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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22059588 No.22059588 [Reply] [Original]

We just reached 40k liquidity! Very nice. There have been complaints about low liquidity, which, when paired with current gas prices, has been making it hard for smaller players to enter. This should, at least the liquidity part, be resolved. It is also nice seeing that a large part of the liquidity is entering the balancer pools and that the project is working as intended.

>Getting copied at less than 1 million marketcap
>Whitepaper is out
>New website
>60% of the total supply is locked up
>Devs added personal funds from an off-ledger wallet to help out with liquidity

Official Webpage:






Charts and other technical info (dextools):


The future looks very bright for the project atm.

>> No.22059636


thers like 4 qqqf already


>> No.22059658


fuck this pajeet scam. This shit just pumps and dumps for no reason. Go and get Sta if you really want an index fund tards.

>> No.22059695

This is the original one though, and probably the only one that isnt a scam.

Do you have any proof that it is a scam, or are you just fudding to steal dumb/gullible peoples bags?

>> No.22059739

oh god a pajeet yelling scam then saying buy statera another scam coin. kek go home ranjeets

qqqf scam statera scam

>> No.22059743

You know you can change the world by just having a soundmoney smartcontract. Should really be done on the BTC blockchain though.

>> No.22059794
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statera index token tracks 4 tokens not a index lol devs are so stupid dont even know what an index is

owns zero assets lol so you buy speculation trash

muh sthanos

muh tranny meg

muh lead dev abu the poo

>> No.22059942


Fuck your Queef. This shit just hasn't got a future and its liquidity is just piss poor.

Rajesh, give up, Queef is over.

>> No.22059967
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kek 40k liquidity i shit bigger turds than that

>> No.22060351

Literally zero evidence its a scam. Just baseless nonsense

>> No.22060501
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my bad i meant good "con" sir i meant coin

good buy sir

>> No.22060545


Stop shilling this. It's the third or forth time one of you pajeets tries to sell this turd to us. This thing is just an index fund like Sta, and it will never be that big.

Token not needed.

>> No.22060589

yes ranjeet you are coreect pls by statera

I am from same village my name is panjeet pleas buy qqqf

>> No.22060604

What ulterior motive do you have? This is a legit project. It's a crypto mutual fund of sorts. You're fudding for a reason. Did you invest in the other QQQF?

>> No.22060725

The token is as "needed" as any coin is. It makes the entire process of buying an ETF a lot easier than setting up your own fucking balancer pool. It makes it cheaper and less risky as well.

>it will never be that big
There are etfs on nasdaq that trade for literally tens of billions in volume each day. If crypto continues to grow, you could see pools like this reaching a marketcap of 100 billion very easily.

>> No.22060828

Shit coin scam central.

>> No.22060909
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feed village sir

lambos bro

>> No.22061221

delete this
its so early that its pointless, the og's are in fud mode whilst they accumulate so you wont get any worthwile responses
Give it a week

>> No.22061349

Unironically this

>> No.22061459


>FUD mode
I've never heard anything more ridiculous than that. This shit doesn't even need a "FUD mode". It's dead. The last fags shill here only to get rid off their bags.

>> No.22061590

It’s ok. One day you’ll understand.

>> No.22061878


>One day you’ll understand.
What? That it's a scam? This thing blindly copied Sta and has nothing new. Token not needed.

>> No.22061962

Check back in a week. You’ll see.

>> No.22062489
