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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2206202 No.2206202 [Reply] [Original]

>$15,000 in gains wiped out of my portfolio in a single day
>Laughing my ass off for some reason

Anyone else feel the same way?

Haven't actually lost any of my initial investment yet otherwise I'd probably run full speed and dive head first into a woodchipper.

Still bagholding my ETH because I can't find a good enough reason for this massive crash other than an avalanche of fear.

>> No.2206218

I was about to post this same thing. I still didn't lose out on my initial investment but holy shit was I close... Nearly bought at $200

>> No.2206225

>Still bagholding
Holy shit, you've been bagholding for three (3) whole days? You've got hands of titanium, man. I idolize you.

>> No.2206228

No you fucking idiot. I'm actually made profit today.

You're fucking retarded

>> No.2206244

Yeah. I'm either one of the smartest people on /biz/ or one of the stupidest.

I'll know very soon I think.

>> No.2206254


Yup, I am not sure if I have iron hands or I am just plain retarded.

>> No.2206267

why not just shorting on leverage?
easiest money ever made (and no need to sell off your btc in the process)

>> No.2206270

I honestly just find the whole thing hilarious for some reason. Also the batman graphs being on-point.

I've got 2 bags of lead strapped on and I don't care enough to take them off.

>> No.2206272

I've had around $300k+ in gains wiped out today, so don't feel too bad, my fellow frogposter. I'm long on all my holdings, and mainly only in it because I'm a believer in the tech and the future for it, so I've been pretty unaffected by this "crash", but it has been pretty fun watching all the short term traders panic. Just hodl and you'll be fine

>> No.2206276

My gf almost broke up with me because I lost 10k in crypto kek.

>> No.2206283

Lost 25% of my portfolio

>> No.2206293

What a whore

>> No.2206300

How did you make profit when 99% of shit is down for the day?

If you mean profit in something else other than coins then gtfo, normies not allowed in my thread.

I profited too if a days worth of wage cucking counts.

>> No.2206303

She's cheating on you to blow off steam

>> No.2206313

Down $5,096 or 25.49%.

Whatever. I know for a fact there will be a future point where I can sell it all for much higher than this so I'm not worried. Like you said, it helps still being 6x my initial investment

>> No.2206339

She was quite upset.


>> No.2206344

What the fuck is up with all these shitty ass women you guys have? If my girlfriend even thinks about breaking up with me because I lost money in a the fucking crypto market (or any market at that) I'll immediately finish the job right there and break up with her.

She's clearly with you for the wrong reasons. Bin the whore.

>> No.2206356

I'm in the same boat.
lost a lot of money, but right now still up 200K from november.

I'm still pretty inexperienced in trading but I'm glad to witness these events, I learned a lot. I tried to mitigate the loss but with low success, I'll be more prepared next time.

We are still in an emerging market, and a lot of newcomers will line up to buy after this crash.

>> No.2206362
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Pretty much this.

When I got into crypto my GF followed me into it too. She's probably freaking the fuck out which gives me a little bit of comfort knowing I'm not alone.

I invested into ETH almost exclusively, and she started day trading shitcoins, kek

>> No.2206388

Lost 23K today on my portfolio and I'm literally laughing at everyone else on here who lost. We're recovering though lads my arms are made of fucking rune.


>> No.2206439
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same but I actually am at the point of having lost a decent amount of my initial investment. Still laughing my ass off at the price violently surging up and down.
>tfw trying to keep my hands strong

>> No.2206447
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I'm not a drinking man but fuck.

>> No.2206453

i've already gotten drunk and sobered up watching this shit

>> No.2206461

What are you bagholding? If it's shitcoins I'd say you are doomed. If it's something with some promise like BTC or ETH it may (or may not) be a good idea to just hold it.

Yeah. I certainly picked the wrong day to quit huffing fermented cat piss.

>> No.2206466

Your money will be back if you have strong hands. If you have weak hands... pour up faggot!

>> No.2206476

im holding ETH so hopefully I cant get fucked too bad

>> No.2206487

Because you're still up, it's more acceptable to yourself.

Once you start going red and going red BIG, it's no laughing matter.

>> No.2206494

Luckily I didn't bought into the bubble.

Now it is my GOLDEN AGE of cheap crypto-shit
Gonna start BUY BUY BUY

>> No.2206496

What did you buy in at?

I knew the climb to 200 was a bubble but I didn't know it was going to pop this hard.

The highest I bought in at was 20 ETH at $127.

All of my ETH purchases averaged out to about $75 so I'm praying to god I don't wake up tomorrow to see ETH back down to $40, I'd neck myself

>> No.2206507

Yes, nearly 50k and I'm going to get the best nights sleep in weeks.

>> No.2206519


Did that to make back my losses.

>> No.2206528

Yeah I guess you're right. A fuckload of people are a lot worse off than I am. I'm still in the green technically although that could change at any moment.

I hope everyone makes it through this OK.

>> No.2206538

For next level crypto traders, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna

>> No.2206539
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I bought 5 at $194 and 1 at $145 which is a large amount of money for me. When I woke up saw that it was $130 earlier it was pretty bad.
>tfw swimming in red

>> No.2206556

That's brutal. At least we've got more companies being announced jumping on board the ETH train next month.

Even if it's a lot of money for you, might be wise to just hang onto your few ETH and see what happens with that.

>> No.2206557


hodl bro

You're not on leverage are you? Just sit it out

>> No.2206606

I only lost 4.5k since it peaked because I'm just a poor college student, but would still need to lose 10k more before I lose any of my original investment.

>> No.2206617

put my money into a usd wallet on coinbase, waiting for the price of things to get lower then buy back in

>> No.2206655

how exactly does that work with coinbase? if you have 100 ETH can you just convert it to usd through coinbase somehow?

>> No.2206670

yeah just go to the sell tab, in the "deposit to" field there should be a "USD wallet" option, apparently you need to have uploaded an id though


>> No.2206674

I only have coins I mined for a few dollars worth of electricity years ago. My hands are made of carbon nanotubes that are constantly repaired by swarms of nano machines for maximum HODL.

>> No.2206681

>I knew the climb to 200 was a bubble but I didn't know it was going to pop this hard.
holy shit you are all such newfags
not just to /biz/ but to /life/
are you seriously all 16 years old gambling your lunch money and shit
fuck man

>> No.2206692
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You ment STEEM amirite? ;)

>> No.2206721
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from 65k to 42k.

still comfy guy though. I actually used the opportunity to buy more.

>> No.2206722

>lose 10k in networth
>gf threatens to break up
run while you can anon, she's only in it for the paycheck and is too dumb to understand eth will be $250 in a month

>> No.2207989

is it ogre?

>> No.2208043

As long as there are people here that bought mooncoin, you won't be the stupidest.