic value in holding a company's stock except for your ability to pass your bag of stock points to another guy who wants your bag of stock points, because he hopes he can pass it to someone else in turn. Look at Tesla, it's become the stock market equivalent of bitcoin.

The economy is literally a speculative meme machine being propped up by federal reserve agents making their printer machines go brr brr. There is no such thing as value anymore.

Honestly, the only reason I'm even bothering to play the stock market at this point is so I can transform all my winnings into more guns, ammo, gold, silver, and land. Nothing else is worth shit.

>> No.22068884

this, that's why you should get in now, stocks are the next crypto, you can make insane gains now