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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2206274 No.2206274 [Reply] [Original]

Don't you get it?

20 billion disappeared from the market cap in 12 hours. Unlike a 20 billion cap rise, which causes euphoria and parabolic growth, this will shock and deter people for good - especially ones who got in and lost their pants. Brothers, mothers, sisters, kids - they will all be told to stay away from this piece of shit and capital required for growth will stop flowing in. This means the downward spiral will go on and on. None of them are looking to come back for another ride. None of the potential investors are looking to come back and throw more at it. The alts will start dying starting today. The trust is gone. Bitcoin does NOT have an intrinsic value. This means it could drop to any low any time. Especially with chink money involved.

Unlike 2013 when Bitcoin was new and exciting and worth getting back into, now Bitcoin is like an annoying old hag - with a big backlog, slow, expensive and still surprisingly hard to get. Stop looking at the past charts where it always makes a beautiful recovery. This time, we are going down HARD. If you sell now, you still left at the top.

>> No.2206286

Finally someone who gets it

>> No.2206299

>they will all be told to stay away
fuck them and their weak hands

>> No.2206317


Weaponized autism

>> No.2206318

And whales realize it. When Joe Schmo is stopping his family from getting in and their money is off the charts, it's time to dump - to cash out the profits or to save the stack. They are also not looking to reinvest. When the whales fuck you over, it's done. Of course there will be resistance from a few daredevils, but the card house already started its collapse.

>> No.2206323

nah i'm buying in when it bottoms out

>> No.2206326

Then you are about to become incredibly rich shorting btc with 100x leverage right?

>> No.2206336

The one net benefit is that once BTC falls, it brings the Alt-coins and ETH down with it.

ETH prices will soon be cheap enough for the clever prospector

>> No.2206349

There is no bottom.

When the stock market crashes, the cost of the idea is shaved off the price and more. But value of the technology, assets, infrastructure usually remains. Something physical exists in the real world that is being used to back up the investment. When Bitcoin crashes, what is left? Absolutely fucking nothing. This is why you should be afraid instead of buying up bags.

>> No.2206363

Any ETH price after $20 was retarded and just bags of hot air.

>> No.2206467

nice image, did you make it?

>> No.2206518

Even though most people probably don't use it for this purpose, it still acts as a darknet currency.

>> No.2206523

As long as the grid stays on, Bitcoin will have value.

>> No.2206526


Suck my penis please OP.

>> No.2206558

In the crash of 1929, when an ounce of gold was 20 bucks, give or take, the stock market lost 14 billion dollars in value. There is a bottom for all assets, tangible or not, and that value is zero.

>> No.2206562

And with that, say goodbye to any hopes we ever had at Bitcoin ETFs: https://themerkle.com/65-percent-believe-sec-will-deny-bitcoin-etf/

>> No.2206563

Back when it was exclusively used as a darknet currency, it was valued at something like $1.

So maybe it would be correct to indeed say the bottom is not 0, but $1. But Monero and Zcash are better darknet currencies anyway.

>> No.2206662

Top kek


OP is a faggot

>> No.2206671

>newcoiners panic sold at their first dip
They will come back when the market rebound and BTC hits $3000. Then when they rebuy they will have hands of steel

>> No.2206687

No commodity has intrinsic value, not even gold. Value is a quality assigned by the subject (thats people) to the object. I know this goes against your libertardian philosophy, but exchange value is determined by human input and output, not some magical force innate to the commodity itself. Blockchains essentially harness the power of network effect, and guess what, that is not going away any time soon. Just take a look at coinatmradar and then try to tell me bitcoin isn't going to make it.

>> No.2206700
File: 59 KB, 1762x210, Screen Shot 2017-05-27 at 5.01.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna stay in for a week. if it's dropping. half, then go back in the next week. If there's any bounce from people propagating this shit, then it's about this hit. The real bubble hasn't happened yet. Businesses haven't adopted.
OOOOOh. and I can't wait for the fuck bottom of the bubble

And what the fuck are you talking about? I'm holding

>> No.2206946

When BTC blasts back past $3k people will pile in like crazy. When Bitcoin recovers from a dip like this people will think nothing can stop it.

>> No.2207370

Eat your heart out OP :)


>> No.2207418

Did biz already try to register on some indian exchange and sell their bitcoin for overpriced 3500$? Question is, how to get that fucking fiat to another exchange to buy for cheap.

>> No.2207456

I could help getting it out of India.

>> No.2207498
File: 1.57 MB, 1297x4060, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2207538

>Bitcoin does NOT have an intrinsic value.
>Bitcoin does NOT have an intrinsic value.
>Bitcoin does NOT have an intrinsic value.

There's no such thing as intrinsic value. Nothing has any value but for what it's desired.