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File: 174 KB, 800x600, glowup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22065077 No.22065077 [Reply] [Original]

Can money make me attractive?

>> No.22065109
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>> No.22065114

The guy is an idiot.

>> No.22065155
File: 62 KB, 640x420, Simon-Cowell-Before-After-Plastic-Surgery-Photos-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.22065198


>> No.22065235

He's the fourth richest man in the world.

>> No.22065424
File: 321 KB, 1080x1154, 03832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor simon

>> No.22065568

go back to plebbit you fucking retards
Also he is not the 4th richest man

>> No.22065583

To an extent yes. I think anything more than a hair transplant can back fire horribly though.

>> No.22065704
File: 69 KB, 908x446, bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I need to be a billionaire though?

>> No.22065733

It can give you new hair it seems... Dr Evil at it again.

>> No.22065922


It’s a wig, they glue it on top of your head, its pathetic

>> No.22066035

4chan answer: idk OP but you're clearly a faggot
actual answer: Clearly the "before" photo in the OP is the worst possible photo that could have been taken of Elon including wide angle lens, poor lighting, probably tired, etc. The second photo is with a 35mm or higher lens most likely with good lighting, probably makeup for the presentation, and a hair transplant which a non-rich person can definitely get done. Stop making excuses and fucking looksmax idiot.

>> No.22066255
File: 360 KB, 888x1920, 447BF9F1-D06C-4ED8-B207-843D375D31BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may be poor and dumb but am I at least attractive? :(

>> No.22066399

Yeah. Limb lengthening for 3-6 inches height, steroids for muscle mass, hair transplant, rhinoplasty for crooked nose etc. It's easier to make men look more attractive than women, primarily because their beauty comes from youth.

>> No.22066436

Shave, take some HRT for 6 months then repost. You'll get there

>> No.22066482

checked, but you seem way behind on what the current hair plug technology can achieve.

>> No.22066529

Haha, what's the sauce on that whore

>> No.22066575

HRT is a life long commitment

>> No.22066581

Fuck off faggot

>> No.22066682

Not at all.

>> No.22066710

I used to model as a kid. What went wrong?

>> No.22066778

I don't know. Perhaps you were cute as a kid.
But right now i'd say you're a 4,5/10 perhaps a 5/10 on a good day, with a better haircut, better angle etc. Your eyes are too dark and tiny.
You can still make it though, money doesn't give a fuck about you being attractive or not.

>> No.22066829

Lol There’s no way I’m below average, or even average. You’re a retard

>> No.22066886

get a better haircut, keep your face shaven, I think your beard doesn't look very good
also don't underestimate proper skincare. You don't want to look 50 by the time you're 35
Also wear better fitted clothes. Trust me no one wants to see your chest hair unless it's a girl that's already fucked you

>> No.22066934
File: 309 KB, 888x1920, DA80FE1B-4C54-4957-8228-5F956D13060C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine considering this to be below average. Nice cope

>> No.22066943

You're the definition of average, lmao.

>> No.22066977

Morning wrong with my haircut. I was chillin at my parents place, nothing wrong with wearing a t shirt every once in a while...

>> No.22067000

So.. do you have a lot of success with women? Be honest

>> No.22067002
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>> No.22067017
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, 10909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. I use to be a 8/10. I was chubby but even so i'd catch girls checking me out all time when I was a teenager. Not anymore. Now i'm invisible.

>> No.22067019

That’s just not correct. The average man my age is in much worse shape and is balding, statistically

Dark features =\= average, retard

>> No.22067060

I’ll be completely honest. I do. I was mainly posting this as a joke, except for the being poor part of my post. Shit sucks living in a city that bleeds you dry

>> No.22067104

Post pic bruh

>> No.22067108

I'm being serious man.
You're pretty average if not ugly.

>> No.22067126

Diet and exercise make you attractive. Money just makes that easier to find time for.

>> No.22067135

Bro hes deadly. Cope

>> No.22067165

4/10 i'd say

>> No.22067166

You look like the next flavor of the month school shooter. Who also, not coincidentally, posts on 4chan.
Some offense.

>> No.22067187
File: 2.50 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20200808_155203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat Elon. I'm flawless.

>> No.22067196

You look like a little baby.

>> No.22067228

I am not ugly. I look good, I get women. Why do you think I’m ugly in all seriousness?

>> No.22067227


>> No.22067230

Not bad, but you can't pull off the greatclips haircut unless you look like brad pitt. Go for something a little more ambitious.
Also could do with a little less body fat %.

>> No.22067232

this. Anyone in the world can look unattractive (Even Margot Robbie) without makeup and in bad lighting. Most people can look decently attractive given the opposite. Looks maxing isn't that hard. Get a good skin regimen or accutane, workout regularly, eat clean, and get regular haircuts or a hair transplant if need be. Done. Most people look above average. Maybe add in a slight tan and a bit of plastic surgery.

you look like a monkey. From the front and side lmao. But I'd listen to >>22066886 to look descent

>> No.22067254

You need to lift and have sex.

>> No.22067255
File: 40 KB, 775x515, 92385424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22067257

Im a chad and you're average. Just become woman, the HRT and ffs will work wonders.

>> No.22067264

Your not that attractive at all.

>> No.22067277

This. Also cosmetic dentistry and removal of moles and skin artifacts. And let's not forget easy access to great nutritious food and top notch personal trainers

>> No.22067292

That's not a 4/10 that's a straight 1,5/10

>> No.22067310

Gay guy here you look very handsome

>> No.22067314

I literally get called attractive by women a lot. Heh

>> No.22067322


>> No.22067362
File: 46 KB, 600x662, 1596400675329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark brown eyes
>thinks he's attractive

>> No.22067390

They always say that.

>> No.22067402

Thanks man. I’m honestly okay with 9/10 people thinking I’m gross lol. I’m not the most confident guy ever but I know that I for sure am not ugly. I just wish I hit on other people more

>> No.22067448

Meant to quote >>22067310

>> No.22067501

Dude, you just need to hit jackpot once. Find a good wife that thinks you are cool and hot and settle down. Of course, a religious, white girl without debt or tattoos.

>> No.22067521

I have never cringed so hard

>> No.22067535

Yeah he could pass as a gay bottom imo, i think gay tops would like him more than women

>> No.22067606

> I just wish I hit on other people more

You can do it. GirlS personality is just as important if not more. Confidence is key.

>> No.22067615

Plenty of women find me attractive. These replies are cringe considering most guys on this site look a lot worse than me

>> No.22067620

He looks like a little gay bottom monkey boi

>> No.22067654

Girls hit on me often but I’m too much of a pussy to do anything about it, I’ll be honest.

>> No.22067772

Dude, I've seen you post the same shit in other threads. You're not unattractive, but you clearly have big time issues with insecurity. Women can smell that shit from a mile away and its repulsive to them. It's drying up my pussy and I don't even have one

>> No.22067786


>> No.22067904

I have an extremely dangerous type of anxiety but I choose to self medicate for it instead of using prescriptions so I’m able to lose track of my self easily and get lost in comments that are mostly trolls, but I’m at the point I can tell when someone Is trolling. Irl if I don’t feel confident enough I distance myself from any girl I like or one that likes me. It’s probably not healthy but I don’t ever look for approval from anyone irl

>> No.22067906

How do they hit on you?

>> No.22067953

Subtly. It comes during conversation for the most part

>> No.22068035

Doesn't mean shit. Women are flirty by nature even if they don't want to take things further.
Start making moves and find out

>> No.22068049

Hypergamey has gotten a lot worst also. 8/10s are now 5/10s for most women

>> No.22068060

Do you lift?

>> No.22068098

No, and I have no real excuse for that

>> No.22068153

Why? You got nothing to lose its harmless and easy. Go for it man.

>> No.22068187

she must be so broken inside, its sad really.

>> No.22068204
File: 243 KB, 570x370, 948741E7-8F77-400F-B4F0-CCF3102CEBFD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf he’s a different person in every picture.

>> No.22068333

Bitch me too she ain’t special

>> No.22068369

I had pretty bad anxiety and depression. Lifting, clean diet, and vitamin d have made my anxiety fade away to the point where it's only noticeable if I don't lift for 3-4 days

I'll give you some advice. Download the Stronglifts 5x5 mobile app. It tells you everything you need to do (including progressions, time between sets, etc). Get a cheap $10 gym membership, the kind with real squat racks (no planet fitness) and get your ass to the gym. Do it 3 times a week and follow the Stronglifts schedule. It sounds like a lot, and you might be anxious about going to a gym, but just do it

>> No.22068375


>18 posts by this ID
are you so desperately lonely youre blogspamming on a fucking throat singing forum? Yeah I'm sure you do great with women you fucking pathetic faggot

>> No.22068385

desperate for validation and pretty boring looking

>> No.22068460

Get a decent haircut and you would be at least a 7/10

>> No.22068483

And order this right now, no excuses. Just do it


>> No.22068543

I've seen this guy before years ago, where did he use to post?

>> No.22068562

Thanks for the honest feedback guys. I know I need to work on myself
Pretty much I do. If I don’t blow them off. >>22068460
Thank you

>> No.22068601

Just ordered desu

>> No.22068657

Good. Take 1 a day, it will help you feel less anxious
Get one of these too if it will help you remember to take it

>> No.22068758

Thank you so much man. I used to take Ativan and it made me feel suicidal. I’m a huge proponent for natural treatment and mental exercises to heal a troubled mind

>> No.22068941

You're comparing a guy that lives with massive anxiety due to the fact that he could go bankrupt any minute to a guy that surpassed all odds and methodically annihilated all of his opponents.
I'd say is self confidence is more than well deserved, no matter how unethical he might be.

>> No.22069034

still have shit genes though

>> No.22069269

his fucking name-tag kek

>> No.22069331
File: 96 KB, 523x929, 1592715642755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's drying up my pussy and I don't even have one

>> No.22069531

My man looking good

>> No.22069641

>Women can smell that shit from a mile away and its repulsive to them.

>> No.22069682

On the left: some young, optimistic internet bookstore merchant. On the right: literally Lex Luthor.

>> No.22069748

clean yourselves up for ffs

>> No.22069901

Another fag here, you look pretty cute desu.

>> No.22069967

Thanks :3

>> No.22069986

faggots LEAVE

>> No.22070044


Holy shit. Kys you homos.

>> No.22070093

Looks like hes smuggling some little mammaries lol

>> No.22070155

I see a lot of myself in you and that's not a good thing

>> No.22070335

nah you can do it for a few months then PCT and go back to normal just a bit manlier

>> No.22070553

Dude cucked Johnny Depp and had a threesome with Amber Heard and that model chick whose name I forget. Now granted, Amber Heard is crazier than a shithouse rat, and you should never stick your dick in crazy, but it's still pretty fucking based that the guy on the left cucked a Hollywood heart throb that three generations of women have masturbated to.

>> No.22070941

Can you elaborate, mang? I’m a little curious.